Team Roster - Patriot Activities Council

Bringing Home the
Green and Gold
Homecoming 2014
February 10– 15th, 2014
Team Competition Packet
Patriot Activities Council
Please return to the Office of Student Involvement in the HUB, Suite 2300. If you have any
questions or concerns, please call the Patriot Activities Council at 703-993-2909 or send an
email to
Dear Students,
On behalf of the Patriot Activities Council, we are pleased to present George Mason
University’s Homecoming 2014. This year’s theme is “Bringing Home the Green and Gold.”
Each year, we take pride in creating and programming a variety of fun filled activities
celebrating the spirit of George Mason University. Homecoming week begins Monday,
February 10th, 2014 and culminates on Saturday, February 15th, 2014 with the George Mason’s
Men’s Basketball Game against St. Bonaventure University and dance party following the game.
We invite you to celebrate Homecoming by participating in our 6th annual Team
Competition. Every day throughout the week of Homecoming we will have various activities in
which your team can compete. Student organizations, individually formed teams, and individuals
who want to be placed on a team are all invited to participate. If you would like to participate but
do not have a team, all you need to do is email
Please use this packet as a reference to ensure these competitions are a success. Also,
please make sure everyone on your team is aware of the guidelines and rules set forth in this
packet. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at 703-993-2909,,
or by stopping by the Office of Student Involvement located in the HUB, Suite 2300.
The deadline to sign up for participation is Thursday, February 6h. All completed forms
must be turned into the Office of Student Involvement located in the HUB, Suite 2300 NO
LATER THAN 5:00 pm.
Prizes will be awarded to the winning teams, determined by the amount of points earned
in the following increments:
Winning team: $350.00
2nd place: $250.00
3rd Place: $150.00
Note: Certain events during homecoming come with their own separate cash reward
Thank you for your participation and contributions to making Mason Homecoming 2014
a huge success.
Laura Freeman and Elmer Orellana
Patriot Activities Council
Table of Contents
Page 4
Page 5
Page 6
Page 7
Page 8
Page 9
Page 10
Page 11
Page 12
Page 13
Page 14
Page 15
Page 16
2014 Schedule of Events
Team Competition Points Breakdown
Rules and Regulation
Banner Competition
Mason Spirit Days
Change that Makes Cents (Dollar Wars)
Can-Struction: The Mason Village
Lip Sync: May the Odd be Ever in Your Favor
Bonus Points
Official Team Application
Team Roster
Team Show Application
Pageant Application
Monday, February 10th, 2014
- Change that Makes Cents: Dollar Wars, begins at 10:00am (OSI, HUB 2300)
- Let the Games Begin: Tip-Off, 12:00pm-1:00pm (JC Atrium)
- Spirit Station, 12:00pm-3:00pm (JC Kiosk)
- Mason Majesty Pageant, 7:00pm-10:00pm (Dewberry Hall)
Tuesday, February 11th, 2014
- Can-Struction: The Mason Village, 12:00pm-3:00pm (HUB Ballroom)
- Spirit Station, 12:00pm-3:00pm (JC Kiosk)
- Skate Night, 7:00pm-10:00pm, (Reston Ice Rink)
Wednesday, February 12th, 2014
- Spirit Station, 12:00pm-3:00pm (JC Kiosk)
- When in Rome: Trivia Night 7-9pm (RAT)
Thursday, February 13th, 2014 (90s)
- Torch Pursuit: Laser Tag 12-3pm (TBD)
- Spirit Station, 12:00pm-3:00pm (JC Kiosk)
- Lip Sync: Let the Games Begin, 7:00pm-10:00pm (HUB Ballroom)
Friday, February 14th, 2014 (Spirit Day)
- Change that Makes Cents: Dollar Wars, ends at 12:00pm (OSI, HUB 2300)
- Spirit Station, 12:00pm-3:00pm (JC Kiosk)
- It’s Yours for The Taking: Homecoming Pep Rally, 8:00pm-9:15pm (JC Atrium)
Saturday, February 15th, 2014
- Mason’s Women Basketball vs. St. Joseph’s, 1:00pm (Patriot Center)
-Block Party, 3:00pm-5:30pm (Lot K)
-Mason’s Men’s Basketball vs. St. Bonaventure, 6:00pm (Patriot Center)
-Mason Majesty Crowning- Half time- Patriot Center
-PAC Mayhem’s Toga Games: May the Gods ever be in your favor! 9:00pm –
12:00am (HUB Ballroom)
Points Break Down
Break Down
Scored out of 100%
Mason Spirit Week % of team signing in
each day worth 2
Dollar wars
1st place: 25pts
2nd place: 20 pts.
