Mountain Range High School 12500 Huron Street Westminster, CO 80234 Office: (720) 972-6300 Fax: (720) 972-6529 School Year 2015-16 Teacher name Website Email address Phone Course Name Jennifer Honka 720-972-6370 French III French III continues to build and improve reading, writing, speaking, and listening comprehension skills at an advanced level. In addition, students refine communication skills using complex grammatical structures. Select works of literature are analyzed for grammatical, Course literary, historical, and cultural value. Class activities include literary response, individual and group Description projects, original written work and seminars. Instruction and participation will be primarily in the target language. Prerequisite: Level II or approval of instructor. Units of Study and Content Standards Approximate Timeframe of Assessment Allez Viens! Introduction and review of topics from previous levels – various August - September chapters: Summer Vocabulary Topics: Travel vocabulary Modes of transportation Airport / train station / Expressing favorites Poetry Grammatical Structures: Object pronouns and their syntactic placement Past tense - conversational Past tense – narrative Standards Addressed: 1, 2, 3, 4 Allez Viens!: La musique (Music) Vocabulary Topics: Different types of music Composers Instruments Expressing preferences Expressing favorites Expressing opinions Poetry September - October Mountain Range High School 12500 Huron Street Westminster, CO 80234 Office: (720) 972-6300 Fax: (720) 972-6529 Grammatical Structures: Comparatives Superlatives Past tense - conversational Past tense – narrative Imperfect tense – conversational Imperfect tense - narrative Standards Addressed: 1, 2, 3, 4 Allez Viens!: La Vie quotidienne (Living) in the past, the present, and the future End of semester project, review and assessments November - December Vocabulary Sets: Places to live Advantages and disadvantages of city life and country life Parts of a house Family members Describing appearances Personality characteristics Chores Giving reasons Grammatical Structures: Future tense Imperfect tense – conversational Imperfect tense – narrative Adjectives and comparatives Adjective endings Standards Addressed: 1, 2, 3, 4 Allez Viens!: L’Art, la littérature, et la Technologie (Art, Literature and Technology): Le Petit Prince Vocabulary Topics: Art Literature Technology Expressing opinions Expressing preferences Expressing envy and admiration Saying that something is or was being done Reporting past events Childhood January - March Mountain Range High School 12500 Huron Street Westminster, CO 80234 Office: (720) 972-6300 Fax: (720) 972-6529 Grammatical Structures: Past tenses (passé compose, imparfait, passé simple) – narrative Comparatives Superlatives Passive voice Standards Addressed: 1, 2, 3,4 Allez Viens! La France, le passé et le present, et le futur (France, past, present, and futur): March - April Vocabulary Topics: Historical terms Describing advantages and disadvantages Giving reasons Describing goals Talking about possibilities Saying what you would have liked to do Reporting past events Expressing surprise, relief and resignation Expressing an assumption Giving advice Current events and politics Grammatical Structures: Verbs used as nouns Conjunctions - coordinating Conjunctions – subordinating Command forms – informal and formal Future tense Conditional tense (revisited) Conditional passé Imperfect tense (revisited) Plus-que-parfait tense Standards Addressed: 1, 2, 3, 4 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 S U P rAdvanced Understanding of the Standard o Exceeds meeting the standard and shows exemplary advancement in the knowledge fand application of the standard. Meets the Standard i Partially proficient in the standard c i Approaches the Standard e Shows growth toward meeting the standard n Does not Meet the Standard c Satisfactory (Practice Assignments) y Unsatisfactory (Practice Assignments) L e v e l s Mountain Range High School 12500 Huron Street Westminster, CO 80234 Office: (720) 972-6300 Fax: (720) 972-6529 May End of year project, review and assessments District Level In-common assessments Speaking: Students will have a conversation with the teacher to demonstrate ability to communicate verbally Standards: 1.1 and 1.3 Reading: Students will read four samples and answer questions (twenty in total) to demonstrate ability to understand through reading Standard: 1.2 Writing: Students will write a short sample/essay to demonstrate express him/herself through writing Standard: 1.3 GRC 1 GRC 2 GRC 3 GRC 4 GRC 5 ability to Grade Reporting Criteria/Weights Interpersonal Communication Presentational Communication Interpretive Communication Grammar/Vocabulary Concepts Practice 25% 25% 25% 15% 10% Grades are based on achievement of Content Standards and Grade Level Expectations. *Weekly progress grades are posted at General Expectations Grades are based upon the demonstration of proficiency on units associated with a standard/essential outcome. Assessment: 90% Assessments are a means to determine a student’s mastery and understanding of information, skills, concepts, or processes. Practice: 10% Practice includes opportunities for students to receive clear, specific, and timely feedback as they are developing knowledge and skills, prior to Assessments. Assessments will be graded based on teacher/district/state rubrics. Class Expectations Missing or incomplete assignments/assessments for this course: Superintendent Policies 6280 Homework and 6281 Make-Up Work will be followed for this course. They state that it is the student’s responsibility to request and obtain missing work. When a student has an excused absence, the student has the same number of days they were absent plus one day to make up assignments. Students who are unexcused may not be able to receive feedback from Practice prior to required Assessments.