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Seth & Tasha Lee’s Warm Water & Coffee
Enema 4-Day Preparation Process
Coffee Enema Coffee
2 cups of coffee per coffee enema per day
1 heaping tbsp coffee per cup = 2 heaping tbsp
4 days’ worth = 8 cups of coffee
Hot pot holds 6 cups
4 cups water into hotpot
Turn on, heat til it turns off
8 heaping tbsp coffee (grounds) into stock pot
Pour 4 heated cups water into stock pot. Cover.
4.5 cups water into hotpot (extra in case of
evaporation). Heat, then add to stock pot.
Slower, less work ending: cover stock pot with dish
towels to keep warm. Sit for an hour.
Faster, more work ending: heat stock pot, bring to
boil on stove. Boil for a minute, turn down to
simmer. Simmer for 3-5 minutes. Turn off, let sit
for 15 minutes.
Coffee filter held inside strainer, suspended above
glass measuring cup. Take finished coffee,
unshaken, unstirred and pour 2ish cups into glass
measuring cup.
Pour first 2 cups from measuring cup into second
glass measuring cup. Set aside for today’s usage.
Pour 2 more cups through filters, into measuring
cup. Transfer into 2 cup mason jar. Put lid on. Set
on counter to cool for a couple of hours (after
enema/shower/etc) before refrigerating.
Fill up two more glass mason jars with filtered
coffee and let cool.
Rinse stock pot several times, putting grounds into
coffee strainer, shake/bang out into trash can.
Wash everything.
Warm Water Enema Preparation:
2 cups room temperature distilled water into
enema pot.
Heat 2 cups distilled water and add to enema pot.
Measure temperature. Try to keep between 97-101
degrees. If too hot, take distilled water from
refrigerator to cool it down. If too cold, add a cup
of water to hotpot, let warm (til it hisses), pour
some into enema pot.
Add hot or cold water as needed until temperature
is in range.
Wash the plastic enema tube “butt access port”
(BAP). :D that has been soaking in white vinegar
(with soap and water).
Fold small paper towel piece into football shape.
Scoop coconut oil onto it and apply to BAP.
Do warm water enema! I do it on back in “bridge
position”, doing dry body brushing, acupressure
vibrator, zapper, massage, etc, for 5-10 minutes,
then switch to knees with butt in air and face on
ground in pillow, dry brushing backside. My goal is
to hydrate/clean out the upper colon.
Do 1-5 water enemas as needed, until “all cleaned
out” and holding the enema is easy. (Better to do
an extra water enema than to waste the coffee by
being unable to hold it!)
Two Paths for Preparing Coffee Enema…
Hot Coffee:
Put hot coffee into enema pot.
Pour 2 cups room temperature distilled water into
enema pot.
Measure temperature. Try to keep between 97-101
degrees. If too hot, take distilled water from
refrigerator to cool it down. If too cold, add a cup
of water to hotpot, let warm (til it hisses), pour
some into enema pot.
Add hot or cold water as needed until temperature
is in range.
Cold Coffee:
Pour 2 cup mason jar of cold coffee into enema pot.
Do not agitate or shake coffee. Do not use the
sediment that has settled on the bottom of the jar.
Warm up 2 cups of distilled water in hotpot. Since
it will be added to cold coffee, heat beyond the
initial “sizzle” sound…not a full boil, but somewhere
in between.
Pour warmed-up water into enema pot.
Measure temperature. Try to keep between 97-101
degrees. If too hot, take distilled water from
refrigerator to cool it down. If too cold, add a cup
of water to hotpot, let warm (til it hisses), pour
some into enema pot.
Add hot or cold water as needed until temperature
is in range.
Once Coffee is Ready:
Do Coffee Enema! Hold for 15 minutes on right
side. Watch relaxing videos/music to help hold.