[START OF TENDER DOCUMENT] TENDER NOTICE NO. ZRTI/SINI/INFRASTRUCTURE DEV./10/Security dated 19.03.2012 Name of Work SECURITY SERVICES AT The Zonal Railway Training Institute, Sini, S.E.RLY, for (24) months. PRINCIPAL ZONAL RAILWAY TRAINING INSTITUTE SINI, SOUTH EASTERN RAILWAY 1 South Eastern Railway Open Tender No. ZRTI/Infrastructure Dev./10 /Security TENDER FORM ZRTI, Sini is located near SINI Railway Station on TATA-Chakradharpur Section of S.E.Railway, District- Saraikela-Kharsawan, State-Jharkhand, PIN -833 220, Tele & Fax No.06597-244311 1. Tender Notice No. ZRTI/SINI/INFRASTRUCTURE DEV./10/Security dtd: 19 03.2012 2. Name of the Work For providing Security Services on contract within the premises of the Zonal Railway Training Institute, Sini, South Eastern Railway, for twenty four (24) months. 3. Duration of Work Twenty four (24) months. 4. Approx. Cost 5. Earnest Money Deposit. 6. Sale of Tender Form Rs. 12, 29,901/(Rupees twelve lakh twenty nine thousand nine hundred one) only. Rs. 24,598/(Rupees twenty four thousand five hundred ninety eight) only. On any working day between 09-00 hrs to 15-00 hrs from 10.05.12 to 06.06.12 from the Office of the Principal,ZRTI, Sini. 7. Cost of Form Rs. 2,000/- (Rupees two thousand) only. 8. Date, Time & Place of Closing On 07.06.2012 at 15.00 hrs. at ZRTI, Sini (Tenders can be dropped from 09.00 to 15 hrs on working days from 05.06.2012 to 07.06.12) 9. Date, Time & Place of Opening On 07.06.2012 at 15.30 hrs. at ZRTI, Sini. Form Sr. No………………………………,……………………………. M.R.No. ___________________Dated________________for Rs. 2,000 /- Issued to M/S …………………………………………………………………………………… Dated……………………………………………….. Signature of the issuer……………. Down Loaded from Website on .................................Enclosed DD no.......................................................................... date………...................for Rs. 2,000/-.of Bank ...................................Branch, in favour of FA & CAO, S.E.Railway, GRC, payable at Kolkata. Signature of the Tenderer 2 Tenderer Principal, ZRTI, SINI South Eastern Railway Open Tender No. ZRTI/Infrastructure Dev./10 /Security INDEX Description Cover Page, TENDER Documents, Form Issued/Downloaded particulars & Index Page 1-3 Tender Notice, Minimum Eligibility Criteria, NOTE for Tenderers, Tenderers shall submit, 4-7 Area of ZRTI. List of Security Service Contracts Completed during last 3 yrs, On hand Security works , Security Personnel on hand and to be employed under this contract Terms & Conditions. 7-8 Scope of Work, Security arrangements, variation in work etc. 8-9 Earnest Money & General Conditions of Contract, Security Deposit, Performance Guarantee, 10-13 Billing etc. Price variation clause and Laws Governing this Contract, Communications, Representation 14 on Works & Indemnity Bond. Non-employment of Child, Defaults, Termination of Contract, Disputes, Notice, Arbitration, Jurisdiction of Courts. 15-17 Special Conditions of the Contract, Periodical Medical Check up, ID Card, Uniform, Personal Hygiene, Safety, Details & Quality of Work, facilities to be provided by the Railways & Contractor, theft in Premises. Trainees Feed Back & Attendance Register, Inspection, Negotiations. 17-21 List of Works & Personnel on Hand, Personnel to be Engaged for this work Annex.-I, II & III 22-24 Measurement of ZRTI, Sini, Holidays, Mandate Form Annex.-IV,V,VI 25-27 Indemnity Bond Annex.-VII 28 Tenderers Postal Address, P.Medical Examination of Cleaning Staff Annex.VIII & IX 29-30 Documents to be submitted by the Tenderer (Check List) Annex. – X 31 Packet “B” (Financial Bid) Cover Page, Instructions 32-35 Financial BID 36 Declaration by the Tenderer 37 Bank Guarantee Bond Form (Revised) 38-39 Contractor’s Agreement 40 3 Tenderer Principal, ZRTI, SINI South Eastern Railway Open Tender No. ZRTI/Infrastructure Dev./10 /Security TENDER NOTICE No. ZRTI/SINI/INFRASTRUCTURE DEV./10/Security dated – 19.03.2012 The Principal, Zonal Railway Training Institute, Sini, S.E.Railway, for and on behalf of the President of India, invites Open Tender in sealed cover in this Tender Form from reliable, resourceful and reputed ISO Certified, Public/Private Ltd. Security Agencies registered under the Companies Act 1956/empanelled security agencies registered with Director General Resettlement, Ministry of Defence/Security Agencies Registered under the Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Act. 2005 for the works as follows: Name of the Work: For providing Security Services on contract within the premises of the Zonal Railway Training