District Superintendents

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For District Superintendents and Pastors
The District Camp Task Force created by the Oklahoma Conference Camp Trustees has spent
considerable time discussing the purpose, uniqueness, best qualities, and future of district
We (The District Camp Task Force) have developed a model for district camp within the newly
aligned districts that we believe will best serve the needs of churches and future Christians.
However, we realize that summer of 2016 will be a trial year. We hope that after the first year
evaluations come in, we will have a better idea of steps we need to take to insure the best
future for district camps.
First, we value the connectional ministry of District camp and hope to preserve the very best
practices while at the same time being practical about the larger geography and proximity to
our camps.
Additionally, given the larger geographical areas of each new district, we recognize that many
churches will find themselves close to one camp, but in a district that selects a farther UMC site.
We wish to provide choice for churches, but assist districts in building camp ministry capacity
and new leadership structures as they feel it is most appropriate.
With this in mind, we suggest moving to an inter-district (building bridges between districts)
approach to camp. Within this new regional camp model, each district will have the ability to
reach out to and promote their camp to other districts in their region. We suggest having a
core group of leaders from each district represented.
At a conference level, all new regional camps will be promoted. As a result, churches will
receive information about multiple camp options. Churches will have options as to which date,
campground, and drive works best for their campers and leaders. Rather than requiring certain
churches to attend a certain camp based on their district this would enable variety for each
church, and a connectional system that crosses district lines.
In order for this model to work, leadership will need to come from the districts. This model
focuses on 1) the success of United Methodist camps in general as opposed to the success of a
particular camp, 2) creating a powerful camping events, and 3) the attraction of the
campgrounds themselves.
What we need from the cabinet in order for this model to work:
 Each District Superintendent will need to name leadership for each regional camp.
The leadership named would be contacted by the District Superintendent to form a
dean/design team.
 Permission for churches to work with other churches across district lines.
 Promote regional camps to pastors and churches. Many of current clergy and church
staff felt their call to ministry at camp. This is a perfect opportunity for the cabinet to
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encourage future generations of ministry leaders to grow with the help of churches and
pastors who might need a push in the camping direction.
Instruct your design team to come up with a regional camp name that is unique and
inclusive to the leadership involved. For example, CLEW (Clinton, Lawton, Enid,
Woodward Districts) might change to CLUE based on the identity of that particular area.
This new model is not a drastic change from previous years but we hope it is a move in the right
direction. We believe this to be a positive change and an opportunity to remind ourselves what
we are about as Christians.
Note for District Superintendents
The following pages are resources to help you find ways to promote regional
camps to your district. Feel free to share any and all of this with your districts.
Copy and paste as you choose.
Index of Resources
Letter to Camp Leaders/Deans/Design Team
A simple way to help inform your regional camp leaders of the changes that are coming.
Letter to Youth
With even more simplified language—however, youth leaders are encouraged to know more if
they like.
List of Regional Camp Dates for 2016
Requires some work by a few of the districts.
Promotional Example
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For Camp Leaders
What does District Camp look like for Summer 2016?
(LEFT IMAGE: previous district map, RIGHT IMAGE: current district map as of June 2015)
You may have heard that the districts in Oklahoma are changing. This is a great time for a new
way to think about District Camp. This new model isn’t all that different from previous years
but will allow growth, flexibility and partnership opportunities!
In 2016, we (The District Camp Task Force) suggest that each district provide a camp.
What if my District cannot offer a camp? Or my District has good relationships with other
Districts…can we work together? Yes, we’re connectional and should work together across
District lines! Districts can work together. We suggest that the districts involved have
leadership on the design team but it is not required and may not be possible in all cases. Each
District can promote their camp to any District.
These new Districts are huge…what if driving distance is a problem? One District may want to
offer leadership to work with multiple District camps. Depending on where you live in your
District you may be drawn to a particular camp ground. Let your District Superintendent know
you would like to work with that District.
What if there are campers/leaders that can’t make it to a particular camp because of dates or
driving distance? You can attend District camp on any date and at any camp ground you
prefer. Churches will have options as to which date, campground, and drive works best for
their campers and leaders. Work out the details with your local church.
What will the name of the new District camps be? We suggest changing the name of District
camps to reflect the connectional opportunities. We suggest each inter-district/regional camp
design team come up with a camp name that is unique and inclusive to the leadership involved.
What happens after 2016? We (The District Camp Task Force) believe this new Regional Camp
model will best serve the needs of churches and future Christians. However, summer of 2016
will be a trial year. After the first year evaluations come in, we will have a better idea of steps
we need to take to insure the best future for district camps.
How can I get involved? If you would like to help in this process of deciding what your districts
camp will look like, speak with your District Superintendent.
We believe this to be a positive change and an opportunity to remind ourselves what we are
about as Christians!
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For Youth
What does District Camp look like for Summer 2016?
(LEFT IMAGE: previous district map, RIGHT IMAGE: current district map as of June 2015)
You may have heard that the districts in Oklahoma are changing.
Yes I have…or no I haven’t…how does this affect me anyway?
It means you will have multiple District camps to choose from. With involvement from your
local church and parental permission, you can attend any District camp, on any date at any
campground you choose.
How do I find out about what camps are offered?
Your church should begin to receive information from District camps Spring 2016. If there’s a
camp you’d like to attend that your church didn’t receive information about check
www.okumc.org/camps for the full list of District camps.
District Camps will temporarily be known as Regional Camps until each camp
establishes a name of its own.
How can I get involved?
If you would like to help in this process of deciding what Regional Camps your church can
attend, speak with your pastor(s) or District Superintendent. You are not the future of the
church…you are the TODAY of the church and your voice matters!
An example of what you’re regional camps promotional material might look like:
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Led in cooperation by leaders from the Wichitas and Cimmaron Districts
Dates: Jr Hi—June 6-10 / Sr Hi—July 25-29
Location: Canyon Camp—includes a ropes course, hiking,
Frisbee golf, swimming, volleyball, and more!
Cost: ???
Description: Incorporating small groups, worship, intentional
prayer, team-building, bible study, fun, fellowship, and food:
this summer you will come to understand that no matter who
you are you matter to God and the church as you grow in
relationship with God and others from different faith
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Summer 2016 Regional Camp Schedule
Cimarron/Wichita Districts Design Team1
Location: Canyon
o Junior High: June 6-June 10
o Senior High: July 25-July 29
Northern Prairie/Council Oaks Districts Design Team1
Location: Egan
o July 13-17
Heartland/Crossroads Districts Design Team1
Location: Canyon
Lake Country District Design Team1
Location: Crosspoint
Green Country District Design Team1
Location: Egan
o Junior High: June 6-June 10
o Senior High: June 20-24
Can be edited to add other Districts if leadership from other Districts is on the design team.