RIFW_Socially_Respon.. - Regeneration Investment Fund for Wales

Sustainable regeneration
This form requires you to provide evidence of how your proposed project
meets RIFW’s sustainable regeneration objectives, as summarised in the
Fund’s Strategy for Socially Responsible Investment (see downloads section
of RIFW website). Completion of this form is a requirement for all Projects
progressing to Stage 2 of the RIFW investment application process, after
approval of a Stage 1 Expression of Interest.
The areas for which RIFW requires evidence of a sustainable approach to
regeneration to support your application for investment comprise:
1. Confirmation that your project is included within an Integrated Plan for
Sustainable Urban Development (IPSUD)
2. Projected regeneration outcomes – land developed; physical
improvements delivered; premises created or refurbished; jobs
accommodated; private sector investment induced
3. Meeting environmental sustainability requirements – achieving BREEAM
Excellent rating or equivalent for new buildings; using reused or recycled
construction materials; achieving Code for Sustainable Homes planning
4. Community benefit – proposals for enhancing social and economic
sustainability in local communities through the development process
5. Environmental management, Corporate Responsibility and track record of
delivering sustainable regeneration
RIFW encourages projects seeking investment to contact the Fund on
enquiries@rifw.co.uk/ T 029 2049 0499 for an initial discussion as to how their
project can meet the required standards. Project sponsors are also
encouraged to refer to the further sources of guidance noted in this document.
The sustainable regeneration commitments that projects make as part of the
investment approval process will be included as a Sustainable Regeneration
Plan in a schedule to their investment agreement.
This Sustainable Regeneration Plan will:
 record the anticipated social, economic and environmental regeneration
outcomes that the scheme aims to deliver
 include KPIs which provide a robust and measurable way of determining
whether these outcomes have been achieved
 allow the success of RIFW in delivering sustainable regeneration to be
measured and reported on – both to the RIFW Management Board and to
WAG and other interested parties
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Project sponsors are encouraged to refer to the WAG Sustainable
Development Integration Tool to develop their approach to sustainable
regeneration, which can be obtained from RIFW. Project sponsors are also
encouraged to refer to the following bodies and resources for additional expert
guidance in the relevant fields:
Carbon Trust
Wrap Wales
Constructing Excellence in Wales
Wales Low/ Zero Carbon Hub
1. Integrated Plan for Sustainable Urban Development
In order to comply with European regulations, projects seeking investment
from RIFW must be included in a relevant Integrated Plan for Sustainable
Urban Development (IPSUD) covering the local area. Guidance on what
constitutes an IPSUD is available here.
Examples of an IPSUD may include, but are not limited to:
 Local Development Plans
Community Strategies
Spatial Plans
Strategic Regeneration Area strategy documents or actions plans
RIWF requires you to provide details of how the project for which you are
seeking investment meets the objectives of a relevant IPSUD(s).
The IPSUD document(s) must clearly identify the nature of the scheme
seeking investment, but does not have to name the specific project or
development site in question.
Please set out the document(s) which cover the requirements of an IPSUD(s)
and identify the proposed scheme, and explain how these documents cover
each of the elements set out in the WEFO guidance at
Please attach copies of relevant documents to your investment application.
Please provide brief details of how the project for which you are seeking
investment contributes to the objectives of the IPSUD.
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2. Regeneration outcomes
RIFW must report to the Welsh European Funding Office (WEFO) on the
regeneration outcomes from projects in which it invests.
Please provide details of the regeneration outcomes that your project will
deliver by completing the “projected outcomes for scheme” column in the
table below.
Schemes aiming to refurbish the external
appearance of public space and/or buildings in
order to improve the quality of the local built
environment, including refurbishment of natural
spaces, e.g. landscaping.
The number of hectares (equivalent of 10,000
m2) of brownfield or greenfield land developed.
Developed = making land fit for use by
removing physical constraints to open it up for
development or including provision of services
to open it up for development.
created or
The number of metres squared of building
space created or refurbished for non-domestic
use. This does not include areas used for car
parking or external landscaping.
XX m2
Jobs accommodated within premises created
accommodated or refurbished above.
Accommodated= The maximum number
potentially located at any one time. This is not
the number accommodated over the life of the
For Refurbishment this should be the number
of additional jobs accommodated.
Measured in £, this is the gross amount of
direct tangible or intangible investment in the
project from commercial, charitable and not-forprofit organisations and private individuals. This
does not include funds awarded from the
Yes/ no
XX jobs
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National Lottery.
