Authority to Submit form - Research

Melbourne Research
Authority to Submit form: NHMRC 2015 Postgraduate Scholarships
Required for all applications submitted via Melbourne Research
This form must be provided to Melbourne Research by the final internal deadline for submission: 5pm
Thursday 19th June 2014. Any applications received after this time may not be submitted to NHMRC as per the
Submission Policy.
To submit this form to Melbourne Research: deliver this form in hard copy to Level 5, 161 Barry Street, Carlton,
by the deadline. Your application must be certified in RGMS and at the status “Submitted to RAO”.
If you are unable to submit this form in hard copy (e.g. you are overseas), please contact prior to the deadline to make alternative arrangements.
No copies of the RGMS application are required to be delivered to Melbourne Research in either electronic or hard
copy formats (excludes Heart Foundation and MSRA co-funding applications).
Co-funding: (if applicable, please tick the appropriate funding bodies)
Aust. Acad. of Science
Generated by RGMS
* UoM Notice of Intent (NOI) number
Submit an NOI at:
Heart Fdn
* Applicant Name
Including title, e.g. Miss, Mr, Dr
* Department
The Department administering the grant
* Faculty
* Applicant mobile phone number
In case of problems preventing submission to NHMRC
* Applicant email address
* Supervisor Name
Including title, e.g. Dr, A/Prof, Prof
* Alternate Contact – Name & phone number
In case we are unable to contact Applicant for urgent issues
(*) mandatory information
Compliance & Eligibility Checklist
Completion & initial for each section on this table is mandatory
Applicant meets PGS eligibility requirements detailed in L6 of the NHMRC
Postgraduate Scholarships Funding Rules for funding commencing in 2015
Applicant meets Category of Award eligibility requirements detailed in L7 of the
NHMRC Postgraduate Scholarships Funding Rules for funding commencing in 2015
Applicant does not currently hold an Australian Government Scholarship such as an
Australian Postgraduate Award (APA)
CV & Profile sections completed as per scheme requirements
(refer to page 8 of Advice & Instructions to Applicants to see which sections are required)
RGMS Application: All relevant sections of Part A and Part B completed in RGMS
Grant Proposal PDF has been uploaded to RGMS and complies with formatting, size,
and naming requirements
Academic Transcripts PDF has been uploaded to RGMS and complies with size and
naming requirements
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Version: 1 (9 May 2014)
Authority to Submit form
NHMRC 2015 Postgraduate Scholarships
Melbourne Research
Compliance & Eligibility Checklist (Continued)
Completion & initial for each section on this table is mandatory
If applicable, Registration Evidence, Ungraded Passes, and Evidence to Support
Part-Time Candidature have been uploaded to RGMS and comply with size and naming
If applicable, HF and MSRA Co-Funding application(s) have been completed and
provided to Melbourne Research
The application has been certified in RGMS and status is ‘Submitted to RAO’
Certification by Chief Investigator (CI)
I have read and understood the NHMRC Postgraduate Scholarships Funding Rules (for funding
commencing in 2015) and am satisfied that I meet the eligibility criteria as specified.
I have complied with the NHMRC Postgraduate Scholarships Funding Rules (for funding commencing in
2015), and NHMRC Postgraduate Scholarships Advice and Instructions to Applicants; and if the Proposal
is successful I agree to abide by the terms of the Funding Agreement relating to NHMRC Postgraduate
Scholarships; and
I have identified, disclosed and managed any real or perceived Conflicts of Interest and this Proposal
does not contain any plagiarised, fabricated or falsified data or information as per the requirements of the
Codes of Conduct for Research (Australian Code and the University of Melbourne code). I undertake
that, if the Proposal is successful, I will notify the Administering Organisation of any conflicts of interest
which arise subsequent to the submission of the Proposal
CI Signature
Electronic signatures accepted
Certification by Head of Department/Institute Director
I agree that the project can be accommodated within the general facilities in my Department/Institute and
that sufficient working and office space is available for any proposed additional staff; and
I am prepared to have the project carried out in my Department/Institute under the circumstances set out
in the proposal
HOD/Director Name
HOD/Director Signature
Electronic signatures accepted
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Version: 1 (9 May 2014)