This week’s Mass Schedule Tuesday – 9:00am Mass- St. Mary’s Wednesday – 9:00am Mass- St. Mary’s Thursday – 9:00am Mass- St. Mary’s WEEKEND LITURGIES: Saturday – 5:00 pm - St. Mary’s Sunday – 8:30 am- St. Mary’s Sunday – 11:00 am - St. Joseph’s RITE OF RECONCILIATION: Saturdays -- St. Mary’s @ 3:45 - 4:30 pm Mass Intentions: Saturday, Sept 15th Sunday, Sept 16th Sunday, Sept 16th 5pm 8:30am 11am Tues, Sept 18th 9am Wed, Sept 19th 9am Thurs, Sept 20th 9am Saturday, Sept 22nd 5pm Sunday, Sept 23rd 8:30am rd Sunday, Sept 23 11am Sandy Barbara Soares by George Tristao Community of the Parish Marian Woods by Leo & Sandy Block Jessie Wright by Stan & Cheri Rogers Floyd Potter by Caroline Davis Ben & Michelle Meyer by Jay & Colleen Meyer Albert Larghi Sr. by Anne Larghi Community of the Parish Carl Bartz Jr. by Leo & Block PRAYER GROUP MEETINGS STAR OF PILGRIMS CENACLE GROUP Meets Monday’s at 7:00pm – St. Mary’s. For more information Call Mary Vandehey @ 777-2227 Servants of the Holy Spirit Charismatic Prayer Group Meets Thursday @ 4:00pm-- St. Mary’s. For more Information Call Barb Woltanski @ 642-3123 HOLY COMMUNION TO THE HOMEBOUND Wednesday’s & Friday’s Mary Vandehey, Coordinator @ 777-2227 SATURDAY (FOLK GROUP) CHOIR PRACTICE Please call Barb for schedule Barb Woltanski, Director @ 642-3123 SUNDAY CHOIR PRACTICE Wednesday’s at 4:00pm—St. Mary’s John Winthrop, Director @ 777-5329 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS nd Meet on the 2 Wednesday each month at the Parish Family Center. Rosary at 6:45pm Meeting @ 7:00pm Contact Russ Hanni @ 360-0897 ST. MARY’S MISSION PARISH- STEVENSVILLE ST. JOSEPH’S MISSION – FLORENCE CHRISTIAN INITIATION ADULTS seeking Baptism: Please call the parish office for further information regarding the needs and questions for each inquiring person. BAPTIZED ADULTS from another Christian tradition who wish to consider full communion with the Roman Catholic Church: Call the parish office for information. PARENTS who seek Baptism for a newborn baby or an older child please call the parish office for Preparation Process. CONFIRMATION- FIRST COMMUNION RECONCILIATION: Preparation process offered, please call the parish office. ~ SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE ~ Please contact parish office at least six to eight months prior to the expected date of the wedding. Preparation process is designed to support the couples love for one another and to assist in the formation of a stronger bond needed to live the commitment and covenant of Sacramental marriage. Please call the office to make an appointment with Fr. Huber. ~ SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION ~ Individual Rite, Saturday, 3:45-4:30pm at St. Mary’s Mission Parish. Sacrament is celebrated in the reconciliation chapel in the front of the church. Communal Celebration during Advent and Lent ~ SACRAMENT OF THE SICK ~ Celebrated at the time of sickness, mental stress, and prior to surgery and / or hospitalization. The sacrament can also be celebrated periodically during an extended illness. The sacrament is celebrated with family, friends, and/ or parishioners present; or with the parish community at daily Mass or when necessary at Sunday Mass. CONTACT PARISH OFFICE TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS. ALWAYS CALL THE PARISH PRIOR TO HOSPITALIZATION OR SURGERY. If a hospital or care center visit is desired, please notify the parish office upon admittance. ~ SACRAMENT OF THE DYING ~ HOLY VIATICUM: FOOD FOR THE JOURNEY The Last Rite of the Church for the dying is Holy Communion. When death already occurs the Prayers for the Dead are prayed. Always remember to be in dialogue with the parish as soon as possible. Prior to making any funeral arrangements please be in dialogue with the parish. When cremation is chosen, it ordinarily follows the funeral mass. Position Open For Diocese Development Director The Roman Catholic Diocese of Helena is currently seeking a Development Director. The Development Director spearheads the major fundraising and outreach efforts for the Diocese of Helena and facilitates donor identification, relationship and recognition. The Development Director is in charge of growing the major donor and individual giving programs, managing fundraising databases, providing outreach to congregations and the public through websites, social