Professional Assurance Application Management summary for the Minister for the Cabinet Office MANAGEMENT SUMMARY Title of communications activity Total proposed expenditure (£) Department (parent department if completed by ALB) ALB (if appropriate) Minister approving (full name) Departmental Director of Communications approving Name and contact details of person completing this form Provide details of previous expenditure (if applicable). Is spend up/down/the same? Which of the government’s narrative strands does this activity fall under? [delete as appropriate] Context and background (100 words max) 1. On the side of working people 2. Spreading hope and opportunity 3. Bringing the country together 4. Britain in the world 5. Delivering for Britain [How has this campaign come about? Why is it important? Has this type of communications activity been run before?] Policy aim Communications objectives (ensure these are robust, numeric and measurable) Target audience(s) Communications strategy/ idea Evidence of effectiveness Summary and breakdown of spend [Insert/delete lines as appropriate] £0 £0 £0 £0 Value for money What is the expected return on this marketing investment (as an ROI figure)? CAMPAIGNS TEAM TO COMPLETE Assessment of proposal Recommendation Conditions (if applicable) Professional Assurance Application Communication Activity Form COMMUNICATION ACTIVITY FORM Date you require a decision Total proposed expenditure Start and end date of activity Which of the government’s narrative strands does this activity fall under? [delete as appropriate] Has activity run in previous years? If “Yes”, if give date and ERG ref number Which CCS framework will be used [delete as appropriate] If none, please provide a reason for not using a CCS framework GDS Control - What is the digital spend? GDS Control - What is the technology spend? Select exemption category [delete as appropriate] FROM X/X/XX TO X/X/XX 1. On the side of working people 2. Spreading hope and opportunity 3. Bringing the country together 4. Britain in the world 5. Delivering for Britain Yes/No ERG Ref: HMG RM988 Creative Solutions RM1011 Strategy & Planning Statutory Communication RM1051 Media Buying Operationally Critical OBJECTIVES Communication Objectives Intended Outcome of Activity AUDIENCE Primary Audience Type Target Audience Audience Insights STRATEGY/IDEA Outline Strategy Proposition/ Messaging Channels Partners/ Influencers IMPLEMENTATION Has a clear plan been developed? Outline the key milestones for the activity Are resources in place to deliver? SCORING/EVALUATION What does success look like? What do you expect to achieve through this campaign? How will the activity be evaluated? Evaluation start – end date Breakdown of communications spend [Insert/delete lines as appropriate] Efficiency of spend Effectiveness of spend Return on investment FROM X/X/XX TO X/X/XX SPEND £0 £0 £0 RM3708 Media Monitoring Evidence of Effectiveness Professional Assurance Application Technology & Digital Spend Form for GDS This form should be completed by the Digital leader within the department for any spend related to the design or creation of a new website. For more details on filling out this section, please see the Technology Code of Practice. TECHNOLOGY & DIGITAL SPEND FORM Departmental digital lead approving Control Threshold At what stage are you seeking approval? Critical Dates Summarise the proposed technology [max 300 words] [Specific dates and related activities that influence this approval] [Provide a summary of the technology required to deliver the required outcomes with reference to the Technology Code of Practice where applicable] PREVIOUS APPROVALS Previously approved and spent Approved to be spent between now and next approval Requires further approval Total project cost £0 £0 £0 £0 HIGH LEVEL FINANCES (FINANCIAL CASE) Approved spend brought forward Technology capital expenditure Technology operational expenditure Non-technology operational expenditure Transition / exit costs Value requested now Total cost Cost of “do-nothing” Total savings proposed / achieved £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 £0 IT APPROACH AND BUDGET NARRATIVE TITLE [e.g. hosting] DESCRIPTION [e.g. 2 servers] CONTRACT TYPE [e.g. digital services] EXPENDITURE £0 £0 ATTACHMENTS Name of attachment [e.g. business case] Reason for attachment [e.g. financial forecast] Who will use the new service/solution Evidence to support this need Proposed domain name If your site is not on GOV.UK, provide details as to why the site is exempt. Supporting emails should be attached Will this proposal require users to be identified and/or authenticated? Does this proposal deliver a digital service? How is the technology being purchased? USERS USER [e.g. citizen] [insert user] [insert user] [user feedback, web metrics etc] USER NEED [e.g. want to watch campaign video] [insert user need] [insert used need] YES/NO [specify who] YES/NO [e.g. GCloud, Digital Services Framework, OJEU]