(This would equate to the total development
costs of the scheme).
Projects seeking investment must be prepared to provide evidence of the
regeneration outcomes that have been delivered by their scheme at relevant
stages of the development process. For guidance on appropriate evidence of
regeneration outcomes, please see the Evidence section below.
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3. Environmental sustainability
RIFW requires projects seeking investment to consider and reduce the
environmental impacts of development and meet current good practice,
corresponding to current WAG core sustainability requirements. Further
information on Welsh Assembly Government requirements for sustainable
development can be found here. These web pages also contain a wealth of
guidance and advice on sustainable development, regeneration and design
quality in Wales.
RIFW’s environmental sustainability requirements are:
 New non-domestic buildings must be built to the Building Research
Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) “Excellent”
standard, or equivalent. For extensions, alterations and refurbishment, a
BREEAM excellent rating is not a requirement, but a low carbon and
energy efficient solution will still need to be demonstrated. There are
exceptions for very small schemes and further guidance on the exceptions
is available from the Wales Low/Zero carbon Hub web site, see below.
At least 10% of the total value of materials used in the construction project
must be derived fromrecycled and reused content in the products and
materials selected
All new housing that is part of projects funded by RIFW must be built to the
Code for Sustainable Homes minimum standards required by the
planning system in Wales, although schemes that aim to achieve higher
standards are encouraged.
Project sponsors are also encouraged to refer to the WAG Sustainable
Development Integration Tool and develop measures to address the
environmental issues highlighted by the tool in consultation with local
stakeholders, which can be obtained from RIFW.
Projects seeking investment must be prepared to provide evidence of the
environmental sustainability outcomes that have been achieved by their
scheme at relevant stages of the development process – see the Evidence
section below.
For general guidance on BREEAM, see www.breeam.org.
WAG has published two guidance documents which explain:
 the BREEAM process and how to achieve BREEAM Excellent
how 'exceptions' can be obtained for certain projects
These documents are available here on the Wales Low/Zero Carbon Hub
Sustainable Building Portal.
Pre-Assessment Estimator
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Has the BREEAM Pre-Assessment Estimator, or equivalent assessment,
been completed for the project for which you are seeking investment? (Please
delete as appropriate)
Yes/ No
If no, please contact RIFW on enquiries@rifw.co.uk/ T 029 2049 0499 to
discuss when you will be able to complete the assessment and how this will
affect your investment application.
If yes, please attach a copy of the completed BREEAM Pre-Assessment
Estimator, or equivalent assessment, to your investment application.
What was the rating?
If the Pre-Assessment Estimator rating was lower than “Excellent”, have you
identified measures which would enable the project to achieve an “Excellent”
rating at Design Stage BREEAM assessment? Please summarise these
Please provide any additional information in relation to BREEAM which may
support your application, e.g. intention to complete Pre-Assessment Indicator
and timing, completion of a Design Stage BREEAM assessment
b) Recycled and reused materials
WRAP (Waste and Resources Action Programme) has developed a range of
guidance materials to support the construction sector in using increased
levels of recycled and reused materials, which are available here.
These include guidance on construction products with high levels of recycled
content, and opportunities for use of reclaimed materials:
 Choosing construction products: Guide to the recycled content of
mainstream construction products
Reclaimed building products guide: A guide to procuring reclaimed
building products and materials for use in construction projects
Guidance on calculating and reporting levels of recycled content is provided
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Delivering higher recycled content in construction projects
Calculating and declaring recycled content in construction products: ‘Rules
of Thumb’ guide
The Net Waste Tool is an on-line tool which can be used to generate reports
on use of recycled and reclaimed content, at Outline and Detailed design
Are you able to demonstrate that at least 10% of the total value of materials
used in your project will be recycled and reused? This can be demonstrated
through outline design stage Net Waste Tool report, or equivalent (see Wrap
construction web-pages).
Please attach copies of relevant documentation to your investment
Please summarise your overall approach to promoting the use of recycled and
reused materials for the project for which you are seeking investment. Are you
able to show that the most significant opportunities to increase the value of
materials derived from recycled and re-used content have been considered?
c) Code for Sustainable Homes
A range of guidance materials on the Code for Sustainable Homes is hosted
on the Communities and Local Government website at
The Code for Sustainable Homes: Technical Guide 2010 will be updated at
intervals if standards change or are introduced, or if technologies or
processes change. The Communities and Local Government website will
always contain the latest version.
