ID Project Part Four: Objectives and Assessment
Carmalita Morgan
October 28, 2012
Goal Statement: Employees will demonstrate strong privacy and security practices when handling sensitive information by creating secure passwords, safeguarding hard copy information, and using encryption mechanisms when sending emails containing sensitive information.
Terminal Objective: Given a computer or laptop with encryption software installed, log on access, a company issued email account, and an office with a lockable closet or storage drawers, create a secure password, properly secure hard copy information, and send an encrypted email. Passwords should be created based on company identified secure password guidelines, and encrypted emails should be sent following proper encryption procedures.
Identify characteristics of sensitive information
List type of information handled for job duties and how it is used
Identify specific job duties
Identify why information is collected and how it is used
List types of hard copy information that should be secured
Knowledge of terms such as hard copy and soft copy
Identify characteristics of secure passwords
Identify commonly used passwords
Experience using and creating passwords
Evaluate email information to determine the need for encryption
List possible events in email transmission
Ability to open an email mailbox/message
Implement email encryption
Ability to open an email mailbox/ message
List steps for sending encrypted email
Ability to send an email
Step 1.0 – Identify characteristics of sensitive information
1. Performance – I expect the learner to be able to list different types of sensitive information (e.g., social security numbers, birth dates, etc.)
2. Conditions – They will be given access to different types of information, which will include some information that is sensitive and some that is not.
3. Criteria – They should identify the information that they handle that is considered sensitive information.
Objective 1.0: Given access to different types of information, identify what information is sensitive information based on company guidelines.
Step 1.1 – List type of information handled for job duties and how it is used
1. Performance – I expect the learner to be able to explain what information they handled in their specific job role and what they do with that information.
2. Conditions – They will be given time to write down or verbally explain what information they handle at work.
3. Criteria – They will have a list of types of information that they handle for their job duties.
Objective 1.1: Given pen and paper, list types of information that is handled to perform your specific job duties.
Step 2.0 – List types of hard copy information that should be secured
1. Performance – I expect the learner to be able to list types of information that they use in hard copy format and which types contain sensitive information that should be secured.
2. Conditions – They will be given time to write down or verbally explain different types of information that they use for their job that is in hard copy format and contain sensitive information.
3. Criterion – They will have a list of types of hard copy information that is sensitive that is handled for their job.
Objective 2.0: Given pen and paper, list the types of sensitive hard copy information that is handled to perform your specific job duties.
Step 3.0 – Identify characteristics of secure passwords
1. Performance – I expect the learner will be able to give some examples of secure password characteristics.
2. Conditions – They will be given three minutes to verbally share some characteristics of secure passwords.
3. Criterion – They will have a list of some secure password characteristics.
Objective 3.0: Given three minutes, list four characteristics of a secure password.
Step 3.1 – Identify commonly used passwords
1. Performance – I expect the learner will be able to give some examples of easy passwords to remember or commonly used passwords.
2. Conditions – They will be three minutes to write down or verbally explain passwords that people pick most often.
3. Criterion – They will have a list of passwords that are commonly used because of their easy ability to remember.
Objective 3.1: Given three minutes, list examples of four types of commonly used passwords.
Step 4. 0 – Evaluate email information to determine the need for encryption
1. Performance – I expect the learner to be able to look at information contained in an email message and identify any information that is sensitive and require the email to be encrypted.
2. Conditions – They will be given sample email messages with information that may or may not be sensitive.
3. They will have a list of things found in specific email messages that are sensitive and they will identify those emails as needing to be sent with encryption.
Objective 4.0: Given sample email messages, identify five examples of information that require an email to be encrypted.
Step 4.1 – List possible events in email transmission
1. Performance – I expect the learner to be able to explain things that can happen to information that is sent by email.
2. Conditions – They will be five minutes to write down or verbally explain what happens or could possibly happen to information after you click send on an email.
3. Criterion – They should have a list of things that could happen to an email message after it is sent.
Objective 4.1: Given five minutes to explain, state what happens or could happen to an email message after it is sent.
Step 5.0 – Implement email encryption
1. Performance – I expect the learner to be able to compose and email and send it using encryption
2. Conditions – They will be given five minutes to create an email on their own company accounts and send it using the encryption software that is loaded onto their system.
3. Criterion – They will send an encrypted email using the proper steps that are taught.
Objective 5.0: Given five minutes and email access, construct an email and apply the proper steps to send it using encryption.
Step 5.1 – List steps for sending an encrypted email
1. Performance – I expect the learner will be able to list each step to send an encrypted email.
2. Conditions – They will be given access to their company email account and time to go through and explain each step to send an email using encryption.
