Student Learning Outcome: Teacher Form
NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
SCHOOL: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Statement of Outcome: (Please specify whether this is a mastery or progress outcome.)
Dance students must demonstrate growth toward the mastery of the content of dance through
performance-based tasks. These performance-based tasks can be specific to a certain dance style
or can represent a performance goal that is unique to the target population.
The students will develop their technical skill with attention to memory, musicality, body
awareness, and expressive movement quality in order to demonstrate a performance-based task.
This is a progress outcome.
Rationale: (How did you choose this outcome? Why is this an appropriate area of focus?)
Performance-based tasks are an essential part of the BCPS dance curriculum as evidence of
student skill development and ability to apply direct instruction in a performance setting. Over
the course of a school year, the students will have opportunities to develop their performance
competencies at the school level. Their demonstration of four major criteria in a performancebased task will determine their level of growth:
 Memory and recall of information
 Temporal awareness and musicality (Time/Rhythm)
 Body awareness and control
 Expressive movement quality
This outcome aligns to the following standards:
BCPS Learning Goals:
Students will demonstrate the ability to use perceptual and movement skills in order to perform
and respond to dance. (LG-1a)
Students will perform movement in order to express and communicate meaning. (LG-1b)
MD Essential Learner Outcomes for the Fine Arts: High School Dance:
Expectation IC: The student will demonstrate proficiency in dance form and technique, discuss
ways in which proficiency affects dance performance, and describe how training to achieve
proficiency translates to personal life experiences.
National Standards for Dance Education:
1. Identifying and demonstrating movement elements and skills in performing dance.
Students: (Which students will this outcome address? How many? From which classes?)
E.g. Dance I, 23 students (Identify the number of target students.)
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Student Learning Outcome: Teacher Form
Interval of Instruction: (Typically one school year unless there is a compelling reason for a shorter interval)
Course of the school year (one year)
Pre-assessment of the performance-based task will occur during the [insert number] quarter.
Post-assessment of the performance-based task will occur during the [insert number] quarter.
Target(s) & Evidence: (Where do you expect this population of students to be at the end of the interval of
instruction? Targets may be tiered to reflect differentiation among students. What evidence are you going to use to
measure student learning? At least one source of evidence is required, but multiple sources may be used. If a
common assessment exists, it must be used as the primary source of evidence.)
100% of the students enrolled in a dance course [Insert course name] that scored 3 or less on the
pre-assessment of a performance-based task will be targeted in this SLO.
Performance-based Assessment Rubric – see attached
Baseline scores on the performance-based task are indicated on the attached class rooster. These
scores were taken from the pre-assessment.
Summary of scores:
 [insert number] students earned a score of 1 on the baseline performance task.
 [insert number] students earned a score of 2 on the baseline performance task.
 [insert number] students earned a score of 3 on the baseline performance task.
 [insert number] students earned a score of 4 on the baseline performance task.
Rationale for Target: (How was this target chosen? How did you determine that it is a rigorous target? What
pre-test or baseline information, if any, informed your decision?)
The target population was chosen based on the student data from the pre-assessment. The
students receiving a score of a 3 or less will be targeted in order to improve their performance
and develop their skills in one of the four assessed areas.
Administration & Scoring: (How will assessments be administered? How will assessments be scored?)
Performance-based Assessment Rubric – see attached
85% of students who earned a 1 first quarter on the performance-based task will earn at
least a 2 on a similar performance-based task in the [insert number] quarter.
85% of students who earned a 2 first quarter on the performance-based task will earn at
least a 3 on a similar performance task in the [insert number] quarter.
85% of students who earned a 3 first quarter on the performance-based task will earn at
least a 4 on a similar performance task in the [insert number] quarter.
Note: Students with identified by IEP Teams as having significant cognitive disabilities will have
individual targets.
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Student Learning Outcome: Teacher Form
Approval of Outcome: Evaluator should rate the Student Learning Objective in the following
categories. Objectives rated as Unacceptable in any category should be revised and resubmitted.
□ Acceptable □ Unacceptable
□ Acceptable □ Unacceptable
□ Acceptable □ Unacceptable
Priority of Content
Rigor of Target
Quality of Evidence
Once the above information has been discussed and agreed upon by the teacher and evaluator, please
sign below.
Teacher : ______________________________________________________
Evaluator: _____________________________________________________
Date: ___________________________________________________________
Results: (Teacher should explain evidence of student learning. How many targets were met? To what
degree were targets met? Additional score reports may be attached to describe results.)
Scoring: (Evaluator should check the box that best indicates the teacher’s attainment of this student
learning outcome. Individual ratings should serve as the basis for an overall rating using the holistic
Did the teacher meet this objective?
□ Did Not Meet
□ Met
Evaluator Notes:
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□ Exceeded