Doubts (Happy Mile)


Meeting Lisa

The Happy mile

(Assignment 1: Current issues in Sport and Exercise Psychology

Physical Activity with a Goal to treat depression

- Is having a goal determinant for participants to commit to a PA treatment

- Extrinsic and intrinsic goals (Make the goal their owns explaining the benefits of physical activity)

- Sense of achievement.

HOW TO MEASURE depression, self-efficacy, motivation

- Mental health foundation programme Up and running

- How depression is going to be measured? Beck depression inventory (BDI-II) or

Structured Clinical interviews for DSM-V (NHS – which method??)

Structure your essay as follows: a. Full Title of the Project

The effects on goal motives and self-efficacy as a treatment for depression symptoms. (The Happy mile) b. Lay abstract (up to 250 words): c. Justification of Project Proposed

C.1 The context: Start broad and then focus on the importance of the health problem to public health (eg, describe the frequency of the health problem in the population, its impact on social and economic costs, and provide a case for why more research is needed, linked to your proposed study.

- Depression in general and how the population is affected.

- People between 18 and 29 years old (Kessler, Berglund, et al 2005), 70% more likely to have experienced a major depressive episode in their lifetime.

- Camacho et al 1991, in a 18 year follow up, less risk for depression when there was no depression at baseline. When depression was high at baseline it also reduced the risks for depression. Physical activity.

C.2 The question:

Start broad and then focus on critically summarizing what we know and where the gaps in our knowledge exist, conceptually (eg, theory driven interventions) or methodologically (eg, in terms of limitations of designs and measures used, and/or intervention components). End with specific research questions that need answering.

- Extrinsic and intrinsic motivation (Vallerand)

- Self-determination theory (Ryan & Deci 2000)


- Self-efficacy (Bandura)

- Mastery theory:

the mere fact that they are exercising makes patients feel like they have achieved something, cheering them up much as learning a new hobby or achieving a certain goal might cheer them up. (Where does it come from?????)

- Studies have been done about goal motives and exercise and physical activity but there is nothing about goal motives and self-realization in treating depressed people.

C.3 The value: Discuss how the proposed research will add to the existing research in this area and potentially impact on the context above.

- It will benefit future research about treating depression and using goal motives during PA interventions.

- Aims to set the basis for a change in peoples life styles’

C.4 Aims: Clearly state the main and any secondary aims of the proposed research.

- Determine if goal motives during and PA intervention as a treatment for depressive symptoms has an effect on the commitment of patients to PA.

- Having goals makes any typo of life style change after the treatment ends up.

C.5 Proposed study design – provide details of intervention development, pilot work, involvement of service users (if appropriate), sample size estimation, recruitment, randomisation, allocation, and adherence/compliance.

- Sample size estimation???

- Recruitment??? Through GP?

- 12 weeks (explain why?)

- Structured training plan (2 aerobic sessions & 1 S&C session for the PA groups)


- 1 ST Week physical evaluation and depression scores (self-realization)


- 3 rd week Physical evaluation and depression scores (Self-realization)

- 8 th week Physical evaluation and depression scores (self-realization) Motivation

- 12 th week Final evaluation Physical evaluation (Happy Mile for the intervention group) depression scores, self-realization. Motivation

- Post treatment: Set new goals (Intervention group), give a home based training plan. Follow up to see how many continued doing exercise by themselves.

- 2 groups or 3??? o Physical Activity (No goal)

The control group will be only encouraged to exercise with a structured plan.

o Physical Activity (Happy mile group)

How do I allocate each participant?? Is it unethical not to give the treatment to the other intervention participants? It looses the main purpose of the study?

C.6 Outcomes to be measured – define the primary and secondary outcome(s) and any process measures (eg, fidelity, participant perceptions) you will measure.

- Primary outcomes o Levels of depression (structured questionnaire) o Self-realization o Self-efficacy (during PA and during every day

- Secondary outcomes o Better well-being o Change in life style (Follow up)

c.7 Describe your data analyses plan (eg, data cleaning and checking for assumptions appropriate for the analysis, descriptive data to define the sample, handling missing data, linked to primary and secondary aims, effects of adherence to intervention, process evaluation, qualitative data and analysis)

- How much detail we have to explain.

C.8 Team Expertise – Identify the skills and expertise required from other researchers to help achieve the aims.

- Trained psychology

- Exercise physiologist, to controlled the workload and supervise sessions

C.9 Ethical Issues – please provide a clear description of any potential ethical issues inherent in the research and discuss how these issues will be addressed and minimised.

- T c.10 Beneficiaries and Impact statement - Beneficiaries are those who are likely to be interested in or to benefit from the proposed research. Wherever possible, the beneficiaries should consist of a wider group than that of the investigators' immediate professional circle carrying out similar research. Specific beneficiaries might be researchers in other disciplines; academic institutions; companies, policy makers, and others who may use the results to their advantage.

- It will benefit; o The whole population by determining if the goal motive helps treating patients with depressive symptoms (mild to moderate) o Policy makers to start to develop programmes that motivate young people to go out and work out. Programmes in which goals and objectives will have to o be set up.

identify the potential impact of the proposed work

list who is likely to benefit from the proposed research

indicate any collaborations with beneficiaries and explain their role in the project

give details of how the results would be disseminated

please include whether the research is likely to lead to patentable or otherwise commercially exploitable results