Institute, Sini, South Eastern Railway, for twenty four (24) months. Eligibility: – (1) The Tenderer should be reliable, resourceful and reputed ISO Certified Public/Private Ltd. Security Agencies, registered under the Companies Act 1956/ empanelled security agencies registered with DGR/Security Agencies, registered under the Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Act. 2005, registered with the Appropriate Authorities established under the Labour Laws viz., Contract Labour (Regulations and Abolition) Act, Employees Provident Fund Act, ESI etc. (2) The tenderer should have minimum three (3) years of experience in the area of Security Services, with reputed company, preferably with Government/PSU’s, documentary proof of which should be enclosed. (3) The Tenderer must have successfully completed/ongoing at least one Single Security Contract for a minimum value of 35% of advertised annual tender value of work during any of the last three years (2008-09,2009-10,2010-11) and the financial year (2011-12). (4) The Tenderer should have received a total amount of minimum 150% of the advertised tender value of work during the last three years. (5) The Tenderer should have valid PAN & Service Tax Registration from Income Tax and Service Tax departments to run the service. (6)The Tenderer should have their PF & ESI code, and other Statutory Registrations. Form: Rs. 2000/-, Approx. Cost: Rs. 12, 29,901/-, EMD: Rs. 24,598/-Completion Period: Twenty four (24) months. Closing & Opening: On 07.06.2012 at 15.00 & 15.30 hrs respectively. Validity of Offer: 90 days. Sale of Tender Documents: 10.05.12 to 06.06.12 between 09 to 15 hrs on any working day from the Office of Principal, ZRTI,Sini OR can be downloaded from www.ckpser.railnet.gov.in OR www.tenders.gov.in. Tender document is Non-Transferable and cost is Non-Refundable. Tender Documents shall not be sent by Post. Tender documents downloaded from Website should be submitted along with a Demand Draft of Rs 2000/-for cost of the Tender Form, from any Nationalised Bank/Scheduled Commercial Banks approved by the Reserve Bank of India, in favour of “FA & CAO, S.E.Railway, Garden Reach, Kolkata”, payable at Kolkata (Allocation No.Z-650), failing which the tender form will be summarily rejected. Tenders without Earnest Money Deposit will also be summarily rejected. 4 Tenderer Principal, ZRTI, SINI South Eastern Railway Open Tender No. ZRTI/Infrastructure Dev./10 /Security Principal, Zonal Railway Training Institute,Sini NOTE FOR THE TENDERERS 1. This is an OPEN Tender, in two Packet System. The tenderer are requested to read the Tender Form carefully, particularly General Conditions & Special Conditions of the Contract before filling up the form and then fill up with utmost care. In case of any clarification is required, may contact with the Office of the Principal, ZRTI, Sini, during working hours. If any difference is found in the tender notice of Hindi & English version, English Version will prevail. The Tender submitted by the tenderer will consist of Financial Bid (Packet-B) duly sealed in an envelope superscribed as Tender for Security Services addressed to the Principal, ZRTI, Sini, and further sealed in a larger envelope superscribing the Name of the work, Technical Bid (Packet–A) addressed to the Principal, ZRTI,SINI and should be dropped in the Tender Box allotted for the purpose in the office of the Principal, Zonal Railway Training Institute, Sini, on any day from 09.00 hrs of 05.06.12 to 15.00 hrs of 07.06.12 Filled in Tender documents can be sent by Registered Post/Speed Post/Courier Services to reach the office of the Principal, ZRTI, Sini on or before 15.00 hrs on 07.06.12. However, Railways will not be responsible for non receipt/delay of such tender. 2. Eligibility Criteria: The tenderer should have the following minimum criteria : (i) The Tenderer should be reliable, resourceful and reputed ISO Certified Public/Private Ltd. Security Agencies, registered under the Companies Act 1956/ empanelled security agencies registered with DGR /Security Agencies, registered under the Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Act. 2005. Registered with the Appropriate Authorities established under the Labour Laws viz.,Contract Labour (Regulations and Abolition) Act, Employees Provident Fund Act, ESI etc. (ii) The tenderer should have minimum three (3) years of experience in the area of Security Services, with reputed company, preferably with Government/PSU’s, documentary proof of which should be enclosed. (iii) The Tenderer must have successfully completed/ongoing at least one Single Security Contract for a minimum value of 35 % of advertised annual tender value of work during any of the last three years (2008-09,2009-10,2010-11) and financial year (2011-12). (iv) The Tenderer should have received a total amount of minimum 150 % of the advertised tender value of work during the last three years. (v) The Tenderer should have valid PAN & Service Tax Registration from Income Tax and Service Tax departments to run the service. (vi) The Tenderer should have their PF & ESI code, and other Statutory Registrations. 