SEMINAR The Department of Employment Relations and Human Resources Invites you to the following PhD Seminar, presented by: Janet Ferguson Principal Supervisors: Assoc Prof Janis Bailey and Dr Teresa Marchant Title: Graduates’ Perceptions of their Attributes when Making the Transition to Employment and Managing their Careers Abstract: Limited research exists on graduates’ experiences during the transition from university to professional employment in the changing world of work. This research explores graduates’ experiences of that transition in both the context of current higher education practice, with its focus on graduate attributes, and the context of more fluid careers than in the past. Most research on careers focuses on traditional and alternative careers theories, including boundaryless and protean careers, but does not include a consideration of new graduates’ experiences of these careers. Similarly, research on graduates’ attributes is from university and employer perspectives, not graduates’ perspectives. This mixed methods research project will focus on new graduates’ perspectives, viewing them as active agents in their early career development as they shape their graduate attributes to the workplace. This research contributes to existing research in two ways, by integrating theory from three disciplines of management, education and psychology, and by aligning careers theories with the graduates’ attributes debate. There are three key aims to this research. First, to explore graduates’ experiences as they make the transition to professional employment; second, to discover if and how graduates’ attributes contribute to their career agency as they make the transition; third, to identify and measure graduates’ career orientation during their early professional employment. Date: Monday 13 May 2013 Time: 1 - 2 pm Venue: G06, room 2.35 Note: Tea and coffee provided. RSVP by: Thursday 9th May to: