QUIZ CMPE-552 17.01.2014 (90 min, 100 points) St. Name, Surname______________________________________ St.Id#_____________ Calculators are allowed Instructor Alexander Chefranov Task 1. (20 points) Consider Fig. 26.7 below. Figure 26.7. An encrypted element within an XML document <PaymentInfo xmlns = “http://...”> <Name> John Doe </Name> <EncryptedData Type = “http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#Element” xmlns=”http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#”/> <EncryptionMethod Algorithm = “http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#tripledes-cbc”/> <ds:KeyInfo xmlns:ds = “http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#“> <ds:KeyName>keyABC</ds:KeyName> </ds:KeyInfo> <CipherData> <CipherValue>Zx23XAbc4..</CipherValue> </CipherData> </EncryptedData> </PaymentInfo> What is encrypted, by what encryption method, with what key, and what is the result of the encryption? Payment information is encrypted, with tripledes-cbc method, using the key named keyABC, and result of encryption is Zx23XAbc4.. 1 Task 2. (20 points) Consider X.509 certificate in Fig. 14.3 below Explain contents of the Signature part of the certificate: what is the meaning of each of its three parts (algorithms, parameters, encrypted), give particular examples of their possible values or how they might be calculated. Signature parts are: - Algorithms – specifies an asymmetric encryption algorithm and hash function (e.g., RSA, MD5); - Parameters – specify parameters of the algorithms above (e.g., keylength of RSA, initial value IV for MD5); - Encrypted – specifies result of signing (hash of the certificate is calculated, followed by encryption with the private key of a signer). 2 Task 3. (20 points) Consider Fig. 14.5 below What is the aim of message 2 in the two-way X.509 strong authentication. Describe the message as a whole and each its component in particular. What is the aim of each its part? The aim of the message 2 is to confirm of the authentication of A to B, and requesting authentication of B to A Message 2 contains some data signed with the private key of B tB is a timestamp generated by B rB is a nonce generated by B, they both are to counter replay attack IDA is identifier of A, shows the recipient of the message sgnData is a data signed by B EKUa[Kba] is a key for communication between B and A encrypted with the public key of A for hiding 3 Task 4. (20 points) Let h(x)=(2x+3)mod10. Calculate h4(5). Show your intermediate calculations. h4(5)= h3(h((5))= h2(h(3))= h(h(9))=h(1)=5 4 Task 5. (20 points) Consider the table Employee below Name Smith U Brown C (a) Employee – the original tuples Salary JobPerformance 40000 C Fair TS 80000 S Good C TC TS S What result set will be obtained if Select * from employee is invoked by a user of S (Secret) level? Show resulting table and explain the result Name Smith U Brown C Salary 40000 C 80000 S JobPerformance Null S Good C TC S S As far as the user’s level is S, according to no read-up rule, he can’t see higher level information, replaced by Null in the display 5