White Days: Intro to Industrial Technology Jan 24, 2014 STEM

White Days: Intro to Industrial Technology
Jan 24, 2014
STEM: Engineering Activity:
Mouse Trap Car,
Small Scale Bridge
Magnet Levitation
Design, construction and problem solving
DC Electronics soldering kit.
State Standards: ITE 4. 6: Construction technologies.
IE.2.2: Apply engineering systems to solve problems
IE.3.1 Design a product
Jan 28, 2014
STEM: Engineering Activity:
Mouse Trap Car,
Small Scale Bridge
Magnet Levitation
Design, construction and problem solving
DC Electronics soldering kit.
State Standards: ITE 4. 6: Construction technologies.
IE.2.2: Apply engineering systems to solve problems
IE.3.1 Design a product
Jan 30, 2014
STEM: Engineering Activity:
Mouse Trap Car,
Small Scale Bridge
Magnet Levitation
Design, construction and problem solving
DC Electronics soldering kit.
State Standards: ITE 4. 6: Construction technologies.
IE.2.2: Apply engineering systems to solve problems
IE.3.1 Design a product
Feb 3, 2014
STEM: Engineering Activity:
Mouse Trap Car,
Small Scale Bridge
Magnet Levitation
Design, construction and problem solving
DC Electronics soldering kit.
State Standards: ITE 4. 6: Construction technologies.
IE.2.2: Apply engineering systems to solve problems
IE.3.1 Design a product
Feb 5, 2014
STEM: Engineering Activity:
Mouse Trap Car,
Small Scale Bridge
Magnet Levitation
Design, construction and problem solving
State Standards: ITE 4. 6: Construction technologies.
IE.2.2: Apply engineering systems to solve problems
IE.3.1 Design a product
Feb 7, 2014
STEM: Engineering Activity:
Mouse Trap Car,
Small Scale Bridge
Magnet Levitation
Design, construction and problem solving
State Standards: ITE 4. 6: Construction technologies.
IE.2.2: Apply engineering systems to solve problems
IE.3.1 Design a product
Feb 11, 2014
STEM: Engineering Activity:
Rube Goldberg Machine:
Design, construction and problem solving
State Standards: ITE 4. 6: Construction technologies.
IE.2.2: Apply engineering systems to solve problems
IE.3.1 Design a product
Feb 13, 2014
STEM: Engineering Activity:
Rube Goldberg Machine:
Design, construction and problem solving
State Standards: ITE 4. 6: Construction technologies.
IE.2.2: Apply engineering systems to solve problems
IE.3.1 Design a product
Feb 18, 2014
STEM: Engineering Activity:
Rube Goldberg Machine:
Design, construction and problem solving
State Standards: ITE 4. 6: Construction technologies.
IE.2.2: Apply engineering systems to solve problems
IE.3.1 Design a product
Feb 20, 2014
STEM: Engineering Activity:
Rube Goldberg Machine:
Design, construction and problem solving
State Standards: ITE 4. 6: Construction technologies.
IE.2.2: Apply engineering systems to solve problems
IE.3.1 Design a product
Feb 24, 2014
STEM: Engineering Activity:
Rube Goldberg Machine Final Testing.
Magnet Levitation Vehicle Final Test
State Standards: ITE 4. 6: Construction technologies.
IE.2.2: Apply engineering systems to solve problems
IE.3.1 Design a product
Feb 26, 2014
Introduction to DC Electronics: Resistor Color Code, Lab 5 and Lab 6
Current Events Video:
State Standards: ITE4.2 Understanding energy and power technology.
ITE1.1 Examine the relationship between technology and other areas of study.
ITE3.2 Use innovations and troubleshooting methods to solve problems.
Feb 28, 2014
Current Events Video:
DC Electronics: Lab 7, Lab 8, Lab 9
State Standards: ITE4.2 Understanding energy and power technology.
ITE1.1 Examine the relationship between technology and other areas of study.
ITE3.2 Use innovations and troubleshooting methods to solve problems.
March 1, 2014
Current Event Video:
DC Electronics: Lab 11, Lab 12, Lab 15
State Standards: ITE4.2 Understanding energy and power technology.
ITE1.1 Examine the relationship between technology and other areas of study.
ITE3.2 Use innovations and troubleshooting methods to solve problems.
March 4, 2014
Current Event Video:
DC Electronics: Lab 11, Lab 12, Lab 15
State Standards: ITE4.2 Understanding energy and power technology.
ITE1.1 Examine the relationship between technology and other areas of study.
ITE3.2 Use innovations and troubleshooting methods to solve problems.
March 6, 2014
Current Event Video:
Electrical Quiz
DC Electronics: Lab of your choice
State Standards: ITE4.2 Understanding energy and power technology.
ITE1.1 Examine the relationship between technology and other areas of study.
ITE3.2 Use innovations and troubleshooting methods to solve problems.
March 10, 2014
Current Event Video:
DC Electronics: Lab of your choice
State Standards: ITE4.2 Understanding energy and power technology.
ITE1.1 Examine the relationship between technology and other areas of study.
ITE3.2 Use innovations and troubleshooting methods to solve problems.
March 12, 2014
Current Event Video:
STEM Activity: Paper Bridge or Paper Boat
ITE1.1 Examine the relationship between technology and other areas of study.
ITE3.2 Use innovations and troubleshooting methods to solve problems.
March 18, 2014
Current Event Video:
DC Electronics: Lab of your choice
Learn how to solder kits.
State Standards: ITE4.2 Understanding energy and power technology.
ITE1.1 Examine the relationship between technology and other areas of study.
ITE3.2 Use innovations and troubleshooting methods to solve problems.
March 20, 2014
Current Event Video:
DC Electronics: Lab of your choice
Learn how to solder kits.
State Standards: ITE4.2 Understanding energy and power technology.
ITE1.1 Examine the relationship between technology and other areas of study.
ITE3.2 Use innovations and troubleshooting methods to solve problems.
March 24, 2014
Current Event Video:
Drafting lettering style activity.
Drafting Tools overview and use.
How to center an Isometric Drawing activity.
First hand drafting activity.
AD1.3. Demonstrate drawing instruments and drafting techniques
TD2.2. Illustrate isometric and pictorial drawings
March 26, 2013
Sketch Activity.
Ortho to Isometric.
Fraction and math activity.
TD1.1. Define basic drafting tools and techniques used on technical
March 28, 2013
Sketch Activity.
Ortho to Isometric.
Fraction and math activity.
TD1.1. Define basic drafting tools and techniques used on technical