I would like to thank all the families that hosted Jeppe students last

I would like to thank all the families that hosted Jeppe students last week. The effort and hospitality put
forth made their visit a great experience not only for our guests, but the whole school community.
This week we had a great College, Career, and Community Day on Wednesday. Freshmen shadowed
professions they were interested in and seniors participated in Philanthropy Day activities at local
organizations. Our counselors coordinated information sessions for sophomores and juniors related to
career opportunities and the college planning process. In the evening they hosted admission
representatives from Case Western Reserve University, Miami University (Oxford), The University of
Miami (Florida), and the University of Pittsburgh for a parent College Planning Program.
Next week, we will be celebrating Homecoming Week. Details about the festivities can be found below,
I hope all of our students participate and celebrate this great tradition.
We are also starting second quarter on Tuesday and students will be registering for new Tiger Time
offerings. As they register and are scheduled into offerings for the following week, they will be
attending a study hall in their homeroom and can work with teachers as needed.
Homecoming Week
CFHS will be celebrating Homecoming next week, October 20th -24th. Student Council has designated
spirit days for students to participate in with daily theme dressing. Tuesday is Pajama Day, Wednesday
is Jersey Day, Thursday is USA Day, and Friday is Spirit Color Day (9th Grade: Grey, 10th Grade:
White, 11th Grade: Orange, and 12th Grade: Black). Below is a schedule for the festivities, if you have
questions let us know.
 Wednesday October 21st: Parade from Intermediate School to Bonfire (back of the HS) 6:45 p.m.
o Students participating in the parade should report to the Intermediate School by 6:15 p.m.
 Thursday October 22nd Alumni Athletic Hall of Fame Induction
 Friday October 23rd Homecoming Assembly (end of school day) and Football Game
 Saturday October 24th Homecoming Dance 8 p.m. – 10:30 p.m.
Say Something Call-to-Action Week
October 19th – 23rd is national Say Something Call-to-Action Week, an initiative from Sandy Hook
Promise. We will be having daily announcements reminding students the importance of notifying adults
when they have information related to a student potentially harming themselves or others. According to
the organization, in 7 out of 10 acts of gun violence and 70% of suicides, at least one other person knew
of the acting person’s intent, but said nothing or thought it wasn’t serious. Our hope is to join this
initiative by promoting the importance of acting on information students have when there are safety
Survey Regarding Effectiveness of Chagrin Falls High School
A member of the Chagrin Falls community, Dr. Robert Schleper is conducting research concerning the
effectiveness of Chagrin Falls High School. This survey asks questions about the definition of an
effective high school, the academic experience and the social and organizational factors connected to a
highly effective high school. Please take a few moments to respond to this survey, and contribute to
research that promotes our incredible high school, and discusses the positive impact it has in our
community. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Schleper
Senior College Application Essay Support
Ms. Lacey Dominey from Academy Test Prep will be available to meet with seniors for college
application essay support. Students are required to sign-up in advance in the Counseling Office for a 25minute session. Ms. Dominey will be available on the following dates: Oct. 21 and Oct. 28.
Celebrate My Ride Contest
Safe driving is everyone’s responsibility. Submit your entry to this contest and our school could win
Free Practice ACT Test
Chagrin Falls High School is hosting a free practice ACT provided by Kaplan on the November 3rd
professional development day when school is closed for staff professional development. The Kaplan
test prep company is administering the practice ACT and will be providing students and their families
with a detailed score report from the test. Scores will not be reported to anyone and the test is only for
students to familiarize themselves with preparation for the ACT. Students must register ahead of time to
participate. Items for students to bring to test: Pencils and Calculator. Link for registering for the test:
PTO Fundraiser Pick- Up
Mark your calendar for the PTO District Wide Fundraiser Charleston/Otis Pick-up. Tuesday, Oct 27
from 2-8 pm at the Rec Center building.
Updates from AfterProm Parents Committee
Parents of the Class of 2017, the After Prom Parents Committee needs you! Please click the link to see
what volunteering opportunities there are and sign up some something you’re interested in helping
with: https://goo.gl/dUlFXd
Chagrin Falls After Prom is holding a 50/50 Cash Raffle with the chance to win up to $20,000. Only
400 tickets will be sold so get yours today by contacting AfterPromRaffle@gmail.com or by calling
Amy Rizzo 440-708-6836 or Bobbie Flynt 330-718-5323. The drawing by Mr. Hunt will take place on
Sunday, November 1st at Burntwood Tavern from 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. (winner need not be present).
CFEVS Presents an Evening on Internet Safety (For Parents Only)
Please consider attending this very worthwhile event focusing on your child and the internet. The
program will be held in the PAC on October 22nd from 7p.m.- 9p.m. Click here for more information.
District Flyer Central
Click here to get timely updates from the district’s support organizations:
Upcoming Events
10/19 Staff Professional Development No School
10/21 Homecoming Parade and Bonfire
10/23 Homecoming Football Game
10/24 Homecoming Dance
11/3 Staff Professional Development No School
Sun 10/18
Mon 10/19
Tues 10/20
Wed 10/21
Thurs 10/22
Fri 10/23
No School
For Students
Prof. Dev. Day
G Soccer vs.
Sun 10/25
Mon 10/26
B Soccer vs.
Tues 10/27
Parade and
Wed 10/28
CFHS Alumni
Athletic HOF
Thurs 10/29
XC @ Districts
Fri 10/30
Steven Ast
Chagrin Falls High School
400 East Washington Street
Chagrin Falls, OH 44022
Sat 10/24
Sat 10/31