MINUTES OF THE OF THE GRAIGUECULLEN/PORTARLINGTON MUNICIPAL DISTRICT HELD IN ARAS CHONTAE ON THE 18TH MARCH, 2015 PRESENT: Councillors Padraig Fleming Tom Mulhall Ben Brennan Paschal McEvoy Aidan Mullins John Moran IN ATTENDANCE: Mr. Kieran Kehoe, Director of Services, Mr. Henry Ritchie, Senior Engineer, Mr. Raymond James, Executive Engineer, Ms. Josephine Kavanagh, Administrative Officer & Ms. Anne Kavanagh, Clerical Officer. Cathaoirleach Padraig Fleming opened the meeting and welcomed all present. 1. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE GRAIGUECULLEN-PORTARLINGTON MUNICIPAL DISTRICT HELD ON THE 18TH FEBRUARY, 2015 On the proposition of Councillor John Moran, seconded by Councillor Tom Mulhall, the minutes of the meeting held on the 18th of February, 2015 were confirmed as circulated. 2. NOMINATION OF ONE MEMBER TO THE 1916 COMMERMORATIONS COMMITTEE Councillor Padraig Fleming was nominated to the 1916 Commermorations Committee having been proposed by Councillor Paschal McEvoy and seconded by Councillor John Moran. 3. ROADS PROGRESS REPORT Y JUNCTION AT COOLANOWLE/GURTEEN – COUNCILLOR JOHN MORAN New signage for crossroads has been erected. PROVIDE DISABLED BAY IN HEATHER HILL TO RESIDENT AT REAR OF SCHEME – COUNCILLOR PADRAIG FLEMING Works complete. ROUTINE MAINTENANCE Routine maintenance works continuing across the area including repair, replacement of regulatory signage, water cuts/drainage and pothole repair. BALLYBRITTAS CENTRE LINE HAS FADED – COUNCILLORS TOM MULHALL AND PASCHAL MCEVOY All line marking in Ballybrittas including centre lines, turning islands and edges have been remarked. REPLACE DAMAGED SIGNS AT MOORE’S CROSS ON THE R431 – COUNCILLOR BEN BRENNAN Signs have been replaced. PROVIDE LINE MARKING IN KILNACOURT THROUGH BENDS TO MAKE SAFE – COUNCILLOR AIDAN MULLINS Line marking complete in Kilnacourt Housing Estate and the road markings on the roundabout on entry have all been redone. 4. SCHEDULE OF MUNICIPAL DISTRICT WORKS Following a short discussion, the adoption of the Schedule of Municipal District Works was proposed by Councillor Ben Brennan and seconded by Councillor John Moran. 5. NOTICES OF MOTION NOTICE OF MOTION NO. GP34/2015 Councillor Padraig Fleming proposed the following Notice of Motion. “To ask Laois County Council what safety measures can be carried out at the bridge at Ballinakill, Ballickmoyler on the L78921-0 as its on a severe bend in the interests of Health & Safety.” This motion was seconded by Councillor Ben Brennan. The members were given the following response from Ms. Orla Barrett, S.E.E. “There are no recorded accidents at this rural narrow cul de sac road where the number of houses/landowners beyond the bend are very low. The cul de sac which crosses a boxed culvert has open drains along most of its length on both sides of the lane having a bank separating the road from the drains. This road character is similar to that of the approach local secondary through roads of the L7892 and L7878, L7891 which have similar but deeper drains on either side of the road. Given the low volume of traffic, no recorded accident statistics, the nature & character of the road on approach this location is not on the priority list for a safety scheme. Health & Safety schemes are continuously assessed and reprioritised annually and we will review the location for possible inclusion on the 2016 schemes.” NOTICE OF MOTION NO. GP35/2015 Councillor Padraig Fleming proposed the following Notice of Motion. “To ask Laois County Council to look at the possibility of putting a roundabout at Simmons Cross Roads where the N80 crosses over the N78 between Pedigree Corner/Ballylinan and to consult with the National Roads Authority on same.” This motion was seconded by Councillor Ben Brennan. The members were given the following response from Mr. Henry Ritchie, S.E., Roads “Laois County Council has recently issued correspondence to Deputy Sean Fleming on this same matter. The Council has been in contact with the NRA and been advised that available safety and other data does not identify the N80/N78 junction as currently being in need of further attention at this time. All four legs of the junction were resurfaced by LCC in 2014 as part of the NRA’s pavement improvement schemes where sub-standard skid resistance was identified. Line markings and Cats Eyes were also renewed. Although priority action is not presently identified, Laois County Council will raise the matter further at our next Regional Meeting with the NRA and keep the matter under review.” NOTICE OF MOTION NO. GP36/2015 Councillor Padraig Fleming proposed the following Notice of Motion. “To ask Laois County Council to give a timescale on when the pot holes on Engine Street, Newtown will be filled.” This motion was seconded by Councillor Ben Brennan. The members were given the following response from Ms. Orla Barrett, S.E.E. “2-4 weeks weather permitting”. NOTICE OF MOTION NO. GP37/2015 Councillor Tom Mulhall proposed the following Notice of Motion. “That Laois County Council put in place raised tables at the pedestrian crossings on the Station Road, Portarlington.” This motion was seconded by Councillor Aidan Mullins. The members were given the following response from Ms. Orla Barrett, S.E.E. “Station Road has been proposed for the 2015 roads programme and the provision of speed tables at the pedestrian crossings can be looked at as part of these works”. NOTICE OF MOTION NO. GP38/2015 Councillor