3. Criterion – They will list and perform each step for sending an encrypted email in the correct order.
Objective 5.1: Given five minutes, list the proper steps for sending an email using encryption.
Lesson 7
Terminal Objective: Given a computer or laptop with encryption software installed, log on access, a company issued email account, and an office with a lockable closet or storage drawers, create a secure password, properly secure hard copy information, and send an encrypted email. Passwords should be created based on company identified secure password guidelines, and encrypted emails should be sent following proper encryption procedures.
1. What will they need to do? The student should be able to create a secure password, secure sensitive information in hard copy format, and send an encrypted email.
2. What conditions will be provided? The learners will need to be given a computer or laptop with encryption software installed, log on access, a company email account, and access to a lockable storage drawer or closet.
3. Type of Learning Domain – Intellectual Skills/Verbal Skills: Students have to apply knowledge of specific information and steps to perform needed outcomes.
4. Type of Test Item – This objective will require objective style multiple choice test items and checklist/rating scale test times.
Test Item 1:
Using your company issued laptop and being asked to create a secure password, your secure password would include: a. all capital letters b. capital and lower case letter c. capital letters, lower case letters, number s, and special characters d. special characters and numbers
Test Item 2:
In your office at work, sensitive information that is in hard copy format should always be: a. turned over on your desk when you are away from it b. locked in a drawer or closet c. put under a book or other papers so it can’t be seen by others d. placed in any drawer on your desk, just as long as it is not out in the open
Test Item 3: Using your company issued laptop with encryption software installed and your company email account, perform the steps for sending an encrypted email in the proper order.
Objective 1.0: Given access to different types of information, identify what information is sensitive information based on company guidelines.
1. What will they need to do? The students should be able to look at information and identify what is sensitive information and what is not.
2. What conditions will be provided? They will be provided with example information and company guidelines for what is considered to be sensitive information.
3. Type of Learning Domain – Intellectual Skills: Students have to apply knowledge of specific information and steps to perform needed outcomes.
4. Type of Test Item – This objective will require objective style fill in the blank test items as they will have to list types of sensitive information.
Test Item 1: Based on company guidelines, list four types of information that would be considered sensitive information?
Objective 1.1: Given pen and paper, list types of information that is handled to perform your specific job duties.
1. What will they need to do? The students should be able to list types of information that they use to perform their job duties.
2. What conditions will be provided? They will be provided with a pen and paper to list the information that they use.
3. Type of Learning Domain – Verbal Information: Students have to apply knowledge of sensitive hard copy information in order to provide short answer.
4. Type of Test Item – This objective will require objective style short answer test items as they will have to list types of information they use for their job duties.
Test Item 1: On a piece of paper, list the types of information you access for your particular job duties.
Objective 2.0: Given pen and paper, list the types of sensitive hard copy information that is handled to perform your specific job duties.
1. What will they need to do? The students should be able to list types of sensitive hard copy information that they use to perform their job duties.
2. What conditions will be provided? They will be provided with a pen and paper to list the information that they use.
3. Type of Learning Domain – Verbal Information: Students have to apply knowledge of sensitive hard copy information in order to provide short answer.
4. Type of Test Item – This objective will require objective style short answer test items as they will have to list types of sensitive hard copy information they use for their job duties.
Test Item 1: On a piece of paper, list the types of sensitive hard copy information that is handled to perform your specific job duties.
Objective 3.0: Given three minutes, list four characteristics of a secure password.
1. What will they need to do? The students should be able to list four characteristics of a secure password.
2. What conditions will be provided? They will be provided with a pen and paper to list four characteristics of secure passwords.
3. Type of Learning Domain – Intellectual Skills: Students have to apply knowledge in order to list information.
4. Type of Test Item – This objective will require objective style multiple choice test items as they will have to identify four characteristics of secure passwords.
Test Item 1:
Using your company issued laptop and being asked to create a secure password, your secure password would include: a. capital and lower case letter b. capital letters, lower case letters, number s, and special characters c. special characters and numbers d. all of the above
Objective 3.1: Given three minutes, list examples of four types of commonly used passwords.
1. What will they need to do? The students should be able to list four types of commonly used passwords.
2. What conditions will be provided? They will be provided with a pen and paper to list four types of commonly used passwords.
3. Type of Learning Domain –Intellectual Skills: Students have to apply knowledge in order to list information.
4. Type of Test Item – This objective will require objective style short answer test items as they will have list four types of commonly used passwords.
Test Item 1: On a piece of paper, list four types of commonly used passwords and tell why you think they are most commonly used.
Objective 4.0: Given sample email messages, identify five examples of information that require an email to be encrypted.
1. What will they need to do? The students should be able to look over sample emails and find information that is considered sensitive and would require the email to be sent using encryption.
