this publication

Nazyrkul R. Mussayeva 1, Gavkharbek R. Makhmudov 2, Lydmila V. Bayeva, Rinat
A.Mussayev 3, Raul A. Mussayev 4
1, 2, 3, 4
M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan
Astrakhan State University, Astrakhan, Russia
Phone number: +7 707 925 48 85
Abstract: At the present time, the circle of traditional reproductive activity narrows
significantly. The intellectual activity of a person is growing in all spheres of public life. Creative
thinking, dripping deeper, diving into the depths, promotes broadening and deepening of intellect,
thereby helping to find new, unexpected solutions to old problems and seizing contours of the
unknown,unexplored knowledge.
Curious, sharp-witted, clever, inventive, independent engineersare always in demand by
the society. These innate abilities are strengthened and deepened with broad-mind and erudition,
professionalism and competence acquired in a person-oriented educational process.
Modern education should be humane, fundamental and understandable to be capable to
respond to new historical challenges. The fundamental education allows a person to find his place
in a complex, multivariate, rapidly changing world. Explaining, subject-meaningful, industrialspecific knowledge must be complemented by understandable knowledge, originating in values
and ideals. Modern engineer is not only an expert, a master of his craft, but the intellectual with
high moral qualities, responsible to society for his actions. Being educated, professionalism has
been and remains an important component of human capital.
In postindustrial society a way of life of a person is fundamentally changing, therefore his
requirements for the development of social welfare and quality of life. Under these conditions,
the intellect, education and skills play a major role in creating a competitive economy andit is
becoming a strategic resource of the country. In Kazakhstan, education is the main factor that
supports the index of human development.
Keywords: personality, person-oriented education, creative thinking, intellectual
potential, humanism, cultural heritage, understandable knowledge.
Making statements at the solemn meeting devoted to the 75th anniversary of al-Farabi
Kazakh National University, the President NursultanNazarbayev emphasized that “Kazakhstan
needs an intellectual revolution, awakening the potential of the future. Our task is to change the
attitude of Kazakhstani people, and especially young people to being well educated, to intellect,
to the service of the Motherland and the people. It is necessary to develop the core of the national
intellect, community of erudite people, capable of competing at the international level”. The
project “Intellectual Nation 2020” is aimed at forming a new generation of Kazakhstan. Without
this, we can not turn Kazakhstan into a country with competitive human capital [1].
Thus, every possible development of education is converted into the main condition for
the stability and development of Kazakhstan.
Kazakhstan's membership in the Customs Union and World Trade Organization accession
opens up broad prospects to access to the latest technology, on the one hand, but on the other there is a need for openness of the labor market, significantly increases competition with foreign
specialists with higher qualifications in the newly created jobs. We should objectively assess the
new challenges of intensifying market of employers and seriously consider the issues of
engineering potential, the preparation of highly skilled managers and managers of the new
formation, the development of competitive advantages of applicants in the labor market.
Especially, the problem of preparation of future innovators in the business sector is important, as
far as the local entrepreneurs will have to produce competitive products not only for the domestic
market, but also raise their products in demand in foreign markets. All of these factors require
further improvement of the educational process and turning it into the main way of creating an
intellectual resource for the development of new fields of activity.
Increasing the search in that direction, we rely on the methods of historical and logical
hermeneutics and comparativestudies.
In conditions of further expansion and deepening of globalization, competitive countries
rely on the intellectual capacity of its people. Formation of the intellectual nation is the strategic
development of Kazakhstan.
A key factor in the formation of knowledge-based society is the human capital. Under the
human capital we understand the accumulated knowledge, skills, abilities, habitsand mastery
acquired by man through the professional training, work experience, general and special
education. The project “Intellectual Nation 2020” proposed by the President releases three
important aspects:
The first - the priority development of the quality of education;
The second - the further development of the scientific-research activity;
The third - the development of innovation system in the country.
All of the most developed countries in the world are successful in their development
through innovation. This innovative activity, high technologies, flexibility of the production
sectorsare the conditions that must be implementedby the national economy in the face of global
Innovation is therealization of highly effective novelty. This is the ultimate result of
human intellectual activity, his imaginations and creative process.
The intellectual potential of the nation, generating and bringing something new into the
historical process and creating premises for its further development is expressed in the
construction of high technology systems. The level of their economic efficiency is determined by
the intellectual capital of the society.