media, and printed publications. If you have at least five years demonstrated experience in the field of fundraising & major gift development, a bachelor’s degree in business, sales, marketing or related field, and a desire to promote the Catholic faith, please apply online at Click resources, then employment. Fill out the application form and send to the Diocese of Helena, Attn: Carmae Fawaz, PO Box 1729, Helena, MT 59624. Or fax 442-5191. In addition, you may send in your resume. For more information contact Carmae Fawaz at 442-5820. This position will remain open through October 30, 2012. A Catechist’s Prayer Father of all families, you have called me to serve the family in truth and love as a catechist. May I be faithful to this call, rooted in your Word, and open to the gifts of the Holy Spirit. May I use these gifts, especially the gifts of faith, hope, and love, to serve the family as a witness to you, who are love and life and the source and destiny of all families. Let your Spirit enlighten my mind and strengthen my heart so that I can be a path of Christ’s love to families, especially those in need, the homebound and aged, the disabled and disheartened. Through the intercession of Mary and Joseph, I pray for the Church, the Bride of Christ, whose mission to build a civilization of love passes through the family. Amen. STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE Our Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 7/1/2012-6/30/2013 is: $251,284.00 The Amount needed weekly is: $4,832 OFFERTORY SEPT 8TH & 9TH YEAR TO DATE WEEKLY BUDGET: $4,832.00 $53,152.00 $ 3,527.15 $ 0 $ 5.00 $ 692.13 $ 5.00 $38,758.35 $ 478.75 $ 114.36 $ 3,000.35 $ 2,303.50 OFFERTORY RECEIVED THIS WEEK: OTHER HOLY DAYS: VIGIL LIGHTS: MAINTENANCE ENVELOPES: DEBT REDUCTION ENVELOPES: OTHER INCOME: RENTAL INCOME RECEIVED THIS WEEK: MASS INTENTIONS: TOTAL COLLECTION: SHORT / OVER THIS WEEK : TOTAL ENVELOPES THIS WEEK: $ 550.00 $ 25.00 260.00 YTD: $46,815.31 $ -(27.72) YTD: (-$6,336.69) 140 1 $ 118.15 TOTAL SPECIAL CUSTODIAL COLLECTIONS: $ 207.00 $ 207.00 OUR CURRENT TOTAL DEBT TO THE DIOCESE: $ $ 4,804.28 LOOSE VISITOR CHECKS: LOOSE CASH: CATHOLIC HOME MISSIONS $ 1,900.00 $ 2,033.01 $224,866.16 ??? DID YOU KNOW ??? MASS INTENTIONS ARE OFFERED UP FOR A LIVING OR DECEASED LOVED ONE; AN ILLNESS, SPECIAL OCCASIONS SUCH AS BIRTHDAYS, ANNIVERSARIES AND WEDDINGS. COME TO THE OFFICE TO SCHEDULE A MASS DATE FOR YOUR LOVED ONES. A $5 STIPEND IS CUSTOMARY FOR EACH MASS. ~ Reminders ~ Retire the Debt Collection Please remember -next weekend we will take up the Retire the Debt collection. Thank You! YOUR HELP IS NEEDED We are looking for a hot plate to use at St. Mary’s for cleaning the candle holders. If you have one and would like to donate it to the church, please drop it off at the office during regular office hours. Thank you! St. Mary’s Mission Church and St. Joseph’s Mission In answering the call of the native peoples’ desire to have Christ in their lives, Fr. Pierre De Smet, S.J., a Missionary from St. Louis established this, the first Catholic Church in the northwest in 1841. OUR PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We are a Roman Catholic community, living our faith in Word and Sacraments. We gather at the altar of the Lord to be nourished in the gift of the Eucharist, and giving thanks to God, to celebrate in joy His presence in our lives and the world. We are committed to support our community of faith through our prayer and worship, faithful witness, catechetical education, social justice, stewardship and service. We seek to proclaim the Good News of salvation, bearing witness to Christ our Lord through our lives of faith and loving outreach to all who are in need. St. Joseph’s Ministry Schedule Sunday, Sept. 16th 11:00am Lector: Susan Morris Eucharistic Min: Roger & Sharon DiBrito Greeters: Roger & Sharon DiBrito Sunday, Sept 23rd Monday - Thursday: 9am – 12pm & 1:00pm – 3:30pm Friday: 9am-12:00pm Email: Office Phone: 777-5257 Fax #: 777-1032 PASTOR: FR. MATTHEW P. HUBER GROUNDS: Terri Todd Eric Winegart RELIGIOUS ED: Rita Pfau- 546-8916 CHOIR COORDINATORS: St. Mary’s - 5:00pm 11:00am PARISH CONTACT INFORMATION SECRETARY: Saturday, Sept. 15th Lector: Jean Comer Eucharistic Min: Leonard & Gloria Kenne Altar Servers: Linda Benton Ushers: Charles Anderson Lector: Linda Feist