September 2015

Faculty Athletics Committee Meeting
2015 - 2016 Committee Members
Bill Feighery
Alison Stankrauff
JR Shrader
Josh Wells
Bruce Watson
Sharon Jones
Present at September 4th Meeting:
Steve Bruce, Bill Feighery, Alison Stankrauff, JR Shrader, Bruce Watson.
The Athletics Committee shall:
1. Serve in an advisory role concerning the annual athletic budget, both intramural and
intercollegiate, and supportive activities.
2. Establish guidelines concerning schedules for intercollegiate athletics and monitor
3. Establish eligibility requirements for participation in intercollegiate athletics and monitor
4. Approve participation in new intercollegiate athletic activities with the consent of the Senate.
5. Approve participation in post-season activities.
6. Propose, for the approval of the Senate, membership in athletic conferences.
7. In cooperation with the Scholarship Office, determine policies concerning allocation of athletic
grants when available, in accordance with conference policies.
8. Make personnel recommendations in the athletic area to the Vice Chancellor for Student
Affairs and Enrollment Management.
Constitution of the Academic Senate Article VIII, Section 2
A Year’s Difference
 3 sports & 42 student/athletes
 7 sports & 119 student/athletes
20 living in student housing
57 living in student housing
* Alison Stankrauff agreed to be the Faculty Athletics Committee Chair.
1. The introduction of softball and JV Volleyball in 2016-17
Why these two sports?
 No athletic scholarships
 Part time coaches
 Title IX requirements
Requires a mix of numbers of players *and* teams to be equal between women and
 25-30 new student/athletes
o Softball
o JV Volleyball
 Volleyball team established. Just add to roster size & play JV schedule
 Softball & soccer were the two sports in consideration
o Softball unanimously is the favored sport in our area
The reason for this is because of research that Coach Bruce has done on
which sports are predominate in area schools and could thus feed into IUSB’s
***Playing site for softball TBD
o Memorial Park
The city of South Bend is willing to sell the Park to IUSB for the price of $1.00.
2. Thoughts & discussion on a conflict with the baseball student/athletes & finals week.
 2016 spring final exams run Friday April 29-Thursday May 5
 Baseball plays doubleheader on April 29 and single game on April 30
Some key points discussed:
* Scholarships going forward – Athletics is hoping to secure 15 awards that would allow instate
+ 40% tuition to distribute amongst the teams, with a 2.75 grade point average stipulation. We
believe this will strengthen out of state recruiting without sacrificing the integrity of our
emphasis on academics. This is currently under consideration.
* No scholarship monies were needed for the Baseball athletes. This *may* be the model going
forward; this is under consideration currently.
* Additions to the Athletics program are ultimately good for the campus. Student athletes are
high-achieving students, team sports add greatly to moving IUSB away from being a commuter
campus, create campus cohesion.
Meeting adjourned at 9:55 a.m.
Next Meeting:
Friday, October 30th at the Student Athletic Center’s Conference Room from 9:00 a.m. to
10:00 a.m.