Development of a Compact, High Efficiency Fast-Neutron Detector V. V. Massawe1,3, D.N. Phuong2, and S. Hameer 1 1 Department of Sustainable Energy Science and Engineering. The Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology. P. O. Box 447, Arusha-Tanzania. 2 Institute of Physics, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany 3 Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Mbeya University of Science and Technology. P.O. Box 131, Mbeya-Tanzania Detection of neutrons is of value for purposes of scientific research as well as radiation damage concerns related to the health of natural habitat, including humans. Major sources of neutrons are the nuclear power reactors and particle accelerators. The upper atmospheric conditions also generate fast neutrons causing concern of radiation to communications instrumentations. Unlike the detection of charged particles, which leave ionization trails along their paths, the detection of neutrons poses a major challenge. The task is a bit easier for thermal neutrons which exhibit cross sections of a few thousand barns for absorption by 10B, 3He and Gd materials. These reactions resulting in emissions of alphas or gamma rays permit compact systems for large area monitoring. So far, with a few exceptions, the detection of fast neutrons employs large arrays of plastic scintillator with an efficiency of 1% per one centimeter path length. The other approach is to let the fast neutrons pass through moderators such as water columns to thermalize them and then accomplish detection through thermal neutron detectors such as boron counters. We are exploring a detector design to exploit the advantage of thin plastic scintillating fibres to achieve high efficiency. In conventional large scintillators, one detects the scintillation produced by secondary protons due to neutron interactions in the medium. The large scintillators suffer from low light collection efficiency. The modern scintillating fibres, extensively used for charged particle tracking and active targets offer an attractive option to explore. A multi-purpose Monte Carlo radiation transport code (MCNPX) has been modified to analyze the interaction of neutrons with fiber bundles of different sizes so as to get optimum size. A C++ program has been written to create the MCNP input files with input variable including: the type of source particles, the source particle energy, the source location, fiber material type, the diameter and length of the scintillating fibers, cladding material type, shielding, and the number of fibers along the x- and y-axis. The simulations have been carried out to determine the useful dimensions of individual fibres and overall bundle sizes. The talk will present preliminary results of our simulations and the readout systems we plan to implement. We will also present our plans for the validation of the simulations at an accelerator facility. It is anticipated that such a high efficiency compact detector will be useful in scientific research and applications concerned with the safety of nuclear power reactors. The compact detectors will also be appealing to radiation research in the upper atmosphere.