1 2 Water resource management at catchment scales using 3 lightweight UAVs: current capabilities and future perspectives 4 DeBell L 1, Anderson, K.*1, Brazier, R.E.2, King, N3, and Jones, L.4 1 5 6 2 Environment and Sustainability Institute, University of Exeter, Penryn Campus, UK University of Exeter, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Department of Geography, UK 3 7 QuestUAV, Unit 7B Coquetdale Enterprise Park, Amble, Northumberland UK 4 8 South West Water, Peninsula House, Rydon Lane, Exeter, Devon, UK 9 10 *Corresponding author: Karen.Anderson@exeter.ac.uk 11 12 Abstract: Lightweight, portable unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or ‘drones’ are set to become a key 13 component of a water resource management (WRM) toolkit, but are currently not widely used in this context. In 14 practical WRM there is a growing need for fine-scale responsive data, which cannot be delivered from satellites 15 or aircraft in a cost-effective way. Such a capability is needed where water supplies are located in spatially 16 heterogeneous dynamic catchments. In this review, we demonstrate the step change in hydrological process 17 understanding that could be delivered if WRM employed UAVs. The paper discusses a range of pragmatic 18 concepts in UAV science for cost-effective and practical WRM, from choosing the right sensor and platform 19 combination through to practical deployment and data processing challenges. The paper highlights that multi- 20 sensor approaches, such as combining thermal imaging with fine-scale structure-from-motion topographic models 21 are currently best placed to assist WRM decisions because they provide a means of monitoring the spatio- 22 temporal distribution of sources, sinks and flows of water through landscapes. The manuscript highlights areas 23 where research is needed to support the integration of UAVs into practical WRM – e.g. in improving positional 24 accuracy through integration of differential global positioning system sensors, and developing intelligent control 25 of UAV platforms to optimize the accuracy of spatial data capture. 26 27 Keywords: UAV; drone; water resource management; catchment; hydrology; spatial; temporal; environmental 28 monitoring 29 30 1. Introduction 31 1.1 Background 32 Societal pressures on global water resources are higher than ever before (Rodda, 2001) and globally, society is 33 approaching the “planetary boundary range” for consumptive freshwater use (Rockström et al., 2009). Oki and 34 Kanae (2006) have highlighted that there will be severe problems for management of local to global scale water 35 resources in the future (Gleick and Palaniappan 2010; Oelkers et al., 2011; Shiklomanov, 1998). Climate change 36 projections suggest that 47% of the world’s population will live in areas of high water stress by 2030 (United 37 Nations Water Portal, 2014) and in order to adapt, humanity will increasingly have to look towards currently 38 under-valued or unquantified stores of water (e.g. soil water) to service this societal need. Responsive tools for 39 providing scale-appropriate data in time and space are now required so that catchments can be managed 40 sustainably (Macleod et al., 2007) and so that evidence-based solutions to societal problems of water supply can 41 be found. 42 43 1.2 The challenge 44 Catchment management is now seen as a vital step in effective water resource management (WRM, UNEP, 2002; 45 Kallis and Butler, 2001). Soil moisture is recognized as important in governing hydrological functioning at 46 catchment scales (Brocca et al., 2012; Wainwright et al., 2011), and to improve understanding of this, new and 47 improved methods for fine-scale monitoring at catchment and/or basin level are needed (Brocca et al., 2012; 48 Ludwig et al., 2003; Mahmood, 1996). Remote sensing offers a familiar and mature scientific tool for monitoring 49 water resources (Pultz et al., 2002; Schmugge et al., 2002; Jeniffer et al., 2010; Makhamreh.2011 and Alexakis et 50 al., 2013). However, whilst the repeat coverage offered by Earth observation satellites is attractive for landscape 51 monitoring over large spatial extents, data are frequently too coarse in either their spatial, temporal or spectral 52 resolution (Gowda et al., 2008; Ludwig et al., 2003) to be useful for effective decision making about catchment- 53 scale water management. Piloted aircraft surveys offer a viable alternative to satellite systems because they 54 deliver finer spatial resolution data, but high costs can prohibit regular survey and deployments can rarely be 55 commissioned at short notice. Consequently, there is a shortfall in current remote sensing data provision in 56 relation to the following two challenges that cannot be met with current satellite or airborne imaging survey 57 58 59 technologies: 1. Cost-effective capture of fine-scale spatial data describing the current hydrological condition and water resource status of catchments at user-defined time-steps; 60 2. Data capture at fine temporal resolution for describing water system dynamics in soil moisture, 61 vegetation, and topography in catchments where there are important downstream effects on water 62 resources (e.g. floods, erosion events or vegetation removal (Römkens et al., 2002)). 63 64 1.3 The proposed solution 65 A new emerging opportunity for on-demand, self-service, timely spatio-temporal water resource evaluation is 66 offered by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs or ‘drones’). With careful design, deployment and safe operation, 67 UAV platforms could provide scale-appropriate data that are otherwise difficult to obtain from most other remote 68 sensing platforms (Anderson and Gaston, 2013). Lightweight UAVs as presented in this paper, currently do not, 69 and are unlikely to be able to offer the large scale synoptic monitoring capability for national or international 70 coverage as provided by Earth observation satellites, but they look set to contribute to an enhanced spatial and 71 temporal understanding of catchment management issues, through their ability to reveal local scale dynamics and 72 structures, and for hydrological up-scaling. UAVs also look set to engage new markets in WRM– for example, 73 Richard Allitt Associates Ltd (a UK consultancy company) have recently been granted a special license to fly 74 UAVs to target flood monitoring within UK urban areas (Lewis, 2014). With WRM facing some of its biggest 75 challenges in the developing world, there are major drivers for developing cost-effective UAV platforms for 76 water resources research that can be rapidly deployed in challenging operational settings where aircraft surveys 77 are not a viable survey option. 78 79 In this manuscript we explore how UAVs could be adapted for water resource monitoring using various examples 80 to show how catchment dynamics and their responses to management interventions could be better understood 81 using the fine scale data that these platforms provide (Grand-Clement et al., 2013; Liu et al., 2008; van Dijk and 82 Renzullo, 2011). There are also research challenges that need to be addressed if UAVs are to become an essential 83 part of a WRM toolkit, and this paper will explore these and provide an operational demonstration of capability in 84 a WRM context. 85 86 2. UAVs as platforms for environmental research 87 2.1 Historic setting and scientific uptake in the past decade 88 The realization of UAV potential for civilian remote sensing and environmental monitoring started around 1993 89 (Hutchison et al., 1993; Rango et al., 2006). However, this was still a time when the term ‘UAV’ directly referred 90 to the military class of drone where retail and operational costs were too high for widespread academic use 91 (Hutchison et al., 1993). However, the cost of UAV components has reduced in recent years and there is now a 92 perceived cost-benefit to developing UAVs as platforms for monitoring landscape and catchment hydrology – 93 lightweight airframes can be purchased ‘ready to fly’ for less than $1000 and this has created a large market for 94 their development and use. 95 96 The exponential growth in research involving UAVs in the past decade is reflected in the citation reports obtained 97 from Web of Knowledge (Thomson Reuters, 2015) where Figure 1 shows the total citations and total papers for 98 each year related to the key words “unmanned aerial vehicle”. We have only reported data to the end of 2014 so 99 that 2015 trends are not mis-represented. Similar trends were found with search terms “unmanned aircraft systems 100 (UAS)” and “remotely piloted vehicles (RPV)”, so this figure is representative of broader trends in the research 101 literature. 