From: ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat No. 15 Jakarta Pusat, 10110 Indonesia Fax: +62 21 345 0918 Date: ______________ Dear Minister, I am deeply concerned to read that local authorities in Aceh province have recently torn down seven Christian churches, thus increasing religious tensions in the Aceh Singkil region. It seems that the government decision on October 12 to close ten churches resulted from demands by members of a group called the Pemuda Peduli Islam. I feel that by giving in to the demands of this group your government is in clear violation of the internationally recognized right of every person to practice his or her religion. For this reason I am writing to - urge your government and the relevant authorities to halt the destruction of places of worship in Aceh Singkil immediately; - call upon you to order thorough, independent and impartial investigations into the attacks in Aceh Singkil and bring those responsible to justice in accordance with international fair trial standards; - ask you to ensure that all religious minorities are able to practice their faith free from fear of intimidation and attack; - request a review or repeal of national and local laws that discriminate against religious minorities or otherwise violate their right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. Please take immediate steps to implement these requests and end all discrimination against religious minorities in your country. Thank you. Yours very sincerely, Copies to: - Safriadi Manik, Regional Head of Aceh Singkil, Indonesia. - Ambassade de la République d'Indonésie, Berne, Switzerland. From: ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Head of National Police Badrodin Haiti Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia Jl. Trunojoyo No.3 Jakarta, 12110 Indonesia Fax: +62 21 721 8741 Date: ______________ Dear General, I am deeply concerned to read that local authorities in Aceh province have recently torn down seven Christian churches, thus increasing religious tensions in the Aceh Singkil region. It seems that the government decision on October 12 to close ten churches resulted from demands by members of a group called the Pemuda Peduli Islam. I feel that by giving in to the demands of this group your government is in clear violation of the internationally recognized right of every person to practice his or her religion. For this reason I am writing to - urge your government and the relevant authorities to halt the destruction of places of worship in Aceh Singkil immediately; - call upon you to order thorough, independent and impartial investigations into the attacks in Aceh Singkil and bring those responsible to justice in accordance with international fair trial standards; - ask you to ensure that all religious minorities are able to practice their faith free from fear of intimidation and attack; - request a review or repeal of national and local laws that discriminate against religious minorities or otherwise violate their right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. Please take immediate steps to implement these requests and end all discrimination against religious minorities in your country. Thank you. Yours very sincerely, Copies to: - Safriadi Manik, Regional Head of Aceh Singkil, Indonesia. - Ambassade de la République d'Indonésie, Berne, Switzerland.