Day 6 Natural Selection as a Mechanism


Developing the theory of natural selection


What is natural selection?

Recap from yesterday


 Hutton 1785 and Lyell 1833

 Geologic processes—slow, changes over time, old earth

 Malthus 1798

 Population Study—checks on population growth, limiting factors

Recap from yesterday

 Alfred Wallace 1858

 Studies 1000’s of Beetles

 Sends letter to Darwinproposes a process by which organisms change over time

Charles Darwin –

Artificial Selection

Artificial Selection –nature manipulated by humans

 Examples – farmer breeds his best livestock

 Darwin artificially selected pigeons to test and demonstrate how his mechanism for evolution worked.

 Artificially in a short amount of time—nature could certainly do over millions of years


 Darwin publishes book “On the Origin of Species” in 1859 and

scoops Wallace

 In it: he proposes a mechanism (process of how) for evolution

Natural Selection-

the mechanism

 Struggle for existence

 Competition for resources: food, living space, and mates

 Survival of the Fittest

 Better suited (most fit) survive and reproduce

 Pass on traits that are better adapted to environment

 Less suited (least fit) die out or reproduce less

 Genes become less common in gene pool

Terms used in Natural Selection

 Fitness: an organisms ability to survive and reproduce

 Adaptation: an inherited characteristic that increases an organism’s chance of survival

 Can be anatomical, structural, physiological, behavioral

SO…adaptations enable higher fitness!


Summary of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution

 Individual organisms differ

 Some of this variation is heritable

 Organisms produce more offspring than can survive

 Many that do survive do not reproduce

 More organisms are produced than can survive

 Organisms must compete for limited resources

 Each unique organism has unique advantages and disadvantages in the struggle for existence

 Process of natural selection causes species or population to change over time

 Species alive today are descended with modification from ancestral species

 Unites all organisms on Earth into a single tree of life

Darwin vs. Lamarck Evolution-

Commonly Confused

Who’s theory is it?

A. B.
