BRANCH DETAILS: QUARTZ HEALTHCARE LTD SUITE 309A WELLINGTON HOUSE 90-92 BUTT ROAD COLCHESTER ESSEX CO3 3DA ATTACH STAFF PHOTO POSITION APPLIED FOR: TITLE (Mr / Mrs / Miss etc): FORENAMES: SURNAME: PREVIOUS SURNAME: NATIONALITY: DATE OF BIRTH: FULL ADDRESS: HOME TELEPHONE NUMBER: POSTCODE: MOBILE NUMBER: EMAIL ADDRESS: NATIONAL INSURANCE NUMBER: DO YOU HOLD A CURRENT FULL DRIVING LICENSE? DO YOU HAVE ACCESS TO A CAR? (mark as applicable) (mark as applicable) YES NO YES NO NEXT OF KIN (TO BE CONTACTED IN CASE OF EMERGENCY): FULL NAME: RELATIONSHIP TO YOU: FULL ADDRESS: POSTCODE: MOBILE NUMBER: HOME TELEPHONE NUMBER: TYPE OF WORK DESIRED: (mark as applicable) FULL TIME NHS PART TIME NURSING HOMES DAYS RESIDENTIAL HOMES GEOGRAPHICAL AREAS YOU CAN WORK: NIGHTS WEEKENDS LEARNING DISABILITIES ANY MENTAL HEALTH DATE YOU CAN COMMENCE WORK: EXPLAIN HOW YOU HEARD ABOUT QUARTZ HEALTHCARE (Web / advert / referral etc): Page 1 Property of Quartz Healthcare Ltd EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: PLEASE LIST ALL POSITIONS HELD SINCE LEAVING SCHOOL. START WITH YOUR CURRENT / MOST RECENT WORKPLACE. IF THERE HAVE BEEN ANY TIMES THAT YOU HAVE NOT BEEN IN EMPLOYMENT, PLEASE LIST THE DATES AND EXPLAIN WHY YOU WERE NOT IN WORK (bringing up family / extra studies etc). PLEASE USE A CONTINUATION PIECE OF PAPER IF NECESSARY, AND INCLUDE YOUR CV. NAME & ADDRESS OF POSITION HELD DATE FROM DATE TO REASON FOR LEAVING EMPLOYER Page 2 Property of Quartz Healthcare Ltd EXPERIENCE QUESTIONNAIRE: TO ENABLE QUARTZ HEALTHCARE TO ASSESS YOUR SKILL SET LEVELS, PLEASE PLACE AN “X” IN THE BOXES THAT YOU HAVE HAD EXPERIENCE IN. Experience working in Hospitals Shaving Nursing / Residential Homes Care of hair E.M.I. Units Care of bladder and bowels Experience working in Learning Disabilities services Use of bed pan / commode Experience working in Mental Health services Emptying Catheter Bag Experience working in Childrens Residential services Moving & Handling Service Users Experience working with children with Learning Disabilities Use of walking aids Experience working in Youth Offending services Use of hoists Experience caring for the terminally ill Obtaining specimens Experience caring for those with Physical Disabilities Feeding Service Users Experience of Spinal Injury care Pressure Area care Experience of Acquired Brain Injury care Recording / Care of Medications Experience of Stroke Patient care Observing / Recording / Reporting changes in Service Users Experience of caring for those with a degenerative conditions Simple dressings Experience of taking and recording General Observations Occupational Therapy (including sports and play) Experience working with Drug / Alcohol dependency Bed making Experience working in a Clinic or community based Practice Changing a bed with Service User upon it Bath / Shower / Strip wash Light housework & washing of Service Users laundry Use of Bath Aids Shopping / Collection of Service Users Pension Mouth Care (including Denture Care) Peg Feeding Care of feet (excluding toe nails) Stoma Care Care of feet (including toe nails Experience in Milk Kitchens / Bottle feeding Dressing / Undressing Service Users Assisting in Last Offices Bed bath Please list any other fields you have working experience in that is not noted in the above table: TRAINING: PLEASE LIST THE DATES THAT YOU MOST RECENTLY UNDERTOOK TRAINING IN THE COURSES LISTED BELOW, AND PROVIDE THE ASSOCIATED CERTIFICATE AT INTERVIEW STAGE. TRAINING COURSE DATE OF LAST TRAINING TRAINING COURSE DATE OF LAST TRAINING MOVING & HANDLING OF CLIENTS ADMINISTRATION AND CARE OF MEDICATION FIRE SAFETY SAFEGUARDING OF VULNERANBLE ADULTS HEALTH & SAFETY (1974/1999 ACTS CHILD PROTECTION INCLUDING COSHH/ RIDDOR) INFECTION CONTROL PHYSICAL INTERVENTION AND BREAKAWAY TECHNIQUES VENEPUNCTURE UNDERSTANDING AUTISM EMERGENCIES IN FIRST AID AND CPR UNDERSTANDING MENTAL HEALTH FOOD HYGIENE RESUCITATION OF THE NEWBORN PLEASE LIST, AND PROVIDE DATES, OF ANY OTHER TRAINING YOU HAVE RECEIVED THAT IS NOT NOTED IN THE ABOVE TABLE: Page 3 Property of Quartz Healthcare Ltd RECORD OF IMMUNISATIONS: PLEASE SUPPLY QUARTZ HEALTHCARE WITH A LAB REPORT FROM YOUR GP / MEDICAL CENTRE CONFIRMING YOUR CURRENT STATE OF IMMUNISATIONS. IMMUNISATION YES NO DATE / RESULT MEASLES DISCLAIMER: I have / have not had measles SIGNED: DATED: VARICELLA DISCLAIMER (Chicken Pox / Shingles): I confirm that I have suffered from this virus / disease HEPATITIS B (including Titre Levels) SIGNED: DATED: 1/ 2/ 3/ ANTIBODIES IMMUNO-DEFICIENCY DISORDERS (including HIV) HEPATITIS C - ANTIBODIES TUBERCULOSIS BCG / SCAR TETANUS POLIOMYLITIS RUBELLA (German Measles) PLEASE NOTE: I am aware that