MINUTES OF THE OF THE GRAIGUECULLEN/PORTARLINGTON MUNICIPAL DISTRICT HELD IN ARAS CHONTAE ON THE 15TH APRIL, 2015 PRESENT: Councillors Padraig Fleming Paschal McEvoy Tom Mulhall Aidan Mullins IN ATTENDANCE: Mr. Kieran Kehoe, Director of Services, Ms. Josephine Kavanagh, Administrative Officer & Ms. Anne Kavanagh, Clerical Officer. APOLOGIES: Councillor John Moran, Orla Barrett, S.E.E., Raymond James E.E. Cathaoirleach Padraig Fleming opened the meeting and welcomed all present. 1. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE GRAIGUECULLENPORTARLINGTON MUNICIPAL DISTRICT HELD ON THE 18TH MARCH, 2015 On the proposition of Councillor Tom Mulhall, seconded by Councillor Paschal McEvoy, the minutes of the meeting held on the 18th of March, 2015 were confirmed as circulated. 2. ROADS PROGRESS REPORT FOOTPATH & ROAD IMPROVEMENT WORKS IN OAKLEY PARK, GRAIGUECULLEN – COUNCILLORS JOHN MORAN & BEN BRENNAN Phases 1, 2, 3 are now complete. Works included new lighting on one cul de sac, repair and improvement of surface water drainage throughout scheme, new road sections, replacement of paths and landscaping. REPAIR MANHOLES SURROUNDS IN HEATHER HILL, GRAIGUECULLEN – COUNCILLOR PADRAIG FLEMING Works complete. ROUTINE MAINTENANCE Routine maintenance works continuing across the area including repair, replacement of regulatory signage, water cuts/drainage and pothole repair. SLEATY GRAVEYARD, RESURFACE SECTION ADJACENT TO GRAVEYARD – COUNCILLOR JOHN MORAN The pull in area has been resurfaced and will be line market at a later stage in the year. VILLAGE ENHANCEMENT SCHEME Landscaping completed on the N80 Northern Relief Road has brought a splash of colour to the route with crocuses and daffodils. Roses will soon be blooming in Portarlington, Stradbally and Timahoe. Tree planting has been carried out in Portarlington, Killeshin, Graiguecullen, Killeen and Timahoe. New village entry signs have now arrived and will be erected by the roads crews in the coming weeks which will improve the approaches to the villages providing a little piece of heritage linkage with the motifs. ROADS PROGRAMME 2015 Road works in preparation of the road strengthening programme are underway across the District and will constitute the largest volume of works for the coming months. 3. ADOPTION OF REVISED STANDING ORDERS The draft Standing Orders regulating the proceedings of the Graiguecullen/Portarlington Municipal District were adopted on the proposal of Councillor Paschal McEvoy and seconded by Councillor Tom Mulhall. 4. FIX DATE FOR NEXT MEETING It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on Tuesday, 19 th May, 2015 at 2.00 p.m. 5. NOTICES OF MOTION NOTICE OF MOTION NO. GP52/2015 Councillor Aidan Mullins proposed the following Notice of Motion. “To ask Laois County Council the up to date position with regard to taking Graigueaverne Estate, Ballybrittas in charge; what are the outstanding issues and what steps are LCC taking to resolve them.” This motion was seconded by Councillor Tom Mulhall. The members were given the following response from Ms. Carmel McNicholl, S.E.O. “Laois County Council has not taken this estate in charge as there are a number of outstanding issues to be resolved before consideration can be given. An updated inspection will be carried out in the coming weeks. A call has been made on the bond to the Special Liquidators.” NOTICE OF MOTION NO. GP53/2015 Councillor Aidan Mullins proposed the following Notice of Motion. “To ask Laois County Council how many horses were seized / impounded in the county in the first 3 months of this year; the number of these that were put down and the total costs involved.” This motion was seconded by Councillor Tom Mulhall. The members were given the following response from Ms. Fionnuala Daly, S.S.W. How many horses were seized/impounded in the county in the first three months of this year: 47 No. of those euthanized: 45 Total costs involved: €41,564.15 It was proposed by Councillor Aidan Mullins, seconded by Councillor Tom Mulhall and agreed that a letter should issue to Mr. Alan Kelly, Minister for the Environment, requesting that the responsibility for dealing with this matter be removed from the Housing Section of the Local Authority. NOTICE OF MOTION NO. GP54/2015 Councillor Aidan Mullins proposed the following Notice of Motion. “To ask Laois County Council the number of people who presented themselves as homeless this year in Laois; the type of emergency accommodation arranged for them by LCC and the costs involved.” This motion was seconded by Councillor Paschal McEvoy. The members were given the following response from Ms. Fionnuala Daly, S.S.W. How many people presented themselves as homeless this year in Laois: 91 Type of accommodation arranged for them: B&B: 12 Hostel accommodation: 4 Private rented deposits: 11 Transitional accommodation: 4 Direct Provision of housing: Laois County Council: 5 Approved Housing Body: 1 Costs involved: B&B: €7,930.00 Private Rented Deposits: €4,600.00 Regional Settlement Service: €1,500.00 Transitional Accommodation: €2,258.69 Total: €16,288.69 NOTICE OF MOTION NO. GP55/2015 Councillor Tom Mulhall proposed