Medical Exam Requirements

The Following is an itemized list of Mesa Fire Department Medical exam requirements:
1. As required by OSHA standard CFR29 1910.1020 (D) (1) (i), all medical records
will be kept for a minimum of thirty years after the member has retired. Mesa
Fire Department (MFD) will require all medical records be kept electronically
and will include a system of backing up files and storing files. MFD will require
the medical provider to transfer hard copy medical records for each member
into an electronic file within 60 days of receiving the contract.
2. It will be the medical provider’s responsibility to track the need for tests and
procedures that are not done on an annual basis (ie: medical stress treadmill
and chest x-ray), and to complete those tests at the time interval they are
3. Mesa Fire Department members will be kept isolated from other patients of the
facility in a separate waiting area and in a separate exam area. The waiting area
is to be a professional waiting area and include the standard amenities found in
other waiting areas of the facility.
4. Mesa Fire Department will schedule units for their exams. Because of our limits
in placing units out of service we will only be scheduling exams two to three
days per week, with the primary days being Monday through Friday. We expect
to schedule a total of 16 members per day with eight in the morning (two units)
and eight in the afternoon (two units). The first units will be scheduled at
7:30am and the second two units at 1:00pm. We will start our medical exams
July 1 and complete all annual exams by December 31. A MFD representative
will be on site to help expedite the exam procedure.
5. The exam area will include a minimum of two exam rooms, one medical
treadmill room, and one multi use area to complete vision, hearing, and
pulmonary tests with one hearing booth. Also one large multi-use room for
fitness evaluations and one small room for mask-fit testing that are exclusive to
Mesa Fire members during the period we are scheduled at the facility.
6. The facility should have an x-ray machine/facility located within walking distance
of the exam area to expedite the exam process.
7. There needs to be space in the facilities parking area for a minimum of two fire
apparatus to park without disrupting other patrons of the facility.
8. MFD’s members are out of service while attending these medical exams and
expediting their quick return to service is important to us. If there is an
interruption in the flow of the exam that results in a long wait we expect the
member to be informed of the reason for the wait.
9. Mesa Fire Department is requiring that no more than two Board Certified
medical doctors be assigned to our members and that the same doctor(s)
complete the exams for every member. The doctor(s) must have a good
understanding of a firefighter’s responsibilities, job description, and of the NFPA
standards that guide these medical exams. These doctors will be making the
decisions on members fit for duty status.
10. Mesa Fire Department will require the doctors to spend the appropriate amount
of time necessary to perform a thorough exam and council the members on
individual health issues found during the exam or answer questions the member
may have.
11. Blood and urine gathering for testing purposes will be the responsibility of the
medical provider. These will need to be done early in the morning due to the
fasting requirements, without taking units out of service, and no more than two
months before the member’s medical exam. Once the blood has been drawn
the medical provider will have 48 hours to complete the testing, review the
results, and if the doctor believes action is required contact the member to
develop a plan for their care. The medical provide will also contact MFD
Wellness Captain at the same time to advise if there is a change in the member’s
work status. The details of this process will be worked out with the medical
provider prior to the start of the exams.
12. During the medical exams, MFD will be completing our members mask-fit
testing and fitness evaluations. As described in item number four above, we will
require additional rooms in the exam area for our HFI’s to complete these
evaluations. The medical provider will only need to provide the space required.
This space will need to be secured and not used by others during our medical
exams so that we can leave our equipment set up for these processes.
13. Mesa Fire Department is requiring our medical provider have relationships
established with medical specialists so that when a member is referred to a
specialist, they are seen within 48 hours of the referral.
14. We will require our medical provider to access a web based scheduling program
and update the scheduling system on a daily basis. The program includes checking
off different phases of the medical exam on each member.
15. Invoices are to be billed every two weeks and need to include the invoice number,
the member’s name, the member’s employee number, the date of the
exam/service, itemized costs for each member, and a grand total of the invoice.
Our medical provider will also be required to send via fax or email the pass, fail, or
follow up results of the exam to Mesa Fire Department on a daily basis. The
scheduling, web based program, and forms will be provided by Mesa Fire
16. Mesa Fire Department will require the medical provider to include body
composition testing by anthropometry (skin fold test) in the medical exam. We
will also require that a member who is scheduled for a medical treadmill will
also receive during the test a VO2 max from a sub maximal workload using a
provided formula from the IAFF Wellness Fitness Initiative. The results of the
body composition testing and VO2 max testing will be used as part of the
evaluation of a members fit for duty status by the doctor.
17. For our members that have a pre-existing condition that has in the past required
a follow-up with a specialist we are requiring the medical provider accept a
document from the member’s current specialist explaining the condition and
treatment. This is an effort to reduce our members’ cost if referred to a
specialist. The doctor can accept the document or contact the specialist for
further conversation before accepting the document and ruling on the
member’s condition and needs.
18. Mesa Fire Department would like our provider to be centrally located for easy
access by our members. We are requesting our provider’s facility be located
within the city limits. If the provider’s facility is not located within the city limits
we are requiring they be located a maximum of five miles from the city limits.
19. When the need arises the medical provider will be required to perform pre-hire
medical exams for firefighter recruit applicants. These exams will be scheduled
two weeks ahead of time and the provider will be required to complete the
exams and report to the Fire Department each individual’s pass, fail, or needs
further follow-up status within two days of the exam. The exams will be based
on the NFPA 1582 standard for candidate medical evaluations.