a. artificial selection.

Practice Problems
1. The mechanism behind evolution is known as
a. artificial selection.
b. mate selection.
c. natural selection.
d. punctuated selection.
2. Which of the following is NOT a basic assumption of Darwin's theory of evolution?
a. All species have a great ability to reproduce, and the population of each would increase
greatly if all individuals reproduced successfully.
b. No two individuals in a population are exactly alike and their variability is inheritable.
c. Survival depends on inheriting characteristics that best suit the individual to the
d. All individuals in a population will survive and be able to reproduce.
3. Poor eyesight in humans is an example of
a. how well adapted to the environment humans are.
b. a trait that is favorable in most environments.
c. a trait that will allow for greater reproductive success.
d. a trait that we are artificially selecting for in our populations.
4. The many breeds of dogs we see today are the result of which of these processes?
a. translation
b. artificial selection
c. natural selection
d. punctuated selection
5. Which of the following statements is NOT true about Charles Darwin's theory of
a. Organisms evolve through a mechanism of natural selection.
b. Each organism in a population is exactly like every other organism in that population.
c. Organisms have a great ability to reproduce.
d. Evolution modifies organisms over time.
1. c. Natural selection occurs when animals well adapted to their environment are able to
reproduce and leave more offspring than those animals who are not well adapted. This advantage
leads to certain organisms prospering while others fail to survive. Over time, this will preserve
and even enhance characteristics in the surviving population.
2. d. Only the organisms best suited to their environment and able to obtain resources will be
likely to reproduce and leave more offspring.
3. d. People with poor eyesight would most likely not be able to survive if it weren't for the fact
that our society upports them; therefore, we are artificially selecting for that trait. Natural
selection would lead to a population with very good eyesight if it weren't for our intervention.
This can be a good and compassionate behavior for a society to engage in; however, rampant
human population growth without paying attention to natural controls will leave the Earth a
poorer quality place for all organisms.
4. b. Artificial selection by humans has resulted in many types of dogs bred specifially for some
purpose of our own.
5. b. It is not true that every organism in a population is just exactly like all others; infact, the
opposite is true. These differences are inheritable and can be acted upon by natural selection.
1. The image illustrates what evolutionary concept?
embryological similarities
variation among species
vestigial structures
homologous structures
2. Which of the following is NOT a component of the Theory of Evolution by Natural
competition for food and space
variation among species
inheritance of acquired characteristics
survival and reproduction
3. A structure that seems to serve no purpose in an organism is called:
4. In science, theories are:
an educated guess
a known fact
absolute and unchangeable
the best explanation for a set of data or observations
7. Any variation that can help an organism survive in its environment is called a(n):
vestigial structure
8. The strongest evidence for change over a long period of time comes from:
embryo studies
direct observation of living species
9. The dog breeds we have today were developed through:
natural selection
artificial selection (selective breeding)
sexual selection
acquired selection
10. The finches on the Galapagos island were similar in form except for variations of
their beaks. Darwin observed that these variations were useful for:
attracting a mate
defending territory
building nests
gathering food