Intellectual functioning was assessed using formal instruments. An intelligence test was administered in order to assess the student’s general range of intellectual functioning and to determine current strengths and weaknesses across cognitive processing areas. Several tests were administered to measure various aspects of cognitive processing. The Cross-Battery approach [Essentials of Cross Battery Assessment, Second Edition (Flanagan, Ortiz, & Alfonso; 2007)] was used to organize these data. Results are presented below. OR if only one test, Input heading paragraph for specific test given. Crystallized Intelligence (Gc) is a measure of vocabulary, language development, and acquired knowledge. Standard Percentile Cognitive Processing Area Test Name Score Rank CRYSTALLIZED INTELLIGENCE (Gc) WJ III SB5 WECH WECH Bateria III WJ III WJ III KABC-II KABC-II KABC-II WECH WECH WECH DAS-II DAS-II SB5 Bateria III Bateria III DS DAS-II NEPSY-II DAS-II General Information (KO) General Information Nonverbal Knowledge Information Comprehension Informacion General General Information Lexical Knowledge (VL) Verbal Comprehension Picture Vocabulary Riddles Expressive Vocabulary Verbal Knowledge Similarities Vocabulary Word Reasoning Naming Vocabulary Word Definitions Verbal Knowledge Comprensión verbal Verbal Comprehension Comprensión verbal Bilingue Listening Ability (LS) Verbal Comprehension Comprehension of Instruction Language Development (LD) Verbal Similarities Interpret and explain data based on one of these conditions: Gc unitary and average or above Based on the data presented, Gc is within the average/above average range and represents a cognitive asset for Xxx. He/she has an adequate vocabulary, can engage in verbal reasoning, and has acquired knowledge commensurate with his age. OR Gc unitary and below average/weakness Based on the data presented, Gc represents a cognitive weakness for Xxx. In the area of lexical knowledge (extent of vocabulary understood), Xxx had difficulty … (explain and conduct item analysis). In the area of General Information (range of general knowledge), Xxx had difficulty ….(explain and conduct item analysis). In the area of Listening Ability (listen and understand oral communication), Xxx had difficulty ….(explain and conduct item analysis). In the area of Language Development (understanding and application of words, sentences, and paragraphs in spoken language), Xxx had difficulty ….(explain and conduct item analysis). OR Gc not unitary and there is narrow ability weakness Several tests were used to assess the narrow abilities within Gc and scores varied, yielding an asset in the narrow ability of … (explain) and a normative weakness in the area of … (explain and conduct item analysis) Long-Term Retrieval (Glr) is the ability to store information (e.g., concepts, ideas, items, or names) in long-term memory and to retrieve it later fluently through association. Standard Percentile Cognitive Processing Area Test Name Score Rank LONG-TERM RETRIEVAL (Glr) WJ III WJ III DS KABC-II KABC-II Batería III Batería III DS Batería III DS WJ III Batería III WJ III CTOPP CTOPP CTOPP CTOPP DAS-II Associative Memory (MA) Visual-Auditory Learning Memory for Names Atlantis Rebus Aprendizaje visual-auditivo Visual-Auditory Learning Memoria para Nombres Memory for Names Memoria Diferida-Memoria para Nombres Memory for Names-Delayed Ideational Fluency (FI) Retrieval Fluency Fluidez de recuperación Retrieval Fluency Naming Facility (NA) Rapid Picture Naming Rapid Color Naming Rapid Digit Naming Rapid Letter Naming Rapid Object Naming Rapid Naming Interpret and explain data based on one of these conditions: Glr unitary and average or above Based on the data presented, Glr is within the average/above average range and represents a cognitive asset for Xxx. He/she has adequate ability to retrieve stored information through association. OR Glr unitary and below average/weakness Based on the data presented, Glr represents a cognitive weakness for Xxx. In the area of Associative Memory (recalling one part of a previously learned but unrelated pair of items when the other part is presented), Xxx had difficulty … (explain and conduct item analysis). In the area of Ideational Fluency (rapidly producing a series of ideas, words, or phrases related to a specific condition or object), Xxx had difficulty ….(explain and conduct item analysis). In the area of Naming Facility (producing names for concepts rapidly), Xxx had difficulty...