54 VEGETIVA EWA When the earth receives water, she pushes

When the earth receives water, she pushes upward into the air.
Who is Vegetiva?
She is the green growing power in all vegetation. As Pele is the life blood of the earth, so
Vegetiva is the life blood of the plant kingdom. Blood and sap are very similar. She is
chlorophyll, the plant world’s haemoglobin. She is the green sprouting essence of all vegetation
on earth, from the tallest trees to every blade of grass. She is the embodiment of the tree spirit.
This is similar to the Yakshis of Hindu culture, but whereas they are spirits living in trees,
Vegetiva is the essence of the spirit of the tree itself. She is present in all vegetation and is the
energy that promotes growth and makes things flourish. She is the garment in which the planet
chooses to clothe herself.
Vegetiva is your green card.
Location/Sphere of Influence
Everywhere there are green things growing.
All green beings - trees, plants and grasses.
Nature & Description of Dakini
64DakiniOracle.org © Penny Slinger 2010
Vegetiva squats in the center of her world, constantly giving birth to herself as the verdant
landscape of earth. She holds an orb which contains a sprouting seed. This in turn is seen to be
birthed from the smaller form of herself who births and is birthed on the earth below. This
represents Vegetiva’s blueprint for continual growth and renewal.
She is made of trees and leaves and moss and grass, of living green cells filled with chlorophyll.
Her eyes gaze at you through the cellular patterns of leaves.
She is pictured metamorphosing into a tree, reminiscent of Daphne in Grecian myths.
All vegetation is a living conscious mantle that decorates Mother Earth. Every tree is a living
being. Their consciousness may be of a different quality to ours, as they are rooted in one place,
but they are sentient beings. Their relationship to the earth is different from ours, the two-legged
ones. In the natural course of things, only the offspring of a tree or plant has the chance to move
when it is carried as a seed or a nut.
From Vegetiva’s hands, branches, roots and vines reach out to create an ever-living wooden
heart, a heart full of verdant meadows, ferns and trees, a heart with roots reaching down into the
earth and a support for Vegetiva’s reach towards the sky.
Above her, light bubbles in stem-like twirling tubes of plant life’s DNA, a green grail holding the
sap of life, pouring into her and sprouting from her all at once.
Divinatory Meaning
A gift of green energy from Vegetiva.
Something in your life really wants to grow and flourish, to take root, to sprout and spring
upwards, to branch out.
The seeds are already planted. What do you need to do to nurture and nourish their germination
and growth?
All things green need water and sunlight to grow. They also respond to love and attention
because they are living entities.
If you are consulting about a project or relationship, define the nurturing factors in the current
situation. What represents the light towards which the plant is drawn and that stimulates its
growth? This is your main focus. What represents the water, that which you apply to the situation
in order to promote growth and provide the juice to flow through the entity and help it function?
Where does your water come from? Is it an unlimited or limited resource?
Make sure you are in a position to provide the basic elements to support life and growth, then
apply the magic ‘X factor’ – the love, focus and attention applied to your intention.
This formula applies to everything, from planting a garden to growing a business, a relationship
or a vision.
Sometimes stress during the growing process helps makes the plant stronger. We don’t usually
invite stress into a situation. It just seems to arrive of its own accord.
If it happens, don’t fret. It may just be part of the growth process.
Maybe a little fertilizer is required. Can you provide it? And you know what fertilizer is often
made from, don’t you? Perhaps there is something that has been going to waste that could be
usefully applied to support the growth process.
She imparts the wisdom of standing still.
Become the still point in the flux of events.
Learn how to ‘vegetate’. The ‘vegetative state’ is known as one where the individual is
unresponsive and unaware. However Vegetiva says that you may not see members of her green
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family respond, but to say they are unaware is ridiculous. They may not have visible eyes to see,
ears to hear, nostrils to smell or mouths to speak and eat, but they are sentient beings, meaning
they have their own senses, which feel and experience life. They take in nourishment and they
grow, evolve from seed to tree.
Vegetate to assimilate.
She knows to move towards the light.
Establish what constitutes the light in your life and move towards it.
Model your designs on the growth patterns of vegetation.
The wisdom of the green.