According to K.Zh. Kozhakhmetova, components of the intellectual capital are:
- Scientific researches (monographs, articles, reports, dissertations);
- Technological projects (patents, licenses, models, software);
- Organizational and environmental projects (methodology, recommendations, orders,
laws, programs);
- Methods of thinking (creative, professional (skills, habits, experience complexes)) [2].
The President in his Address “Kazakhstan's Way - 2050: Common Goal, Common
Interests, Common Future” rightly warned that there will not be an easy walk through the
21stcentury. In this situation, confidence in the ultimate success rests on the human potential of
Kazakhstan. Our citizens are a community of intellectually developed and public-spirited people,
ready to make all efforts to build a great country [3].
New Kazakhstan patriotism serves as an integrative framework of social consciousness of
multiethnic people of Kazakhstan. Its main features are: the rejection of dependent moods and
reliance on own strength, obtaining of education and qualification, broadening of knowledge and
outlook, the improvement of skills and habits, the use of opportunities provided by the state on
realization of human potential.
The origins of the formation of nation's intellectual potential arehuman-creating values of
humanitarian potential.
The structural elements of humanitarian potential are: - humanitarian knowledge,
sciences, experience, continuity of skills and innovation; - the stability of historical, cultural,
national traditions and values; - the creative nature of historical and cultural heritage.
The program “Cultural Heritage” has become an event of large scale over the last decade
in the spiritual life of Kazakhstan and beyondit.
Constructive and creative deed of Kazakh intelligence has provided a unique combination
of tradition and innovation, patriotism and openness in the culture, has shaped the consciousness
and behavior of congeners to respect the heritage of the past.
Rich cultural heritage of our ancestors, combined with the achievements of the intellectual
elite, has kept the Kazakh ethnic group from the chaos and disorder, occurred as a result of
spontaneous-confusedM.Gorbachyev’sreconstruction. And, the “Cultural Heritage”was the
strongest element of the foundation, according to which rises an independent republic.
The state program “Cultural Heritage”, permeated with concern for the fate of the ethnic
group, is aimedat restoring the connection of times, returning of the accumulated debtsin the
culture of past epochs.
The program did not suddenly appear out of nowhere. Kazakh nation has been going to it
deliberately, step by step, stating the new state, defining its own place in the world community. It
includes the principles of cultural revival of Kazakhstan in the context of globalization.
Kazakhs, since ancient times appreciated and honored such qualities of man as justice,
modesty, honesty, sincerity, ability to restrain own desires, aversion to the slanderers. These
features, on the one hand, has formed the emotional attitude to the life of Kazakhs, on the other,
has determined the nature of relations in the society and multilevel control for human qualities.
The idea of “MangilikYel”, as one of the significant components displaces our spirituality
- culture, history, moral values, that is, human’s understanding of the world system.
“MadeniMura”became an unprecedented national project that has united and concentrated
in its idea a huge number of scientists and artists, who understand the importance of preserving
the present and future of the country and its cultural and historical heritage. A lot of historians,
archaeologists, culture experts, painters and musicians have been involved in various projects for
the identification, collection and recovery of certain cultural monuments.
Also, the publication of: “The History of the World Historical Thought”was planned in 10
volumes, “The History of Kazakhstan in Ancient Sources” - 2 volumes, “The History of
Kazakhstan in Arab Sources, IX-XVII centuries”- 3 volumes, “The History of Kazakhstan in
Iran-Persian Sources, V - VII centuries” - 5 volumes, “The History of Kazakhstan in Mongolian
Sources” - 3 volumes, “The History of Kazakhstan in Russian Sources, XVI-XX centuries” - 10
volumes, “The History of Kazakhstan in Western Sources, XII-XX centuries” - 10 volumes, “The
World Philosophical Heritage” - 20 volumes, “The World Culturological Consciousness” - 10
volumes, “The World Sociological Consciousness” - 10 volumes, “The World Political
Consciousness” - 10 volumes, “The Economic Classics” - 10 volumes, “The World Psychology”
- 10 volumes, “The World Psychological Consciousness”- 10 volumes.
The fact that the program “Cultural Heritage” really has made an enormous
contributionsinto the process of recovery and revival of the historical memory of the nation,
witnesses a lot of new historical and cultural sites and artifacts, produced over the years in
archeological excavations and expeditions. In the process of their study and interpretation they
broaden and deepen our understanding of cultural processes in historical periodspace, and allow
us, perhaps, to look with a new impression at one or another phenomenon as in the culture of
Kazakhs, so more - in nomadic civilization of central Asia.
