Year end email to parents

Year End Email to Parents
Sent: June 23, 2015
Dear Parents,
Thank you for an amazing first year at Queen of Heaven School! We are truly blessed to have
such an amazing school community of students, parents and staff members. Thank you for your
help and support throughout the year. It has been a pleasure getting to know you and your
children during this first year together!
I would like to extend our sincere thanks and best wishes to all of our families who are moving
on to high school or to new schools. We know that you will take with you the love, joy and pride
of the Queen of Heaven School community and spread this same spirit within your new schools.
We wish you God’s blessing on your new adventure!
For the families who are remaining, please note the following:
1. Once again, we will use an electronic format of informing parents of their child’s
classroom placement for the upcoming school year 2015- 2016. Through the HCDSB
website, parents can access their child’s class placement by using the student OEN
(Ontario Education Number) taken from the report cards. All elementary student
class placements will become live at on Friday, September 5, 2015.
You will be reminded via e-mail prior to this date.
2. Bus information: Everything you need to know about school transportation can be found
at this interactive website You can access this information, including
eligibility for bussing, by using your OEN Number taken from your child’s report card.
3. Thank you to the Mrs. DiLorenzo, Mrs. Casimiro and all our parent volunteers, families
and staff members who supported our First Annual Family Fun Night. This was a HUGE
success! Thank you to families for the theme basket donations. We made a profit of over
$3600 that will go towards the purchase of items for our school in September.
4. Please visit our school website for a complete summary of our Fundraising Budget
income and expenditures which is regularly shared and discussed during our School
Council meetings. Please view the report at:
5. I would like to extend my thanks and best wishes to our staff members who will be
leaving us at the end of this school year:
a. Miss Leonardi, Mrs. DiRenzo, Mrs. DaCosta, Mr. Dunn, Mrs. Perry, Mrs.
Ungolo-Ettorre, Mlle D’Souza, Mrs. Channer and Miss Zehairi’s occasional
positions will end on June 26.
b. Mrs. DiIorio, Mrs. Guthro, Mrs. Ormonde, Mrs. Kehl, Mrs. Warren, Mrs.
Gabrielli and Mrs. Savaligio-Belcher will be on maternity leave next year.
Important Dates to Remember:
6. Wednesday, June 24th is our Lost and Found display. Unclaimed items will be donated to
7. Please return the “Parent/Student Comment Sheet” from your child’s report card by the
end of this week.
8. On Thursday, June 25th there will be a staff vs. Grade 7 student soccer baseball game on
the school yard (weather permitting). All students are invited to watch.
10. GRADES 1-8: First Day back to school is Tuesday, September 8, 2015 @ 8:35 A.M.
Students will meet their teacher on the school yard at this time. There will be signs posted
to indicate each teacher’s line up area.
11. SENIOR KINDERGARTEN: SK students will begin on Thursday, September 10th.
12. JUNIOR KINDERGARTEN: JK teachers will schedule parent/student/teacher
interviews beginning September 8-9, 2015 and staggered entry on September 10-11. Full
entry by Monday, September 14. Parents will receive a letter in the mail by the
beginning of July explaining these details.
We wish all of you a safe and enjoyable summer with your families. God bless!
Mr. J. Susi, Principal
Mr. Varano, Vice Principal