2. What conditions will be provided? They will be provided with sample email messages, some that contain sensitive information and some that do not contain sensitive information.
3. Type of Learning Domain –Intellectual Skills: Students have to apply knowledge of sensitive information in order to make proper selections.
4. Type of Test Item – This objective will require objective style multiple choice test items as they will identify which emails should be sent using encryption.
Test Item 1: (Assuming sample emails are numbered and emails #1 and #3 contain five examples of sensitive information)
Based on the sample emails provided, which emails should encrypted before they are sent? a. Sample email #1 b. Sample email #2, c. Sample email #3 d. Sample email # 1 and #3
Objective 4.1: Given five minutes to explain, state what happens or could happen to an email message after it is sent.
1. What will they need to do? The students should be able state possible things that can happen to an email as it is transmitted.
2. What conditions will be provided? They will be provided with an email that contains sensitive information.
3. Type of Learning Domain –Verbal Skills: Students have to apply knowledge of email transmission and possibilities in order to explain possible things that can take place.
4. Type of Test Item – This objective will require objective style short answer test items as they will state what things may happen when to an email after it is sent.
Test Item 1: In a short paragraph, explain three possible things that can happen to an email after your click send.
Objective 5.0: Given five minutes and email access, construct an email and apply the proper steps to send it using encryption.
1. What will they need to do? The students should be able create an email message and encrypt it before sending.
2. What conditions will be provided? They will be provided with company issued laptop with encryption software installed and a company email account.
3. Type of Learning Domain –Intellectual Skills: Students have to apply knowledge of proper steps to successfully perform the task.
4. Type of Test Item – This objective will require an objective style criteria rating scale to determine all steps were properly performed to send the message encrypted.
Test Item 1: Using your company laptop with encryption software installed, your company email account, and five minutes, create an email that contains made up information that would be considered sensitive. Then encrypt the email using the proper steps and send it to the instructor at
Objective 5.1: Given five minutes, list the proper steps for sending an email using encryption.
1. What will they need to do? The students should be able list the steps for encrypting an email.
2. What conditions will be provided? They will be provided with company issued laptop with encryption software installed and a company email account.
3. Type of Learning Domain –Intellectual Skills: Students have to apply knowledge of proper steps to successfully perform the task.
4. Type of Test Item – This objective will require an objective style short answer test to list steps required to properly send an email using encryption.
Test Item 1: On a piece of paper, list the steps, in order, for sending an encrypted email. Begin from step one, the opening and composing of a new message.
Design Evaluation Chart
Identify types of sensitive information.
Name different types of information used for the job.
Identify types of information that is in hard copy format and contains sensitive information.
Examine passwords for secure characteristics
Identify types of passwords that are commonly used.
Locate sensitive information contained in email messages.
List possible things that happen to email messages.
Performance Objective
Objective 1.0: Given access to different types of information, identify what information is sensitive information based on company guidelines.
Objective 1.1: Given pen and paper, list types of information that is handled to perform your specific job duties.
Objective 2.0: Given pen and paper, list the types of sensitive hard copy information that is handled to perform your specific job duties.
Objective 3.0: Given three minutes, list four characteristics of a secure password.
Test Item
Based on company guidelines, list four types of information that would be considered sensitive information?
On a piece of paper, list the types of information you access for your particular job duties.
On a piece of paper, list the types of sensitive hard copy
information that is handled to perform your specific job duties.
Objective 3.1: Given three minutes, list examples of four types of commonly used passwords.
Objective 4.0: Given sample email messages, identify five examples of information that require an email to be encrypted.
Objective 4.1: Given five minutes to explain, state what happens or could happen to an email message after it is sent.
Using your company issued laptop and being asked to create a secure password, your secure password would include: a. capital and lower case letter b. capital letters, lower case letters, number s, and special characters c. special characters and numbers d. all of the above
On a piece of paper, list four types of commonly used passwords and tell why you think they are most commonly used.
Based on the sample emails provided, which emails should encrypted before they are sent? a. Sample email #1 b. Sample email #2, c. Sample email #3 d. Sample email # 1 and #3
In a short paragraph, explain three possible things that can happen to an email after your click send.
Identify the steps for sending encrypted email.
Send an email using encryption. Objective 5.0: Given five minutes and email access, construct an email and apply the proper steps to send it using encryption.
Objective 5.1: Given three minutes, list the proper steps for sending an email using encryption.
Using your company laptop with encryption software installed, your company email account, and five minutes, create an email that contains made up information that would be considered sensitive. Then encrypt the email using the proper steps and send it to the instructor at
On a piece of paper and in five minutes, list the steps, in order, for sending an encrypted email.
Begin from step one, the opening and composing of a new message.