102 103 {figure 1 goes here} 104 105 Amongst the papers included in these citation reports are several studies that report on the state-of the-art in UAV 106 science for supporting watershed hydrology and ecohydrology studies (Anderson et al., 2012; Templeton et al., 107 2014; Vivoni, 2012). UAVs have been used at wetland sites, for example by Li et al. (2010) where fine-scale 108 imaging data were used to map the distribution of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Further work in rice paddies 109 has shown that nitrogen status can be determined by comparing ground based multispectral chlorophyll retrieval 110 techniques with UAV based photogrammetry, so that both nitrogen deficiency and over-application can be 111 detected with consequences for run-off and nutrient pollution (Zhu et al., 2009). Such work provides indirect 112 spatial proxies that deliver useful information to water resource managers. In addition there are a handful of 113 practical pieces of research documenting UAV use for direct water and catchment management. For example, 114 Zarco-Tejada et al (2012) used narrowband spectral measurements to determine canopy fluorescence to indicate 115 crop water stress in vineyards whilst Baluja et al (2012) combined thermal with multispectral imaging approaches 116 to address the same issue. UAVs have been used to monitor irrigation systems (Jimenez-Bello et al., 2013), and 117 for near real-time water management (Chao et al., 2008). Additionally, Templeton et al (2014) have explored the 118 use of UAV mounted sensors for spatial mapping of watershed evapotranspiration processes whilst Deitchman 119 (2009) showed how UAV-mounted thermal sensors could provide useful data for the study of stream temperature 120 regimes and groundwater discharge. Others have explored the use of collaborative robotic vehicles for monitoring 121 water bodies (Pinto et al., 2013). In such settings, UAVs are the preferred remote sensing platform because data 122 collected at close range allow individual plants or hydrological indicators to be detected and water management to 123 be optimized at a fine scale. With developments of new lightweight sensors, open source control and data 124 processing software, and new platforms for generating novel data products, UAV science is at a point where a 125 wide range of new practical applications for WRM can be explored. 126 127 2.2 Platform types and their operational capabilities 128 There is ample literature showing the different types of lightweight UAVs that are available to scientists for use in 129 a range of applications (Anderson and Gaston, 2013; Ollero and Merino, 2006) but there are currently no clear 130 guidelines that would allow a water resource manager to choose the most effective platform and sensor 131 combination for their required application. With the wealth of UAV platforms on the market, a summary of 132 platform capabilities is therefore required with a view towards the types of data required for WRM. A review of 133 available platforms and their relative merits is summarized in Table 1. In this review, we mainly focus on fixed 134 wing and multi-rotor platforms because these offer the greatest opportunities for practical WRM and are where 135 recent developments have delivered the biggest step-change in capability. For UAVs to deliver new data streams 136 to water resource managers that are not available from other remote sensing systems, they must offer data that are 137 more frequent in time and/or at finer spatial resolution. UAVs must therefore: 138 be capable of delivering data at repeat survey times that adequately capture the dynamics of hydrological 139 systems (e.g. ephemerality, seasonality and flashiness (e.g. in flood prone systems)) and offer a 140 responsive or on-demand capability (e.g. within 2 days of a key ‘event’ occurring). This would allow 141 event-based remote sensing data to be captured, which will offer improved insights into spatial 142 hydrological processes not possible from current satellite technologies, and often prohibitively costly 143 from piloted aircraft. 144 be capable of operating at costs that are lower than those charged by commercial aerial operators 145 (typically ~£10K per commissioned survey in the UK, for example) to include end-to-end processing and 146 delivery of a final product capable of ease-of-use within GIS. 147 148 The fine spatial resolution nature of UAV data (in both space and time) and the self-service capability is what sets 149 these systems apart from those products currently offered by commercial satellite systems and commonly 150 available aerial photography and other remote sensing data repositories. For understanding WRM issues, we 151 argue that UAV data are central for supporting enhanced scientific understanding of catchment systems for a 152 range of pertinent reasons. There is a growing consensus in hydrology that fine spatial resolution data are 153 important for understanding processes and connectivity. Blöschl (2001) argues that local-scale observations of 154 hydrologically-relevant patterns, both qualitative and/or quantitative, should be used in upscaled models due to 155 the improved relationship of space-time dynamics that can be achieved within flow systems. Importantly, 156 Bachmair and Weiler (2013)’s paper highlights some of the spatio-temporal complexities in hydrological 157 processes and their findings explicitly point to the need for cross-scale approaches for catchment monitoring and 158 a consideration of the high spatial variability in sub-surface hydrological connectivity. In offering fine-scale data 159 at the sub-pixel level of many other airborne or satellite imaging systems, UAV-based investigations over small 160 reaches or in sub-catchments or headwater areas (McGlynn et al, 2004; Uchida et al, 2005) will be very useful in 161 addressing this need. Furthermore there is evidence that points to the need for very fine spatial resolution image 162 data for optimising landscape management approaches in aquatic ecosystems – Tormos et al. (2014) for example, 163 show how ‘highly resolved’ (finer than 20 m resolution) spatial data improve spatial understanding of processes 164 in riparian zones, particularly in headwater catchments.. In the temporal domain, the simple argument in favour of 165 UAV-based remote sensing approaches is the responsiveness with which event-based data can be captured, which 166 is particularly important for hydrological surveys due to the temporal dynamics of rainfall, runoff events. UAV 167 survey readiness and responsiveness is potentially much greater than with other remote sensing systems, and as 168 such, UAVs offer the means of capturing data that other systems would miss by virtue of their orbital 169 characteristics, intervening cloud cover (satellites) or lack of availability (piloted aircraft). This is particularly 170 important for capturing data about events such as floods, droughts and leakages in a WRM context. 171 172 Operational deployment issues and technological trade-offs must also be considered when deciding which UAV 173 platform to use (Table 1). For example, platform stability in pitch, roll, yaw and height, is a major consideration if 174 collecting aerial photographs for generating landscape mosaics. Here, a multi-rotor platform may be better than a 175 fixed wing, as its stability in flight can be controlled more precisely. Conversely, multi-rotor flight endurance is 176 typically poorer than for fixed wing systems, reducing the areal coverage that can be achieved in a single flight 177 mission. On the other hand, if data are being collected with structure-from-motion processing in mind (see section 178 3.2 for further details), it is better if the flight plan is designed to incorporate off-nadir view angles deliberately 179 (e.g. oblique image capture) or cross-strips to enhance surface reconstruction and point cloud derivation (Dellaert 180 et al., 2000; James and Robson, 2014). For applications where the endurance of a fixed wing system is required, 181 but the resource manager does not have access to a suitable take-off and landing space within working distance of 182 the target area, a blimp, kite or balloon may be more suitable as a platform. Users should also consider the 183 difficulty of flying particular types of UAVs – with tethered kites, balloons and free flying blimps being the 184 easiest to deploy (but generally offering only static images or limited spatial coverage), and multi-rotors and fixed 185 wing systems requiring more expertise. Whilst UAVs are predominantly designed for autonomous flight along a 186 pre-determined GPS-guided waypoint path (UAVs.org, 2014), there are scenarios where the operator could be 187 required to take manual control of the aircraft (e.g. during landing, or if the auto-pilot malfunctions) and thus, this 188 is a consideration if deployment in difficult terrain is required. Resource managers should also consider the 189 implications of the modifiability of UAVs. Multi-rotors are probably the easiest platforms to modify so that they 190 can carry a range of sensors interchangeably, because the sensor payload is attached externally to the underside of 191 the UAV. Conversely, fixed wing systems are harder to modify due to sensors being housed internally, but in the 192 event of a crash the internal devices in fixed wing systems are better protected and more likely to survive than in 193 the exposed underside of a multi-rotor (especially because multi-rotors will not glide if motors fail). Power-to- 194 weight ratios are limited by battery technology and construction materials. The endurance of particular systems in 195 flight is also affected by the weight of payload being carried. This is especially noticeable in multi-rotor systems 196 where flight duration is usually less than 20 minutes. An alternative is to use a gas or petrol engine with higher 197 endurance due to improved energy capacity – but these systems introduce more vibration with effects on data 198 quality. Finally, key personnel who may wish to deploy this technology such as scientists or water resource 199 managers may not have previous experience with UAVs or even with hobby radio controlled aircraft, and 200 subsequently may not know or understand the questions to ask that would promote an effective decision making 201 process. 