VCA PRA checklist for dairy producers

Africa RISING Quick Feeds project
Checklist for Dairy Value Chain Analysis
For producers/Farmers (Focused Group Discussion)
Country---------------- Region ------------------- District----------------------------Kebele -----------------------
1. Production
Herd size and dynamics
1.1. Average dairy herd size usually maintained? ---------
Local breeds-----------------
Improved breeds------------------1.2. Is this increasing or decreasing over the last five years? ---------------------------------------
Local breeds-----------------
Improved breeds------------------1.3. Average number of lactating cows per households? ---------
Local breeds-----------------
Improved breeds------------------1.4. Purpose of dairy farming?
Local breeds-----------------
Improved breeds------------------1.5. Are you usually selling male or female animals? Why? -------------------------------
Local breeds-----------------
Improved breeds------------------1.6. At what stage of growth do people usually sell male and female animals?
Local breeds-----------------
Improved breeds------------------1.7. To whom do people usually sell animals of different sex? -----------------------------------
Local breeds-----------------
Improved breeds------------------1.8. For what purpose do people want to buy these animals?
Local breeds-----------------
Improved breeds------------------1.9. What problems are observed with the breeds used?
Local breeds-----------------
Improved breeds-------------------
1.10. Major feeding system (free grazing, cut and carry, zero grazing etc)
1.11. Sources of feed (pasture, concentrate, cultivated forage, crop residues)
1.12. How do you get industrial by products for feeding dairy cows?
1.13. Is it common to supplement dairy cattle?
1.14. Which animals are provided with supplementary feed (lactating cows only, both dry and
lactating cows)
1.15. If both are supplemented, is there a difference in the type of feed supplemented? Which
feed types are supplemented to which animals?
1.16. How is the trend in price of feed in the area?
1.17. Can you tell the current price of different concentrates and forages (including crop
residues) used in the area?
1.18. Have got any training on dairy feeding? Do you know different ration formulation
1.19. If not, how do you mix ration for your animals?
1.20. What type of shelter is used for dairy animals?
1.21. Does housing differ for different breeds of animals? Is so, describe the shelter types used
for different breeds.
1.22. Does the type of shelter differ according to the lactation stage of animals (dry and
1.23. Does it differ according to age group?
1.24. Does the farmer perceive that shelter type has an impact on milk production?
1.25. How often do farmers clean the barns?
1.26. Are farmers in the area use barns as a milking parlor? If not, where do they milk their
1.27. Do they have feed storage shades?
1.28. What do farmers use to breed their dairy cows (AI, Natural mating)
1.29. For which breeds do farmers use AI?
1.30. If AI is used, its accessibility, number of services per conception, reliability, costs?
1.31. For which breeds do farmers usually use natural mating?
1.32. Do famers use selected bulls? Are they using improved or local breeds?
1.33. If there is no selected bull, what problems do farmers perceive about this?
1.34. If selected bulls are used, who owns them? How do farmers gate the mating service for
their cows? Service charges?
1.35. Problem of using natural mating as perceived by farmers?
Role of women in milk production and marketing
1.36. Who is usually
o Milking cows?
o Handling Milk?
o Processing Milk into different products?
o Marketing milk and milk products?
o control over revenue generated from milk and milk products
1.37. What handling techniques do farmers use to maintain milk quality?
1.38. Are there any labor saving dairy technologies disseminated in the area?
1.39. Are these technologies affordable by most of the farmers?
1.40. If any training have been given to women on dairy production, processing and marketing
1.41. If any financial arrangements have been made to enable poor women household heads to
have any dairy animals or technologies?
