ESS2-1 Fall 13

Rachard Morris
ESSC 311 M/W 9:30
• Students who demonstrate understanding can:
• K-ESS2-1. Use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe
patterns over time. [Clarification Statement: Examples of qualitative observations
could include descriptions of the weather (such as sunny, cloudy, rainy, and
warm); examples of quantitative observations could include numbers of sunny,
windy, and rainy days in a month. Examples of patterns could include that it is
usually cooler in the morning than in the afternoon and the number of sunny days
versus cloudy days in different months.] [Assessment Boundary: Assessment of
quantitative observations limited to whole numbers and relative measures such
as warmer/cooler.]
• Scissors
• 1 inch brass fasteners
• Construction paper
• markers/ crayons
• Paper plates
• Blank picture of a person
• Blank Graph/ Monthly worksheet
• Eye-Spy Weather Patterns worksheet
First, get students to just talk about weather generally.
Ask questions such as: (lead them to differences) in temperature, precipitation,
cloudy, sunny.
1. What’s the weather like today?
2. What was it like yesterday?
3. How does the weather affect what you can do outside (e.g., can’t play
outside if raining vs. sunny)?
Then ask:
• Can you find clues around the classroom that indicate what the weather is
like? (Examples could include umbrellas, raincoats, shorts, jackets, tshirts, snow boots, etc.)
• Students will watch a short Youtube video about weather patterns
Students will visit Hot Weather on the Different Clothes for Different Weather website
and look at the pictures of clothing.
• Teacher will discuss with the students the types of clothing shown there.
Ask them:
– What types of clothes do you see pictured for when the weather is
hot? (Answers should include a hat, t-shirt, shorts, sandals, sunglasses,
and swimsuit.)
– Why would these be good types of clothes to wear when the weather
is hot? (These are good clothes to wear when the weather is hot because
they help to keep you cool and protect you from the sun.)
– Then have students go to Rainy Weather (look @ the clothing) and talk to
them about the clothing shown there. Ask them the same types of
questions as listed above for hot weather. Finally, have students go to
Cold Weather (look @ the clothing) and talk to them about the clothing
shown there.
– Students will create there own paper plate weather chart.
Students will observe and record the weather for several months beginning in January
through April. For a one-week period students will observe and record morning and
afternoon weather conditions and record their findings on a chart. They will record A.M.
/ P.M. Temps and the number of Sunny / Rainy days. At the end of a week, students
will use the information they recorded on their chart to fill in the My Weather Graph. By
filling in the graph, students will create a bar chart that will show the weather pattern for
the week’s temperatures & rain/month’s weather conditions. Students will analyze
weather patterns and answer the following questions.
 What kind of weather did you see the most?
 How many days did it rain (or snow, etc.)?
 How many days had the same kind of weather?
Relate the weather during each month to the cloths in the pictures on these
websites Hot Weather, Rainy Weather, Cold Weather.
Have students color and dress a person In Jan. vs. April.
Students will draw hats, scarves, coat, boots, sunglasses, t-shirts etc. on their
person and color them.
The instructor will walk through the class and answer questions and assist students as
Students will be evaluated on the following:
• completion of bar graphs.
• Properly clothing the Blank Person.
• Analysis to patterns I notice: Do descriptions correctly describe the data? Does
the analysis seem logical when related to the graph(relative measures such as
January Weather Pattern
What kind of weather did you see the most?
How many days did it rain (or snow, etc.)?
How many days had the same kind of weather?
April Weather Pattern
What kind of weather did you see the most?
How many days did it rain (or snow, etc.)?
How many days had the same kind of weather?