202 203 {Table 1 goes here} 204 205 3. Operational UAV deployment for water resources management 206 3.1 Sensor payloads 207 The challenge in the imaging domain is to produce scientifically robust sensors that can deliver data of 208 comparable type and quality to those collected by piloted aircraft or satellites, but which are light enough to be 209 deployed on UAVs with limited payload capacity. A typical lightweight UAV (with sub 7kg – take-off weight - 210 TOW) will be limited to a sensor payload of between 0.5 and 2 kg. There are hobbyists that have built heavy lift 211 multi-rotors which far exceed this (e.g. Blueray450, 2012), but the practicality of using such a system in WRM is 212 very limited due to the impacts of weight on flight endurance. For these reasons, there are decisions facing water 213 resource managers in choosing the most appropriate sensor suite to deploy on any given UAV. The following 214 sections summarize the state-of-the-art in UAV suited sensors for deployment on sub-7kg TOW UAVs and 215 provide an overview of the potential ways in which these sensors could be utilized in operational WRM. 216 3.1.1 Optical sensors 217 Optical sensors are both the easiest and cheapest of those available to deploy and can produce good quality data 218 for WRM if operated carefully. From single lens reflex (SLR) cameras equipped with global positioning system 219 (GPS) capabilities to lower-cost ‘point and shoot’ cameras it is possible to acquire good quality aerial 220 photographs from all of the UAV platforms listed in table 1. The resulting pixel size in the captured images will 221 be determined by the flying height, focal length and camera detector resolution. At the top end of the optical 222 range, cameras such as the Nikon D800 DSLR and the Sony a7R mirrorless model now offer the capability to 223 reproduce a medium format image equivalent (once only available from optical images captured from light 224 aircraft). These offer the potential for gathering data with a sub 1 cm spatial resolution from a typical flying 225 height of 100 m, however with body and lens combinations being larger and heavier than typical ‘point and shoot’ 226 camera models (e.g. Nikon has dimensions of 146 x 123 x 81.5 mm body with a weight of 1.28kg (including 227 battery, memory card and 50mm prime lens); Sony has dimensions of 126.9 x 94.4 x 48.2 mm and a weight of 228 0.6kg (including battery, pro duo memory stick and 35mm lens)), the choice of UAV platform will be limited to 229 high specification multi-rotors such as the Droidworx AD-8-HL ‘heavy lifting’ octocopter (Anderson and Gaston, 230 2013), or a larger bodied fixed wing such as the QuestUAV (King, 2013). The weight of these cameras also 231 presents problems if there is a requirement for multi-sensor deployments on each flight. There is evidence from 232 some studies that the improved spatial resolution offered by these systems can be applied to describe surface 233 water distribution and/or vegetation type in great detail, and these are useful proxies for soil moisture distribution 234 – a useful parameter for monitoring within WRM studies (Rango et al., 2009). 235 236 At the lower-cost end of the range smaller cameras have the advantage of being compact and light enough to be 237 flexibly deployed on most UAVs. For example, a Panasonic Lumix LX5 model (110 x 65 x 43 mm, 0.27kg, 10 238 megapixel resolution and costing £450 in July 2010) deployed on a QuestUAV fixed wing aircraft flying at 100m 239 captured the images shown in figure 2a and 2b (camera setting: 24mm equivalent, at f5.1, ISO 200, aperture 240 priority setting, and exposure at 1/1600). Figure 2c was captured from a Sony NEX7 camera (120 x 43 x 67 mm , 241 290 g , 24.7mp and £762 in Aug 2013 body only; 16mm prime lens – 24mm equivalent – at f3.2, ISO100, 242 aperture priority and 1/360 sec) using the same QuestUAV fixed wing platform and at the same altitude. The 243 white line visible in figure 2a was the launch cable measuring 1 cm diameter, whilst figure 2b shows tussocky 244 vegetation at a culm grassland site in South West England, where Molinea caerulea tussocks were being mapped 245 and monitored for a WRM project. Figure 2c shows an area of upland catchment that is subject to heavy water 246 erosion, where drainage channels have been incised by water to form gullies, resulting in a flashy downstream 247 hydrological response. The UAV image data were being used here to inform a UK project concerned with 248 improving spatial understanding of catchments for quantifying flash-flooding and soil erosion risk. These data 249 illustrate what can be achieved using a relatively low cost, lightweight camera system on board a fixed wing 250 UAV, operating within normal limits. 251 252 {figure 2 goes here} 253 254 Small digital cameras currently retailing at less than £100 can also be modified and optimized for UAV 255 deployment (i.e. the Canon A2400IS 94.4 x 54.2 x 20.1 mm in size, weighs 0.12kg, has a 16 megapixel resolution 256 and retails for £113 in April 2012). With many such cameras weighing less than 200 grams the range of UAV 257 platforms that can then be used for deployment is large, giving the water resource manager a wide range of 258 potential platform and sensor combinations for acquisition of aerial photography. The main challenge with all of 259 these optical camera systems for the non-UAV expert is setting up an automatic trigger system – which in some 260 models requires a physical servo arm to press the trigger button in flight, or in other cases triggering from the 261 flight controller, either by way of a connected IR trigger or modified USB cable (Gentles, 2015). Establishing this 262 capability requires personnel with electronics expertise. Tools such as the Canon Hack Development Kit – CHDK 263 (CHDK, 2014) can be helpful – this can be loaded onto the camera and used to trigger data collection and apply 264 specific camera settings (e.g. forcing use of particular exposure settings), reducing the need for specific wiring or 265 electronic expertise. 266 267 There is also a great opportunity to develop mobile ‘apps’ for UAV use – e.g. most smartphones are now 268 equipped with optical cameras with good image quality, and if combined with other sensors in the phone 269 (accelerometers, compass and GPS), these could revolutionize low-cost GIS-ready image capture from 270 lightweight UAVs (e.g. see Teacher et al. 2013 for other examples). Such developments could be particularly 271 pertinent for supporting water resource managers in developing countries where funding for monitoring is limited, 272 and could support networks of low-cost remote sensing UAVs for distributed monitoring across complex 273 landscapes, because unit costs would be low. Very low cost platforms, such as Bixler powered gliders (ready to 274 fly for less than £100 excluding an autopilot (HobbyKing, 2014)) could be adapted to carry smartphone sensors 275 offering a very cost-effective and rapid way of data collection. Such capabilities could prove very useful in areas 276 where rapid assessment of water resources is required – e.g. in humanitarian disaster relief zones, or in the event 277 of a flood where impact assessment is required to direct resources and aid. 278 279 3.1.2 Laser scanning 280 Laser scanning (referred to as Light Detection and Ranging or LiDAR) has become a popular tool for generating 281 digital elevation models (DEMs), digital surface models (DSMs) or terrain maps for modeling hydrological flow 282 path networks (Goulden et al., 2014). LiDAR data can also be very useful for describing fine-scale vegetation 283 structure which is important in describing patterns of near-surface water storage or hydrological connectivity in a 284 variety of landscapes (for examples see (Luscombe et al., 2014a) and (Jones et al., 2008)). However, the size and 285 weight of regularly used LiDAR sensors has, until recently, limited their use to either terrestrial laser scanning or 286 airborne laser scanning, with the latter deployed in light aircraft or helicopters, and thus being an expensive 287 method for data collection. UAV capable LiDARs are now in development (Lin et al., 2011). Custom research 288 LiDAR platforms such as those developed by TerraLuma (e.g. Wallace et al.,2012; Wallace et al.,2014), and the 289 more recent release of several new commercial lightweight LiDAR systems from Velodyne, Yellowscan and 290 Riegl suggest that UAV-LiDAR will be commonplace in the future. In the commercial domain, Velodyne LiDAR 291 were the first to release a commercial system targeted at the UAV market (144mm x 85mm in size, and weighing 292 less than 2 kg; (Velodyne, 2014)). More recently the Yellowscan LiDAR (dimensions 200 x 170 x 150 mm and 293 weighing 2 kg as a standalone system (Yellowscan, 2014)) and the slightly heavier commercial grade system by 294 Riegl (227 x 180 x 125 mm, weight 3.6 kg; (Riegl LMS, 2014)) are further offerings in this field. With studies 295 such as those by Kenward et al. (2000) highlighting the effect that DEM accuracy has upon the ability to predict 296 hydrological outcomes and Liu (2005) demonstrating the impact and change that using high resolution LiDAR 297 data can have upon catchment boundaries and drainage basin maps, this is an important technological step that 298 will improve WRM by enhancing understanding of the spatially distributed nature of water supply and flow 299 parameters. 