Understand that the mantle of green that the earth wraps herself in is a living, breathing
ecosystem that is designed to be self balancing and self organizing. It is a symbiotic system
whose whole relies on the sum of its parts. Humans have tampered with this system, unaware of
either the intricate way in which it works nor how each part plays an essential role in bringing
balance to the whole.
Plants take from the air and from the earth, and they give back also to each as well.
Part of the sugars they produce goes into their fruits, part goes into the roots and down into the
soil. The bodily waste of the plant helps makes the rock soluble and soil worthy. When a mature
plant dies, it offers to the soil mature, durable material that has lived full cycle. So the vegetable
kingdom constantly helps nourish the living organism of the soil, while at the same time
breathing in carbon dioxide and out oxygen, into the atmosphere. There is something too that
plantlife does to the quality of water that runs through its system in the process of transpirationwhen the plant takes water in through its roots and releases it through its leaves….
Take a leaf from Vegetiva’s book of life, her tree of life.
Give back as much as you take. It will probably not be returned in the same form as you received
it, take what you need and give back what is needed.
Vegetiva asks you to recognize that all that lives is a harbinger not only of life force, but of
consciousness. The kind of consciousness that resides in plants is of a different nature than our
human consciousness, so it is generally not recognized or identified. Like most sentient beings,
the plant kingdom responds to feelings and emotional stimuli. It is being discovered that plants
have memory and the ability to communicate information through their systems much as nervous
systems in animals work; similar electrical signals, but of a different biological nature.
Vegetiva wants to connect with us, through her being, so that she is recognized and honored for
her role in this wondrous Eden. She asks you, as you have received her, to discover all you can
about how she works and the miracles of her diversity and her complimentary nature – how she
compliments and supports so graciously the rest of creation and its creatures. When you become
more conscious of her, she says, the consciousness of humanity and that of the vegetable
kingdom shall work together again as one.
You may need green vegetables in your diet. Your body is asking.
You need to spend more time in nature. Lie on the grass and drink in the green vibrancy through
your being.
Green is very healing for you.
Wear green.
Do you have a ‘green thumb’ you haven’t used?
64DakiniOracle.org © Penny Slinger 2010
Think green.
1. Vegetiva requests that when you sit down to eat you offer gratitude to all the beings who
gave their life force to you in providing the food you are eating; not just the animal
products, but all the fruits and vegetables of the earth that you consume.
It is part of the cycle of life to consume, but a simple dedication expressing appreciation
and thanks brings the circle of life to the cycle.
2. Vegetiva asks you to hug a tree and see yourself embracing her as you do so. Hug her as
you do so. She loves to be touched and hugged. Speak her name. Kiss a plant.
3. Plant a tree. Make some intentional act that benefits Vegetiva and her realm.
4. Grow something. A window box, a herb garden, sprout an avocado seed. Talk to the
plants you are growing. Give them lots of love and attention, as well as light and water.
Observe how the plant/s respond. See this plants/these plants as part of the body of
Vegetiva and love it/ them as your offering to her.
5. Vegetiva asks that you enter into a meditation with her for the good of all. Sit somewhere
quietly, in nature if possible, and close your eyes. Visualize Vegitiva’s green world and
enter it. See yourself, as Vegitiva, in the center of this world, with all vegetation, grass,
plants and trees, all emanating out from you in an ever living, ever growing abundance
and variety.
See all as one symbiotic system, all working together like cells in one giant organism. All
parts are precious and intimately connected.
Breathe your love, your life force into this world as an offering to Vegetiva and pray for
it to thrive and renew. Send this vision out on the psychic pathways to open the hearts of
human beings and prepare the ground, sow the seeds of change, growth and evolution.
6. Visualize an emerald green light shining from the region of your heart. You can use this
visualization at any time and in fact Vegetiva suggests you make it part of your being.
You have a heart emitting beautiful green light, an awakened heart.
Dakini Transmission
I am the green
In everything seen
In the natural world
I do unfold
The verdant tapestry
Which self renews
And lovingly
Supports and nurtures
All terrestrial life
64DakiniOracle.org © Penny Slinger 2010
I make things grow
I am part of the vegetable kingdom
It nurtures and supports me
I think green
64DakiniOracle.org © Penny Slinger 2010