Greenville Public School District District Alternative Referral Packet ____________________________ Student Name _____________________________________ Base School _____________________________________ Date Referred to District Alternative Review Team Office of Operations Revised 08.06.2012 1 Greenville Public School District Alternative Entrance Process Student referred to Base School's Alternative Education Transition Committee Complete Alternative Education Transition Committee Checklist If recommendation is for placement in alternative school, complete required documentation in District Alternative Referral Packet Committee reviews documentation and makes a recommendation Deliver completed packet and all required documentation to Office of Operations Keep student at Base School until written documentation is received of Superintendent's Decision Revised 08.06.2012 2 Greenville Public School District Alternative Exit Process Two weeks before projected completion date, the Alternative School's Alternative Education Transtition Committee will complete the Alternative Education Transition Committee Checklist Committee reviews documentation with Base School 's Alternative Education Transition Committee and makes a recommendation Complete required documentation in District Alternative Referral Packet One month after student returns to base school, Alternative Education Transition Committee from base and alternative schools will meet to review current data on student and make a recommendation Keep student at Alternative School until written documentation is received of Superintendent's Decision Deliver completed packet and all required documentation to Office of Operations If recommendation is to return to Alternative School, complete required documentation in a new District Alternative Referral Packet Deliver completed packet and all required documentation to Office of Operations Keep student at Base School until written documentation is received of Superintendent's Decision Revised 08.06.2012 3 Greenville Public School District Alternative Education Transition Committee Checklist Student’s Name _____________________________________ MSIS # ___________________________ Referring School ____________________________ Grade _____ DOB: ____________ Age: ______ Check one: ___ Entrance Referral ___ Exit Referral Date Completed * - Required for SPED and Regular education students __________ Copy of RtI Folder (Entr/Exit) __________ Counselor Referral for Alternative Education Program Form (Entr) * __________ Parental Notification of Referral Form (Entr) * __________ Handbook Notification Receipt (Entr) * __________ Emergency Contact and Medical Information (Entr) * __________ Copy of cumulative record (Entr) * __________ Copy of recent disciplinary record from Sam7 (beg. of school year – present) (Entr/Exit) * __________ Individual Instructional Plan (IIP) (Entr/Exit) __________ Copy of CHOICES career plan (secondary only) (Entr) __________ Copy of Functional Skills Assessment (Entr) __________ Copy of recent report card (Entr/Exit) * __________ Copy of recent attendance record from Sam7 (beg. of school year – present) (Entr/Exit) * __________ Individual Education Plan (IEP) (if applicable) (Entr/Exit) * __________ Copy of student’s class schedule (secondary only) (Entr) * __________ Copy of Discovery Education Individual Student Report (Entr/Exit) __________ Alternative Education Counselor’s notes (Exit) * __________ List of academic grades by subject area earned while at Achievement Center (Exit) * __________ Documentation of successful behavior as documented by behavior modification tracking forms (Exit) * __________ Other (example Mental Health, residential facility, etc.) * ENTRANCE I verify that this packet is complete and that the student’s records are ready to be reviewed by the District Alternative Review Team. Alternative Education Transition Committee Member Approval/Disapproval Member Signature Approval Signature Disapproval Base School Principal Base School Counselor Classroom Teacher Classroom Teacher Vocational/Technical Representative (secondary only) Support Staff Transition Committee Chairperson SPED Representative (SPED only) Other Revised 08.06.2012 4 Transition Committee’s Recommendation: [ ] Refer to Achievement Center [ ] GED [ ] Regular Alternative [ ] SOS [ ] Fast Track [ ] Other program (specify _____________ ) [ ] Retain in regular education program at base school [ ] Retain in Special Education program at base school [ ] Attempt other interventions at base school Date referral packet was submitted to District Alternative Review Team _____________________ Date ========================================================================== TO BE COMPLETED BY THE DISTRICT ALTERNATIVE REVIEW TEAM Date referral received __________________ Received by ___________________________________ District Alternative Review Team Meeting Date________________________ Team Recommendation ________________________________________________________________ Date referred to Superintendent __________________________ (Refer to Superintendent Referral Recommendation for Alternative Placement) Superintendent Decision _______________________________________________________________ Date student enrolled in the Alternative School ________________ Received by __________________ EXIT I verify that this packet is complete and that the student’s records are ready to be reviewed by the District Alternative Review Team. Alternative Education Transition Committee Member Approval/Disapproval Member Signature Approval Signature Disapproval Base School Principal Alternative School