A special place is given to the twenty-volume edition of “The Philosophical Heritage of
Kazakh People” series, prepared and published by the program of “Cultural Heritage”.
In the first volume of “The World-View of Ancient Nomads” are presented mythological
sources of Kazakh’s culture of thinking, legends of ancient Turkic peoples about the universe and
the religious worship before Islam.
In the second and third volumes particularly important works of the teacher of the East al-Farabi were published. With his encyclopedic mastery al-Farabi has demonstrated the
historical experience of the synthesis of ideas and traditions of different cultures and civilizations,
revealing a vivid example of the successful implementation of an equal dialogue between
different value systems, among which an important place is occupied by the value of the Turkic
nomadic world and Iranian culture.
The 4thvolume presents religious and philosophical works of Kh.A.Yassawi, Maturidi, alFarabi, Balasaguni, Bakyrgani, Sophie Allayar; and the 5th volume - Turkic thinkers of the
Middle Ages: the book of “Korkyt-Ata”, SaifSarai; the 6th volumeworks of Otemiskazhy and
many other spiritual leaders of the Great Steppe.
Maturidi, Sophie Allayar, SaifSarai are new names, they were not mentioned before, their
creative search remained out of public view. From the point of view of the novelty, these
volumes of philosophical series are unsurpassed ones, especially since they are published in
Kazakh language.
The seventh volume discusses Kazakh national philosophy, separately allocated
philosophical views of biys-sheshens. The philosophy of Kazakh educators are reviewed in the
10th volume.
Further volumes are devoted to Kazakh ethics and aesthetics, dialectical logics, history of
philosophy and methodology of science.
The 19th volume presents a problem of philosophical anthropology, philosophy of culture,
philosophy of religion. The 20th volume contains materials relating to the philosophy of
independent Kazakhstan.
In the framework of the program “Cultural Heritage”, publication of 100-volume edition
of the collection of Kazakh folklore “BabalarSozi” is completed. This unique edition includes 52
short-stories, 65 religious texts, 57 romantic dastans and 118 samples of historic and archaic, 16
romantic and 124 classic heroic eposes. Next volume, a collection of “BabalarSozi” includes the
following genres of folklore: 64 volumes - puzzles, from 65th to 69th volumes- proverbs and
sayings, 70-71st volumes - a genre of “QaraOlen”, from 72nd volume - a fairy tales, 78thvolume myths, 79th volume is collected by folklore materials of Kazakh diaspora of Mongolia, and 8088th volumes include 370 toponymic and 320 genealogical texts, 365-kuy-anyzand 612 historical
legends, the 89th has collected 10 texts of “Anyzdyqzhyrlar”, 90-91st volumes - 198 texts of ritual
folklore, in the 92nd - 110 fables and fairy tales are collected, in the 93-94th were published 3515
texts ofmagic folklore, 95th - 200 homographic legends, 96th volume includes - historical, 97thnovelistic, 98th- humorous oral stories,in the 99-100th volumes - 1416 quatrains of folk songs
were published [4].
Cultural heritage inspires shallow, not eventful, filled only with a flow of information of
modern life, giving a powerful energy that makes it meaningful and sublime emotional.
Materials, published in the state program “Cultural Heritage” indicate that Kazakh land is
rich and fertilenot only in oil, minerals, rare non-ferrous metals, but also in unique creations of
folklore. The intellectual potential of Kazakh ethnos has very deep historical and spiritual roots.
This spiritual wealth must reach the consciousness of every high school student, students
of special education institutions, lyceums, gymnasiums, university students, undergraduates.
Of course, all of these materials can not be reached by themselves to students at all levels.
Perhaps, proverbs, sayings, tales, certain stories are understandable to many of us. In order to
emphasize the attention of students to them, they should be placed in the books, in textbooks, in
the chrestomathies of corresponding classes.
Religious, historical, archaic dastans, magic, mythological texts, published in “The Words
of Forefathers”, along with the theory of the noosphere and co-evolutionary development of
nature and society that reflect the new understanding of inclusiveness of human in the universe,
requires a purposeful, thought-over scientific-theoretical and logical work of the representatives
of the humanities and intellectuals.
Such kind of research is consistent with trends in humanization of modern science
associated with the desire to understand the science as a way of human development and selfdevelopment.
Thrilling idea of intellectual nation is historically and logically filled with the state
program “The People in the Flow of History”.