3. It is strongly recommended and expected that the intending Tenderer should visit the ZRTI, Sini, premises before submission of his bid. 4. Tender Form should be collected from the Office of the Principal, ZRTI, Sini, submitting an Authority Letter from the Firm in its letter head along with the Money Receipt for Rs. 2000/(Cost of Form). Tenderer while downloading the Tender form from Website should take care that they have printed the whole document from Start to End. The document should be printed 5 Tenderer Principal, ZRTI, SINI South Eastern Railway Open Tender No. ZRTI/Infrastructure Dev./10 /Security on good quality A-4 size paper of 75 GSM/above and the tenderer has to ensure that the prints are clear, legible, correct and complete in all respect. The documents shall be properly bound in serial order. The cost of downloading the Form should be borne by the Tenderer. 5. Tenderer shall not make any change/addition/deletion/tampering in the downloaded Form. In case, if any such modification is noticed, the Tender/Contract shall be rejected/terminated on Tenderer’s/ Contractor’s fault. The Railway Authority reserves the right to take action against the Firm as deemed fit under the Law. The Tenderer shall submit:(i) List of Security Service Contracts completed in last 3(three) years, with Performance CertificatesfromClients. (Annexure-I) (ii) List of Security Contracts on hand indicating description of work, contract value & date of award. (Annexure-II) (iii) List of Personnel available on hand and proposed to be engaged for the work. (Annexure-III) 6. Rates quoted in the Financial Bid Form should be for twenty four (24) months, both in figure and words and inclusive of all Government levies, taxes, service tax and cost of consumables for Security, tools & kits, equipments etc. for Security Arrangement at the ZRTI, Sini premises. Validity of rates offered should be for minimum 90 days from the date of opening of the tender for acceptance and thereafter the rates will remain firm. No change of rate will be allowed during the currency of the Contract & till completion of the work and four (4) months beyond that. 7. Any alternation of/addition to these conditions of tender will render the offer null and void. 8. No alteration/eraser/overwriting/use of white ink in rates shall be permitted, unless it has been initialed by the tenderer. 9. If a tenderer deliberately gives wrong information in his tender, Principal, ZRTI, SINI, reserves the right to reject such tender at any stage and the tenderer is liable to be prosecuted as per Law. 10. Tenderer is not allowed to submit Conditional tender. 11. No subletting of Contract is permitted. 12. It is the responsibility of the Tenderer to keep them up dated about any modification in tender notice and documents, issued through News Paper, electronic media, Website, e-mail, SMS or through any other means of communication and shall act accordingly. 13. Make sure that tender is complete in all respect & documents viz. Certificates, affidavits, registration certificates, permissions, Money Receipt/Demand Draft, Annexure etc. as asked for are enclosed and is dropped at the scheduled place & date before the time of Closing. 14. Tender Form must be Signed with Date and Stamp at all pages and where required. 15. The tenderer should keep all their original documents in readiness as they may be verified and checked by the Railway Authority before finalization of the Tender. 16. In case of any unusual occurrence, viz., Strike, Bundh, Holidays etc., dropping and Opening of tender could not be done, then on the next working day this will be arranged at the scheduled time & venue. 