LAUGHTON PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 16th September 7.30pm at Laughton Parish Hall Present: Cllr Alex Carey (AC), who chaired the meeting, Cllr Jackie Breeds (JB) Cllr Mike Cook (MC) and Cllr Chris Mortimer. Also in attendance: Cllr Barby Dashwood-Morris - Wealden District Council Karen Crowhurst – Clerk to Laughton Parish Council Members of the public - 5 Item No Minutes LP/15/115 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Cllr Dart and Cllr Gill. LP/15/116 DECLARATIONS OF MEMBERS’ INTERESTS There were no declarations of Members' interests. LP/15/117 TO ACCEPT THE MINUTES FROM THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 15TH JULY Resolved to accept the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 15th July 2015 as a true and accurate record of the meeting. This was proposed by Cllr Cook and seconded by Cllr Breeds. Cllr Carey then signed the minutes. LP/15/118 QUESTIONS AND STATEMENTS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC, RELATING TO MATTERS ON THIS PUBLIC AGENDA One member of the public requested clarification regarding item 8c on the agenda, which was responded to accordingly. LP/15/119 EAST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL AND WEALDEN DISTRICT COUNCIL REPORTS Cllr Dashwood- Morris advised that she did not have much to report due to the summer holiday. Cllr Dashwood-Morris drew attention to the most recent Wealden District Council's Parish Bulletin. LP/15/119 PLANNING Page 1 of 5 Action By a) Plans WD/2015/1891/FA LAUGHTON COTTAGE, BRICKHURST LANE, LAUGHTON, BN8 6DD MINOR MATERIAL AMENDMENT TO APPLICATION WD/2015/0757/F (EXTENSION AND REFURBISHMENT OF EXISTING COTTAGE. EXTENSION AND REFURBISHMENT OF POOL HOUSE. SOLAR PANELS TO POOL HOUSE ROOF)- TO AMEND ROOF OF KITCHEN EXTENSION FROM SHALLOW PITCH TO FLAT. Comments and observations Laughton Parish Council supports the application. Members agreed that the amendments proposed were an improvement to the original application. WD/2015/1941/F FIVE TREES, POUND LANE, LAUGHTON BN8 6BE PROPOSED FLAT ROOF PARAPET WALL SINGLE STOREY REAR EXTENSION Comments and observations Laughton Parish Council has no objections to this application. Members would like to draw attention to the planning documents as they considered the plan(s)and elevation(s) documents were difficult to read even when displayed through a projector. This somewhat limited full consideration by the Parish Council. b) To consider any planning applications that have been received after the agenda has been published WD/2015/1604/FA HOME FARM BUNGALOW, LEWES ROAD, LAUGHTON BN8 6BQ REMOVAL OF AGRICULTURAL OCCUPANCY CONDITION NO. 1 ATTACHED TO PLANNING PERMISSION WD/76/1372/X Comments and observations Laughton Parish Council supports this application and consider that the request to remove agricultural occupancy a reasonable one, especially as Home Farm has not functioned as a farm with agricultural purposes for many years. c) Planning applications refused, approved, referred, withdrawn or appeals WD/2015/0298/F CONVERSION OF REDUNDANT TIMBER FRAMED BARN TO RESIDENTIAL. DEMOLITION OF OUTBUILDINGS. LANDSCAPING.BACHELORS, LAUGHTON BN8 6BP - Approved WD/2015/0299/LB CONVERSION OF REDUNDANT TIMBER FRAMED BARN TO RESIDENTIAL. DEMOLITION OF OUTBUILDINGS. LANDSCAPING. BACHELORS, LAUGHTON BN8 6BP-Approved WD/2015/0900/FR ERECTION OF REPLACEMENT DWELLING IDENTICAL IN DEVELOPMENT TO SCHEMEAPPROVED UNDER WD/2011/0570/F BUT WITH ALTERATIONS TO FENESTRATION, ADJUSTMENT TO USE OF SOME AREAS, REPOSITIONING OF OUTDOOR POOL AND PROVISION OF SINGLE-STOREY POOL/GAMES ROOM (PART Page 2 of 5 RETROSPECTIVE). (RENEWAL OF WD/2012/2498/FR).PROSPECT HOUSE, BRICKHURST LANE, LAUGHTON BN8 6DD -Approved Members noted the approved applications d) To ratify decisions made regarding Planning applications: WD/2015/1597/F BACHELORS, LAUGHTON BN8 6BP NEW ORANGERY TO REAR ELEVATION OF ANNEXE. Refusal recommended. WD/2015/1598/LB BACHELORS, LAUGHTON BN8 6BP NEW ORANGERY TO REAR ELEVATION OF ANNEXE. Refusal recommended. Members ratified the Parish Council decisions and the decision documents sent to Wealden District Council. e) Other planning matters – To discuss or note any other planning matters brought to the attention of the Parish Council An enforcement matter was discussed as a decision had been made by the Enforcement Officer that the matter was compliant with planning obligations. Members did not feel comfortable with the decision and requested that Cllr Dashwood- Morris advise how to complain. Cllr Dashwood- Morris advised clearly that the Council could not complain about the decision but request how the Officer arose to the decision. Members then requested the Clerk contact the Officer and copy in Cllr Dashwood-Morris and Craig Moon as advised by her. LP/15/121 VILLAGE GREEN WORKING GROUP - to discuss and agree next steps including deadline for the end of the project and tender and maintenance processes. To also agree any further actions required. This item was discussed after item 10. At 20.15 The Vice Chairman suspended orders to allow the representative of the Village Green Working Group update the Council. Richard Masefield raised a couple of questions arising from the informal meeting recently