The development of modern philosophy, linguistics, literature, semiotics, archeology,
history, folklore, museum studies, cultural studies, sociology and pedagogy requires profound
revelation of spiritual, cultural origins of the modern educational process.
Listed above sciencesis an integrative, since it imbibes new ideas and changes of swiftly
changing time.
N.G.Bagdasaryan has revealed the logics of involvement and culturology in dynamics of
generalization of natural-scientific, humanitarian subjects. She arranges it as follows: Now, we’ll
show how this accident is carried out. Such areas of knowledge as:
- ethnology, ethnography, physical anthropology isassociated with cultural studies
through ethno-psycholinguistics and cultural anthropology;
- political science - through the political anthropology;
- sociology - through the communicative processes;
- philosophy of culture- through the construction of ‘universal’ historical formation cycles
of cultures and civilizations;
- a common philosophythrough the philosophical anthropology, which studies the mental
characteristics of the human personality, his mind, mental habits, consciousness skills, etc., and
their original configuration within a given culture;
- ethics and aesthetics, religion studies contain the importantfor modern culture ideas,
norms and morals, aesthetic tastes of different peoples of the world in the subject field;
- economics - through economic anthropology, which shows the correlation of simple
types of socio-economic relations, emerged from preliterate, pre-industrial and non-industrial
nations with the respective types, complex, socio-economic relations emerged in the developed
- psychology - through the study of individual characteristics of the relationships to the
culture, the uniqueness of human’s spiritual behavior within the cultural field, etc. [5].
The modern innovative system of education is based on the development of critical and
creative thinking, respectively, the innovative process occurs not only from the growth in
production of science, but from the motivation that motivate people to create and set the
innovation into an action. Funds, favorable social conditions depend on the society, on its
development level and on its orientation on scientific and technological progress.
Development of innovative culture of the society is provided by understanding of its
members the essence of the processes and their role in these processes.
Any changes in the culture are arising only due to the creative activity of the person. A
man, being a creation of culture, however is its creator.
Reforms and modernizations, taking place today in all spheres of our society - science,
politics, economics and culture are aimed at restoring the personal roots in society. The
knowledge, skills and habits as the human resources in modern concepts are considered not as the
goal of education, as well as his most important tools that ensures the achievement of the main
educational goals - education of initiative, active man with a strong creative individuality, highly
moral and free personality.
Modern education became a person-oriented. This trend is a logical consequence of the
strategic objective aimed at formation of the intellectual nation, and its components are educated,
spiritually mature, a true citizen of our country. Therefore, the results of the educational process
shouldn’t be knowledge itself, but knowledgeable person, an individual. Only such a person can
think, feel and act creatively.
The creative person is not born as creative, but becomes. The creative ability that largely
bears innate character acts as the core of the creative personality.
Zh.S.Akhtayeva lists different definitions of creativity, inwhich a focus can be done:
- onproducts created due to creativity, creativity is as the ability to create something new,
unusual, original;
- on processes: creativity is as a special kind of creative thinking, highly developed
imagination, aesthetic perception of the world, etc.;
- onpersonal qualities as openness to a new experience of life; independence, flexibility,
dynamism, originality, uniqueness of the personality;
- on the external conditions: creativity is as the ability to operate productively in situations
with a high degree of uncertainty, where there is no pre-known algorithms leading to guaranteed
Either way, creativity is considered as a kind of opposite of the prosiness, standard,
conformity (compliance to external influence) [6].
From the listed creative qualities we are interested in creative thinking, rich imagination,
openness to the perception of new knowledge, independence, flexibility and dynamism. We work
with students. Many of these qualities are developedat student’s age.
Students are most often independent, ready and willing to believe their own and other
people's fantasies. They display a high tolerance for vague and untenable situations, constructive
activity in suchsituations; tend to beauty as a completely unmotivated pleasure.
We can develop and deepen such personal terms of students and master students in
skillful organization of independent work and research activities.
Independent work of students, master students are indispensable in the formation of the
creative person, able to think and act in new ways.
Development of thoughtful topics for independent work is important. It must include
training materialsand materials beyond the learning programs. The topic, not directly related to
the materials of lectures and seminars first causes a feeling of fear and uncertainty, confusion,
even some aggression. Gradually, this situation will be resolved. A student or a master
studentwill seek the ways of the topics himself or with the help of a teacher. This is the first
glimpse of the creative search.