3rd place: 15 pts.
Everyone else: 10pts
Scored out of 100%
Lip Sync
Scored out of 100%
20 pts.
10 pts.
105 pts.
Homecoming Competition: Rules and Regulation
Homecoming teams may consist of one individual organization, a group of multiple
organizations, or a group of students with no organizational affiliation.
Teams must create a Homecoming Team name to be used during the week. Vulgar or
discriminating names/terms will not be permitted. The Patriot Activities Council has the
right to determine if a team’s name is within the Homecoming guidelines. If your team is
a Registered Student Organization, you may use your organization’s name if you so
Teams must designate a “team captain” to serve as the official liaison to the Patriot
Activities Council.
Each Team Member must be currently enrolled as a student at GMU.
Each George Mason University student may only participate on one team.
Team point totals will be announced at various Homecoming Events and e-mailed to your
respective team captain at various times throughout the week. If you wish to receive your
team’s final point breakdown, you may submit a written request to the Homecoming
Committee after February 15th, 2014.
Each competing team member must check-in when attending a Homecoming Event. Only
those listed on the team roster will be able to participate at the event. All participants
must have their valid George Mason University student ID to participate.
Team rosters must have at least 5 members to compete and no more than 20 people may
be on a team.
Any unsportsmanlike conduct including, but not limited to, visible intoxication,
disorderly behavior, or vandalism of any kind during the week of Homecoming will
result in immediate disqualification of a team or an individual at the sole discretion of
Patriot Activities Council and/or the judge(s) or other officials affiliated with George
Mason University.
Banner Competition
Monday, February 11th - Friday, February 15th, 2013
Important Dates:
Banners must be turned in by 1:00pm on Friday, February 7th to the Office of Student
Involvement in the HUB, Suite 2300.
All banners will be hung in the Johnson Center Atrium from February 10th -15th, 2013.
Rules and Guidelines:
Banners must be no larger than a twin size, flat sheet (not fitted).
Profanity or obscenities on the banner will result in disqualification, as determined by
Patriot Activities Council. (If you are using the opponent’s logo, please do so in good
The only mandated design components are:
o 1) Name of the organization or team must be clearly seen and spelled out on the
o 2) “Homecoming 2014” OR “Bringing Home the Green and Gold” must appear
somewhere on the banner at least once.
The banner must be accompanied by an index card with team name and banner
If your group would like their banner back after Homecoming, please indicate on the
index card by writing “WOULD LIKE TO KEEP BANNER”. Banners without a request
will be disposed of at the conclusion of Homecoming.
Banners will be available for pick up in the Office of Student Involvement on
Wednesday, February 20th, 2013. Please make arrangements to have someone retrieve
your banner on this day. If your banner is not retrieved after one week, it will be
Judging based upon
o Display of school spirit and/or use of theme – 30pts
o Originality and Design – 30pts
o Overall appearance – 40pts
Mason Spirit Week!
Monday, February 10th - Friday, February 14th, 2014
Rules and Guidelines:
 The only requirement to be considered dressed in “Mason Spirit” is that you are wearing
something with the word “Mason” on it or you are wearing green and gold together.
