Year 5 Pentecost 1 Outcomes for Year 5 Pentecost Level 3 Make links between the beliefs expressed in the Jewish festival of Pentecost and the Christian story of Pentecost AT1i Using a developing religious vocabulary explain the meaning of the symbols used in the Pentecost story AT1ii Compare their own and other people’s ideas about “What the Holy Spirit is” AT2ii (Note depending on the depth of the answer this could also be a level 4 response ) Level 4 Describe and show understanding of different occasions in the Bible which talk about the Spirit of God. Make links between these events and Christian beliefs about the Holy spirit AT1i Show an understanding of the special features of the Liturgy on Pentecost Sunday AT1ii Show how the different aspects of the liturgy on Pentecost Sunday might help Christians believe that God is still with them.AT2ii (This could possibly be level 5 depending on how much detail and explanation they give) 2 Possible Additional Tasks for Year 5 Pentecost Engage a) Recall that on the day of Pentecost the disciples were gathered to celebrate a Jewish feast day. Explore this feast day. (If you go to and look on the section under Westminster you will find a PowerPoint called Shavu’ot power point which clearly explains the feast) L2 At i b) How is the meaning of this feast day connected to the meaning of Pentecost? (Some points you might take out of the Power Point: 50 days, is date is determined by Passover, our Pentecost date determined by Easter, it is about freedom. The freedom to love God by knowing the law, Pentecost is about being free to witness to Christ because God’s Spirit is within us helping us, in order to celebrate the feast you had to make an offering, we are asked to offer our lives in God’s service, the Jewish priests separated the wheat from the chaff transforming the offering so the Spirit transforms us changing what is ‘chaff’ in our lives, to complete the feast a lamb is sacrificed. Jesus’ death led to the coming of the Holy Spirit, Jesus is the Lamb of God) L3 At1i or possibly L4AT1i depending on depth c) Recall previous work on Pentecost. What Symbols for the Spirit are used in Acts Ch2 (Wind, Fire,) Now look up John’s Gospel Ch20 v19-23. What symbol is used here for the Spirit? (breath) L2At1i d) The Spirit of God is referred to many times in the Bible. Look up the following passages: Matthew Ch3 v16, John Ch3 v5-8, Genesis Ch2 v7. What images are used here? Do you know or can you find any more passages in the Bible where it refers to God’s Spirit? L2At1 Explore e) The references all use different images to talk about the Holy Spirit. Look at the power point on the Spirit then explain the meaning of some of the symbols used for the spirit. AT1 I & ii L3 or L4 depending on response (L4 At1i only) Express f) Design your own symbol for the Holy Spirit and explain your image. Compare your image to others and decide which you think is most effective AT2 ii L3 (note if at this stage they have not in year 4 3 looked at images of Pentecost you may want to look at that work now) g) Design a banner called ‘The Spirit at Work.’ Use all the different stories from the Bible that you know to try and create this banner. (Alternatively look at the words of the hymn by John Glynn Holy Spirit of Fire. Identify all the symbols of the Spirit and then try to write your own song about the work of the Spirit) This could be either a L3 or L4 task depending on response At1i &At2i h) Ask the pupils to find out when Pentecost Sunday is this year. Then use the PowerPoint on Pentecost Sunday to help the pupils answer the following questions. What symbols/images will be used during the mass? (vestments/colour/ the readings/bidding prayers/sequence prayer/ special prayers of the mass/hymns). Explain how these features help us understand the meaning of the Holy Spirit for Christians. At1ii (L3 &L4 depending on response) i) How would this liturgy strengthen the faith of Catholics that God is with us. At2 I & ii (L3 &L4 depending on response) 4 Holy Spirit of Fire by John Glynn Holy Spirit of fire, flame everlasting, so bright and clear, speak this day in our hearts. Lighten our darkness and purge us of fear, Holy Spirit of fire. The wind can blow or be still, or water be parched by the sun. A fire can die into dust: but here the eternal Spirit of God tells us a new world’s begun. Holy Spirit of love, strong are the faithful who trust your pow’r. Love who conquer our will, teach us the words of the gospel of peace, Holy Spirit of love. The wind can blow or be still, or water be parched by the sun. A fire can die into dust: but here the eternal Spirit of God tells us a new world’s begun. 5 Sequence Prayer used on Pentecost Sunday Holy Spirit, Lord of Light, From the clear celestial height. Thy pure beaming radiance give. Come, thou Father of the poor, Come, with treasures which endure; Come, thou Light of all that live! Thou, of all consolers best, Thou, the soul's delightful guest, Dost refreshing peace bestow. Thou in toil art comfort sweet; Pleasant coolness in the heat; Solace in the midst of woe. Light immortal, Light divine, Visit thou these hearts of thine, And our inmost being fill. If thou take thy grace away, Nothing pure in man will stay; All his good is turned to ill. Heal our wounds, our strength renew; On our dryness pour thy dew, Wash the stains of guilt away. Bend the stubborn heart and will; Melt the frozen, warm the chill; Guide the steps that go astray. Thou, on us who evermore Thee confess and thee adore, With thy sevenfold gifts descend. Give us comfort when we die; Give us life with thee on high; Give us joys that never end. Amen. Alleluia. 6