
9th Euroconference on Rock Physics and Geomechanics
Trondheim Norway
17-21 October 2011
Author11, Author22, Author33,...
1Affiliation1, 2Affiliation2, 3Affiliation3,...
Corresponding author’s e-mail: nn@??.??
The abstract should be 1-2 pages, preferably including one figure. Layout and fonts should be as in
this document. Indicate name of authors as e.g. L. Messi, and affiliation as e.g. Football University of
Barcelona, Spain. Colours may be used in figures, but please notice that the abstract may be reduced
to B5 format before being printed.
Before uploading your Abstract, remember to indicate your preferred format of presentation (Oral /
Poster / Indifferent), and select which of the topics numbered below that your abstract should sort
under (multiple choices are accepted).
1. Computational rock physics and geomechanics from pore to field scale
2. Laboratory measurements of rock mechanical and rock physical properties under in situ
3. Geomechanics and rock physics aspects of monitoring of subsurface processes
4. Physics and mechanics of near surface rock and soil
5. Physics and mechanics of rock at depth
6. Rock mechanical behaviour of shale and clay
7. Initiation, activation and propagation of fractures and faults
8. Rock burst and induced seismicity
Abstract submission deadline is 31 May. Notification of acceptance will be given by 10 July.
Approved abstracts will be printed in a booklet to be distributed at the conference. Full Papers are
invited after the conference, and we aim for publication in a peer-reviewed Journal or a Monograph.
References should be given in the text as Fjær et al (2008). See References (below) for how references
to books, journal articles and proceedings should be listed.
Fig.1 Figures should be inserted as Picture (Enhanced metafile).
Fjær, E., Holt, R.M., Horsrud, P., Raaen, A.M., and Risnes, R., 2008: Petroleum Related Rock Mechanics 2 nd edition,
Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Fjær, E., and Ruistuen, H., 2002: Impact of the intermediate principal stress on the strength of heterogeneous rock. J.
Geophys. Res., 107, 2032.
Fjær, E., Cerasi, P., Li., L., Papamichos, E., 2004: Modeling the rate of sand production. ATMA/NARMS 04-588, Gulf
Rocks 2004, Houston, June 5-9.