 Team members must come to the Office of Student Involvement with their Mason ID
between 9:00am- 7:00pm Monday –Thursday and between 9:00am-5:00pm Friday. They
may also check-in at any Homecoming event during the week.
 Points will be calculated into your overall score based on the percentage of team members
that participate. Each day of the week is worth two points
Points will be awarded based on the percentage of the team that participates. Each day is worth
two points for a total of ten points that can be earned at the end of the week.
Change that Makes Cents: Dollar Wars
Monday, February 10- Friday, February 14th 2014
Rules and Guidelines:
 Each team will pick a charity where they would like the proceeds donated. All the money
from every team will go to the winning team’s choice of charity at the end of the week.
 You must place your choice of charity on the bottom of the application.
 Starting Monday, February 10th, teams can come into the Office of Student Involvement
located in the HUB, Suite 2300 from 9:00am-7:00pm and Friday, February 14th from
9:00am-12:00pm and drop dollars and change into the containers.
 The goal is to have the highest positive total in your container by the end of the week.
 All US paper money is positive points and is worth its equivalent times 100. For
example, one dollar is equal to 100 points, five dollars is equal to 500 points.
 Any loose change (silver coins) will subtract the equivalent amount of dollars from your
jar. For instance, one quarter subtracts 25 points from your total. Pennies will not be
 This is not limited to just team participation, so tell all your friends the rules of the game
so they can come in with their change and help you out!
Points will be distributed in the following way:
 1st place: 25 points
 2nd place: 20 points
 3rd place: 15 points
 Everyone else will receive 10 points for participating and raising money!
CAN-STRUCTION: Mason Village
Tuesday, February 11th, 2014
Teams will donate as many cans as possible and then create a sculpture or design using them.
IMPORTANT: Please do not paint the cans or remove the labels! A full list of acceptable
donations will be e-mailed to after you turn in this form.
 Teams are to check-in and load your cans into the HUB Ballroom between 12:00pm and
12:30pm. Each team will be given a 6 ft. X 8 ft. area where teams will set-up their cans
and create their design. Teams will have between 12:30pm and 1:30pm to construct their
can design. If you feel your team will need additional room, please e-mail
at least 2 days in advance.
 Each team will give the check-in table an accurate count of the number of cans the team
is donating. A third party will verify each team’s count.
 Judging will take place at exactly 1:45pm. At this time, all teams must be finished with
their design and have it ready to be judged.
 Be creative! You may use additional decorations/props for your design, but please keep
the main focus on the cans and other food items. Profanity, vulgarity, or obscenities in
the design will result in disqualification, as determined by Patriot Activities Council. (If
you are using the opponent’s logo, please do so in good taste).
 Sculptures will be judged based on creativity and numbers of cans.
 Judging for creativity will include how the sculpture incorporates the Homecoming
theme/George Mason University sprit, originality, etc.
 The creativity portion of the score is worth 50% of the total score.
 The number of cans (or other items on the list) in the sculpture is worth 50% of the total
score. The number of cans will be determined on a percentage basis. It will be based on
the number of cans per person on your roster. (Even if your team does not want to
participate in the sculpture aspect of this event, they can still receive points in this
Lip Sync: Let the Games Begin
Thursday, February 13th, 2014
Teams will compete to see which group lip syncs the best to a song or compilation of
songs while incorporating dance movements. Points will be awarded for the team competition
based on your placing among the other teams.
 Groups are responsible for their own props.
 All songs and performances must be in good taste. Rude, lewd, or obscene dance moves
will not be permitted. No suggestive acts, props, or attire will be allowed. Stunting is not
allowed and all performers must stay safe.
*Any act deemed inappropriate by the judges and/or committee will not perform.
 Music must be turned in to the Patriot Activities Council by Monday, February 10th,
 There will be an optional dress rehearsal prior to the performance on Thursday, February
13 at 6:00pm. Please let the Patriot Activities Council know in advance if you plan to
attend so all performers who want to rehearse will have a chance.