Does the project for which you are seeking investment include housing?
(Please delete as appropriate)
Yes/ No
If no, this section is not applicable to your project.
If yes, has a pre-assessment estimate of the projected Code rating been
carried out by a licensed Code assessor?
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Yes/ No
If no, please contact RIFW on enquiries@rifw.co.uk/ T 029 2049 0499 to
discuss when you will be able to complete the assessment and how this will
affect your investment application.
If yes, please attach a copy of the report provided by the licensed Code
assessor to your investment application. What was the rating?
If the pre-assessment estimate was lower than “Excellent”, have you identified
measures which would enable the project to achieve an “Excellent” rating at
Design Stage CSH/ Post-Construction stage assessment? Please summarise
these below.
Please provide any additional information in relation to the Code for
Sustainable Homes which may support your application, e.g. completion of a
Design Stage Code for Sustainable Homes assessment.
4. Community benefit
RIFW sees regeneration as an opportunity to provide social and economic
benefits for local communities, both through the outcomes of the regeneration
projects funded, and through the development process itself. The outcomes of
the proposed regeneration project are covered in other sections of this form.
This section requires applicants to outline their proposals for providing
benefits to local communities through the development process.
RIFW encourages projects to refer to the framework provided by the
Community Benefits: Delivering Maximum Value for the Welsh Pound, which
is available here. This document provides guidance on how to deliver a range
of community benefits and links to further resources. The range of potential
benefits is illustrated below:
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We are aware that the opportunities for promoting social and economic
sustainability depend on local circumstances, e.g. capacity in the local
construction sector supply chain to deliver project requirements and
employment support programmes available. Approaches and targets for
delivering community benefit should therefore be developed to correspond to
local opportunities and resources.
RIFW encourages projects seeking investment to ensure that consultation
and engagement with relevant local stakeholders (e.g. local authority
regeneration or economic development officers, business networks, Jobcentre
Plus, community sector networks) is undertaken in developing appropriate
community benefit initiatives for their schemes.
The Welsh Assembly Government Sustainable Development Integration Tool
provides a framework for undertaking this consultation and recording the
outcomes. If schemes choose to use this framework, the outcomes recorded
on the Appraisal Summary form should be attached to their application for
investment. It is also a tool to be used for setting sustainable objectives that
are specific to the project, in order to identify and then deliver sustainable
outcomes. The tool is available from the RIFW team.
Some schemes may already have undertaken equivalent consultation, and
developed relevant community benefit approaches, during discussions with
local authorities and other stakeholders through the planning process. RIFW
encourages schemes seeking investment to provide information on this in
their applications. The Sustainable Development Integration Tool should be
used to capture this process and presented as evidence.
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Please summarise any consultation that you have carried out with relevant
local stakeholders with reference to providing community benefit through the
development process. Please attach relevant reports or records of meetings,
e.g. Appraisal Summary form from WAG Sustainable Development Integration
Tool. [insert hyperlink]
Please summarise the approach that has been developed for your project to
ensure that the development provides opportunities and benefits for the local
community, including the outcomes that the project will aim to deliver. Refer
to the Guidance notes for applicants for areas in which relevant initiatives
could be developed.
Please summarise monitoring arrangements and KPIs which you will use to
monitor the impacts of the community benefit initiatives listed above.
Please provide any further information on your approach to delivering
community benefit through the development process that may support your
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5. Environmental management, Corporate Responsibility and track
record of delivering sustainable regeneration
Do you have an ISO14001 accredited Environmental Management System in
place covering all major sites? (Please delete as appropriate)
Yes/ No
If no, or if the system does not cover all sites, please provide further details of
the coverage of your ISO14001 accredited Environmental Management
System below. If you do not have an ISO14001 accredited Environmental
Management System in place, please explain your approach to managing the
environmental impacts of your business operations.
Please list any company memberships or affiliations which may support your
application, e.g. Centre for Regeneration Excellence Wales networks, Wales
Low/ Zero Carbon Hub, Wales Green Building Charter.
Do you have a Corporate Responsibility or Sustainability Policy which
describes your corporate approach to environmental, social and economic
sustainability. Please attached a copy of the relevant policy(s) to your
application (Please delete as appropriate)
Yes/ No
Please provide any further information on your approach to corporate
responsibility or sustainability which may support your application, e.g.
membership of external accreditation scheme such as Business in the
Community CR Index, awards won etc.
