A Model to Systematically Employ Professional Judgment in the Bayesian Decision Analysis for a Semiconductor Industry Exposure Assessment Supplement TABLE SI. Table of values used in the structured QLRA to determine Health Effect rating for each chemical agent. LD-50 (mg/kg) 4 HR. LC-50 (ppm) Practically non-toxic; nonirritating; no chronic effects 5000-15,000 10,000-100,000 1 Slightly toxic; slight to mild irritation; minor reversible injury 500-<5000 1000-<10,000 2 Moderately toxic; moderate irritation; temporary reversible injury 50-<500 100-<1000 3 Highly toxic; severely irritating; corrosive; irreversible injury without prompt medical attention 1-<50 10-<100 4 Extremely toxic; lifethreatening, permanent damage may result from single or repeated exposure <1 <10 Health Effect Rating* 0 *= Toxicity Description For chemical agents with data indicating potential human carcinogenicity, a health effect rating of 3 or 4 was assigned. These chemical agents include IARC Group 1 (carcinogenic to humans) and 2A (probably carcinogenic to humans); NTP "known carcinogens"; ACGIH category A1 (confirmed human carcinogen) and A2 (suspected human carcinogen); and chemicals for which the data support sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in humans (or limited evidence of carcinogenicity in humans, combined with sufficient evidence in experimental animals). Known reproductive chemical agents were assigned a 4 rating and suspect reproductive agents were assigned a 3 rating. TABLE SII. Table of values used in the structured QLRA to determine Dispersion rating for each chemical agent. Dispersion Rating* 1 Vapor Pressure (@20 – 25⁰ C) Particulate Description <25 mmHg Bound material 2 25-<100 mmHg Large non-airborne 3 100-250 mmHg Potentially airborne/inhalable 4 >250 mmHg Fine light airborne/inhalable TABLE SIII. Table of values used in the structured QLRA to determine Implemented Exposure Controls rating for each chemical agent. Control Rating* 0 1 2 3 4 Description of Implemented Exposure Controls Closed system; minimal potential for release to work environment Semi-closed system; release potential at identified points; effective engineering controls in place at identified points Open system; effective engineering controls in place to contain/remove airborne contaminants Open system; some degree of engineering controls; effective use of administrative and PPE controls Open system; ineffective controls TABLE SIV. Table of values used in the structured QLRA to determine Frequency and Duration rating for each chemical agent based on related task. * Duration <15 mins 15 mins – <1 hr 1 hr - <2 hrs 2 hrs – 4 hrs >4 hrs <1/month 1 1 1 1 1 Frequency <daily/>monthly 1 2 2 3 4 daily 1 2 3 4 5 TABLE SV. Table of values used in the structured QLRA to determine Overall Exposure Potential rating for each chemical agent. Product of Dispersion, Controls and Frequency/Duration Ratings <10 10 – 20 21 – 30 31- 40 >40 Overall Exposure Potential Rating 0 1 2 3 4 Example BDA calculation The following example illustrates how BDA was implemented. The chemical agent of interest is isopropyl alcohol. The work task and SEG considered is normal operations in Line B Photo process area. The OEL is 200 ppm isopropyl alcohol as an 8-h TWA. For this work task and SEG, historical exposure monitoring data are available. Historical data summary statistics: Median Sample (ppm) size 0.52 18 Min (ppm) <0.042 Max (ppm) 0.82 95% UCL (ppm) 6.92 % censored 38.9 Sub method MLE Category (95% UCL) 1 Given that historical data are available, a data-informed prior is developed by BDA. The datainformed prior is developed using BDA with an uninformed prior and the historical data. The posterior distribution is then used as the data-informed prior. The BDA decision chart is: The same information is displayed in tabular form: Prior type Flat 0-De minimis (<1% OEL) 0.463 1-Highly Controlled (1-10% OEL) 0.529 2-Well Controlled (10-50% OEL) 0.006 3Controlled (50-100% OEL) 0.001 4-Poorly Controlled (>100% OEL) 0.001 Category (BDA) 1 The prior distribution is updated with newly collected exposure monitoring data. The summary of these data is: Median Sample (ppm) size 0.017 3 Min (ppm) <0.02 Max (ppm) <0.05 95% UCL (ppm) 0.52 % censored 100 Sub method LOD/2 Category (95% UCL) 0 Note that because 100% of results are censored, the results are replaced by one-half the limit of detection (LOD) for use in BDA. These data are used to define the likelihood distribution in BDA. The BDA software summary of the likelihood distribution is presented as a chart: The same information is displayed in tabular form: Prior type Datainformed 0-De minimis (<1% OEL) 1-Highly Controlled (1-10% OEL) 2-Well Controlled (10-50% OEL) 3Controlled (50-100% OEL) 4-Poorly Controlled (>100% OEL) Category (BDA) 0.97 0.029 0.001 0 0 0 The BDA software then calculates the posterior distribution. The posterior distribution is presented as a chart: The same information is displayed in tabular form: Prior type 0-De minimis (<1% OEL) 1-Highly Controlled (1-10% OEL) 2-Well Controlled (10-50% OEL) 3Controlled (50-100% OEL) 4-Poorly Controlled (>100% OEL) Category (BDA) Datainformed 0.967 0.033 0 0 0 0 The highest probability is in category 0, de minimis. Category 0 is the event that the 95th percentile of the lognormal distribution of exposure is < 1% of the OEL. The probability that the 95th percentile of the lognormal distribution of exposure is in category 0 is 0.967. Using the decision rule that the category with the highest probability is the most-likely category, this analysis indicates that most-likely exposure category is 0, de minimis.