Tom Mulhall proposed the following Notice of Motion. “That Laois County Council investigate the flooding at Killimy Road, Emo on the Portlaoise/Portarlington Road a number of gardens and yards flood when there is heavy rainfall.” This motion was seconded by Councillor Aidan Mullins. The members were given the following response from Mr. Raymond James, E.E. “The flooding of properties on the Portlaoise/Portarlington road at Killimy is partly caused by surface water coming off the Regional road R419. It is also caused by surface water coming off the land behind the affected properties and also from surface water flowing onto the R419 from the driveways of houses which are at a higher level than the road. There are gullies and pipes in front of the affected properties but during times of heavy rainfall this existing piped system cannot cater for the large volumes of water that occur. Originally an open drain existed in front of these properties but this open drain was piped by the different houseowners during the time that these house were being built . As a result the size and gradient of these pipes is not known and therefore needs to be investigated to determine the actual condition and capacity of this piped system. Furthermore some of the surface water from the road is bypassing the gullies and this can be addressed by installing two extra gullies. It should be noted that these pipes are jetted and cleaned out twice a year. The outfall from these pipes is into an open drain in the wooded area at Kennells Cross and the deepening of this open drain also being considered”. NOTICE OF MOTION NO. GP39/2015 Councillor Tom Mulhall proposed the following Notice of Motion. “That Laois County Council secure funding to make safe the junction Alley Cross, Morette, Portlaoise/Portarlington Road. A number of accidents have taken place at this junction.” This motion was seconded by Councillor Paschal McEvoy. The members were given the following response from Ms. Orla Barrett, S.E.E. “The surface of the R419 at this location was resurfaced in 2013. Additional road markings and signage have been provided through an RSRM scheme in 2009. Examination of currently available road traffic accident statistics (2008-2012) do not show any accidents at this locus. Request will be made to the neighbouring Garda Stations to update on whether any incidents have occurred in 2013/14.” NOTICE OF MOTION NO. GP40/2015 Councillor Paschal McEvoy proposed the following Notice of Motion. “That Laois County Council extend the footpath from Ash Trees, Stradbally to the end of the houses on the Rathmore Road.” This motion was seconded by Councillor Tom Mulhall. The members were given the following response from Ms. Orla Barrett, S.E.E. “Extension of the footpath to the end of the houses from the existing path an the junction of the Rathmore road with the N80 is estimated at approximately €24,282. There is no funding available for these works in 2015, with the members footpath budget having already been proposed at other locations.” NOTICE OF MOTION NO. GP41/2015 Councillor Paschal McEvoy proposed the following Notice of Motion. “That Laois County Council investigate the flooding outside Morrins house at Loughteague, Stradbally and if possible carry out work to rectify same.” This motion was seconded by Councillor Padraig Fleming. The members were given the following response from Ms. Orla Barrett, S.E.E. “An open drain changes to a piped drain adjacent to 3 houses at this location. It is intended to examine in full drainage on this road, Timogue to Kilavally, given its proposition on the 2015 roads programme. Drainage will be freed and cleared as part of the works prior to the surface dressing of the road. Initial investigations have begun and some preliminary works complete to date”. NOTICE OF MOTION NO. GP42/2015 Councillor Paschal McEvoy proposed the following Notice of Motion. “That Laois County Council open the slip road at Ballyshaduff, Ballybrittas and allow a one way system to operate onto the Main Road. The closure of this road has had a major negative effect on local business.” This motion was seconded by Councillor Padraig Fleming. The members were given the following response from Ms. Orla Barrett, S.E.E. “The slip road at Ballyshaduff was closed as part of safety measures improvement works in 2014”. NOTICE OF MOTION GP43/2015 Councillor Aidan Mullins proposed the following Notice of Motion. “That Laois County Council serves notice of its intention to place Block 12 in Corrig Glen, Station Road, Portarlington on the Derelict Sites Register.” This motion was seconded by Councillor Tom Mulhall. The members were given the following response from Ms. Carmel McNicholl, S.E.O. “This site is not currently on the Derelict Sites Register, however an inspection will be carried out and Notices will be issued under the Derelict Sites Act 1990, as appropriate.” NOTICE OF MOTION NO. GP44/2015 Councillor Aidan Mullins proposed the following Notice of Motion. “That Laois County Council contact the Minister for Environment, Community & Local Government to find out when the Housing Assistance Payment Scheme will be rolled out in Laois.” This motion was seconded by Councillor Paschal McEvoy. The members were given the following response from Mr. Michael Rainey, S.E.O. “The Housing Assistance Payment Scheme is currently on pilot in six different local authorities. There is no confirmed date for the rollout of this scheme”. that a hazard