Year 6 Long Term Planning - Allerton CE Primary School

Year 4 Long Term Planning 2015-2016
The Romans
Invaders- Anglo Saxons Vs Vikings
Live your passionOlympics 2016
Visits / Visitors
Rewind to Christmas- Moortown Baptist
Jorvik Viking Centre- York
Chester zoo
Leeds City Art Galler
Hook with a
Novel as a theme
Explanation texts
Poetry on a theme
Persuasive writing- sales/pitch/article
Fantasy text
Non- Chronological reports
Myths and legends
Stories with issues and dilemmas
Information booklet
Non Chronological reports
CS Lewis- The Lion the Witch and the Wardobe
James and the Giant Peach- Roald Dahl
There’s a Viking in my Bed- Jeremy Strong
Escape From Pompeii- Christina Bailit
Odd and the Frost Giants- Neil Gaiman
Number, place value
Number, place value and money
Number and place value
Mental addition and subtraction
Written addition and subtraction
Mental and written subtraction
Written addition and subtraction
Written multiplication and division
Addition and subtraction
MEASURES/DATA Length, weight, bar charts
Shape and Measures- co-ordinates, area, perimeter
Mental multiplication and division
MEASURES/SHAPE Time, position and direction
Fractions and decimals
written multiplication and division
Fractions, decimals and percentages
Shape- Symmetry and tessellation
AT 1 covered
throughout the
States of matter
Pupils should be taught to
 Pupils should be taught to
Compare and group materials together,
according to whether they are solids.
Liquids or gases
Identify common appliances that run on
 Observe that some materials change
state when they are heated or cooled, and
measure or research the temperature at
which this happens in degrees Celsius
 Construct a simple series electrical
circuit, identifying and naming its basic
parts, including cells, wires, bulbs,
switches and buzzers
 Identify whether or not a lamp will light
in a simple series circuit based on whether
Year 4 LT Plan 2014-15 G:\COMMON\Allerton CE\Curriculum\Planning formats
 Pupils should be taught to
Animals (including humans)
 Pupils should be taught to
Identify how sounds are made, associating them
with something vibrating
Describe the simple functions of the basic parts
of the digestive system in humans
 Recognise that vibrations from sounds travel
through the medium to the ear
 Identify different types of teeth in humans
and their simple functions
 Find patterns between the pitch of a sound
and features of the object that produced it
 Construct and interpret a variety of food
chains, identifying producers, predators and
Living things (and their habitats)
 Recognise that living things can be
grouped in a variety of ways
 Explore and use classification keys to
help group, identify and name a variety
of living things in their local and wider
 Recognise that environments can
change and that this can sometimes
pose dangers to living things.
 Identify the part played by evaporation
and condensation in the water cycle and
associate the rate of evaporation with
or not the lamp is part of a complete loop
with a battery
 Recognise that a switch opens and
closes a circuit and associate this with
whether or not a lamp lights in a simple
series circuit
 Find patterns between the volume of a sound
and the strength of the vibrations that produced
 Recognise that sounds get fainter as the
distance from the sound source increases.
 Recognise some common conductors
and insulators, and associate metals with
being good conductors
Following the Leeds agreed syllabus for RE
The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain
Britain’s settlement by Anglo-Saxons and Scots
 The Roman Empire by AD 42 and the power of its army
 invasions, settlements and kingdoms: place
names and village life
 “Romanisation” of Britain: sites such as Deva and York and the impact of technology,
culture and beliefs, including early Christianity
 Anglo-Saxon art and culture
The Viking and Anglo-Saxon struggle for the
Kingdom of England to the time of Edward the
 Viking raids and invasion
 Anglo-Saxon laws and justice
A study of an aspect or theme in British History
that extends pupils chronological knowledge
beyond 1066
 changes in an aspect of social history, such as
crime and punishment from the Anglo-Saxons
Name and locate the world’s seven continents and five oceans (carried over from KS1)
Human and Physical features of York and Leeds.
Olympics 2016: Brazil
Locate the world’s countries, using maps to focus on Europe
(including the location of Russia) and North and South America, concentrating on their
environmental regions, key physical and human
characteristics, countries, and major cities
describe and understand key aspects of:
Use the eight points of a compass, four and six-figure
grid references, symbols and key (including the use of
Ordnance Survey maps) to build their knowledge of the
United Kingdom and the wider world
name and locate counties and cities of the United Kingdom, geographical regions and
their identifying human and physical characteristics, key topographical features
(including hills, mountains, coasts and rivers), and land-use patterns; and understand
how some of these aspects have changed over time
understand geographical similarities and differences through
the study of human and physical geography of a region of the
United Kingdom, a region in a European country, and a region within North or South
human geography, including: types of settlement and land use, economic activity
including trade links, and the distribution of natural resources including energy, food,
minerals and water
Year 4 LT Plan 2014-15 G:\COMMON\Allerton CE\Curriculum\Planning formats
 physical geography, including: climate zones,
biomes and vegetation belts, rivers, mountains,
volcanoes and earthquakes, and the water cycle
name and locate counties and cities of the
United Kingdom, geographical regions and their
identifying human and physical characteristics,
key topographical features (including hills,
mountains, coasts and rivers), and land-use
patterns; and understand how some of these
aspects have changed over time
use fieldwork to observe, measure and record
human and physical features in the local area
using a
range of methods, including sketch maps, plans
graphs, and digital technologies.
use maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping to locate countries and
describe features studied
describe and understand key aspects of:
 physical geography, including: climate zones, biomes and vegetation belts, rivers,
mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes, and the water cycle
identify the position and significance of latitude, longitude,
Equator, Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, the Tropics of Cancer and
Capricorn, Arctic and Antarctic Circle,
Locate the world’s countries, using maps to focus on Europe
(including the location of Russia) and North and South America, concentrating on
their environmental regions, key physical and human
characteristics, countries, and major cities
3D/ Painting:
Printing/ Drawing
3D/ textiles
Paint/ pastels/ collage
Roman Mosaics
Viking shields-papier mache/ paint
Longboat seascape using a range of different
Leaf printing
Clay animals
processes and
throughout the
Observational / still life drawings
Overlap from Previous term
Making Roman soup
Making a Viking purse
Making Viking Bread
Using the Pizza oven to bake authentic
Roman bread
 Use research and develop design criteria to
inform the design of innovative, functional,
appealing products that are fit for purpose,
aimed at particular individuals or groups
 understand and apply the principles of a
healthy and varied diet
A functioning attraction for bugs/
wildlife for outside the Year 4
Researching and making a traditional
Brazilian dish
 understand and apply the principles of
a healthy and varied diet
 generate, develop, model and communicate
their ideas through discussion, annotated
sketches, cross-sectional and exploded diagrams,
prototypes, pattern pieces and computer-aided
 prepare and cook a variety of
predominantly savoury dishes using a
range of cooking techniques
Understand seasonality, and know
where and how a variety of
ingredients are grown, reared,
caught and processed.
 prepare and cook a variety of predominantly
savoury dishes using a range of cooking
use research and develop design
criteria to inform the design of
innovative, functional, appealing
products that are fit for purpose,
aimed at particular individuals or
generate, develop, model and
communicate their ideas through
discussion, annotated sketches,
cross-sectional and exploded
diagrams, prototypes, pattern
pieces and computer-aided design
investigate and analyse a range of existing
evaluate their ideas and products against their
own design criteria and consider the views of
others to improve their work
 understand and apply the principles
of a healthy and varied diet
 prepare and cook a variety of
predominantly savoury dishes
using a range of cooking techniques
Understand seasonality, and know
where and how a variety of
ingredients are grown, reared,
caught and processed.
 apply their understanding of how to
strengthen, stiffen and reinforce more
complex structures
select from and use a wider range of materials
and components, including construction
materials, textiles and ingredients, according to
their functional properties and aesthetic
 understand and use mechanical
systems in their products [for example,
gears, pulleys, cams, levers and
 select from and use a wider range of
tools and equipment to perform
practical tasks [for example, cutting,
shaping, joining and finishing],
E Safety
Using Scratch
Handling Data
Use technology safely, respectfully and
responsibly; recognise
acceptable/unacceptable behaviour;
identify a range of ways to report
concerns about content and contact.
Design, write and debug programs that
accomplish specific goals, including
controlling or simulating physical systems;
solve problems by decomposing them into
smaller parts.
Understand computer networks including the
internet; how they can provide multiple services,
such as the world wide web; and the
opportunities they offer for communication and
Select, use and combine a variety of
software (including internet services) on
a range of digital devices to design and
create a range of programs, systems and
content that accomplish given goals,
including collecting, analysing,
evaluating and presenting data and
(links to branching databases in Science
classification topic)
Olympics 2016
Brazillian Bossa Nova/ Samba-
Year 4 LT Plan 2014-15 G:\COMMON\Allerton CE\Curriculum\Planning formats
Comparing and contrasting musical mood within Gladiator soundtrack.
Understanding sound creation pitch and timbre – sound science link.
Composing own “battle theme”
Comparison of music from different countries around the world.
Understanding of different instruments, dynamics, pitch, tempo and rhythm.
‘Horrible Histories’.
Weekly values
provision –
possible focus
Create a samba band
Listening and appreciation.
Live and recorded music from different traditions around the world
Viking saga stories songs
Analysing creating and performing in ensembles to represent different countries
Viking mythology songs developing rhythm and pitch understanding,
Using instruments to create emotion
Controlling voice with dynamics and tempo
Rhythmic and pitch notation
La Jolie Ronde Scheme of work
Drug Education
SEAL: 1. New Beginnings
Smoking and alcohol. (linked to Health
2. Getting on and falling out
SEAL: 4. Going for Goals
SEAL: 5. Good to be me
SEAL: 6. Relationships
SEAL: 7. Changes
Developing economic wellbeing
Invasion games
Striking and fielding games
Net games
(Anti Bullying week in November)
Roman battle
Oral storytelling of Viking myths
Nature trail
Create a Viking camp
Outdoor collage
Develop area behind ¾ classroom to encourage mini beast habitats (Link to D.T.)
Year 4 LT Plan 2014-15 G:\COMMON\Allerton CE\Curriculum\Planning formats