held with himself and the Parish Council which were duly answered. Mr Masefield requested that the Parish Council consider some minor work to the planters. Mr Masefield also advised that he is currently working on a tender specification document. The Vice Chairman reinstated Standing Orders at 20.18. Members of the Council agreed that the minor work to the planters be carried out and also agreed that it would be prudent to hold a further informal meeting in March to establish progress. LP/15/122 SPEEDING THROUGHOUT THE PARISH OF LAUGHTON a) To consider a meeting of the parish to agree next steps b) To consider establishing a Working Group with Parish Council representation c) To report of any outcome from the SLR meeting regarding speeding in the village Page 3 of 5 The Clerk All of the above items were covered during discussions. Cllr Mortimer informed Members that ESCC are supportive of an initiative to reduce speeding. After much discussion it was agreed to hold a village meeting on 22nd October inviting all residents to air their concerns about speeding on the whole of the B2124 and perhaps to invite neighbouring Councils along to establish their concerns. Cllr Cook agreed to confirm whether the large hall would be free for the evening. It was also agreed in light of correspondence received by the Council to establish the feasibility of using a speeding indicator with volunteers. Cllr Dashwood- Morris offered her support during these discussions. The Vice Chairman suspended orders at various times during this item to allow members of the public to comment and raise their concerns. LP/15/122 PLAY EQUIPMENT – update The Clerk reported that there has been a slight delay in replacing the goal netting as it had to be ordered from France. Members thanked the Clerk for dealing with this matter. LP/15/120 BRICKHURST POND – MAINTENANCE AND OTHER MATTERS At 20.09 The Vice Chairman suspended orders to allow a member of the public to update the Council. Jean Mary Crozier advised that in her capacity on the Brickhurst Pond Working Group she has now sourced 3 contractors who have submitted verbal quotations. The member of the public requested the Council agree which contractor should carry out the work in line with the verbal quotations. The Clerk requested to advise the Council of the procedure for contractor quotes which was duly granted. The Clerk advised that the Council should consider written quotations which could be considered by all Members of the Council carefully as the Council has an obligation to consider best value for money as well as being compliant with the Local Government Act 1972 and the Parish Council's Financial Regulations and Standing Orders. The member of the public kindly agreed to source the Parish Council with 3 written quotations in readiness for the October Parish Council meeting. At 20.12 Orders were reinstated by the Vice Chairman. LP/15/123 PARISH COUNCIL VACANCY - update The Clerk reported that she has not received any expressions of interest regarding the Parish Council vacancy. LP/15/124 PARISH COUNCIL WEBSITE – update Cllr Mortimer reported that newly modified website is near completion. All Members agreed that the website looks fantastic. Cllr Mortimer requested that a flyer produced by him informing residents about the website be displayed. Members agreed to this request. Page 4 of 5 LP/15/125 THE BUCKLE NEWSLETTER - Autumn edition Members discussed the next edition and agreed that the format and content needs to be looked at. Cllr Mortimer agreed to collate items for the newsletter. A request was made to Cllr Dashwood- Morris to submit an item about Community Infrastructure Levy for Wealden. LP/15/126 FINANCIAL MATTERS a) Payments and receipts – Previously circulated Members agreed not to approve the payments and receipts list as there was an adjustment to the list regarding the costs of the Poll the Clerk had raised a cheque for. After requesting a breakdown from WDC about the costs and establishing the legal cost element in the bill and the decision not to sign the cheque. Members are pleased that the matter has now been resolved as WDC have now agreed to remove the legal costs and resubmit a new invoice all other payments will be approved in October. b) Bank reconciliation Statements 53 and 54 – Previously circulated Resolved to accept bank reconciliation statements 53 and 54 previously circulated by the Clerk. This reconciliation papers were signed by Cllr Carey. c) Any other Financial matters There were none. LP/15/127 CLERK REPORT - verbal update about attending a meeting with SSALC and Chief Executive of National Association of Local Councils The Clerk reported of her attendance at the above meeting where Neighbourhood Plans and the Code of Transparency and any sanctions were raised. Members agreed that Laughton Parish Council are on track in displaying the required documents. LP/15/128 REPORTS (BY LEAVE) Cllr Carey provided an update regarding the installation of new benches on the Village Green. LP/15/129 ITEMS FOR REFERRAL TO NEXT AGENDA 1) Christmas tree and festivities There being no further business, the meeting closed at 21.05. Date of next meeting Wednesday 21st October 7.30pm in Laughton Parish Hall. Page 5 of 5