(explain and conduct item analysis). OR Glr not unitary and there is narrow ability weakness Several tests were used to assess the narrow abilities within Glr and scores varied, yielding an asset in the narrow ability of … (explain) and a normative weakness in the area of … (explain and conduct item analysis) Visual Processing (Gv) is the ability to generate, perceive, analyze, synthesize, manipulate, transform, and think with visual patterns and stimuli. Standard Percentile Cognitive Processing Area Test Name Score Rank VISUAL PROCESSING (Gv) (VISUAL-SPATIAL THINKING) WJ III KABC-II WECH DAS-II SB5 Batería III WJ III KABC-II DAS-II Batería III KABC-II KABC-II KABC-II KABC-II DAS-II SB5 Batería III DS WJ III KABC-II Batería III DS Spatial Relations (SR) Spatial Relations Triangles Block Design Pattern Construction Nonverbal Visual-Spatial Processing Relaciones espaciales Spatial Relations Visual Memory (MV) Picture Recognition Face Recognition Recall of Designs Reconocimiento de dibujos Picture Recognition Visualization (Vz) Block Counting Pattern Reasoning (5-6) Conceptual Thinking Story Completion (5-6) Copying(3-6) Verbal Visual-Spatial Processing Rotación de Bloques Block Rotation Spatial Scanning (SS) Planning Rover Closure Speed (CS) Integración Visual Visual Closure Interpret and explain data based on one of these conditions: Gv unitary and average or above Based on the data presented, Gv is within the average/above average range and represents a cognitive asset for Xxx. He/she has the ability to manipulate objects or visual patterns and to “see” how they would appear under altered conditions. OR Gv unitary and below average/weakness Based on the data presented, Gv represents a cognitive weakness for Xxx. In the area of Spatial Relations (rapidly perceive and manipulate visual patterns), Xxx had difficulty … (explain and conduct item analysis). In the area of Visual Memory (form and store mental images of a visual shape and recognize it later), Xxx had difficulty ….(explain and conduct item analysis). In the area of Visualization (mentally imagine, manipulate or transform objects or visual patterns and predict how they would appear under altered conditions), Xxx had difficulty ….(explain and conduct item analysis). In the area of Spatial Scanning (quickly explore a wide or complicated spatial field and identify a particular path through the field), Xxx had difficulty ….(explain and conduct item analysis). OR Gv not unitary and there is narrow ability weakness Several tests were used to assess the narrow abilities within Gv and scores varied, yielding an asset in the narrow ability of … (explain) and a normative weakness in the area of … (explain and conduct item analysis) Auditory Processing (Ga) is the ability to perceive, analyze, and synthesize patterns among auditory stimuli. Standard Percentile Cognitive Processing Area Test Name Score Rank AUDITORY PROCESSING (Ga) CTOPP CTOPP CTOPP CTOPP WJ III WJ III WJ III CTOPP CTOPP Batería III WJ III Batería III Batería III Batería III DS Phonetic Coding: Analysis (PC:A) Elision Segmenting Nonwords Segmenting Words Sound Matching Incomplete Words Sound Awareness Phonetic Coding: Synthesis (PC:S) Sound Blending Blending Words Blending Nonwords Integración de sonidos Sound Blending Speech/General Sound discrimination (US/U3) Auditory Attention Atención auditiva Auditory Attention Configuracion de sonidos – Vocal Sound Patterns-Voice Configuración de Sonidos – Musical Sound Patterns-Music Interpret and explain data based on one of these conditions: Ga unitary and average or above Based on the data presented, Ga is within the average/above average range and represents a cognitive asset for Xxx. He/she is able to notice, compare, discriminate, and distinguish distinct and separate sounds. OR Ga unitary and below average/weakness Based on the data presented, Ga represents a cognitive weakness for Xxx. In the area of Phonetic Coding: Analysis (segment larger units of speech sounds into smaller units of speech sounds), Xxx had difficulty … (explain and conduct item analysis). In the area of Phonetic Coding: Synthesis (blend smaller units of speech into larger units of speech), Xxx had difficulty ….(explain and conduct item analysis). In the area of Speech/General Sound Discrimination (detecting differences in speech sounds under conditions of distraction or distortion), Xxx had difficulty ….(explain and conduct item analysis). OR Ga not unitary and there is narrow ability weakness Several tests were used to assess the narrow abilities within Ga and scores varied, yielding an asset in the narrow ability of … (explain) and a normative weakness in the area of … (explain and conduct item analysis) Fluid Intelligence (Gf) means the ability to use and engage in various mental operations when faced with a relatively novel task that cannot be performed automatically. Standard Percentile Cognitive Processing Area Test Name Score Rank FLUID INTELLIGENCE (FLUID REASONING) (Gf) WJ III KABC-II KABC-II WECH DAS-II DAS-II Batería III WJ III SB5 SB5 Batería III WJ III DS WJ III DS WECH DAS-II SB5 SB5 Induction (I) Concept Formation Pattern Reasoning Story Completion Matrix Reasoning Matrices Nonverbal Matrices Formación de conceptos Concept Formation General Sequential Reasoning (RG) Analysis-Synthesis Verbal Fluid Reasoning Nonverbal Fluid Reasoning Análisis-Sintesis Analysis-Synthesis Quantitative Reasoning (RQ) Number Matrices Number Series Arithmetic Sequential and Quantitative Reasoning Nonverbal Quantitative Reasoning Verbal Quantitative Reasoning Test Name Batería III DS Batería III DS Cognitive Processing Area Numeros Matices Number Matrices Series Numéricas Number Series Standard Score Percentile Rank Interpret and explain data based on one of these conditions: Gf unitary and average or above Based on the data presented, Gf is within the average/above average range and represents a cognitive asset for Xxx. He/she is able to reason, form concepts, and solve problems that often contain new information. OR Gf unitary and below average/weakness Based on the data presented, Gf represents a cognitive weakness for Xxx. In the area of Induction (discovering the underlying characteristics that govern a problem), Xxx had difficulty … (explain and conduct item analysis). In the area of General Sequential Reasoning (drawing conclusions from general conditions to the specific), Xxx had difficulty ….