Name: Amber Seguin Supervisor: Mrs. Fasick th Subject/Grade: 9 Pre-AP School Year: 2012-2013 Date: Day 1 Title of Unit: Writing: Oh the Many Places You Will Go --- And Writing Will Take You There Lesson Title: Grammar & Punctuation Grade Level/Subject Area: Student Profile: 9th grade Pre-AP Number of Students: 30 and 28 Number of Students with Special Needs: 1 and 0 Duration: Second half of class. Objective: Purpose of the lesson Students will review and better understand grammar in the form of capitalization, colons, semi-colons, commas, comma splices, and sentence fragments. ELACC9-10L4: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grades 9–10 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies. a. Use context (e.g., the overall meaning of a sentence, paragraph, or text; a word’s position or function in a sentence) as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase. b. Identify and correctly use patterns of word changes that indicate different meanings or parts of speech (e.g., analyze, analysis, analytical; advocate, advocacy). c. Consult general and specialized reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precise meaning, its part of speech, or its etymology. d. Verify the preliminary determination of the meaning of a word or phrase (e.g., by checking the inferred meaning in context or in a dictionary). ELACC9-10L2: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. a. Use a semicolon (and perhaps a conjunctive adverb) to link two or more closely related independent clauses. b. Use a colon to introduce a list or quotation. c. Spell correctly. d. Produces legible work that shows accurate spelling and correct use of the conventions of punctuation and capitalization Standards: https://www.georgiastandards.or g/Pages/Default.aspx Essential Questions: Anticipatory Set: “Do Now” 1.) How can students better understand grammatical rules in punctuation? 2.) What ways can students retain grammatical information? Begin and finish the memorization of Romeo and Juliet oration. Name: Amber Seguin Supervisor: Mrs. Fasick th Subject/Grade: 9 Pre-AP School Year: 2012-2013 Date: Day 1 Title of Unit: Writing: Oh the Many Places You Will Go --- And Writing Will Take You There Prior Knowledge: What will The basic rules of grammar and punctuation and foundations students need to know in order to learned in middle grades. be successful? Modeling: How will students know what is expected? By in class work in groups and individually. Check for Understanding: What techniques will be used to monitor Random questions and follow up questions the following day. learning? Guided Practice: What activities Students will identify grammatical/ punctuation errors on the smart board, will be done to provide students everyone will be given a turn, by random selection. with an opportunity to practice what they are learning? Independent Practice: How will Students will be given a grammar worksheet and will be required to learning be reinforced? turn it in as an exit ticket. Homework? Exit ticket? Closing: How will the lesson end? By reviewing the lesson and call and answer response to check for Refer back to essential questions. understanding. 1. Students enter classroom. Detailed Sequence of Activities: Number/list the lesson procedures. 2. Do Now Activity: finish oration of Romeo and Juliet, students 1.) 2 minutes given vocabulary words. 2.) 30 minutes 3. Lecture on Grammar- specifically when and how to properly use 3.) 30 minutes colons, semi-solons, capitalization, and how to avoid comma 4.) 15 minutes splices and sentence fragments. 5.) Until the end of class 4. Activity: On board identification game. Students will go to the board and identify grammatical mistakes and must then fix them. 5. Independent: Exit ticket/ grammar worksheet, due at the end of class. 6. Homework: Work on EOCT grammar worksheet. Accommodations not needed at this time for any students. Accommodations/ Modifications: Refer to student profile. Materials: What materials are Writing utensils, paper, worksheets, EOCT books, smart board/ overhead needed for the lesson? Include any or whiteboard. helpful URL’s. Technology Connection: What I am using a smart board for the lesson and for students to actively kind of technology are your participate in enhancing understanding. incorporating into the lesson?