I take full responsibility for accepting work with Quartz Healthcare before completing my full course of inoculations against Hepatitis B. I have been advised, and am aware, that these inoculations should be completed. However, I understand that not all work assignments offered by Quartz Healthcare depend on this. SIGNED: DATED: PLEASE NOTE: I agree to be “Health Screened”, or to obtain a “Certificate Of Fitness”, from my GP or an Occupational Health Service if required. SIGNED: DATED: NAME OF YOUR G.P.: ADDRESS OF YOUR G.P.: TELEPHONE NUMBER OF YOUR G.P.: SIGNED: DATED: HAVE YOU BEEN OUTSIDE THE UK IN THE PAST 2 YEARS? IF SO, PLEASE SUPPLY DETAILS BELOW: COUNTRY VISITED DATE OF TRAVEL & LENGTH OF STAY INOCULATIONS REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS & REGISTRATION (QUALIFIED NURSES ONLY): UNION MEMBERSHIP (RCN, Unison, etc): MEMBERSHIP NUMBER & EXPIRY DATE: NMC PIN NUMBER: RENEWAL DATE: PLEASE PROVIDE DETAILS OF YOUR FURTHER EDUCATION / TRAINING: NAME OF ESTABLISHMENT: DATE OF ATTENDANCE: FROM: TO: QUALIFICATIONS GAINED (Please provide Certificates to evidence): Page 4 Property of Quartz Healthcare Ltd REFERENCES: PLEASE PROVIDE DETAILS OF 2 PROFESSIONAL REFEREE’S, ONE OF WHICH MUST BE YOUR CURRENT/MOST RECENT EMPLOYER. THESE REFEREE’S MUST HOLD A MORE SENIOR POSITION TO YOURSELF, AND BE ABLE TO PROVIDE A CREDIBLE COMMENT ON YOUR ABILITIES TO UNDERTAKE THE DUTIES OF THE POST FOR WHICH YOU ARE APPLYING TO. REFERENCE 1 - HOME ADDRESS OF REFEREE IS NOT ACCEPTABLE NAME: POSITION: NAME OF ESTABLISHMENT: ADDRESS: POSTCODE: TELEPHONE NUMBER: FAX NUMBER: EMAIL ADDRESS: HOW LONG HAS THIS PERSON BEEN KNOWN TO YOU IN A PROFESSIONAL/WORKING CONTEXT? REFERENCE 2 – HOME ADDRESS OF REFEREE IS NOT ACCEPTABLE NAME: POSITION: NAME OF ESTABLISHMENT: ADDRESS: POSTCODE: TELEPHONE NUMBER: FAX NUMBER: EMAIL ADDRESS: HOW LONG HAS THIS PERSON BEEN KNOWN TO YOU IN A PROFESSIONAL/WORKING CONTEXT? REHABILITATION OF OFFENDERS ACT 1974 AND CRIMINAL RECORDS: By virtue of the Rehabilitation Of Offenders Act 1974 (exemptions/amendments) order 1986, the provisions of section 4.2 of the Rehabilitation Of Offenders Act 1974 DO NOT APPLY to any employment which is concerned with the provision of Health Services and which, is such, a kind to enable the holder to have access to persons in receipt of such services in the course of his/her duties. You are required, therefore, to list all offences on a separate sheet, even if you believe them to be “spent” or “out of date” for any other reason. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN CONVICTED OF A CRIMINAL OFFENCE? (please mark as applicable) YES NO HAVE YOU EVER BEEN CAUTIONED OR ISSUED WITH A FORMAL WARNING FOR ANY CRIMINAL OFFENCE? YES NO PLEASE NOTE: If you answered “YES” to either of the above, please attach details, including dates, on a separate sheet. You understand that CRB is responsible for checking Criminal Records. Clients within the Healthcare Sector insist on Agencies making informed recruitment decisions, which include Criminal Record checks to be carried out on staff annually. It is a condition of this application that a CRB is applied for. SIGNATURE: PRINT NAME: DATE: WORKING TIME DIRECTIVE: The European Union has guidelines for all workers, governing the length of the maximum working week that it is safe to work. The current limit is 48 hours per week. As you under no obligation to accept any work being offered, you will never be compelled to do more than 48 hours a week, but you may choose to do so. Please sign here to confirm that you have read and understood this information. SIGNATURE: PRINT NAME: DATE: DATA PROTECTION ACT 1988 & INSPECTION: You understand that Quartz Healthcare will hold personal information on staff. From time to time we may be required to release elements of this information about you when placing you in work. Please be assured that we shall only declare details that are necessary. If you have any concerns about this, please contact your Branch Manager. SIGNATURE: PRINT NAME: DATE: DECLARATION REGARDING INVESTIGATION / SUSPENSION: I agree to inform Quartz Healthcare if, at any time whilst registered with them, I am suspended of duties by another organisation. SIGNATURE: PRINT NAME: DATE: DECLARATION: The information provided in this application form is true and correct, to the best of my knowledge, in all aspects. I understand that if I knowingly give false information, I will be disqualified from registration with Quartz Healthcare. I also agree to keep Quartz healthcare informed of any changes in my circumstances, and information provided herein. SIGNATURE: PRINT NAME: DATE: Page 5 Property of Quartz Healthcare