A profound professor will include into the list of topics the issues of ideological nature
affecting the basic values of the individual person. The tasks should include a personal evaluation
form the persuasion, i.e.they should be a person-centered.
For students askingsuch questions is important: what is your opinion? What do you think
about this issue? If these issues are directly related to the current socio-economic and political
situation, then this situation is immediately activates the course of seminar or holding the
conversation, debate.
We think that offering the following types of tasksare very productive at the lessons on
history, literature, philosophy, sociology, ethics and aesthetics:
1. Establishment of causal-investigatory relationships, private and public laws.
2. Definition of continuity between the facts, events, epochs.
3. Identification of development trends.
4. Determination of the progressive degree of phenomenon.
5. Periodization of the era or the development of history.
6. Establishmentof the specifics of events and times, different social meaningы of similar
phenomena in different epochs.
7. Assessment of the nature of facts.
8. Learning lessons from the history of the past.
It has long been established the law: if the students are seeking and finding themselves
one of the important essences, then the power of perception, assimilation reaches its highest level
and is applied to all content of the lesson [7].
To turn the “Cultural Heritage”into the real cultural, spiritually enriching and clarifying
source, its rich content should be included in the topics of the independent scientific and research
work of students, master students.
For example, the 100-volume edition of “The Words of Forefathers” can get quite decent
reflects in the following aspects:
1. Specificity of religious dastans and time of their addition.
2. Features of mythology.
3. Mythology and magic: a comparative analysis.
4. Specific features of the classic heroic epics. The essence and characteristics of
genealogical texts.
5. Ritual folklore and their problematics.
6. Philosophical and ideological character of “Qara Olen”.
7. General characteristics of the publication of “The Words of the Forefathers”.
Of course, completely different topics can be designed. The problematic field of research
or development depends on the nature of the discipline being taught.
The proposed topics are science intensive. Master students - historians, philosophers,
anthropologists, ethnologists and philologists can use them.
We can offer master students of scientific and technical profilesthe independent worksin
such following order:
1. The work of Thomas Kuhn “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions”.
1.1 Thomas Kuhn - a philosopher and physicist.
1.2 T.Kuhn about the laws of science.
1.3 Nature and character of scientific revolutions.
1.4 Terms of the emergence of new theories: the paradigm, implicit knowledge and
1.5 Scientific community and communication problems in science.
1.6 The value of Thomas Kuhn’s work“The Structure of Scientific Revolutions”.
2. Philosophical problems of technology.
2.1 Nature, meaning and the essence of art.
2.2 Images of art in culture.
2.3 The philosophy of art, its characteristics and patterns of development.
Articles, published under the state program “Cultural Heritage” can get reflected in
independent and scientific-research works of students as follows:
1. The essence of Kazakh fairytales.
2. The famous fairytale characters of Kazakhs.
3. The essence of Kazakh proverbs and their meaning.
4. The concept of “fire” in Kazakh culture.
5. Poetics of “KozyKorpeshand Bayan Sulu”.
6. The role of “Cultural heritage” in the formation of moral culture of students.
7. The “Cultural Heritage” as a basis for training of competitive personality.
In spite of the general characteristics and features of scientific-research activities, the
process of search and research of new knowledge is always deeply individual, it expresses the
world-view based intellectual and ideological value orientations of young people, their theoretical
potential, ability for productive work in little or unexplored fields of scientific knowledge. A
compilation of bibliography for one or another issue is a very serious task for many students.
Usually,students of certain humanity specialties cope with this task quite well. But for
engineering students this type of task presents certain difficulties.
The formation of future intellectual elite of Kazakhstan takes place in the classic
educational institutions and often with the help of technology and teaching practices that has
emerged in the past centuries contributing conflictnessto the educational reality. Therefore, it is
actualto study theideals and stereotypes of students, teachers and administrators in relation to
each other and common to their educational reality.
4. Conclusion
It is high time for the inclusion of “Cultural Heritage” in the educational system and
enlightenment, the study of its impact on Kazakh society, on the process of rapprochement of the
people around the ideological motives of Kazakhstan.
We should deepen the integration of the subjects of science, technology and spiritual
productionwith demands of market, democratic, legal and cultural environment, where human
activity, his status, capital and dignity is a measure.
Modernization of humanitarian sphere is intended to strengthen the spiritual unity of the
young generation in the process of self-realization and creation.
It is necessary to realize the unity of education and training in the educational process. In
the process of person-oriented education we need to educate high intellectual with great human
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