Southeastern Pennsylvania Debate League CONSTITUTION September 1998 Amended 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010 SOUTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA DEBATE LEAGUE Constitution Article C1 - Name This organization shall be known as the Southeastern Pennsylvania Debate League. Article C2 - Purposes The Southeastern Pennsylvania debate League shall operate with the following purposes: 1. To promote various debate and speech activities in the high schools of Southeastern Pennsylvania. 2. To stimulate an understanding and appreciation of competitive debate and speech. 3. To encourage participation of many students instead of few. 4. To assist new schools in developing debate and speech programs. Article C3 - Membership Section C3.1 Any public or private or parochial high school in Bucks and Montgomery counties may become a member of the Southeastern Pennsylvania debate League upon written application to the League President and payment of the annual membership dues, as provided herein. The term “high school” shall apply to grades 9, 10, 11, and 12. Exceptions may be granted for middle school students by vote of the league’s coaches. Section C3.2 Every student participating in the activities sponsored by this League shall be a bona fide, undergraduate student of a member school which the student attends, under 19 years of age at the time of participating, and maintaining a passing grade in all subjects. Section C3.3 Member schools may participate in any or all of the league activities. The annual membership dues shall be $175.00 per school and shall be for the period of one (1) calendar year beginning September 1. All fees must be paid prior to participation in any league semifinal or final tournament. If dues are not paid by February 1, those schools will not be allowed to participate in SPDL final tournaments. Article C4 - Officers Section C4.1 The officers of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Debate League shall be a President, a Treasurer, and all of the league coaches. Any league matters requiring a vote, including changes to the league Constitution, Bylaws, and Standing Rules, must be passed by a majority of league coaches present and voting. Section C4.2 The president shall be elected for a one-year term at the coaches meeting held in the spring. The President will preside at all coaches’ meetings held by the League and will administer the affairs of the league. In a case of the President’s absence, any meeting that must be conducted will be administered by the immediate past President or by a designated League coach. Section C4.3 All matters of League policy shall be determined by the League coaches and administered by the League President. Article C5 - Meetings Section C5.1 Two regular meetings of the League coaches shall be held annually, at the beginning of the school year and at the end of the League season. Changes in League procedures can be made at either of these meetings. The League President shall schedule the meetings, prepare an agenda based on suggestions made by the League’s coaches, and conduct the meeting. Section C5.2 The League Treasurer shall prepare a financial report to be delivered at the Spring meeting. Any change in League dues must be voted on at that meeting. Section C5.3 Legitimate expenses of the League shall include expenses for awards, ballot purchase, and any other expenses approved by the League coaches. Article C6 - Contests Section C6.1 The tentative League calendar shall be set at the Spring meeting and finalized at the Fall meeting. Each member school should be prepared to host one tournament during each League season. Section C6.2 The first League events shall be workshops for all League events. Specific assignments of League coaches and students will be prepared for exhibitions in CX, LD, PFD, Student Congress, speech events, and for the training of student judges. Section C6.3 The League shall conduct a total of eight (8) tournaments. The tournaments will be scheduled for two days a month for the months of November, December, January, and February. If cancellations are necessary, the schedule will be adjusted accordingly, but the number of tournaments will remain the same. Section C6.4 The League tournaments held in February shall be the semifinal and final tournaments. In all events, students and teams must be qualified to compete in those tournaments by participation in earlier League events. Exceptions due to extenuating circumstances may be made by a majority vote of the League coaches. Section C6.5 No student shall be permitted to compete in more than one event in the League semifinal and final tournaments. Section C6.6 No school shall be permitted to compete in the League semifinal and final tournaments if dues have not been paid to the League Treasurer prior to February 1. Section C6.7 All League tournaments shall be conducted by the League President, the coach of the host school, and coaches assigned to the tabulation of events. Article C7 - Judging Section C7.1 Adult judges will be assigned to events as often as possible. Student judges are to be students who have competed in the event being judged with at least 6 rounds of experience in that event and/or students who have participated in the League workshop for judges held at the beginning of the League season. It is the responsibility of a school’s coach to verify the qualification of student judges. Section C7.2 A judge’s decision is always to be considered final. While a judge may check proper procedures with tab room coaches, the tab room can never reverse a judge’s decision. Section C7.3 All League final rounds in Cross Ex Debate, Lincoln/Douglas Debate, Public Forum Debate and Student Congress shall have panels of three adult judges, if possible. Any departure from this policy must be agreed upon by the coaches of the teams involved in the debate. Section C7.4 An affiliated individual should never be permitted to judge a student or a team from his own school in Cross Ex Debate, Lincoln/Douglas Debate or Public Forum Debate. Article C8 - Protests and Appeals Section C8.1 All disputes relating to the interpretation of the Constitution, Bylaws, and the Standing Rules shall be submitted to the League President. The President will present all such disputes to the League Coaches at the next scheduled coaches’ meeting. Section C8.2 This Constitution and all other League documents may be amended by a majority of the League coaches at any regular or special meeting.