the following Notice of Motion. “That Laois County Council put in place measures to make safe the Hermitage Cross, Killenard.” This motion was seconded by Councillor Paschal McEvoy. The members were given the following response from Ms. Orla Barrett, S.E.E. “An allocation was received under the Road Safety Remedial Measures Scheme for 2015 to carry out improvement works at the Hermitage Cross. The Road Design Office is completing the design for the works and on final approval of the design the Area Office staff will complete these works. Given that the design is at an advanced stage it is anticipated that the works will be completed in the 2nd or 3rd quarter of the year.” NOTICE OF MOTION NO. GP56/2015 Councillor Tom Mulhall proposed the following Notice of Motion. “That Laois County Council carry out repairs on Moyanna Bridge, Vicarstown.” This motion was seconded by Councillor Paschal McEvoy. The members were given the following response from Ms. Orla Barrett, S.E.E. “Repairs to the culvert at Moyanna are programmed for 1st July when water levels in the drain are at their lowest and earliest date approved by Fisheries Board.” NOTICE OF MOTION NO. GP57/2015 Councillor Tom Mulhall proposed the following Notice of Motion. “That Laois County Council contact the Department asking them to give reason why there is no funding for Community Involvement Schemes this year. This scheme hadn’t been linked to the Capital Roads Programme.” This motion was seconded by Councillor Padraig Fleming. The members were given the following response from Ms. Josephine Kavanagh, AO. “The Community Involvement Scheme for 2015 allows for the scheme using funds allocated to Laois County Council under its Roads Programme. We will seek additional funding from the Department of Transport for schemes in Laois.” At this point, due to the absence of Councillors Moran and Brennan, and in order that the motions submitted by said Councillors could be read, it was proposed by Councillor Padraig Fleming and seconded by Councillor Paschal McEvoy that Standing Orders be suspended. NOTICE OF MOTION NO. GP58/2015 Councillor Padraig Fleming on behalf of Councillor John Moran, proposed the following Notice of Motion. “That Laois County Council give an indicative schedule for the roads programme in particular the works for the flood damaged roads as locals are querying.” This motion was seconded by Councillor Tom Mulhall. The members were given the following response from Ms. Orla Barrett, S.E.E. “The 2015 Roads Programme was agreed by the members on the 18th March 2015. The Roads for resurfacing under the Roads Programme which includes the damaged roads for which funding was received have all been put out to Tender. The Tenders closed on the 7 th and 10th April. These tenders have been assessed and the contracts awarded. Our own staff are currently completing the preparatory works which include extensive drainage improvement works, advance bridge repairs and routine maintenance on these roads prior to final surfacing. Our full road closures have been advertised and become effective from the 5th May 2015. Works on each of the roads on the programme will be scheduled as early as possible after this date depending on the availability of road surfacing contractors and weather conditions. Residents on the roads will be notified by letter drop in advance of road closures once contractors have given start dates.” NOTICE OF MOTION NO. GP59/2015 Councillor Padraig Fleming on behalf of Councillor John Moran, proposed the following Notice of Motion. “That Laois County Council include drainage works and repairs at Maggie Ryan’s pub when they are carrying out the roads surfacing at Ballybeg to Killabban.” This motion was seconded by Councillor Paschal McEvoy. The members were given the following response from Ms. Orla Barrett, S.E.E. “Given the lie of the land at this location drainage solutions are limited and difficult. Improvements will however be made in the form of soak holes running adjacent to the road. It is envisaged that these works will be completed in late May.” NOTICE OF MOTION NO. GP60/2015 Councillor Padraig Fleming on behalf of Councillor John Moran proposed the following Notice of Motion. “That Laois County Council confirm that Castletown Bridge is on the roads programme and when will it be repaired.” This motion was seconded by Councillor Paschal McEvoy. The members were given the following response from Ms. Orla Barrett, S.E.E. “Castletown Bridge is on the 2015 bridge repair programme and it is anticipated that works will commence during the summer months when the river level has dropped.” NOTICE OF MOTION GP61/2015 Councillor Padraig Fleming on behalf of Councillor Ben Brennan proposed the following Notice of Motion. “That Laois County Council carry out verge repairs at Moore’s Cross for about 40m where the edge of the road is subsiding” This motion was seconded by Councillor Paschal McEvoy. The members were given the following response from Ms. Orla Barrett, S.E.E. “The R431 from Moore’s Cross to Mayo village is on this year’s surface dressing programme. Prior to these works edge repair and pothole repair will