300 301 UAV-based LiDAR surveys are particularly attractive for use in settings where there is regular land surface 302 modification (e.g. in highly eroded environments) and thus where airborne LiDAR or other DSM archives 303 regularly require updating (e.g. agricultural areas), or where landscape complexity occurs at a scale that is too fine 304 to be captured accurately by other airborne or satellite topographic sensors. The ability of UAVs to fly at close 305 range, and with greater maneuverability than manned aircraft will also confer a finer spatial resolution in the 306 resulting DSMs and DTMs. Furthermore with intelligent flight planning, UAV-LiDAR will allow higher point 307 cloud densities to be collected over key areas of landscape complexity (thus addressing shortfalls of airborne 308 LiDAR in complex catchments as highlighted by James et al (2007)). UAV-LiDAR will thus allow new questions 309 concerning fine-scale hydrological connectivity in complex landscapes to be addressed with strong relevance for 310 WRM. 311 312 3.1.3 Thermal imaging 313 Thermal imaging has long been recognized as providing a useful proxy for landscape water resource assessments: 314 early thermal data captured from satellites have demonstrated their regional and national scale relevance for 315 evapotranspiration assessments for example (Price, 1982). However their limited spatial resolution has proven 316 prohibitive for resolving key hydrological features within small catchments. Thermal sensors such as those by 317 Optris (Optris GmbH, 2014), FLIR (Flir Systems, Inc., 2014) and Thermoteknix (Thermoteknix, 2014) are now at 318 a size and weight point that makes them a viable option for UAV systems. Of particular relevance to water 319 resources research, Optris have developed a ready to fly, lightweight thermal system specifically for UAVs, 320 called the “PI Lightweight” weighing 0.38kg for both sensor and micro-computer (dimensions 111 x 55 x 45 321 mm). These systems, when operated from a UAV can provide products with spatial resolutions of approximately 322 20 cm when flown at 100 m altitude. This provides an innovative way of capturing information about near surface 323 moisture via algorithms that model the relationship between surface temperature or emissivity and near-surface 324 soil moisture (as has been shown to work from thermal imaging sensors mounted on piloted aircraft by Luscombe 325 et al., 2014a). 326 327 3.1.4 Hyperspectral and multispectral measurements 328 In the hyperspectral domain, one technique used with UAVs is to adapt lightweight ground-based non-imaging 329 spectroradiometers to build a spatial picture of hyper- or multi-spectral reflectance properties over land surfaces 330 as the UAV moves in the along-track direction (Hakala et al., 2013). For WRM, these data provide useful 331 information about water quality, flood detection and monitoring, structure and physiology of plants, wetland 332 mapping, evapotranspiration, and vegetation and land-use classification (Govender et al., 2007) because a spatial 333 model of hyperspectral reflectance or radiance can be built up from a hovering multi-rotor where each location is 334 logged in turn. There are some developments towards production of lightweight imaging spectrometers (e.g. the 335 Microhyperspec instrument by Headwall Photonics (Headwall, 2014)) which show promise for some WRM 336 applications (Zarco-Tejada et al., 2012; Lucieer et al., 2014b). Hyperspectral imaging can also potentially be 337 delivered from consumer grade cameras – through the use of specialised using lens adapters, achieving up to 0.8 338 nm spectral resolution and 120×120 pixel spatial resolution (Habel et al., 2012), a development that would be 339 advantageous for lower cost hyperspectral monitoring to support WRM. Zhu et al (2009) have used hyperspectral 340 sensors to assess nitrogen status and application within rice fields, which could be adapted for assessment of 341 nitrogen pollution within freshwater systems, for example. 342 343 Standard digital cameras can also be modified to measure infrared (IR) radiation, and thus capture multi-spectral 344 visible-IR image data, if the internal filter is removed from the sensor array (e.g. see Peauproductions (2015) and 345 Maxmax (2015)), and users can do this quite easily themselves (Milton 2002; Publiclabs 2015). The addition of 346 an infrared remote sensing capability can expand the potential questions that can be answered in a WRM context 347 – for example, Ballesteros et al. (2014) show various advantages in practical agronomy applications, specifically 348 in guiding sustainable water usage. Well-calibrated multispectral data can be useful for WRM, for example Berni 349 et al (2009) have used multispectral image data from an ‘MCA6 Tetracam’ system (a multispectral imager 350 comprising a series of individual radiometric sensors configured to measure in specific parts of the spectrum) to 351 assess water stress within vegetation, to detect areas experiencing drought or lowered water table conditions with 352 a view to targeting watering schemes in agricultural settings. Knoth et al (2013) have used near-infrared data 353 acquired from UAV platforms at degraded bog sites, so that restoration can be targeted optimally to promote 354 future water storage. The latter technique could be readily applied to other restoration projects where information 355 on the relationship between habitat condition and hydrological function was required. 356 357 3.2 Data processing 358 Once data have been collected by UAVs there is a demand for a software workflow for handling the high data 359 volumes and producing outputs that are ready-to-use within WRM. Perhaps the most interesting and relevant area 360 of data processing for water resource managers is the emergence of ‘structure from motion’ (SfM) processing. 361 This is a computer-vision technique for 3D surface reconstruction through optimised pixel matching, whereby 362 overlapping images of landscapes can be used to generate point clouds. SfM products are useful in studies 363 requiring models of elevation or vegetation structure and as such can be very useful in WRM because these 364 variables modulate landscape water storage and flow. Dandois and Ellis (2010) first demonstrated how vegetation 365 structure could be monitored using this approach from kite-based aerial photography and have extended this to 366 include models that show 3D canopy attributes and utilize colour from R,G,B brightness attributes (Dandois and 367 Ellis, 2013). Further to this, Mancini et al (2013) and Lucieer et al (2013) have presented topographic and digital 368 terrain modelling (DTM) using SfM approaches, useful in flow connectivity mapping/modelling in a WRM sense 369 (Bates et al., 1998). SfM approaches offer a low-cost technique for landscape structure description and UAVs 370 provide flexible platforms from which to carry out SfM research. A recent study by Castillo et al. (2012) has 371 suggested that data quality from SfM outputs is equivalent to that gained from traditional laser scanning 372 approaches when ground-based photography is used – however, there is still work to be done when considering 373 applications from UAVs. For example, McShane et al. (2014) showed that SfM products derived from a fixed 374 wing UAV over an eroded gully provided the least accurate depiction of hydrologically-relevant landscape 375 structures (compared to ground-based SfM and terrestrial laser scanning data). Of great importance is the 376 distinction between an optically-based SfM product and a laser-scanning dataset – SfM can only describe the top 377 ‘visible’ part of the vegetation and while it may be possible through high overlaps and oblique imagery to derive 378 more points relating to different parts of the vegetation, the product will not be the same as that obtained from an 379 airborne LiDAR or terrestrial laser scanning system, because these offer high powered lasers which can penetrate 380 the canopy and thus potentially provide more detailed information on within-canopy structure. Flight planning for 381 SfM is essential for ensuring a high quality output, as suggested by James and Robson (2014) who report on the 382 importance of having oblique view angles in addition to nadir photographs to improve point cloud 383 parameterization. Further research is needed towards intelligent optimization of UAV flight plans so as to 384 improve image overlap in areas of more complex terrain. Most UAV systems allow the GPS locations of the 385 aircraft, as reported by the flight controller, to be inserted into the EXIF data of each image collected. Such data 386 can be utilized to generate a basic ortho-photo build with a resultant accuracy of +/-5 to 10 m (as dictated by the 387 selective availability of civilian GPS). Additionally, the emerging capability offered by lightweight real time 388 kinematic (RTK) and dual-frequency GPS require testing in a WRM setting to determine their utility in 389 comparison to existing GPS solutions. What remains is the need for a robust field-based method to collect 390 location data with which to drive and validate the subsequent stitching of image data. A robust method is 391 described by Puttock et al (2015) who used a series of highly visible distributed markers which were surveyed in 392 the field using a differential GPS to inform the orthorectification of data (flying a multirotor at an average height 393 of 25 m they produced a 0.01 m resolution orthophoto with a 3D root mean squared error of 0.49 m which was 394 dominated by a z (height) error). 