SAVMA Symposium Travel Grant The SAVMA Symposium is an excellent professional development resource for all SAVMA members. In addition, the symposium is an especially valuable opportunity for SCAVMA Chapter Presidents to interact with students from other schools to get ideas that can be implemented by local chapters. This year's SAVMA Symposium is hosted by Iowa State University in Ames, IA on March 17th-19th. For more information please visit: SAVMA knows that financial limitations sometimes prevent students and Chapter Presidents from being able to take advantage of this great opportunity. Therefore, the Educational and Professional Development Committee has started a travel grant program to help offset the cost of attending SAVMA Symposium. 10 awards will be given at $250 each. Eight awards will be open to any SAVMA member and two awards will be reserved for SCAVMA Presidents or President-elects. Following Symposium, all winners will be asked to write a brief paragraph about their experiences at SAVMA Symposium for inclusion in the Vet Gazette. To apply, email your completed grant application to SAVMA Educational and Professional Development Committee at, by January 22nd, 2016. Winners will be notified of selection in early to mid February 2016. Please title your email with “SAVMA Symposium Travel Grant” and whether you are a Student or President/President-elect. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Veterinary School: Email Address: Estimated cost for you to attend SAVMA Symposium: Does your local chapter provide any financial assistance for you to attend SAVMA Symposium? If so please describe: How will attending SAVMA Symposium benefit both you personally and other students at your school? (Limit 250 words) Are you applying for this travel award as either a SCAVMA Chapter President of President-Elect? The following questions only need to be answered if you are applying for funding as a Chapter President or President-Elect. Was your previous Chapter President able to attend last year's Symposium? Was your Chapter President able to attend Symposium two years ago? Thanks again for taking the time to complete this application. Please email it to the SAVMA Educational and Professional Development Committee at, by January 22nd, 2016. Please title your e-mail with “SAVMA Symposium Travel Grant” and whether you are a Student or President/President-elect.