Principal Alternative School Counselor Classroom Teacher Classroom Teacher Support Staff Transition Committee Chairperson SPED Representative (SPED only) Other Transition Committee’s Recommendation: [ ] Refer to/Continue in Achievement Center [ ] GED [ ] Regular Alternative [ ] SOS Revised 08.06.2012 5 [ ] Fast Track [ ] Other program (specify _____________ ) [ ] Retain in regular education program at base school [ ] Retain in Special Education program at base school [ ] Attempt other interventions at base school Date referral packet was submitted to District Alternative Review Team _____________________ ========================================================================= TO BE COMPLETED BY THE DISTRICT ALTERNATIVE REVIEW TEAM Date referral received __________________ Received by ___________________________________ District Alternative Review Team Meeting Date________________________ Team Recommendation ________________________________________________________________ Date referred to Superintendent __________________________ (Refer to Superintendent Referral Recommendation for Alternative Placement) Superintendent Decision _______________________________________________________________ Date student returned to base school ________________ Received by ___________ Revised 08.06.2012 6 Student Referral Source Counselor Email Greenville Public School District Counselor Referral for Alternative Education Program Grade Age Counselor’s History of Services Referred to Counselor by Date first seen by counselor Applied Behavioral Analysis/Interventions Attempted or Initiated (include additional pages as necessary) Date Specifics Counselor’s Assessment (in Collaboration with Referring School/Teacher/Administrator) Yes/No Performs substantially below the performance level for pupils of the same age Is at least one year behind in completing coursework or obtaining credits for graduation? Is the student pregnant or a parent? Has the student been assessed/diagnosed as chemically dependent? If so, who determined this assessment? Is the student a victim of physical or sexual abuse? If so, who diagnosed this? Has the student experienced mental health problems? If so, who diagnosed this? Has the student experienced homelessness within the last six months? Does the student speak English as a second language or has limited English proficiency? Student has been suspended, excluded, or expelled? YES NO Student has received other disciplinary action? YES NO Student has truancy issues? YES NO Truancy petition filed? YES NO DON’T KNOW Student has a social worker or case manager? YES NO Dates and explanation Dates and explanation Dates and explanation Name: Phone: Revised 08.06.2012 7 Student has a probation officer? YES NO DON’T KNOW Student has been in treatment? YES NO DON’T KNOW Name: Phone: Facility: Phone: Dates Attended ________ ________ ________ ________ IN-PATIENT PATIENT OUT- Area Mood/Behaviors Description Anxious/worried Depressed/unhappy Eating disorder/body image concerns Hyperactive/inattentive Shy/withdrawn Aggressive behaviors Stealing other Homework not turned in/not complete Low test/assignment grades Poor classroom performance Sleeping in class/always tired Sudden change in grades Frequently tardy or absent New student Other Bullying Difficulty with family members Illness/death in family Parents/divorced/separated Suspected abuse Suspected substance abuse Parent request other School Concerns Relationships Contact Person Other Are additional pages attached to this referral form? ___ Yes ___ No If so, how many pages? ___ Counselor’s Recommendation Refer to alternative Retain in regular education Attempt another intervention Revised 08.06.2012 8 _______________________________________________ Counselor’s Signature _____________________ Date Greenville Public School District Emergency Contact and Medical Information Student’s Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Last First Middle Mother’s Name: __________________________________________________ Home Phone: _______________________________ Cell Phone: _____________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________ Father’s Name: __________________________________________________ Home Phone: _______________________________ Cell Phone: _____________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________ 1st Emergency Contact Person: _____________________________Relationship: __________________________ Home Phone: ______________________________ Cell Phone: _____________________________ Street Address: _________________________________________________________________________ 2nd Emergency Contact Person: _____________________________Relationship: __________________________ Home Phone: ______________________________ Cell Phone: _____________________________ Street Address: _________________________________________________________________________ Physician: __________________________________________ Phone: __________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Medical Problems: ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Allergies: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Daily Medications: ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Revised 08.06.2012 9 Greenville Public School District Parental Notification of Alternative Referral Form Date: __________________________ To: ____________________________ Parent(s) of ______________________________ Your child has been referred for placement in an alternative education program for the following reasons: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Program placement: (check one) ___ SOS Regular