395 396 Software innovations now allow users to generate the SfM products efficiently, alongside more traditional 397 georeferenced, orthorectified images. Agisoft's PhotoScan (Agisoft, 2006) a cross-platform (MS Windows, OS X 398 and Linux) software package, which can handle hundreds of photographs at a time to align and stitch together 399 images, has been successfully used in archaeology for several years (Verhoeven, 2011). PhotoScan does not 400 require any external information to align the image data but can also be used with ground control points which 401 can be added at a later stage to achieve absolute positioning in a real-world coordinate frame. Alongside 402 Photoscan, there are a number of proprietary and open source software options to aid in mosaicking, 403 orthorectification and SfM building. Open source, cross-platform options include Visual Structure from Motion 404 (Wu, 2014) and Bundler (Snavely, et al., 2006) both of which can image stitch and produce SfM data, whilst 405 Meshlab (Visual Computing Lab, 2007) and CloudCompare (Girardeau-Montaut, 2011) are both able to build 406 texture from point cloud data or post-process SfM data into DEMs or analyse density, curvature and roughness of 407 point clouds. Microsoft’s Photosynth and Image Composite Editor for the Windows platform (Microsoft, 2011, 408 2012) are proprietary but free, and can be used for image mosaicking and simple 3D reconstruction, mainly for 409 input into Bing Maps. Further paid for, proprietary software (MS Windows only) such as Pix4D has similar 410 advanced functions to Photoscan for ortho-photo generation and SfM (Pix4D, 2014). 411 412 A typical workflow showing the steps taken to post-process data using these techniques with an example WRM 413 dataset is shown in Figure 3. During this survey 225 aerial images were collected using a Sony NEX7 camera (the 414 same system as described for figure 2(c)) over a degraded upland peatland site in the Forest of Bowland 415 (Lancashire, UK) using a QuestUAV fixed wing platform flying at 100 m altitude. The rationale for this survey 416 was to collect data so that hydrological response times in the catchment and rates of soil erosion could be 417 understood. Data were mosaicked to produce an ortho-mosaic using Agisoft Photoscan (version 1.0.4) on a 418 desktop PC (Figure 3a), and a point cloud describing the topographic structure of the landscape using SfM 419 approaches (Figure 3b). By selecting a smaller batch of 25 photos from the original 225 that were collected, so 420 that the modeling focused only on the main gully of interest, the resultant file was 891MB in size, with the 421 processing time taking 20 minutes on a medium specification desktop workstation (i.e. Intel I5 4960K processor, 422 16Gb DDR3 RAM, 120Gb SSD hard drive, 2Gb NVidia Geforce 750ti graphics card). Subsequently the point 423 cloud (as an ascii format text file) was exported to CloudCompare for sub-sampling and for cropping a region of 424 interest (yellow box, figure 3b). Further processing involved gridding and graphing within Matlab (Mathworks, 425 2014). The resultant elevation models derived (Figures 3c and 3d) show clearly the relative changes in 426 topography across this small example sub-catchment – cross sectional diagrams in Figure 3e further evidence the 427 quality of the topographic data that can be rapidly captured to support hydrological modeling and catchment 428 management. 429 430 (Figure 3 goes here) 431 432 There is no doubt that the data volumes that can potentially be produced by UAV platforms are challenging to 433 handle with standard desktop computing facilities. For example, fifteen minutes of data capture with a fixed wing 434 UAV over a small catchment (~20 ha) can produce up to 400 individual aerial photographs, requiring over 24 435 hours of processing time on a high-specification desktop PC to build a dense point cloud and ortho-mosaic (using 436 Agisoft Photoscan; Author’s own work). Processing times will be reduced as computer capabilities improve and 437 with advancements in the efficiency of the software. Additionally, GPS geo-tagging of photographs can reduce 438 pair selection time and speed up processing times. 439 440 4. Flying UAVs for WRM 441 The preceding sections have demonstrated how UAV platforms and sensors and accompanying methods to 442 process data are now reasonably robust and well-developed. However, there are still areas requiring development 443 and consideration. For example, in some settings, there is a necessity for research that improves UAV flight 444 planning and operations so that data quality and consistency can be improved for WRM. The following sections 445 present and discuss these various issues in turn. 446 447 4.1 The legal framework governing UAV deployment 448 When considering use of UAVs for WRM it is very important to understand the rapidly developing legal 449 framework governing operational deployment. There is a huge diversity in the legislative framework governing 450 UAV use globally, and coupled with diverse cultural attitudes to UAVs this can make the decision of where and 451 how to fly quite difficult. Globally there is some consensus about where it is legal and safe to fly. Broadly 452 speaking, flights over built up areas such as cities, housing estates and ‘congested zones’ are not permitted by 453 non-licensed pilots, and due to safety considerations would not be advisable by an amateur pilot even if local laws 454 permitted it. This would therefore limit WRM survey flights to ‘uncongested’ areas unless pilots have special 455 licenses or permissions. This restriction goes some way towards explaining why there are so many published 456 papers on UAV use for WRM in agricultural or semi-natural settings where access and flights are legal and 457 unrestricted, whilst there is conversely very little work published in urbanized systems. In the context of WRM, 458 there is great potential for future work to be undertaken in assessing civil fluvial or coastal flood risk using fine- 459 grained data from UAVs (e.g. building very high resolution DEMs for flood modeling using SfM) but to do this, 460 pilots must first navigate the legislation to ensure that they are operating within legal limits. There are a few 461 countries in the world where such ‘congested zone’ restrictions do not apply – an example is Peru – and here 462 there are examples beginning to emerge that demonstrate how UAV data can transform understanding of fine- 463 scale topography in dynamic systems, with high relevance for WRM (Remap Lima Project, 2015). UAVs, if used 464 safely could democratize the capture of time series data in similar systems globally, improving scientific 465 understanding of risk in hydrologically prone areas. 466 467 There are usually civil aviation laws that dictate what constitutes ‘safe operations’ – for example, in the UK, 468 flights are only permitted within 500 m visual line of sight (VLOS) to the operator (this will of course also 469 depend on platform visibility), and aircraft must be at least 150m from congested areas, at maximum altitudes of 470 400ft (121.92 m) for non-professional pilots (Haddon and Whittaker, 2004). As in most countries, different 471 conditions apply to certified operators that present an adequate safety case. In addition, depending on location, 472 topography, and obscuring vegetation there may be physical limits to the distance that can be safely and legally 473 flown with lightweight UAVs. This further restricts UAV applications to proximal studies at very fine spatial 474 resolution over small areas – restricting focus to small catchments rather than large watersheds. To cover large 475 areas one must seek special permission, or use multiple flights from several take-off and landing zones to achieve 476 good spatial coverage. A further consideration is platform size and weight – there are different legal requirements 477 that come into play with larger UAVs – e.g. in the UK, 7 kg is the upper limit beyond which special permission 478 and additional ‘airworthiness tests’ are required. In Australia the distinction between ‘small’ and ‘large’ UAVs is 479 made at the 2 kg weight limit (including payload), so operators must pay attention to local guidelines. 480 481 Globally, there is a large variability with regards to use of lightweight UAVs and there is very little in the way of 482 published literature outlining the complexities in international legislation that applies. As part of this research, we 483 compiled a brief summary of UAV flight restrictions for major areas of the world (Table 2). This information has 484 not previously been compiled elsewhere, largely because the sources of information are varied and often buried in 485 grey literature and in online sources. Some further useful information on European flying legislation is covered by 486 Nex and Remondino (2013), and Colomina and Molina (2014) who provide a useful overview of regulatory 487 bodies and regulations governing international use of UAVs. 488 489 {Table 2 goes here} 490 491 The lack of a harmonized international agreement for UAV operations can create challenges for deployment for 492 WRM. Many catchments that would benefit from UAV surveys are much larger than a standard maximum line- 493 of-sight survey limit, thus requiring multiple take-off sites and operational costs, along with extra data processing. 494 With sense-and-avoid systems (where intelligent control within the platform’s flying systems can be used to avoid 495 scenarios of collision with objects or other aircraft) some of these issues could be overcome (Melnyk et al., 2014). 