Golden Ridge Farm Excursion - Holy Cross Primary, Glenwood

Holy Cross Primary School
49 Meurants Lane Glenwood
Phone: 9629-8742
ABN: 86 875 623 906
Date: 27th July 2015
Dear Parents,
An excursion to Golden Ridge Animal Farm has been organised for Kindergarten on
Wednesday 5th August 2015. The children will visit the farm to consolidate their learning in
our HSIE unit “How do farms meet our needs?” The children will gain a deeper
understanding into what is produced on a farm and farmyard animals.
Wednesday 5th August 2015
Golden Ridge Animal Farm
$ 27.00
Winter Sports Uniform including their hat
What to bring:
Lunch, recess and a drink bottle in a throw away plastic bag.
Transport to and from the venue will be by bus.
Please complete the permission note below and return with the correct money in an envelope
to your child’s class teacher with your child’s name and “Golden Ridge Farm” on the front
no later than Thursday
30th July 2015.
As we have to pay for this excursion based on the number of students in Kindergarten,
refunds will not be possible for children absent on the day.
Yours sincerely,
Miss Leano, Miss Perri, and Miss Merchant
Kindergarten Teachers
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I give permission for my child
of class
to attend the Golden Ridge Farm on Wednesday 5 August 2015. I understand that transport to and
from the venue will be by bus.
Medical Requirements: _______________________________________________
Parent contact number on the day: ________________________________
Email address:
Parent name: ______________________________________________
Parent signature: _________________________________________ Date: __________________