linguistics foreign


Curriculum Vitae

Chuprygina Larisa

Senior Lecturer, Arabic Language

School of Asian Studies

Faculty of World Economy and International Relations

National Research University - Higher School of Economics.

Moscow, Russia


+7 (495) 772 9590# 22763 (of.)

+7 (916) 677 7633 (cell)


Previous occupations

2007-2010 - TV Channel "Russia Today" in Arabic (" مويلا ايسور " ), Assistant Editor-in-Chief: the organization and conduct of the TV Channel PR-campaign in the Middle East and North

Africa; supervising of the editorial office external relations, maintenance relations with the press club "Vostok"; organization of press conferences of Editor-in-Chief

1999-2000 - Teacher of English, Educational Centre 1239, Moscow

1997-1997 - Representative of Nadjma Co. (Lebanese), Moscow: production of TV programs for Arabic TV channels

1990-1995 - People's Friendship University named after Patrice Lumumba, Moscow,

Department of Foreign Languages No. 1 (for Philological Studies): Arabic Language,

Lecturer Assistant

1992-1994 - "Aquarius Ltd", Moscow, Executive Director: recording of TV programs for

Arabic TV channels

1985-1987 - People's Friendship University named after Patrice Lumumba, Moscow,

Department of Foreign Languages No. 1(for Philological Studies): Arabic Language,


1981-1982 - Havana University, Preparatory Department named after Serjio Perez,

Havana, Cuba: Teacher of Russian as Foreign Language

1981-1995 - temporary attachment to various companies and organizations (in Moscow,

Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Yemen, Northern Korea) as interpreter of Arabic Language; syncr. translation

Current Position (2010 – present)

Senior Lecturer, School of Asian Studies


2013 - Faculty of Philosophy, National Research University "Higher School of Economics"; field of research "Influence of Arabic Language and Culture on Formation of Cultural and

Language Tradition of Malta"

Subject of Lecturing in 2010/2015

NRU HSE, School of Asian Studies

Arabic Language (Bachelor level; place of lecturing: School of Asian Studies; for 1-2 year students): Basic, Intermediate


1985 Diploma: Patris Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, speciality

«Philologist, Translator/Interpreter of Arabic, English, Spanish, French»

1987 -1990 Doctorate Studies: Patris Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship University of

Russia, specialisation «Historical and General Linguistics, Comparativistics, Theory of translation»

1988 - 1989 - Damascus University, Philological Department; Arabic Language Academy

(Damascus, Syria) - Study course

2012 - LMS Efront, Study course

2013 - LMS Efront, Study course

Areas of specialization:

Linguistics; Teaching of Arabic as Foreign Language


Philologist; Teacher of Russian as Foreign Language; Interpreter/ Translator of English,

Arabic, French, Spanish

Supervising and Examining

2010 – 2013 Deputy Head of Oriental Philology Department, Head of Arabic

Language Studies, School of Asian Studies, National Research

University “Higher School of Economics”, Moscow

Honors and teaching awards

2012/2013 Best Lecturer of the Year, National Research University – “Higher

School of Economics”

Extra-Curriculum Activities

2012/2014 Secretary of Methodical Commission, School of Asian Studies,

National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, Moscow

2013/2014 Responsible Secretary of Certifying Commission, School of Asian

Studies, National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, Moscow

Publications (selected)

Chuprygina L. Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Distance education systems (LMS) in foreign language teaching // Communication in multicultural world: the pragmatics of language units. Scientific Papers, Vol 3,

Мoscow, Pearson, 2015

Chuprygina L. Learning Management Systems as Methodological

Instrument for Added Effectiveness of Teaching Arabic in Higher School: the

Case of Basic course of Arabic Language// Methods of Teaching Oriental

Languages Actual Problems and Trends. Scientific Papers, Griffon, Moscow,

2015, p. 13-23

Chuprygina L. Classification of Parts of Speech in the Arabic Grammar

Tradition // Functional Linguistics, 2014, № 6, p. 125-128

Chuprygina L. Adding up Moras as a Method of Teaching Arabic at the

Beginners Stage// Communicative Aspects of Contemporary Linguistics and

Lingvodidactics. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference.

Volgograd, 18 October 2013. Volgograd University Press, 2013, p. 676-680

Chuprygina L. On Specifics of Common Syrian Dialects as per Damascus

Koine Dialectos // Functional Linguistics, 2013. № 5, p. 343-347

Chuprygina L., Solovyova E. Arabic Language in Higher School: Challenges of

Teaching // In the World of Scientific Discoveries. Problems of Science and

Education. Vol. 11. 7 (47), Krasnoyarsk, 2013, p. 332-346

Chuprygina L. Functional Specifics of Arabic Names in Modern Maltese

Language. The Case of ISM(un) and KuNYat(un) // Comparative Philology and Polylingua. Proceedings of the IV International Conference (Kazan, 28-29

November 2013) Vol. 1. Kaz. : Kazan University Press, 2013, p. 46-50.

Chuprygina L. Evolution of Arabic Language in the Age of Cultural

Globalization: from Diglossia to the «Golden Triangle» // Language and

Culture. Kiev, 2013. Т. III (165). № 16, p. 207-215.

Chuprygina L., Chuprygin A. Middle East – Crouching Tiger? // European

Journal of Social Sciences. 2012. Vol. 36. No. 2. P. 294-298.

Chuprygina L. To the question of allocation of significant parts of speech in various types of languages // Research practices of modernity. Collection of scientific works. Rostov-on-Don, Scientific Cooperation press, 2011. p. 40-55.

Conference Participation (recent)

2014, October: International Conference "In the World of Arabic Language.

To the 90 anniversary since the birth of Grigory Sharbatov”. Moscow. Russian

Academy of Science, Institute of Oriental studies. Presentation: The Maltese

Language: from a dialect of Arabic to the national language of Malta.

2014, May: 13th International Conference of Africanists "Society and Politics in Africa: Traditional, Transitional and New" (Moscow, Russian Academy of

Science, Institute of African studies). Paper: Evolution of the Arabic Language: from Mahmud Teymur to Muhammad al-Maatuk"

2014, June: 27th Congress of the Union Europeenne des Arabisants et

Islamisants (University of Helsinki). Paper: The Enigma of "Malti": al-Jisr baina al-Islam wal-Masihiyya"

2014, May: II International Conference "Methods of Teaching Oriental

Languages: Actual Problems and Trends" (Moscow, Higher School of

Economics). Paper: Learning Management Systems as Methodological

Instrument for Added Effectiveness of Teaching Arabic in Higher School: the

Case of Basic Course of Arabic Language.