496 In fact, there is much to be gained if real-time adjustments to flight plans could be achieved according to data 497 from on-board sensors (i.e. intelligent control). Additionally, range and safety can be improved using new 498 transmitter technology (OSRC, 2014) whereby any VLOS restriction can be overcome by placing multiple 499 operators within a catchment, each with their own transmitter. This allows the UAV to be used as a cloud server 500 switching between multiple transmitters to increase flight distance. As an example, if two operators were working 501 within a catchment and spaced 500 m apart, the UAV could cover twice the area in a single flight without the 502 need to land, move and take off again (e.g. ~2 km2 compared with ~1 km2 with a single operator). This could also 503 be particularly useful technology in the context of pipeline or riparian zone surveys where a series of operators 504 could be positioned along-track to allow a long flight line to be captured in a single acquisition. Looking forward, 505 UAV ‘swarms’ (where multiple co-operating vehicles can move in an organized way to survey a landscape) look 506 set to revolutionize UAV surveying and mapping applications (Ryan et al., 2004). By using multiple vehicles, a 507 larger area can be covered more rapidly. Abdelkader et al. (2014) for example, demonstrate a fast numerical 508 scheme for optimizing control of swarming UAVs with a view to their use in post-flood disaster mapping. Several 509 issues are still to be overcome in making this an operational tool for WRM (e.g. energy management (Leonard et 510 al., 2014) and vehicle-to-vehicle communications (Dac-Tu et al., 2012)) but in the next decade it seems likely that 511 swarming UAV models for efficient landscape mapping will be a reality. 512 513 4.2 Weather conditions may hamper flight opportunities 514 As in many remote sensing applications, weather plays a fundamental role in determining the success or 515 otherwise of UAV deployments. A particular barrier to UAV operations is high wind speed (optimal operational 516 wind speeds for most aircraft are below a threshold of 24 - 32 km hr-1). Additionally, rain or atmospheric moisture 517 will severely affect on-board electronic devices if they are not sufficiently waterproof, and will also impact on the 518 reproducibility of data by affecting radiometric image quality. Adverse weather at altitude, where low cloud 519 interferes with image data obtained from satellite and light aircraft (Biggin, 1996) could also provide an 520 opportunity for UAVs, as they could be deployed in storm conditions where cloud cover is typically dense and 521 other remote sensing systems suffer from surface occlusion. The low flying capability of UAVs means that low 522 cloud could be avoided, however, this could be at the cost of optical interference and reduced signal-to-noise 523 ratios in the resultant data (Slater, 1985). This would be a key consideration if one was concerned about 524 reproducibility in the at-sensor radiance values, but less so if the user was just concerned with collection of data 525 for basic geometric mapping of surface water (for example). 526 527 4.3 Innovations in lightweight components 528 Innovations in various supporting technologies could also improve the capability of UAVs to support WRM. 529 Table 3 summarizes several areas where developments in the past decade have been particularly rapid. In all of 530 these cases, these developments would be helpful for improving airborne surveys from lightweight UAV 531 platforms – benefiting WRM along with many other application areas. 532 533 {Table 3 goes here} 534 535 4.4 Cost effectiveness compared to other remote survey methods 536 537 The argument is often made that UAVs offer a more cost-effective method for remote sensing survey than their 538 satellite or piloted aircraft counterparts. However there has been very little economic analysis to support this 539 viewpoint. There are some facts that can be used to support the argument that UAV systems are generally cheaper 540 to buy than other remote sensing platforms – for example, most lightweight airframes (with payload capacities of 541 up to 1 kg) can be bought ready to fly for less than £1000. Once equipped with a good quality consumer grade 542 camera and fitted with an automatic trigger connected to the autopilot (at extra cost, around £500), the water 543 resource manager could have an airborne photography system in the air for less than £4000 with spares and 544 adequate computing facilities included. Such a system would be useful for regular repeat surveys of a catchment 545 of around 20-50 ha, where flying times (with a fixed wing UAV) would be of the order of 20-30 minutes. From 546 the author’s experience, data processing times for ortho-photo generation for catchments of this size then take a 547 further 1 day of processing time on a desktop computer (using Agisoft Photoscan version 1.0.4). For this reason, 548 over small catchments of this size, cost-effectiveness could be achieved if a well-organised and robust post- 549 processing sequence were developed (e.g. to generate an ortho-mosaic from the individual images acquired 550 during the flight and assimilate the mosaic into a GIS). Assuming the UAV did not suffer a crash or require 551 expensive repairs, several surveys could be collected for a lower cost than that of a piloted aircraft survey. The 552 same cannot necessarily be said for a larger catchment (e.g. > 100 ha) where several flights would be needed to 553 cover the extent of the catchment, and where the data processing demands would be considerably higher. So, it 554 must be borne in mind that when assessing the cost-effectiveness, it is not simply the hardware that must be 555 costed. There is a high level of certainty that lightweight UAVs will have a lower baseline cost, but with 556 autonomous operations, the pilot buys into a whole processing chain and this has a high level of associated costs. 557 Any future studies where UAVs are used preferentially over other remote sensing systems would do well to report 558 these costs and benefits so that as a community, it is possible to trace where the biggest investments in time and 559 money go. 560 561 5. Examples where UAV capability will support sustainable WRM in the future 562 In the context of future climate change, and recorded trends of amplified intensity of both precipitation and 563 drought events within the Northern Hemisphere (Goswami et al., 2006; Meehl et al., 2000; Trenberth et al., 2003; 564 Zhai et al., 2005), UAV technology looks set to be in high demand for supporting WRM decision-making 565 globally. We believe that there are considerable market opportunities for UAV platforms that can provide on- 566 demand, fine resolution spatio-temporal data in a wide range of WRM areas. The preceding sections have already 567 pointed to the considerable opportunities that UAV science can deliver. To place these developments in the 568 context of future WRM using UAVs, table 4 has been compiled using existing studies and with a strategic 569 forward-look. It summarizes the broad suite of applications that could be serviced at catchment-scales from 570 UAVs. For example, recent developments in UAV thermal imaging capabilities will allow water resource 571 managers to monitor changes in the biological and chemical oxygen demand (BOD, COD) of reservoirs regularly, 572 and sensors used in UAVs could be easily taken out to be used as hand-held systems for monitoring biological 573 activity in sewage treatment work filters. Combining different sensor types offers even greater opportunities – for 574 example, diffuse pollution hotspots or critical source areas within catchments could be detected using a 575 combination of multispectral or hyperspectral and thermal imaging. The ‘renaissance’ of photogrammetry through 576 the earlier described SfM approaches provides a means of improving current understanding of flood planning and 577 prevention because data can be more easily acquired over fine time-steps and at fine-spatial resolution. In terms 578 of upscaling, there is a huge and as yet unexplored potential for UAV data to support the validation of larger scale 579 data sets obtained from satellites (Lu et al., 2012). There are two key steps that need to be taken to achieve the 580 latter: 581 (a) There needs to be more work undertaken with UAVs that progresses from the current focus on collecting basic 582 photographic images towards more robust radiometric data capture akin to that delivered by radiometric remote 583 sensing instruments. Some work in this domain is developing (Burkhart et al., 2014) and we argue that if there is 584 a move towards collection of high quality radiometric data from UAV platforms, then science will be in a good 585 position to deliver local-scale UAV data for validating global-scale hydrological models. 586 (b) Currently the radiometric quality of data delivered by standard optical camera systems deployed on UAVs is 587 not adequate for robust automated land cover classification (because many user-grade cameras adjust the 588 brightness of images to achieve an appealing visual scene). Users need to improve their understanding of the 589 capabilities and limitations of those camera systems and focus on delivering the best science from the best 590 sensors. A key point to be recognized is that low grade camera systems are put to best use in SfM modeling but 591 data should be handled carefully in the spectral domain. 