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Please list three examples of previous projects that demonstrate a track
record of delivering sustainable regeneration, e.g. achieving high BREEAM or
CSH ratings, providing employment and training opportunities for local people,
sourcing materials locally. Please attach relevant case studies of these
projects to your application if available.
Sustainable regeneration outcomes
Assessing the social, economic and environmental impact of funded
regeneration schemes on communities throughout Wales will be an essential
component of RIFW’s performance monitoring framework.
Schemes in which RIFW invests will be required to provide appropriate
evidence that the sustainable regeneration outcomes summarised in their
investment application have been achieved.
The table below summarises the evidence required for:
 Regeneration outcomes
 Environmental sustainability
 Community benefit
RIFW will require projects receiving investment to provide evidence as
appropriate – ie depending on whether the project has reached a suitable
stage of the development process – in regular update reports.
Example evidence
Schemes aiming to refurbish
the external appearance of
public space and/or buildings
in order to improve the quality
of the local built environment,
including refurbishment of
natural spaces, e.g.
Planning consent;
environmental impact
study; documents
evidencing the
procurement process;
tender report; signed
contract of works
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The number of hectares
(equivalent of 10,000
m2) of brownfield or greenfield
land developed.
Output should be recorded
upon completion of works.
Created or
The number of metres
squared of building space
created or refurbished for nondomestic use.
Works – certificate of
practical completion.
QS certification of works
carried out.
Jobs accommodated within
Accommodated premises created or
refurbished above.
Floor plans, building
specifications to support
the number of new desks/
positions provided.
Building should be
complete before reporting
jobs accommodated.
For each investor: name,
address, contact details,
receipt of financial
or evidence of its financial
Measured in £, this is the
gross amount of direct tangible
or intangible investment from
the private sector from:
commercial, charitable and
not-for-profit organisations and
private individuals.
Environmental sustainability
Reused and
Code for
New non-domestic buildings
must be built to BREEAM
“Excellent” standard, or
Interim certificate awarded
at Design stage (DS)
At least 10% of the total value
of materials used in the
construction project must be
derived from recycled and
reused content in the products
and materials selected
Report using WRAP Net
Waste Tool, or equivalent
All new housing that is part of
projects funded by RIFW must
Final certificate awarded at
Post construction stage
A post-construction review
to check that the targeted
level of recycled content
has been delivered
Interim certificate awarded
at Design stage (DS) –
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be built to the Code for
Sustainable Homes minimum
Code Level 3 or equivalent
Final certificate awarded at
Post construction stage
(PCS) – required
Community benefit
(examples, categories will vary depending on specific approaches included in
the project Sustainable Regeneration Plan)
Supply chain
Number of employment
opportunities provided for
long-term unemployed
Value of work packages
awarded to Small Medium
Numbers of work placement
opportunities provided, site
visits supported, schools
events supported etc.
Reports provided by
project sponsors, with
letters of endorsement
from relevant local
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The information provided by projects seeking investment will be scored by
RIFW on the basis of the evaluation framework provided below.
Each project will be designated red/ amber/ green status, indicating how likely
the scheme is to achieve the sustainable regeneration outcomes required by
For schemes assessed as Amber, the assessment will also identify areas that
need to be further developed before the Sustainable Regeneration Plan and
appropriate monitoring arrangements are finalised.
Evaluation Status
score/ 50
25 or
38 or
Comments (example)
Information provided suggests that, on the basis of
initial assessment, scheme unlikely to meet the
sustainable regeneration outcomes required by RIFW.
AMBER Information provided suggests that some development
of approach is required before scheme can be
assessed as likely to meet the sustainable
regeneration outcomes required by RIFW.
Areas to be developed include…
GREEN Information provided suggests that project will deliver
significant regeneration outcomes, with plans in place
to meet environmental sustainability requirements and
deliver community benefits, and evidence of relevant
track record.
Plans in place to develop sustainable regeneration
approach where issues identified.
It should be noted that if a project does not meet minimum requirements in
relation to core criteria, then it will not be eligible for RIFW investment. These
core criteria comprise:
 IPSUD: satisfactory evidence that the nature of the proposed project is
included within a relevant IPSUD.
 Environmental sustainability: meeting the current sustainability
requirements specified by WAG.