Animal health management
1.42. Common diseases of dairy animals
1.43. Availability of veterinary services (health posts, number of veterinarians at these posts,
vet drugs etc)
1.44. Sources of veterinary services (private, public)
1.45. Availability of vaccines
1.46. What a farmer do in cases of lack of vet personnel and shortage of drugs in the area?
1.47. Do farmers have veterinarians that can follow up their dairy herd on private basis?
Milk and milk products production and utilization
1.48. Average volume of milk produced per household a day in litters.
Milk from local breeds-----------------
Milk from improved breeds------------------1.49. Proportion of milk sold? ---------------------------------
Milk from local breeds-----------------
Milk from improved breeds------------------1.50. Proportion of processed milk? ------------------------
Milk from local breeds-----------------
Milk from improved breeds------------------1.51. Proportion of milk used for household consumption? --------------------
Milk from local breeds-----------------
Milk from improved breeds------------------1.52. Proportion of milk given to calves?
Milk from local breeds-----------------
Milk from improved breeds------------------1.53. To whom do farmers provide milk (children, women, elderlies, all household members)?
1.54. Types of dairy products produced
From local breeds
Cheese (Ayib) ----------
Soar Milk(irgo) ------------
Butter (Kibe) ---------------From improved breeds
Cheese (Ayib) ----------
Soar Milk(irgo) ------------
Butter (Kibe) ---------------1.55. Average amount of each milk products sold per household in a week.--------------Local breeds
Cheese (Ayib) ----------
Soar Milk(irgo) ------------
Butter (Kibe) ---------------Improved breeds
Cheese (Ayib) ----------
Soar Milk(irgo) ------------
Butter (Kibe) ---------------1.56. Proportion of each milk products consumed per household -------------Local breeds
Cheese (Ayib) ----------
Soar Milk(irgo) ------------
Butter (Kibe) ---------------Improved breeds
Cheese (Ayib) ----------
Soar Milk(irgo) ------------
Butter (Kibe) ---------------1.57. Proportion of each milk products given out to neighbors and relatives.-------------Local breeds
Cheese (Ayib) ----------
Soar Milk(irgo) ------------
Butter (Kibe) ---------------Improved breeds
Cheese (Ayib) ----------
Soar Milk(irgo) -------------
Butter (Kibe) ---------------1.58.
When do farmers give out milk products to neighbors and relatives?
Effect of seasons on production of milk and milk products?
Effect of feed type on production of milk and milk products?
1.61. Major production constraints and possible solutions
- Feed
- Health
- Breed
- Skill
- Credit
- Water
1.62. Unexploited opportunities in dairy production in the area?
1.63. Costs of production per litter of milk
Costs by breed of animals
Cost items
Local breeds
Feed (hay, straw, concentrates, pasture etc)
Veterinary(checkup, AI, Treatment, drug, etc)
Fixed costs (permanent labor, equipment and
Supplies (water, electricity, detergents)
Transportation (feed and milk)
2. Inputs/services
2.1.Who is the main supplier of the following inputs/services: own, government, coop,
Supplier (source)
1= own, 2=government, 3= coop,
4= traders (private sector)
Proportion of farmers
getting from this
Bull service
- Concentrates
- Pasture
- Forage
Veterinary drugs
Veterinary services
2.2.Role of cooperatives in input supply? -------------------------------------------------------------2.3.For each of these inputs/services what are the major problems in order of priority and
suggested solutions?
Input type
Major constraints
(1= high priority,
3=low priority)
Suggested solutions
Bull service
Vet drugs
Vet services
3. Marketing
3.1.To whom do farmers sell fresh milk and milk products? (farmers, traders,
cooperatives/union, Processors, final consumer)?
- Fresh milk --------------- Soar Milk(irgo) ------------- Cheese (Ayib) ----------- Butter (Kibe) ---------------3.2.To whom do farmers usually want to sell? ------------------------------------------------------------3.3.Time of selling
3.4. Which milk (morning or afternoon) do farmers sell to cooperatives/traders? Proportions of
the two from the total supplied milk?
3.6.Seasonal differences in products sold
3.7.Effect of seasons/wet and dry, religious holidays and fasting on milk market and prices?
3.8.In which months does the demand/supply for milk and milk products increases/decreases?