592 593 594 {Table 4 goes here} 595 A real opportunity for UAV survey data within WRM lies in the promise of this technology to deliver lower-cost, 596 high density, fine-resolution topographic and micro-topographic spatial data models (Ouedraogo et al. 2014) 597 which could revolutionise scientific understanding of hydrological behavior in human-modified agricultural 598 systems. Here there is a lack of topographic data at a sufficiently fine resolution to tackle questions about 599 hydrological flows and impacts on other variables such as soil surface depression storage, infiltration and 600 connectivity (Ouedraogo et al. 2014). Incorporation of UAVs into farm toolkits for real-time intelligent survey 601 could improve the targeting of water resources or management of soils, in a more sustainable way. Furthermore, 602 UAV topographic surveys from UAV-based LiDAR or SfM approaches, will undoubtedly provide new data 603 describing surface roughness (e.g. for spatial description of Manning’s roughness coefficients) that could be used 604 to improve spatial understanding and model parameterization of factors such as hydrological channel routing and 605 thus lead to better prediction of downstream supply (Sharma and Tiwari, 2014). For these benefits to WRM to be 606 realized improvements in spatial accuracy assessment of UAV-derived topographic models must be found 607 (Ouedraogo et al. 2014). 608 609 In undertaking this horizon scanning review, it is also obvious that there are a range of potential uses for UAVs as 610 platforms for agencies and non-governmental organizations working in developing countries where budgetary 611 constraints are common but where timely spatial information on WRM would result in critical improvements in 612 understanding. In remote regions, the portability of the UAV system is attractive. We have identified a few areas 613 where enhanced water scarcity is likely under climate change and an easy to use portable remote sensing system 614 such as a UAV would be very helpful in monitoring landscape hydrology and/or water resource dynamics: 615 616 617 Monitoring of cryospheric stores of water in glaciers is already being explored with the help of UAV 618 technology (Ryan et al., 2014) where photogrammetric image analysis tools have been used to quantify 619 glaciological processes and understand glacial dynamics. In the Andes and in other dry mountain regions of 620 the world, the cryosphere holds hidden water in features such as rock glaciers (Rangecroft et al., 2013; 621 Brenning, 2005), and little is known about these. Fine scale data collected on-demand from UAVs could help 622 local non-governmental organisations to better understand these sources. Globally there are many similar 623 issues in locations such as Kazakhstan, which have potentially large stores of water hidden in cryospheric 624 reserves. 625 In China, there are areas experiencing lower intensity rainfall events leading to extended periods of water 626 scarcity (Zou, 2005) and the ability to use UAVs to improve monitoring of water resources or regulate usage 627 (e.g. regular surveys of reservoir resources, soil moisture assessments using thermal imaging or in precision 628 agriculture to target consumption more effectively) could strengthen existing knowledge. 629 In arid areas of the world (e.g. in Sub-Saharan Africa) the ability to detect the fine scale patterning of soil 630 moisture reserves would be hugely advantageous to non-governmental organisations and other local groups 631 trying to understand aquifer recharge rates for provision of potable water for local communities. In addition, 632 spatial understanding of soil moisture would permit targeted irrigation, only in areas where soil moisture 633 deficit was present, ensuring that costly irrigation of agricultural land was minimized (Kim et al., 2008). 634 In disaster zones, where large numbers of displaced people aggregate, the ability to map and quantify the soil 635 water resource rapidly would be helpful in assisting humanitarian aid efforts because it would allow near- 636 surface potable water resources to be identified and appropriate water supplies to be established. There is 637 already a community of humanitarian ‘UAViators’ (Pronounced “way-viators” http://uaviators.org/) who are 638 ‘a global volunteer network of UAV pilots; professional, civilian or responsible hobbyists, who facilitate 639 information sharing, coordination and operational safety in support of a broad range of humanitarian efforts’. 640 Future work in this domain could provide useful insights for WRM in other settings. 641 6. Conclusion 642 The last few decades have seen both a rapid growth in human population and change in climate, both of which 643 present challenges for 21st century life especially with regards to landscape ecohydrological function and 644 subsequent water supplies. This period has also seen rapid advancement in remote sensing technologies alongside 645 scientific development and uptake of UAV-based technologies. UAVs, lightweight sensors and supporting 646 technologies (e.g. novel data processing techniques) are now at a point where there is a nexus of opportunity for 647 the practical water resource manager. With their unparalleled ability to deliver on-demand, fine spatial and 648 temporal resolution data, UAVs can offer a range of products at relatively low-cost to WRM. There are 649 challenges that lie ahead – particularly in the further miniaturization of sensors such as LiDARs, in the legal 650 framework governing safe deployment and in issues surrounding societal ‘trust’ of UAVs and in delivery of high 651 accuracy spatial data products from UAVs. However, this paper has shown that there remains a wealth of 652 opportunities for exploring UAV use in improving scientific and social understanding of a broad spectrum of 653 WRM issues. 654 655 656 7. References 657 658 659 660 661 Abdelkader, M., Shaqura, M., Ghommem, M., Collier, N., Calo, V., and Claudel C. 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Date of search: 14 July 2015. 728 729 730 Figure 2 example data demonstrating the potential for UAV technology to support WRM (a) Aerial photograph 731 captured from a QuestUAV fixed wing platform showing pilots (top left) and launch line (centre). The visible 732 white line is the UAV launch line with a diameter of approximately 1 cm. (b) Aerial photograph captured from a 733 QuestUAV fixed wing platform showing tussocky Molinea caerulea grasses within a culm grassland and adjacent 734 to an improved managed grassland, where tussocks are typically up to 30 cm diameter. (c) Aerial photograph 735 captured from a QuestUAV fixed wing platform at an eroded upland site within the Forest of Bowland showing 736 hydrological erosion features where water flow has incised into peat, causing gullying. The gauge of steel fencing 737 visible in the imaging data is less than 1 cm and tree branching structures are clearly noticeable. 738 739 740 741 742 Figure 3: A visualization of data post-processing showing a typical workflow with UAV data from a Sony NEX7 743 camera flown on a QuestUAV fixed wing system at 100 m altitude over a degraded, eroded catchment in 744 Northern England. (a) A 2 cm spatial resolution orthomosaic generated in Agisoft Photoscan from 25 images 745 collected at a headwater location within the uplands of the Forest of Bowland, Lancashire; (b) Agisoft Photoscan 746 point cloud exported to CloudCompare where the data was subsampled to a 5cm spatial resolution and an area of 747 interest - highlighted by the yellow box – was cropped and exported as an .xyz ascii file for further analysis; (c) 748 2D topographical model produced by gridding the CloudCompare ascii file within Matlab at one-third resolution; 749 (d) applying light enhancement to the 2D Matlab grid, a 3D digital surface model (DSM) can be produced with 750 definition of channel and slope; (e) two example cross-sections taken that show both slope and also channels. 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 Table 1: A summary of operational constraints and considerations when choosing different lightweight, sub 7kg UAVs for WRM. 7 kg was chosen as a threshold weight as this is widely accepted as the lowest weight division and subsequently has the least restriction to deployment and associated cost. a) note that the cost of these platforms is indicative of their payload capacity combined with the level of ‘pre-build’ b) Figures obtained from πr2 where operator is centroid and radius=visual line of sight (VLOS) at both 500 and 1000m c) Diminishing or unreliable helium supply poses the biggest barrier to wide-scale balloon/blimp deployment (Nuttall et al., 2012) 759 Example platformsa Typical endurance Payload Capability Stability Ability to fly in wind Expertise required Spatial coverage in single flight Take off/landing capability Velocity/thru st failure Cost of ready to fly system Fixed Wing Multi Rotor Tethered balloons Blimp or kites Top end: MAVinci1, Penguin-B2 Mid-range: QuestUAV (see photo)3, Gatewing4 Low-cost: Arduplane5, flightriot6 Top-end: Aibot X67 Mid-range: DroidworxAD-8-HL (see photo)8 Low-cost: 3d Robotics Iris9 or Arducopter10 Public Lab11 Survey Copter12 25-75mins 6-25mins Hours Hours 1-2kgs 1-2.5kgs >2.5kgs >2.5kgs Medium High (in low winds) Medium High (in low winds) Medium/high Medium Medium/high Low Training is required to ensure safe operations and compliance to local aviation rules. Pilots should keep flight logs. Training should include simulator training, lightweight trainer aircraft manipulation and operational field deployment. 