 Lip-Syncs must be between 2 - 4 minutes in length..
 Lip Syncing Abilities (20 points)
 Originality and Creativity (30 points)
 Appearance, including costumes and props (20 points)
 Crowd response; so bring your friends to cheer you on (20 points)
 Time Restrictions, meaning the group stayed in the required time limit (10 points)
Bonus Points
Mason Majesty
Teams that have a member participate in the Mason Pageant will have 10 points added to
their final score for every member that participates. To sign up for the pageant, please have the
team member who is participating complete the Pageant Participant form available in this packet
or in the Office of Student Involvement.
This year there is a new incentive to bring awareness of Homecoming to the campus.
There will be 12 billboards available that teams may procure from the Office of Student
Involvement free of charge. Teams are asked to decorate these billboards with the Homecoming
2014 theme “Bringing Home the Green and Gold”. These will then be set up throughout the
campus in order to raise campus spirit. Please return the billboards to the Office of Student
Involvement located in the HUB, Suite 2300 by Friday, February 7th, 2014 at 4:00pm. Supplies
are limited, so after the 12 original billboards are claimed, no more will be available. In order to
receive 20 points added to the final score you have to place 1st, 2nd or 3rd or received an
honorable mention by the judges.
Gingerbread Mason Village Building:
During Can-Struction this year you have the opportunity to earn 5 bonus points for
building your very own Mason Village.
Official Team Application
The rest of this packet must be turned in to the Patriot Activities Council Office.
All previous pages should be kept for your reference.
To participate in ANY aspect of the team competition each player must be added on the roster
sheet. PLEASE be aware that no players will be added to a team roster after this form is
submitted. There will be no substitutions or exceptions.
All team members must sign the attached roster sheet agreeing to the participation agreement
below. Also, please email a team rooster to by Friday, February 7th 2014 by
5:00pm. Please attach all additional forms to your application as well.
Participation Agreement
By signing, I have read and completely understand the contests of the Homecoming Participation Packet.
I understand that I must abide by the Homecoming rules and guidelines for team competitions and must
meet all deadlines set by Patriot Activities Council in order to participate. I am fully aware that if I
violate the rules and guidelines outlined, my team will automatically be disqualified. I also understand
that Patriot Activities Council reserves the right to disqualify any team for misconduct during the week of
Homecoming. I also allow the Homecoming committee and Patriot Activities Council to use any
photographs and/or videos taken during the performance on their promotional materials and website.
Team Name: ___________________________________________________________________
Organization Name: (if different than above): _________________________________________
Captain Name: _________________________________________________________________
Captain Signature: ______________________________________________________________
Captain’s Cell Phone Number: ____________________________________________________
Captains Email address: __________________________________________________________
Dollar Wars Charity:
Note: All team members must sign the roster on the following page acknowledging that they are aware of
this packet and the information contained within it. Team member names must also be e-mailed to
Team Roster
(Please print clearly)
Sign Name
Print Name
Homecoming 2014 Pageant Contestant Application
Please return to the Office of Student Involvement located in the HUB, Suite 2300 by Friday,
February 7th, 2014 at Noon. All applicants must be George Mason University undergraduate
students with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher. All applicants need to be sponsored by 1 GMU
student organization, athletic team, office, or academic department. Previous winners of pageants
may not run again, but have the option to Emcee the pageant. Only 10 applicants will be chosen.
Those chosen will be notified via email by Saturday, February 8th, 2014.
Homecoming week February 10th –February 15th. The Pageant will be held on February 10th,
2014 at 8pm. All contestants need to be in Dewberry no later than 6:30pm.
Basic Information:
Cumulative GPA:
Equipment (if any) required for talent:
Classification (circle one) :
Phone Number:
Short Answer
Please write a brief statement detailing why you should be in the pageant. Try to be original and
If you were crowned, what would you do to best represent the title?
How have you contributed to enhancing Mason’s community atmosphere?
Please list your extracurricular activities and volunteer involvement.