exists and seek the costs from Landowners where the council have to carry out the work”. NOTICE OF MOTION NO. GP45/2015 Councillor Aidan Mullins proposed the following Notice of Motion. “That Laois County Council give drivers ten minutes grace before being given a ticket if they stay too long on council parking spots.” This motion was seconded by Councillor Tom Mulhall. The members were given the following response from Ms. Josephine Kavanagh, A.O “In Portarlington, the first 15 minutes are free. Traffic Wardens log vehicles and tickets are only issued if ticket has not been purchased within 15 minutes of log. However, there can be no discretion allowed in the case of illegal parking, e.g. footpaths and double yellow lines.” NOTICE OF MOTION NO. GP46/2015 Councillor Ben Brennan proposed the following Notice of Motion. “To ask Laois County Council can surface water drains be jetted on the first cul de sac as part of the footpath works in phase 2 in Oakley park Housing Estate.” This motion was seconded by Councillor Padraig Fleming. The members were given the following response from Ms. Orla Barrett, S.E.E. “Surface water drainage is being corrected and cleared as part of the footpath works in Oakley Park. All lines have been jetted”. NOTICE OF MOTION NO. GP47/2015 Councillor Ben Brennan proposed the following Notice of Motion. “That Laois County Council clean the open drain at Lower Rossmore.” This motion was seconded by Councillor Paschal McEvoy. The members were given the following response from Ms. Orla Barrett, S.E.E. “Works are agreed and proposed for the coming week”. NOTICE OF MOTION GP48/2015 Councillor Ben Brennan proposed the following Notice of Motion. “To ask Laois County Council if the residents of Ardenteggle lane supply stone and materials can the council roads staff carry out the works to raise a section of the lane which is liable to flooding.” This motion was seconded by Councillor Padraig Fleming The members were given the following response from Ms. Orla Barrett, S.E.E. “We would be happy to work with the local residents in this regard. We’ll arrange a meeting with those involved to agree extent of works required and prepare a programme schedule”. NOTICE OF MOTION GP49/2015 Councillor John Moran proposed the following Notice of Motion. “That Laois County Council signpost or line mark the Leagh road where it meets with the Ballyharmon road to show who has right of way.” This motion was seconded by Councillor Padraig Fleming. The members were given the following response from Ms. Orla Barrett, S.E.E. “The Ballyharmon road is a very busy road for HGV’s given the location of a large Waste Collection business on the road and its use of this road as a link to the N80. Previous existing junction signage would appear to have been damaged/removed, replacement signage has been ordered and will be replaced as soon as received”. NOTICE OF MOTION GP50/2015 Councillor John Moran proposed the following Notice of Motion. “That Laois county Council give an account on the number of applicants on the housing list in the Graigue-Portarlington Municipal District broken down by town.” This motion was seconded by Councillor Paschal McEvoy. The members were given the following response from Mr. Michael Rainey, S.E.O. “Below is the number of approved applicants who have indicated these towns as one of their preferences. The number includes one-bed, two-bed, three-bed and 4-bed need. Portarlington - 442 Stradbally - 204 Graiguecullen - 63 Ballylinan - 55.” NOTICE OF MOTION GP51/2015 Councillor John Moran proposed the following Notice of Motion. “That Laois County Council provide a list of the housing estates including number of houses in charge in the Graigue-Portarlington Municipal District and clarify what the "in charge" role means with regard to these schemes.” This motion was seconded by Councillor Padraig Fleming. The members were given the following response from Mr. Pat Delaney, A.O., Planning & Ms. Josephine Kavanagh, A.O., Roads “The following estates are taken in charge in the Graiguecullen/Portarlington Municipal District:- Oakley Crescent, Graiguecullen Foxcroft Avenue, Portarlington Mount Clare, Graiguecullen The Glebe, Church Road, Stradbally Fruithill Court, Graiguecullen Lough Gate, Portarlington Laurel Grove, Graiguecullen The Pines, Crossneen, Carlow Station Court, Portarlington Station Grove, Portarlington Whitefields, Station Road, Portarlington Millbrook Manor, Canal Road, Portarlington Heather Hill & Heather Hill Square, Graiguecullen Corrig Lodge, Seskin, Portarlington Pine Villas, Portarlington Seskin Court, Portarlington Barrowview, Portarlington Sli na Mona, Portarlington Wilton Lawns, Sandy Lane, Portarlington Kilnacourt Woods, Portarlington Brotherton, Graiguecullen Barrowvale & The Vale, Graiguecullen Crann Nua, Portarlington Miners Walk, Crettyard Once taken in charge the maintenance of roads, footpaths and services therein such as public lighting and associated infrastructure, surface water drainage becomes the responsibility of Laois County Council. Water Services infrastructure becomes the responsibility of Irish Water following the Taking In Charge process. Maintenance of green areas etc., must be done by the residents of the estate”. 6. CORRESPONDENCE There was no correspondence circulated to the members. This concluded the business of the meeting. SIGNED: _________________________ CERTIFIED: __________________________ CATHAOIRLEACH DIRECTOR OF SERVICES