Alternative: ___ Fast Track ___ 20 days ___ GED ___ 45 days ___ Other ___ one calendar year with services at Achievement Center The superintendent or his/her designee will be available to meet with you to discuss this matter. You will be notified within the next 5 days of the date, time, and place of the meeting to give you and your child an opportunity to discuss this matter. Sincerely, _________________________________ Principal _________________________________ School =========================================================================== I understand that my child _________________________________________ has been referred by officials at his/her school for placement in an alternative education program and that I will be given an opportunity to discuss my child’s placement with the superintendent or his/her designee. Please indicate your preference below: Revised 08.06.2012 10 [ ] Would like to discuss with the superintendent or his/her designee [ ] Would not like to discuss with the superintendent or his/her designee ____________________________________________ ____________ Parent Signature Date Greenville Public School District Handbook Notification Receipt I have received a copy of the School District Handbook. I understand that this handbook is to be given to my parents or legal guardian(s) so that they may be fully informed regarding policies and procedures regarding the school district. ______________________________________ Student Signature _______________________________________ Date I have read a copy of my child’s handbook that includes the district’s discipline plan. ______________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ______________________________________ Date I have received a copy of the rules and regulations that address the unique needs of alternative education program students. ______________________________________ Student Signature _______________________________________ Date ______________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ______________________________________ Date Revised 08.06.2012 11 Greenville Public School District District Alternative Review Team Recommendation Form Student’s Name:______________________________DOB:___________________Age:______________ School:______________________ Grade:_________ MSIS Number: ____________________________ Parent / Guardian:__________________________________________ Phone: _____________________ Address: _______________________________________ Referral Program Type: ____SOS ____Fast Track _____GED ____Regular Alternative Date of Meeting: _________________Time:______________ Type of Meeting: ___Entrance ___ Exit Required Documentation: (check if documentation present) Copy of RtI Folder Counselor Referral for Alternative Education Program Form Parental Notification of Referral Form Emergency contact information Documentation of medical problems Copy of functional skills assessment Alternative Education Counselor’s notes Copy of cumulative record Copy of recent disciplinary record Individual Instructional Plan (IIP) Copy of CHOICES career plan (secondary only) Documentation of daily medications Handbook Notification Receipt List of academic grades by subject area DART Member Approval/Disapproval Member Director of Alternative Achievement Center Base school Principal/Designee Alternative Achievement Center Counselor SPED Representative (if applicable) Director of Curriculum and Instruction Director of Operations/Intervention Specialist Vocational-Technical Representative(secondary Signature Approval Copy of recent report card Copy of recent attendance record Individual Education Plan (IEP) (if applicable) Copy of student’s class schedule (secondary only) Copy of Discovery Education Individual Student Report Behavior Modification tracking forms Other: Signature Disapproval only) Requires a majority decision. Decision: (check one) ___ Student may enroll at Darling Achievement Center on _______________ (date) in (circle one) SOS Fast Track GED Regular Alternative ___ Student will continue enrollment at Darling Achievement Center in (circle one) SOS Fast Track GED Regular Alternative ___ Student may return to his or her base school on _____________________ (date). ___ Base school will attempt other intervention(s). ___ Returned to base school due to incomplete documentation. Comments: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Revised 08.06.2012 12 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ (If necessary, attach additional notes) Greenville Public School District Superintendent Referral Recommendation for Alternative Placement Student’s Name: _____________________________________________________________ Grade Level: ________________________________________________________________ Date Submitted by the District Alternative Review Team: ____________________________ Base School: ________________________________________________________________ Referring Counselor: ______________________________ Phone: ___________________ Superintendent Recommendation: [ ] Refer to Achievement Center [ ] GED [ ] Regular Alternative [ ] SOS [ ] Fast Track [ ] Other program (specify _____________ ) [ ] Retain in regular education program at base school [ ] Retain in Special Education program at base school [ ] Attempt other interventions at base school I have reviewed data on the above mentioned student and have determined the following: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________ Superintendent’s Signature ___________________ Date Note: Referral recommendation adheres to local and state guidelines. Revised 08.06.2012 13 Revised 08.06.2012 14