Keys to Depression Handout

Keys to Depression
 Depression causes great turmoil and pain. Teens with depression need to
be taken seriously, and caring adults and peers must take action to get
 Depression is a significant factor in most if not all suicide attempts.
 Depression and alcohol are the greatest contributors to teen suicide.
 Depression is twice as common among females as among males.
 One in ten high school students are depressed.
 Depression affects the way teens think about themselves, losing
motivation, take little pleasure in living, look joyless and feel worthless.
They become pessimistic and down on themselves.
 Depression affects basic biological functions. Sleep patterns and eating
habits change.
 Depressed teens either become super busy or withdraw.
 Both boys and girls respond in self-destructive ways.
 Girls tend to show quietly disturbed feelings—worrying, loneliness, feeling
unloved, fear of losing their minds, loss of hope for the future.
 Guys show more acting out behaviors such as being irritable, fighting,
destroying property, running away, and hurting themselves.