Gulf Stream Lodge No. 245 Scholarship Award Nomination Year 2015 Nominee Information Name: Address: City, State, Zip: Phone: Cell: Parent(s) / Guardian(s): Year of Graduation: Cumulative High School G.P.A.: Male Female Age: Email: Conduct Rating: School Information School Name: Principal: Counselor: Address: City, State, Zip: Phone: Cell: Email: Principal’s /Counselor’s Comments and Recommendations On a separate sheet of paper, please provide the committee with your thoughts and recommendations as to why this student should be a Gulf Stream Scholar. Include the student’s leadership traits and extracurricular activities at school, home and any other activities (ie: church/synagogue, ROTC, band, choir, etc.). Please Return By April 24th To: Gulf Stream Lodge No. 245 Scottish Rite Masonic Center 2000 North “D” Street Lake Worth, Florida 33460 or Call 561-654-5789 and we will make arrangements to pick it up. Gulf Stream Lodge No. 245 Scholarship Award Rules and Regulations Established January 1st 2005 In order to foster and enlightened leadership and to assist deserving youths of Palm Beach County, Gulf Stream Lodge No. 245 established a Scholarship in the amount of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) beginning January 1 st 2005. The recipients will be known as a Gulf Stream Scholar and will be selected from a group of three to five young men and women proposed by the administration of selected high schools during their academic senior year. The choice for the Gulf Stream Scholar will be selected from the graduating class of a High School in the proximity Gulf Stream Lodge No. 245. Each student proposed will be interviewed by the Lodge’s Scholarship Committee who will make the selection. Announcement of the selection will be made prior to graduation and presentation of the scholarship will be made at Gulf Stream Lodge during the Awards Night Ceremony in August. The selection criteria furnished to the scholarship school administration to choose the candidates include the following: 1) The nominees will have maintained a “B” grade average during his or her high school career and will have not received “3” in conduct. Their high school scholastic regimen shall have been directed towards preparation for higher education includes studies in American History, Civics, English Literature and Grammar, Mathematics and Sciences. 2) Each nominee will have demonstrated a potential for future leadership by displaying leadership traits in his or her future involvement in extracurricular activities at school, home or church/synagogue. 3) A financial need must be shown, while other financial assistance in the form of scholarship grants or loans will not disqualify for this award, there must be a showing that the individual would likely be in hardship condition to attend any college or university in the Unites States, but will keep residence in Florida. Continuing Gulf Stream Scholars will, in subsequent years, be awarded their continuation grants at the same time as the current year scholarship. In order to qualify for subsequent awards of this scholarship, the Gulf Stream Scholars must maintain a 3.0 grade point average in a 4.0 grade system or equivalent in another system, in all studies undertaken and carry an academic load sufficient to be classified as full time student. Also it is required that a transcript of grades be sent to Gulf Stream Lodge after termination of each academic semester. Failing to do so, will automatically disqualify the yearly scholarship award. The award of the scholarship grants and the amount for subsequent years shall be the sole discretion of the scholarship committee of the Lodge and to be availability of the fund. Feel free to call me any time. Ricardo Babilonia Gulf Stream Lodge No. 245 Located at: Scottish Rite Masonic Center 2000 North “D” Street Lake Worth, Florida 33460 Cell 561-654-5789