CV - Department of Sociology

Eva Swyngedouw
Department of Sociology
The University of Chicago
1126 East 59th street
Chicago, Illinois 60637
(773) 702-8677 or +32 (0) 498 148791
Ph.D. in Sociology, Expected, August 2015
The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Dissertation title: The governance of newcomer migrants: producing citizens in the
bilingual and multi-institutional city of Brussels
M.A. in Social Sciences, 2011
The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
M.A. Thesis: The segregation of social interactions in the red line L-train in Chicago.
M.A. in Sociology, Cum Laude, 2007
The University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
M.A. Thesis: Transnational social networks and hybrid identity formation. A qualitative
research on Congolese migrants in Brussels and Leuven.
B.A. in Political and Social Sciences, Cum Laude, 2005
The University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Swyngedouw, Eva. 2013. The segregation of social interactions in the red line L-train in
Chicago. Symbolic Interaction 36 (3), 293-313.
Swyngedouw, Eva & Swyngedouw, E. A. 2009. The Congolese Diaspora in Brussels and
hybrid identity formation: Multi-scalarity and diasporic citizenship. Urban Research &
Practice 2 (1), 68–90.
Works in Progress
“Comparing urban studies: Academic views of the city in Europe and the United States.”
In preparation for submission at peer reviewed journal.
“The moral turn: the production of Flemish citizens in Brussels.”
In preparation for submission at peer reviewed journal.
“Intersecting sub-national belongings: The production of new citizens in Brussels.”
ASEN 2014 conference. Nationalism and belonging. At LSE. April 2014.
Eva Swyngedouw - CV
“Managing urban diversity. The politics of difference in the city of Brussels.” RC21
Conference, August 2013.
“The segregation of social interactions in the redline L-train in Chicago.” Chicago
ethnography conference, April 2012.
“Comparing urban studies: Academic views of the city in Europe and the United States.”
ASA Conference, August 2012.
“Transnationale netwerken en hybride identiteitsvorming: een onderzoek naar Kongolese
migranten in Brussel en Leuven”. Graduation event University of Leuven, April 2008.
The University of Chicago Social Sciences/Mellon Advanced Studies Fellowship, 20142015
The National Science Foundation’s Sociology Doctoral Dissertation Research
Improvement Grant, 2014-2015
The University of Chicago Social Sciences Fellowship, 2009-2014
The Agnes and Nathan Janco Travel Award, 2013-2014
The University of Chicago Social Sciences Division Research Travel Grant, 2013
The University of Chicago Human Rights Program Pozen Graduate Research Fellowship,
Laureate for Prize for the Best Master thesis of the Social Sciences at the University of
Leuven, 2008
The University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Research Assistant, 2006
 Provided research assistance for the Belgian Youth Survey.
Research Assistant, 2007-2008
 Proofread book: Van Hootegem, Geert, Van Amelsvoort, Pierre, Van Beek, Gert,
& Huys, Rik. 2008. Anders organiseren & beter werken: handboek sociale
innovatie en verandermanagement. Leuven: Acco.
Urban sociology
Cultural sociology / knowledge
Political sociology
Migration studies
Race, ethnic and minority relations
Qualitative research methods
Eva Swyngedouw - CV
The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Teaching assistant, Spring 2011
 Graded papers and provided assistance to students with questions for
undergraduate sociological methods course
 Evaluated students during in-class presentations
Teaching assistant, Winter 2012
 Wrote exam questions and graded exams for global-local politics course
 Provided assistance to students with questions
 Held a one-time review session in preparation of the exam
 Helped prepare and provide for some of the teaching material
Teaching assistant, Spring 2013
 Lectured on the logic of inference for undergraduate sociological methods course
 Graded papers and provided assistance to students with questions
Teaching intern, Autumn 2011 and Winter 2012
 Wrote exam questions, graded papers and provided assistance to students with
questions for the undergraduate core course sequence Power, Identity and
Resistance. Part I and II.
 Lectured on Durkheim’s division of labor
 Lectured on Tocqueville’s Democracy in America
The University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Teaching assistant, fall semester, 2007
 Graded exams for introduction to sociology course
Teaching assistant, fall semester, 2007
 Graded papers and exams and prepared course materials for sociology of the labor
market and social policy course
Teaching assistant, fall semester, 2007
 Co-evaluated graduate students’ oral examinations for critical management
studies class
Teaching assistant, winter/spring semester, 2008
 Graded exams and prepared course materials for sociology of education course
Teaching assistant, winter/spring semester, 2008
 Graded exams and prepared course materials for sociology of labor class
Teaching assistant, winter/spring semester, 2008
 Graded exams and prepared course materials for sociology of social dialogue
Eva Swyngedouw - CV
2011- Present American Sociological association
Manuscript reviewer International Journal of Urban and Regional
Midwestern Sociological Society
European Sociological Association
Manuscript reviewer American Journal of Sociology
Committee member Annual Sociology Spring Institute Conference at the
University of Chicago
Dutch: Native language
English: Excellent reading, writing and speaking
French: Good reading, writing and speaking
German: Fair reading and speaking
Spanish: Some reading
Software skills
ArcGIS, SPSS, SAS, Python, HyperResearch, ATLAS.ti
Eva Swyngedouw - CV