Entry Form for the 5. Reichsstadtschau on 15. Juni 2014 on the club grounds of the BG Rottweil und Umgebung e.V. / Berner Feld, Rottweil Breed Group: At least 3 dogs having the same kennel name 25,00 Euro Offspring Group: At least 5 offspring Male/Female 25,00 Euro Deadline: 2. Juni 2014 Judge: Claudia Wolf-Meixner, ADRK Dog’s Name: Male Date of Birth: Female The Breed/Offspring Group can be subsequently on the day of the show Studb. No.: The above mentioned Rottweiler was entered by me for show. I will follow the show instructions and will not leave the show before end. Work. Titles: HD-Status: free indifferent slight middle severe missing I accept liability for damage caused by us or by the registered dog. ED-Status: free indifferent slight middle severe missing Attention: Dogs which are docked after 01.06.1998 must not be shown. Exception: Medical indications to prove with a veterinarian’s certificate ! Father: Mother: Participating dogs must be effectively vaccinated against rabies (proof by vaccination certificate) Breeder: For the registered dog is in the country avalid liability insurance. Owner & Address: Date: Phone: Email: Signature: ____________________________ Fax: Entries to: Petra Otto, Schützenstr. 6, 78658 Zimmern, Tel: 0741 / 347639 Email: petra.otto@bg-rottweil.de / Fax: 0741 / 40342168 Entry Class (please mark) Youngest Class (6-9 months) 25,00 Euro Youth Class (9-18 months) 25,00 Euro Intermediate Class (15-24 months) 25,00 Euro Open Class (> 15 months) 25,00 Euro Working Class (> 15 months)* 25,00 Euro Champion class (> 15 months)* 25,00 Euro Veteran Class (> 8 Years) 25,00 Euro *Proof of a champion title fort he Champion class / a VDH/FCI certification for the Working Class is required; originals must be presented on day of show; if missing the dog will be moved to the Open Class The bank account fort he entry fee is: Please transfer with details of the dog and owner to Konto-Nr. 51231 bei der Kreissparkasse Spaichingen, BLZ 64350070 IBAN: DE60 6435 0070 0000 0512 31 / BIC: SOLADES1TUT Each dog has to be entered on an own form. The entry fee is due by entering the dog. The entry fee must also be paid if the dog will miss the show because the efforts are not affected !!!