KSA 2 Overview and description of thrusts and programmes Thrust 4 THRUST 5: ECOSYSTEM AND GLOBAL CHANGE Scope: The Thrust will address research to improve our understanding of the connectivity between land, water, atmosphere and people. The impact of any change in the environment may have impact on each environmental factor and should be assessed to be able to quantify the risks and to implement IWRM. The thrust will also focus of movement of people (migration) and response of aquatic ecosystems to these population dynamics. Programme 1: Ecosystems and dynamics Scope: The impact of sociological dynamics on ecosystems on the environment will be in this programme. As population human population increase, move and change in different areas, sociological studies in relation to ecosystems (environment) are needed to support planning and development of rural and urban areas. In most cases, informal settlements are established in the riparian zones of water resources, which exert pressure on those resources as people demand more goods and services from those resources. In most cases, water resources such as wetlands and rivers become the only available servicing infrastructure for the homeless and poor immigrants in urban and peri-urban areas. Programme 2: Ecosystems and Change Programme 3: Ecological thresholds Scope: The programme will deal with all aspects about climate change in relation to ecosystems. The research will Climate develop knowledge about mitigation and adaptation of aquatic biodiversity to climate change. The impact of climate change on ecosystem processes, functions, and structure will be given attention in programme. The knowledge generated will be used to inform policy makers, businesses, and water managers. Scope: Research aimed at determining ecological threshold will be supported in this programme. These studies will assist in developing understanding about how much the environment or ecosystems can tolerate degradation before it collapses or losses its resilience. The research will also analyse the costs of restoring ecosystem and its functionality after or when has totally collapsed beyond the threshold point.