Date - HumanitarianResponse

South eastern region Humanitarian Regional Team (HRT ) meeting
Minutes of Meeting – 10 November 2014
Mr. Saddiqi
Dr. Bismillah Enayat
Eng. Matin Abid
Mr. Hayatullah
Mr. Salahuddin kamran
CARE International
Dr. Ihsanullah
Dr. Walayat Khan
Dr. Ashiqullah
Abdul Qayum
Dr. Abdul Mateen Sahak
Kamran Saeed
Mr. Zainullah Mandozai
Dr. Ahmed Javed
Agenda Item and Discussion
Action Point
Status of Action Point
Minutes of last meeting reviewed and approved.
Coordination Saves Lives
The mission of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is to mobilize and coordinate effective and principled humanitarian action in partnership with national and
international actors.
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Winterization planning
OCHA gave presentation on winter snap shot and planned winter assistance. Ocha
mentioned that though on a snap shot SE region apart from some areas of Paktya are
not reflected as harsh as central part of Afghanistan but still SE region has been
prioritized for NFI and FI needs due to influx of NWA refugees in Khost and Paktika.
UNHCR mentioned that 1000 NFI packages has been approved for Paktya province
these packages will distributed to 500 IDP families and 500 to EVI and PSN (people with
special need). The packages are ready and will soon be dispatched to Paktya, UNHCR
is waiting for WFP food response since an MoU that was signed with WFP mention that
families assisted by UNHCR will also receive assistance from WFP and the distribution
will be joint and will be implemented by DoRR.
UNHCR also highlighted that a winterization for around 7,000 families is under
discussion for NWA refugees in Paktika and Khost. Families that will be selected are
ones whom are registered with UNHCR, IRC and WFP. WFP had agreed to support
NWA refugees for three months ration and hopefully they will be covered in terms of
need. But still UNHCR mentioned that the plan is ongoing and they will be able to have
better picture after coming coordination meeting for NWA refugees that will be held in
UNICEF mentioned that around 805 kitchen kits are available in Paktya province and in
recent DMC it was recommended that these stocks should be used for winter assistance
for EVI families in Paktya. UNICEF had joint meeting with OCHA and ANDMA where it
was agreed upon that 500 of these kits will be distributed to IDP families along with
UNHCR winter assistance and rest of these kits will be distributed by ANDMA. ANDMA
have food ration for winter for 500 families and among them 305 families will receive
additional package of kitchen kits. UNICEF further added that they have 27 bundles
(each having 30 to 40 blankets) and winter cloth for 400 under five children that are
stocked in RRD here in Gardez and these items can also be used for winter assistance.
UNICEF central office has approved winter package for 2000 NWA refugee families
living in Paktika and Khost, detail of these packages have not yet shared and once
shared they will be able to provide detail on the package.
IOM mentioned that their office do not have any special package for winter. However in
case of need HAP IOM are ready to deliver assistance to families according to HAP
response criteria. Currently IOM HAP have 389 NFI kits stocked in Gardez that can be
used in case of emergency.
-UNHCR to update partners
on NWA assessments and
winter assistance plan for
Khost and Paktika
UNHCR to inform partners on
updates regarding
winterization assistance in
-UNICEF to share with
partners on detail contents of
winter package.
- IOM to share updates on
their CBRR project and winter
response for undocumented
Afghans in Khost and Paktika
-OCHA to held joint meeting
between ANDMA and IRC to
discuss needs and if possible
to use IRC NFI for winter, IRC
to raise this issue at central
-ACTD and HNI to share
stock request with partners
and update on delivery.
-WHO to share with all
partners on prospect of winter
assistance stocks for SE
-ASR to update partners on
WFP FI winterization plan
- OCHA to draft risk register
for next quarter and to share
this with partners for
- All partners to provide
feedback by set deadline on
indicators, case loads related
to their organization area of
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
Coordination Saves Lives |
OCHA to share winter
snap shot for
Document Title
IOM have also registered 900 undocumented afghan families in Khost and 48 in Paktika
that were displaced along with NWA refugees, IOM started CBRR (Cross boarder
returnees and refugees) and were able to assist these families with NFI along with WFP
FI support and health partners health coverage. Recently they conducted survey of 5
percent affected families and found that most of these families would like to go their
native province since most of them are from northern areas of Afghanistan. IOM have
no specific plan for winter assistance for these families however concerns has been
raised at central level and IOM HQ is reviewing CBRR project in December. If any
winter assistance planned it will be shared with partners.
IRC mentioned that they are planning winter assistance for NWA refugees in Khost but
the program details are only available with IRC Khost, for Paktya they have 300 winter
NFI packages that can be used in case of emergency, OCHA and pall partners
mentioned that it would be good if IRC can provide this assistance as mitigation
measure since PDMC/ANDMA has raised concern on not enough stocks in Gardez and
they have shared their contingency plan with Kabul which reflects around 5000 families
in need for NFI and FI. IRC mentioned that if there is need they will definitely support to
cover gap.
CARE office has no winterization plan for Paktya.
ACTD and HNI mentioned that they have dispatched all necessary items such as fuel
and medicine packages to all 45 health facilities in Paktya. Still if there is additional need
they will be able to provide support, they have also requested WHO for provision of
pneumonia and ARI kits and approval is pending. The only concern that they are facing
is providing support to four clinics in Paktya as during winter season roads are blocked
to that clinic, that clinics have received winter supply but still their offices are thinking to
provide additional support before winter such medicine and fuel for clinic.
ASR/WFP mentioned that they have currently 47 Mt food for 471 families stocked in
gardez. They have submitted request on winterization assistance to WFO office in Kabul
which is pending. It is not yet clear whether WFP will provide support in winter or not.
Polio Vaccination
UNICEF briefed participants that recently four Polio cases were confirmed in SE region three of them
were positive among NWA refugees children and one in Afghan child in Giro district of Ghazni. UNICEF
mentioned that around 120 children of NWA refugees were not allowed by their families to take
vaccine and in future they fear that there might be positive cases in this group. Oct round of SIA was
successfully conducted 26-28 oct while three successive SIAs are planned in SER, the recent one started
from 9th Nov, future two rounds will be 16-18th Nov and 23-25th Nov. WHO is providing technical
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
Coordination Saves Lives |
Document Title
support and building capacity of staff while UNICEF provides operation support. Total operation cost to
be paid by UNICEF for mentioned three rounds of Nov month is approximately 247,000 USD in SER
Risk register
Previous quarter risk register was reviewed, drawbacks identified all partners took
active part in discussion.
Priorities for next quarter were calculated and key risks were identified. OCHA will draft
the document for final comments
ACTD mentioned that concern raised by OCHA during their monitoring visit to CHF site in Sayed
karam was relayed to ACTD office in Kabul. Most issues related to supplies and training has
been addressed and they have received support during last week from their office in Kabul.
HNI and ACTD raised concern on limited supplies available in Paktya for nutrition OTP support
and this issue was raised to UNICEF during this meeting.
UNHCR mentioned that they were very busy during last few months but they are hoping to hold
protection cluster meeting soon in Gardez
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
Coordination Saves Lives |