(explain and conduct item analysis). In the area of Quantitative Reasoning (using inductive and deductive reasoning with concepts involving math), Xxx had difficulty ….(explain and conduct item analysis). OR Gf not unitary and there is narrow ability weakness Several tests were used to assess the narrow abilities within Gf and scores varied, yielding an asset in the narrow ability of … (explain) and a normative weakness in the area of … (explain and conduct item analysis) Processing Speed (Gs) is the ability to perform cognitive tasks fluently and automatically, especially when under pressure to maintain focused attention and concentration. Standard Percentile Cognitive Processing Area Test Name Score Rank PROCESSING SPEED (Gs) WJ III WJ III DS WJ III WECH WISC-IV Batería III DS Batería III WJ III Batería III WECH Perceptual Speed (P) Pair Cancellation Cross Out Visual Matching Symbol Search Cancellation Tachar Cross Out Pareo visual Visual Matching Speed of Reasoning (RE) Decision Speed Rapidez en la decisión Decision Speed Rate-of-Test-Taking (R9) Coding Number Facility (N) Test Name DAS II Cognitive Processing Area Standard Score Percentile Rank Speed of Information Processing Interpret and explain data based on one of these conditions: Gs unitary and average or above Based on the data presented, Gs is within the average/above average range and represents a cognitive asset for Xxx. He/she is able to fluently and automatically perform mental tasks, especially when under pressure to maintain focused attention and concentration. OR Gs unitary and below average/weakness Based on the data presented, Gs represents a cognitive weakness for Xxx. In the area of Perceptual Speed (rapidly and accurately searching, comparing, and identifying visual elements), Xxx had difficulty … (explain and conduct item analysis). In the area of Speed of Reasoning (speed or fluency in performing tasks), Xxx had difficulty ….(explain and conduct item analysis). In the area of Rate-of-Test Taking (rapidly performing tests which are relatively easy or over learned), Xxx had difficulty ….(explain and conduct item analysis). In the area of Number Facility (rapidly and accurately performing basic arithmetic), Xxx had difficulty ….(explain and conduct item analysis). OR Gs not unitary and there is narrow ability weakness Several tests were used to assess the narrow abilities within Gs and scores varied, yielding an asset in the narrow ability of … (explain) and a normative weakness in the area of … (explain and conduct item analysis) Short-Term Memory (Gsm) means the ability to apprehend and hold information in immediate awareness and then use it within a few seconds. Standard Percentile Cognitive Processing Area Test Name Score Rank SHORT-TERM MEMORY WJ III WJ III WECH WISC-IV DAS-II DAS-II Batería III WJ III CTOPP WECH DAS-II KABC-II KABC-II KABC-II SB5 SB5 Batería III Working Memory (WM) Numbers Reversed Auditory Working Memory Letter-Number Sequencing Arithmetic Recall of Digits Backwards Recall of Sequential Order Inversión de números Numbers Reversed Memory Span (MS) Memory for Words Nonword Repetition Digit Span (MS, MW) Recall of Digits Forward Hand Movements Number Recall Word Order Nonverbal Working Memory Verbal Working Memory Memoria para palabras Test Name Batería III DS Cognitive Processing Area Standard Score Percentile Rank Memory for Words Memoria para Frases Memory for Sentences Interpret and explain data based on one of these conditions: Gsm unitary and average or above Based on the data presented, Gsm is within the average/above average range and represents a cognitive asset for Xxx. He/she is able to process information heard, manipulate the information and use it within a few seconds. OR Gsm unitary and below average/weakness Based on the data presented, Gsm represents a cognitive weakness for Xxx. In the area of Working Memory (temporarily storing and performing a set of cognitive operations on information that requires divided attention), Xxx had difficulty … (explain and conduct item analysis). In the area of Memory Span (immediately recalling elements in the correct order), Xxx had difficulty ….(explain and conduct item analysis). OR Gsm not unitary and there is narrow ability weakness Several tests were used to assess the narrow abilities within Gsm and scores varied, yielding an asset in the narrow ability of … (explain) and a normative weakness in the area of … (explain and conduct item analysis)