January Feb March April May June July August Sept Oct Nov
High demand
Low demand
High supply
Low Supply
3.9.Prices of different products in a year
January Feb March April May
August Sept
Fresh milk
Sour milk
3.10. Factors affecting seasonality in milk supply in order of their importance? ------------------3.11. Where do farmers sell milk? (on the farm, village market, Factory gate, woreda market,
cooperative, processors collection points, cafeterias, hotels)
3.12. Is there a difference in price due to differences in place of sale and the type of buyer?
3.13. If yes, indicate the price when the product is sold to different actors and in different places.
Price difference because of difference in type of buyer
cooperative hotel cafeteria traders
Fresh milk
Sour milk
Price difference because of difference place of selling
At home
hotel cafeteria Village
Fresh milk
Sour milk
Who decides on the price? ------------------What is the role of the producer in setting prices? ------------------------------------------------What should be done to increase farmers’ bargaining power? --------------------------------Where does the milk go after it is sold? Market routes including volume of flow
4. Transportation
4.1 How far do you travel to reach market for
Fresh milk---------------km (--- hrs)
Milk products---------------km (--- hrs)
4.2 How do you transport milk/milk products to the selling point (mode of transportation)? ---o Fresh milk--------------o Milk products--------------4.3 How much does it cost you to transport a liter of milk over this distance? ------------o Fresh milk---------------ETB
o Milk products---------------ETB
4.4. Containers used for transportation of milk? Storage of milk?
4.5.Do you think that milk quality could be affected on transportation? 1/Yes
2/No If yes,
describe the quality effects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. Market Information
5.1.Do farmers get market information such as price, type of product required, quantity
demanded, etc? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.2.If yes, who is the major source of market information? ---------------------------------------------5.3.Is this source information reliable? -----------------------------------------------------------------6. Relationships in the markets:
6.1 What is your relationship with your buyers (no relation, acquaintance, friend, relative)--------6.2 Do you have a long standing customer (buyer) or you sell to anybody whenever you go to
the market?
6.3 Any difference in price between contract and one time selling? How much
6.4 Do you usually sell your milk and milk products on credit basis? 1/yes
6.5 If yes, for how long do you wait for the payment of the credit? -------------------------------7. Skills of the producers:
7.1 Do you think that there is gap in skill of farmers on dairy production, milk handling and
7.2 Have you ever received any training on dairy production, milk handling and processing?
7.3 Do you get any extension advice on marketing of milk and milk products? 1/yes
8. Quality/milk handling
8.1 Quality requirements of buyers (consumers preferences) for milk and milk products
8.2 Factors affecting quality of fresh milk and milk products
8.3 How the farmer understands these quality parameters
8.4 Proportion of milk rejected because of quality problems
8.5 Any price differential because of quality
8.6 How the farmer and consumers detect product quality?
8.7 How the farmer maintains milk and milk products quality?
8.8 How often do farmers communicate quality feedbacks with consumers/buyers?
8.9 Do farmers adulterate milk and milk products? With what?
9. Institutional aspects
9.1 Availability of dairy cooperatives in the area?
9.2 Activity of these cooperatives?
9.3 Services members are getting?
9.4 Are these coops of women or men?
9.5 Availability of other dairy processing and marketing groups/cooperatives?
9.6 Do cooperatives buy from members and non-members at equal rate?
9.7 Constraints of the dairy cooperatives/groups in the area?
9.8 Which market regulations impede your livestock/milk marketing? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9.9 What market regulations should be in place to facilitate your livestock/milk marketing? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10. Credit
10.1 Do you use credit (formal or informal)? 1/Yes
10.2 What type of credit do you use? -------------------------------------------------------------------10.3 Sources of credit-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10.4 If no, why didn't you use credit? -------------------------------------------------------------------10.5 What constraint do you think are impeding your access to credit and its proper
utilization? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11. What are the major constraints at each stage of the sheep/beef cattle/milk value chain in order
of their priority?
Value Chain Stages
Rank (1= high
priority, 3=
low priority)