6 Tenderer Principal, ZRTI, SINI South Eastern Railway Open Tender No. ZRTI/Infrastructure Dev./10 /Security 17. Representatives of the Tenderers may remain present during the time of Opening of the tender on 07.06.12 at 15.30 hrs. They should report well before 15 hrs on 07.06.12 with authorization letter & ID card. 18. Railway reserves the right to assess the capacity, capability & financial power of the intending bidders on the overall performance of the work. 19. SCHEDULE OF WORK: The Security Agency will be required to provide Security Services at Institute and Hostel campus at the ZRTI Sini premises for 24 hrs. all throughout the year. (i) Duration of the Contract: Initially for a period of two years (24 months) from the date of commencement of the Contract with the existing terms and conditions based on performance of the agency. However, Railway Administration reserves the right to terminate the contract by giving one month’s notice during the currency of the contract without assigning any reason. (ii) Area of the ZRTI to be covered under this contract: The Hostel & the Institute shall remain open for 365 & 285 days respectively per year. a) The Hostel, has 15 Barracks & 4 Buildings with 133 and 80 room respectively and one Mess Building. (Details in Annexure-IV) Hostel Open Area 20060 sq.m. (Area Under New Construction 5210 sq.m) Hostel Covered Area 4930 sq.m. b) The Institute has total 38 Room Area 2833 sqm (With one Garden 509 sq.mts inside) And Open Area 12577 sqm. (With one Garden 794 sq.mts in front, Basket Ball Ground, Volley Ball, Lawn Tennis & Badminton Ground 720 sq.m.) Total Area of the Institute 15410 sqm. c) Tot c) Road Length 1700 mts. (iii) The agency will be paid per month basis for the Security Services provided. The rate shall be for all expenses incurred by the Security Agency, including all taxes, levies, minimum wages declared by the Government from time to time, Contribution to be paid to various Govt. and/other Organisations under various acts viz. EPF, ESI Act., Service Tax Act etc. and no extra amount will be paid on this account. Apart from the above, other components, if any, arises in near future, shall also be inclusive in the above rate. No extra amount will be paid on this account, except the lump sum rate per month as quoted by the Agency. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 20.0 MEANING OF TERMS 20.1 ZRTI stands for Zonal Railway Training Institute at Sini, South Eastern Railway, under the Ministry of Railways, Govt. of India. 20.2 Principal: Means the Principal, Zonal Railway Training Institute, Sini, S.E.Railway, acting for and on behalf of the President of India. 20.3 Vice Principal: Vice Principal, ZRTI, Sini, shall work as the Principal, under this contract during the period of his posting at ZRTI, Sini, and in absence of the Principal, ZRTI, Sini. 7 Tenderer Principal, ZRTI, SINI South Eastern Railway Open Tender No. ZRTI/Infrastructure Dev./10 /Security 20.4 Warden: The In-charge of the Hostel, looking after the accommodation, allotment of rooms, Cleaning, Sanitation, Housekeeping, Gardening, Landscaping & Security of the ZRTI, Sini, premises. He also looks after the day to day requirements & needs of the trainees. 20.5 Mess Manager: The Railway Employee who runs the Mess for the Trainees or the man deputed by the Contractor, in charge of the Mess after the Messing arrangement is on Contractual basis. 20.6 Treasurer: The Accounts Instructor/any Instructor nominated by the Principal to look after the accounts for Security Service Contract shall be the Treasurer. 20.7 Trainee: Shall mean the Trainees who are undergoing training at ZRTI, Sini. 20.8 Faculty Members: The Teaching Staff of the Institution who teaches the Trainees. 20.9 Security Instructors: Members, nominated by the Principal, ZRTI, Sini among Instructors to look after the Security performance of the Security Staff on day to day basis. They will report directly to the Principal, if any lapse is noticed by them. 20.10 Office Staff: Includes Chief Office Superintendent, the in-charge of the Office of Principal, ZRTI, Sini. Office Superintendents, Sr.Clerks, Jr.Clerks, Peons, Daftari are all Office Staff working under the guidance of Ch.OS, ZRTI. 20.11 Tenderer: The Railway Authority invites professional security agencies, hereinafter called “the Tenderers”, to submit the Tender and shall mean the companies/ agencies / firms/clients/ institutions, who tenders for this work with a view to execute the work on Contract with the Railway Authority and shall include their representatives, successors and permitted assignees. The Contractor, means the person, firm or company with whom the order of the above Contractual works has been awarded. 