Handout 21, Confidence intervals for μ

Constructing a Confidence Interval for µ
The estimate x of µ is called a point estimate because the estimator produces a
single number to estimate the parameter. Next we will examine an interval estimator
which yields an interval estimate of where the parameter resides. Such an interval is
usually called a confidence interval.
The construction of a confidence interval for a parameter is frequently very
simple. Recall our notation
zα =
the point on the standard normal distribution which cuts off α% in the
upper tail.
For example, z.05 = 1.65 cuts off 5% in the upper tail, while z.01 = 2.33 cuts off 1% in the
upper tail.
To construct a 100(1-α)% confidence interval for µ when
(1) the normality of X is justifiable, and
(2) σ is known,
x  z  / 2 X
 ( x  z / 2 
, x  z / 2 
Example: Incomes are known to be normally distributed in a community with σ = $5000.
In order to obtain a 90% confidence interval for µ (the average income), a sample is taken
of 25 incomes and the sample mean x  $30,000 is computed.
Since you want a 90% confidence interval, α = .10. What is α/2?
Then z.05 = 1.65, and our interval is
x  z  / 2 X
 30,000  (1.65) 5000
 30,000  1,650
 (28350, 31650)
Understanding the Confidence Interval
First note that by standardizing, the following probability is easy to compute:
P{  z / 2 X  X    z / 2 X }
 P{
(   z / 2 X )  
X 
(   z / 2 X )  
 P{ z / 2  Z  z / 2 }
 1
So for our income example,
P{  z.05 X  X    z.05 X }  0.9
Rearranging µ and X (that is, subtracting µ and X everywhere and multiplying by (-1)):
P{ X  z.05 X    X  z.05 X }  0.9
Notice that the expression in the middle is a fixed number (µ), and the endpoints of the
( X  z.05 X ,
X  z.05 X )
are random!
Every time you take a sample of size n, you will get (potentially) a different value
of the sample mean. You then add and subtract a fixed number ( z.05 X ) to the mean.
Will the resulting interval contain µ?
If you get an
at location 1, will your interval contain µ?
At location 2?
At location 3?
In fact, anytime our sample mean falls in (   z.05 X ,   z.05 X ) , our confidence
interval will contain µ. By construction, this will happen 90% of the time. As a result,
we can make the following statement about our 90% confidence interval:
With 90% probability, our sample mean will fall within $1650 of the true average
income (µ).
Of course, we don’t know if our specific interval was one of these lucky 90%.
For a 95% confidence interval:
x  z.025 X
 30,000  (1.96) 5000
25 
 30,000  1,960
 (28040, 31960)
How does this compare to our 90% confidence interval?
If we increase our sample to n = 100, our 95% confidence interval becomes
x  z.025 X
 30,000  (1.96) 5000
100 
 30,000  980
 (29020, 30980)
How does this interval compare to the last one?
The term z / 2 X (which is half of the length of the confidence interval) is
sometimes referred to as the precision of the estimate. Assuming for a moment that your
interval contains µ, how far away can µ be from x ?
| x   | z  X
the “precision”
From this perspective, how is a confidence interval superior to a point estimate?
What are the two ways you can make the confidence interval smaller?