In addition, projects that score Zero for any of the five Themes identified in the
evaluation matrix below will be required to re-submit their application with
further information, or more developed proposals.
The RIFW Management Board will consider representations from projects not
achieving green or amber status or where it is felt that meeting environmental
sustainability requirements may present a disproportionate barrier to a project
with significant regeneration benefits going ahead.
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Evaluation matrix
1. Integrated
Plan for
Upper level of range
Yes (3) – application clearly
demonstrates that nature of
scheme is within a relevant
Yes (2) – scheme enhances the
external appearance of public
space and/or buildings in order
to improve the quality of the
local built environment,
including natural spaces, e.g.
5 – Achieves aspiration level
developed per £m investment requested
3 – Achieves intermediate
threshold per £1m investment
requested (1,455 m2)
Premises 5 – Achieves aspiration level
per £m investment requested
Refurbish 3 – Achieves intermediate
threshold per £1m investment
Lower level of range
No (Zero) – application does not
provide sufficient evidence that
nature of scheme is within a
relevant IPSUD
Projects not
No (Zero) – scheme does not
enhance the external appearance
of public space and/or buildings
Zero – Below target level per £m
investment requested (below
1 – Achieves target level per £m
investment (727m2)
Zero – Below target level per £m
investment requested (below
1 – Achieves target level per £m
investment requested (164m2)
RIFW Sustainable Regeneration Application (stage 2)
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Upper level of range
requested (282m2)
5 – Achieves aspiration level
Accommo per £m investment requested
(9.1 jobs)
3 – Achieves intermediate
threshold per £1m investment
(6.8 jobs)
Investmen 5 – Achieves aspiration level
per £1m investment requested
3 – Achieves intermediate
threshold per £1m investment
requested (£505,273)
BREEAM 5 – Pre-assessment estimator
rating of Excellent
equivalent 3 – Pre-assessment estimator
rating of Very Good and
measures identified to achieve
Excellent at Design Stage
3 – Net Waste Tool or
equivalent report demonstrating
10% threshold surpassed, and
demonstration that most
significant opportunities have
Lower level of range
Projects not
Zero – Below target level per £m
investment requested (below 4.4
1 – Achieves target level per £m
investment requested (4.4 jobs)
Zero – Below target level per £m
investment requested (below
1 – Achieves target level per £m
investment requested (£10,545)
Zero – No information provided to
indicate that BREEAM is being
considered as part of the project
development process
1- Pre-assessment estimator not
completed, but commitment to
complete in specified timeframe
Zero – No information provided to
indicate that reused and recycled
materials are being considered as
part of the project development
10 *
RIFW Sustainable Regeneration Application (stage 2)
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Upper level of range
Lower level of range
been considered
2 – Net Waste Tool or
equivalent report demonstrating
10% threshold surpassed
1 – Indication that key
opportunities have been
considered, but impact not
quantified or reported in
recognised framework
Zero – No information provided to
indicate that CSH is being
considered as part of the project
development process
Code for
5 – Pre-assessment estimate of
Sustainabl the projected Code rating
e Homes
carried out by a licensed Code
assessor showing projected
level to meet planning policy
requirement or above
4. Community
7 – Comprehensive information
(stakeholder consultation,
initiatives proposed, KPIs)
provided for the full range of
non-environmental issues
covered in the Community
Benefits guidance
5 - Comprehensive information
(stakeholder consultation,
initiatives proposed, KPIs)
provided for a limited range of
Community Benefit issues
5 – Comprehensive information
Zero – No information provided to
indicate that community benefit is
being considered as part of the
project development process
1 – Limited information provided,
no evidence of stakeholder
consultation, but evidence that
some measures being considered
3 – Reasonable level of
information provided for limited
range of Community Benefit
Zero – No information provide on
RIFW Sustainable Regeneration Application (stage 2)
Projects not
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track record
Upper level of range
provided indicating strong
corporate environmental
management and CR
credentials, and a strong track
3 – Limited information
provided, covering all areas
Lower level of range
Projects not
corporate environmental
management and CR credentials
or track record
1 – Limited information provided,
with some areas not covered
* Initial score for BREEAM to be doubled for projects not including housing
For further information please contact:
Damian Barry at Lambert Smith Hampton, 3 Callaghan Square, Cardiff, CF10 5BT, dbarry@lsh.co.uk 029 20523 003 or 07920 833
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