20.12 Security Staff & Supervisor: shall mean the authorised persons of the Contractor who shall perform the day to day Security Services ZRTI, Sini, premises. He should be provided with Mobile phone (the number of which shall be communicated to the Railway Authority)/and with Walkie-Talkie. The Supervisor shall represent the Contractor at the site and shall be the overall cocoordinatorof all Security arrangements under the contract. He shall remain responsible for supply of equipments, materials and manpower as needed on day to day basis. Any communication with the Supervisor or vice-versa with the administration should be done in writing. Compliance of Unsatisfactory & Communications to the Contractor shall lie with him. 21.0 SCOPE OF WORK : 21.1 Security Arrangements of both Institute and Hostel, i.e., whole ZRTI, Sini, premises as detailed by the Railway Administration, for a period of twenty four (24) months. It shall be obligatory on the part of contractor to provide Security Services of high standard & to continue for/up to four (4) months beyond twenty four (24) months, if so required, by the Railway Administration and advised in writing. 8 Tenderer Principal, ZRTI, SINI South Eastern Railway Open Tender No. ZRTI/Infrastructure Dev./10 /Security 21.2 Scope of Works under this tender : a) Security Arrangements : The work shall include Security arrangement at Hostel and Institute premises of ZRTI, Sini and to maintain a secure atmosphere free from any theft, dacoit, robbery, outsiders’ interference, entry of unauthorised persons and checking of Cleaning Staff while entering into the premises and going out after their work. The Contractor should take every endeavour to provide and maintain High Security to the occupants and workers in the premises & and its Assets, Machines and Instruments. b) Service Schedule : Security Services should be provided round the clock, on all days of the week/month/year. During functions/assemblies/emergencies, the contractor may be required to provide additional Security measures. The Contractor shall undertake to provide personnel on such occassions as per Railways request at his own cost. No extra charge to be claimed. Contractor shall undertake to provide security arrangements as required by the Railway Authority. c) Entry and Exit of Visitors to the Hostel and Institute to be recorded in Registers. (i) The Contractor shall engage Competent Supervisor to Supervise the said work under the Contract. The Contractor’s Supervisor shall be personally present in the ZRTI, Sini, premises to supervise all activities. (ii) Holiday List for the Year-2012 is at Annexure –V. (iii) Any other related jobs assigned by the Principal, ZRTI, Sini or its representatives should be executed. (iv) Security Checks and Attendance: Cleaning staff shall have security checks prior to Commencing work at site. They should sign on and off in a Register, maintained for the purpose with the Security Personnel. (v) Loss of Keys: If a cleaner loses his/her keys, the responsibility of replacing keys and/or re-keying the extent of the site affected lies with the cleaning contractor. (vi) Securing the Institute: Institute staff must ensure that classroom windows, doors, lights & fans are closed and locked at the end of each day. The institute should ensure that good practices and procedures are followed by their staff and confirm that the institute is secure at the end of the day. However, cleaners are still required to check windows and doors for security and to take appropriate action when necessary as they complete their work. 22.0 Variation in Security Area/Work/Frequency: Normally no variation in Security Service Area is expected as both the Institute & Hostel are surrounded by Boundary Walls. However, if any variation in Security arrangement is required afterwards, the Principal, ZRTI, SINI, should inform the Contractor, in writing, detailing the change in area/service which is required. The exact date of changes should be provided to ensure that the contract is reconfigured and the contractor is paid accordingly. 22.1 The Contractor shall provide clean and tidy Uniforms to all his employees. The uniform must be worn by all employees who are engaged to carry out the works under this Contract. 22.2 It is obligatory on the part of the Contractor to carryout Monthly Security Inspection with the Principal 9 Tenderer Principal, ZRTI, SINI South Eastern Railway Open Tender No. ZRTI/Infrastructure Dev./10 /Security /Vice Principal, ZRTI, Sini. The meeting provides an opportunity to discuss any problem and to ensure that the agreed standard of Security is consistently achieved and to maintain a successful working relationship between the Railway Administration and Contractor. 