Eucharistic Min: Paul Chapla & Sandy Block Greeters: George & Linda Feist Office Hours: St. Mary’s Ministry Schedule Barbara Woltanski-642- 3123 John Winthrop- 777-5329 St. Joseph’s - Maggie Lee – 777-2216 Sunday, Sept. 16th 8:30am Lector: Joe LeCoure Eucharistic Min: Jay & Colleen Meyer Eucharistic Minister Host: Mary Vandehey Altar Servers: Liam LeCoure & Tony Kelley Ushers: John Munk & Fred Thomas Saturday, Sept 22nd 5:00pm Lector: George Biddle Eucharistic Min: Theresa Endecott & Terri Rose Altar Server: Cindy Brown Ushers: Charles Anderson Sunday, Sept 23rd 8:30am Lector: Phil Tummarello Eucharistic Min: Riga Winthrop & Mark Brown Eucharistic Min Host: Pete Pfau Altar Servers: Tim & Tina Hancock Ushers: John Munk & Fred Thomas PLEASE BE ATTENTIVE TO YOUR MINISTRY! If you are unable to be present at your assigned Mass, PLEASE CALL A SUBSTITUTE- THANK YOU! Sign up’s for Religious Education classes have started. Religious Ed will begin on Sunday, September 23rd. Classes are held in Stevensville after the 8:30am Sunday Mass. Classes in Florence are held before the 11am Sunday Mass. Junior High and High School will begin on Wednesday, Sept 26th. If you are new to the program, please notify the office or Rita to register. For more information contact RE Director, Rita Pfau at 546-8916 September 26 - November 4 Just think of the transformation God can accomplish when individuals and communities unite for 40 days of prayer, fasting and peaceful vigil to end abortion. Missoula is one of 314 participating cities this Fall! Rally and Potluck 5 PM, Sunday September 23 First Lutheran Church, 2808 South Avenue, Missoula For more information: or call Diane Rotering 726-3303 or Carolyn Hathaway 728-8052 LOVE GIVE SERVE PANTRY PARTNERS FOOD ITEMS NEEDED For SEPTEMBER is: DRIED RED BEANS, CHILI SEASONING, OR CANNED TOMATO PRODUCTS THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING THE STRUGGLING FAMILIES IN OUR GREAT COMMUNITY!! CATHOLIC HOME MISSIONS APPEAL Thank you for your generous support to help strengthen the Church at home. Your contribution of $222.00 helps ensure that parishioners in mission dioceses will continue to worship well here at home. To learn more please visit Save The Date Life Net of Missoula's "Hope and a Future" Banquet Featuring Paul David Tripp Thursday, October 4, 2012 @ 6:30 p.m. Double Tree Hotel-Missoula, MT Complimentary Hors d'oeuvres & Dessert If you would like to host a table for this event please contact Phil at BITTERROOT LIFE CHAIN Sunday, October 7th, 2012 2:30-3:30 in Hamilton Questions? Call Katy @ 360-1485 22001122 C CA AT TH HO OL LIIC CE EN NG GA AG GE ED DE EN NC CO OU UN NT TE ER R Catholic Engaged Encounter is an intense weekend experience offering you the time and opportunity to deepen your relationship with each other and with God. Next Encounter date: Oct 19-21, Great Falls Oct 19-21, Butte Contact: Tom & Jennifer Norman Butte, MT (406) 491-5238 Dean & Linda Erickson Great Falls, MT (406) 452-7388 For more information you can log on to Also Registration forms and brochures arein the office. ~ In Our Prayers ~ The upcoming Retrouvaille weekend is on October 5-7, 2012 Marriage Saving – the Post Session Phase – The postweekend phase of Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vi with a long i) is as crucial to the healing of a troubled marriage as the initial weekend experience. During the postweekend sessions, the weekend technique is further developed and combined with additional tools to explore other areas of the marriage relationship. If your marriage suffers from disillusionment or misery please contact Retrouvaille. The final weekend for 2012 will be held Oct. 5-7. For confidential information or to register call 800-470-2230 or 406-761-4830 or email Perhaps you would like to rekindle the love of those early years or improve your communication. Visit our Montana website for emotionally moving personal testimonials. On the anniversary dates of their deaths, Please pray for: Sept 4th –Geraldine Fritz (2004) Sept 4th – Leo S. Crowley (2006) Sept 5th – Jerome Borkowski (2003) Sept 12th – Alice M. Creevan (2006) Sept 18th – Kaden J. Summers (2010) Sept 22nd – Marian Sokol (2001) Sept 22nd – Roger L. Waterbury (2009) Sept 24th – Jeanette Wickham (2001) Sept 24th – Phyllis P. Weisbeck (2006) May they rest in peace in Our Lord’s Loving arms.