be completed.” NOTICE OF MOTION NO. GP62/2015 Councillor Padraig Fleming on behalf of Councillor Ben Brennan proposed the following Notice of Motion. “That Laois County Council investigate damage to Fairymount Bridge on the R430” This motion was seconded by Councillor Tom Mulhall. The members were given the following response from Ms. Orla Barrett, S.E.E. “Fairymount Bridge was recently hit by a vehicle which lost control going around the bend. The area roads staff have erected chevrons on the bridge to provide additional guidance around the bend. The matter is being referred for possible inclusion on the Road Safety Remedial Measures Scheme for works in 2016. Additionally the bridge has been referred to the road design office for examination under the structural repair programme. A small section of the parapet wall was damaged which requires repair but a request has issued for a full examination of the bridge.” NOTICE OF MOTION NO. GP63/2015 Councillor Padraig Fleming proposed the following Notice of Motion. “That Laois County Council ask the Government to provide specific financial support for Community Involvement Schemes for 2015.” This motion was seconded by Councillor Aidan Mullins. The members were given the following response from Ms. Josephine Kavanagh, A.O “The Community Involvement Scheme for 2015 allows for the scheme using funds allocated to Laois County Council under its Roads Programme. We will seek additional funding from the Department of Transport for schemes in Laois.” NOTICE OF MOTION NO. GP64/2015 Councillor Padraig Fleming proposed the following Notice of Motion. “That Laois County Council allow the residents from No. 1, 2, 3 & 4 in Brotherton Estate, Graiguecullen to remove some of the lawn from the green area so that they can drive down to their houses and park in front of their door as all other residents in the estate can do.” This motion was seconded by Councillor Tom Mulhall. The members were given the following response from Ms. Josephine Kavanagh, A.O “The owners of houses No. 1,2,3,& 4 would require ownership/interest in the lands and planning permission to complete these works. It should be noted that the lands in question are in private ownership and form the open space of the scheme”. NOTICE OF MOTION NO. GP65/2015 Councillor Padraig Fleming proposed the following Notice of Motion. “That Laois County Council outline their plans for the small green area beside the front of Rochfort Manor,Graiguecullen as it is currently a fenced off area with a gate and it is leading to a lot of dumping.” This motion was seconded by Councillor Aidan Mullins. The members were given the following response from Ms. Josephine Kavanagh, A.O “The lands in question are in private ownership and form part of the Pines housing scheme, being the open space for the scheme. These lands are fenced with a wall and decorative railing and have a pedestrian access gate. The illegal dumping issue will be referred to the environment section.” NOTICE OF MOTION GP66/2015 Councillor Paschal McEvoy proposed the following Notice of Motion. “That Laois County Council carry out drainage work in front of house at Moyanna, Vicarstown.” This motion was seconded by Councillor Tom Mulhall. The members were given the following response from Mr. Raymond James, E.E. “This house is located at the low point of a local road which results in surface water ponding on the road outside the said house. This water cannot be piped to a nearby drain as there are no drains in the locality. Therefore it will be necessary to install a road gully at the low point of the road and construct a soakhole in the grass margin. This work will be carried out in the next 3-4 weeks .” NOTICE OF MOTION GP67/2015 Councillor Paschal McEvoy proposed the following Notice of Motion. “That Laois County Council erect signs at Oakvale Cemetery, Stradbally advising visitors to lock their vehicles and remove all visible valuables.” This motion was seconded by Councillor Aidan Mullins. The members were given the following response from Ms. Martina Bracken, A.O. “Laois County Council will look at wording on signage to include necessary advice to visitors.” NOTICE OF MOTION GP68/2015 Councillor Paschal McEvoy proposed the following Notice of Motion. “That Laois County Council upgrade the paint work on the road markings at Mullen Cross, Vicarstown. Also to add a continuous white line on the main road through the junction.” This motion was seconded by Councillor Tom Mulhall. The members were given the following response from Ms. Orla Barrett, S.E.E. “Stop lines on the L3932-48 and the L39305 roads can be refreshed and will be included on line marking schedule for 2015. The main through road which is a local primary L3930 is of insufficient width to mark with a centre line.” 6. CORRESPONDENCE A letter from Mr. Paudie Coffey, T.D., Minister for Housing, Planning and Coordination of the Construction 2020 Strategy, in relation to the housing shortage in Laois was circulated to the members. This concluded the business of the meeting. SIGNED: _________________________ CATHAOIRLEACH CERTIFIED: __________________________ DIRECTOR OF SERVICES