80-320hab Launch line/catapult or hand launch – open area for landing / Parachute Glide capability / controlled crash / parachute Top end: $30K+ Mid-range: $5-30K Low-cost: $1-5K c20-40ha Vertical take-off landing (VTOL) Balloons, blimps and kites are easily deployed and safely monitored from the ground, so require minimal training and low skillsets. Sensor footprint only and Crash VTOL for balloons. Kites depend on wind. Wind failure = crash for kites. No issue for balloons. From $100 variable VTOL No issue, equivalent would be rupture in balloon equaling a crashc $1K-$10K depending on size Platform image QuestUAV in flight (Author’s own photo) Droidworx AD-8-HL (Author’s own photo) 760 761 762 1 http://www.mavinci.de/ http://www.uavfactory.com/product/46 3 www.questuav.co.uk 4 http://uas.trimble.com/ 5 http://diydrones.com/profiles/blogs/ardupilot-mega-home-page 6 http://flightriot.com/ 7 http://www.aibotix.com/aibot-x6.html 8 http://aeronavics.com 9 http://store.3drobotics.com/products/IRIS 10 http://www.arducopter.co.uk/ 11 http://store.publiclab.org/products/balloon-mapping-kit 12 http://www.survey-copter.com/english/uavs-blimp/ 2 Public lab balloon with camera attachment11 Survey Copter Blimp camera survey set-up12 with 763 764 Table 2: UAV industry and legislation for the major economic regions of the world. Data collated in January 765 2015. Australia Canada China Europea India Mexico Russia UK USA Brazil Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Nb Yc N N N Y Y Y Commercial UAV Y flights permitted? Y Yb Y N Y N Y N Y Hobbyist UAV Y flights permitted? Y Y Y ? Y ?d Y Y Y Commercial use currently under revision by the FAA. No fly zones implemented in certain regions. Currently a complete ban on commercial UAV use Country UAV Industry Regulated? Other notes Related 2kg defines ‘small’ UAV (including payload); license required. UAV flights permissible under license. Variation in definitions across different EU member states see (Silverburn, 2013) Liberal attitudes to UAV use (Garcia, 2013) 766 767 a) Europe has been included as a single entity due to its unified trade and legislation. 768 b) China appears to allow operation by authorisation at a provincial/town planning level but has nothing in place at a national level. 769 c) Whilst there are overarching EU guidelines, it is also stated that each member state is responsible for applying their own law relating to UAV use. 770 d) There are competitions involving UAVs and plenty of hobbyists flying, but regulation relating to hobby pursuits has been difficult to find. 771 772 773 774 775 Table 3: Overview of UAV related technological developments that could have a beneficial impact on WRM. Advancement Example technologies Why Benefit to WRM Microcomputing Raspberry pi13 Real-time data or Arduino14 processing/co minimmunication computer processors References if applicable Lightweight mini-PCs provide an ‘all in one’ system for rapid data collection and processing onboard the UAV. Emergency scenarios such as a flooding event would hugely benefit from dataready systems like this. Lightweight SwiftNav differential PIKSI15 (real-time kinematic) GPS with sub-10 cm accuracy Improved positional accuracy On-board lightweight GPS have not until recently (Jones and Gross, offered a spatial accuracy aligned with the 2014) resolution of data delivered by UAVs. Piksi is the first differential GPS on the market – at greatly reduced cost, weight and size in comparison to existing ground-based unit. Provides a WR manager with centimeter precision for mapping. Improved aerodynamics for fixed-wing UAVs Improvements in stability, lift and endurance Having a UAV that through better design and (Kroo, 2005; without getting heavier can lift a heavier payload, Mueller and fly longer or manage in-flight turbulence DeLaurier, 2003) better will increase sensor options for deployment, further increasing existing or proposed capabilities for WRM. So more research is required on wing and fuselage design, the use of new materials and improved energy sources. Aerodynamic design (wings, fuselage) and materials innovation Improvements 3DRobotics16 Ease in multi-rotor use/cost capability of Ready to fly (RTF) systems that are inexpensive, (Colomina lightweight whilst remaining sensor-capable allow Molina 2014) minimal training, much wider scale deployment and operational readiness. Lighter, greater Li-s or Li-Air Increase in Neither is available commercially yet, but with (Van endurance energy density both systems having a much higher energy per kg 2014) batteries (storage) storage, batteries for UAVs could become lighter with the same power, or greater power for the same weight. Overall implications for UAV size, payload capacity or endurance. Lightweight Titan solar aerospace17 photovoltaics for improving endurance of fixed-wing UAVs 13 Increase flight endurance in Scaling of this technology could allow UAS to be deployed on long time-series missions. Would allow real-time fine-scale data collection over a catchment without any need to pause in temporal scales. There are multiple considerations relating to weight and endurance (Fazelpour and Vafaeipour, 2013). http://www.raspberrypi.org/ http://www.arduino.cc/ 15 http://swift-nav.com/piksi.html 16 http://3drobotics.com/ 17 http://titanaerospace.com/ 18 http://saildrone.com 19 http://www.nasa.gov/centers/dryden/news/ResearchUpdate/Helios/ 14 and Noorden, Examples exist in other disciplines, e.g. the solarpowered Saildrone18 and NASA have tested with large UAVs (e.g. Helios19). 776 Table 4: Future uses of UAV platforms and sensors in the water resources sector Potential deployment for Landscape assessment of environmentally designated areas or agricultural practice within catchments Identification of water resource issues related to pollution, erosion, invasive species or failure of water resources infrastructure Required platform and UAV Product sensors Relates to WRM Example studies proof-of-concept Duties to relevant national Orthophoto and Fixed wing + legislation/asset management. Ability land cover optical camera to monitor fine-scale change over classification time in sensitive areas. (Bortels et al, 2011) successfully applied this using satellite data from ASTER in wetlands Ability to detect poor agricultural practice which may impact water Orthophoto, land supply such as non contour cover ploughing. Highlight areas with classification, erosion using SfM or precision NDVI map and agriculture techniques using NIR, SfM point cloud thermal or multispectral to reduce use of water, herbicides and pesticides. (Haboudane et al, 2002; Thenkabail et al, 2012) have developed narrow-band techniques to identify gross primary production in crops. Orthophoto, point cloud, video or individual image Fixed wing + analysis. SfM to Identify pollution hotspots, illegal optical camera produce DTM discharge or to model topography for and thermal models or flow- areas of pollution risk. video capture path models for tracking pollution transport. Wang et al. (2004) used Landsat data to describe spatial variability in reservoir BOD. Fixed wing + optical camera, NDVI sensor, multispectral or thermal sensors To better understand soil/sediment (McShane et al, 2014) Multi-rotor + loss and erosion events after rainfall. Orthophoto, SfM optical camera To characterize landscape change and LiDAR point and/or UAV after flooding. deposition fans, cloud LiDAR Topographic models for calculating connectivity, or volume of erosion. Fixed wing + optical and NDVI cameras Use to survey catchments for signs of (Thenkabail et al, 2012) The Orthophoto fineinvasive species that may have an use of hyperspectral remote Scale vegetation impact upon catchment quality, sensing in plant studies. mapping, NDVI response or that have a legal maps. requirement to control. Fixed wing or Thermal video multi-rotor + analysis to thermal identify hotspots videography Thermal imaging of water Saturated soil has a different ‘hotspots’ during cold spells emissivity to dry soil –one can or vegetation anomalies after potentially target investigative site dry periods from optical data visits. Early warning system. (APEM, 2014; Levi, 2005). Orthophoto + point cloud to generate land cover classification and SfM topographic model Repeat surveys over restored areas (e.g. Sphagnum reseeding (Moors for the future, 2014), or grip blocking (Exmoor mires project, 2014)). Spatial evaluation of soil water stores (Luscombe et al., 2014b) and riparian vegetation zones (Dunford et al, 2009, Fonstad et al, 2011). Fixed wing+ Monitoring optical and restoration, thermal pollution or soil imaging water storage sensors To accurately assess effectiveness of restoration efforts with regards to impact on soil wetness, impact to runoff/erosion, e.g. in peatlands over multiple seasons on a long-time-series Combining thermal and optical data for detecting Multi-rotor + To assist in detecting and reducing diffuse pollution hotspots Orthophoto or optical and marine pollution from freshwater (Lega and Napoli, 2010). video analysis. Thermal nutrient sources. Orthophoto and (Verhoeven et al, 2011) Multi-rotor + point cloud Ecological and archaeological surveys Using aerial photography and Surveys for impact optical and/or analysis required for screening, scoping and SfM for archaeology assessment UAV LiDAR including monitoring. hillshade models 777