23.0 Earnest Money: The Tenderer shall be required to deposit Earnest Money of Rs.24,598/- (Rupees Twenty four thousand five hundred ninety eight) only in Cash to the Divisional Cashier, Chakradharpur or in the form of Demand Draft/Pay Order from SBI/any Nationalised Bank in favour of FA & CAO, S.E.Railway, GRC, Kolkata, payable at Kolkata. The Money Receipt/Demand Draft/Pay Order must be enclosed with the tender form for due performance of the stipulations & to keep the offer open till such date as specified in the tender. It shall be understood that the tender documents have been sold/issued to the tenderer, who is permitted to tender in consideration of the stipulations on his part, that after submitting the tender he will not rescind from his offer or modify the terms and conditions thereof, in a manner not acceptable to the Principal, ZRTI, Sini. In case, the Tenderer withdraws his offer to undertake the contract after acceptance of his tender, the full earnest money shall be liable to be forfeited. The EMD should be in favour of “FA & CAO, South Eastern Railway, Garden Reach”, payable at Kolkata (under Allocation no. K-512-32). (i) The Earnest Money, deposited by the successful tenderer will be retained towards Security Deposit for due and faithful fulfillment of the Contract, but, if the Contractor fails to execute the Agreement Bond or to start the work within 15 days time after notification of the acceptance of his tender or by the date notified in LOA, the full Earnest Money shall be liable to be forfeited. (ii) The amount thus deposited will be returned to unsuccessful bidders after finalization of the contract. Railways will not pay any interest for delay in payment. Tenders without Earnest Money Deposit proof shall be summarily rejected. 24.0 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 24.1 Care in submission of tender: Before submitting a tender, the tenderer is deemed to have satisfied himself by inspection of the ZRTI, Sini, premises about, the nature of works to be performed and Quality/standard of services expected to be maintained. 24.2 Execution of Contract documents: The Tenderer whose tender is accepted shall be required to appear in person at ZRTI, SINI or if the tenderer is a firm or companies/agencies/institutions, a duly authorised representative shall appear in person and execute the Contract within seven (7) days of issue of notice, that, Contract document is ready. Contract document will be made ready within a fortnight of award of the Contract. Failure to do so shall constitute a breach of agreement accepted by the acceptance of the tender, in which case, full value of EMD accompanying the tender shall stand forfeited without prejudice to any other rights or remedies. Similarly, the Contractor will have to start work as early as possible but in no case latter than 15 days from the date of issue of letter of acceptance .In the event of any tenderer whose tender is accepted, fails/refuses to execute the contract document/ fails to commence the work, Principal may determine that such tenderer has abandoned the contract and thereupon his tender & acceptance thereof shall be treated as cancelled and the Principal shall be entitled to forfeit the full amount of Earnest Money. The Contract documents shall be made in 4 copies and shall be signed by the authorised representative of the Contractor and one copy shall be given to the Contractor. 10 Tenderer Principal, ZRTI, SINI South Eastern Railway Open Tender No. ZRTI/Infrastructure Dev./10 /Security 24.3 Rights of the Tender Accepting Authority to deal with the Tender: The authority for acceptance/ rejection of the tender will rest with the Tender Accepting Authority. It shall not be obligatory on the said authority to accept the lowest tender or any other tender and no tenderer shall demand neither any explanation for the cause of rejection of his tender nor the Tender Accepting Authority, undertakes to assign reasons for declining to consider or reject any particular tender or tenderer. 24.4 Partnership Deeds, Power of Attorney etc.: The tenderer shall clearly specify whether the tender is submitted on his own or on behalf of a Partnership concern. If the tender is submitted on behalf of a partnership firm, he should submit the certified copy of partnership deed along with the tender and power of attorney signed by other members of the firm, to sign the tender documents on behalf of partnership firm. This would also be required for operation of the contract. Similar action, as required by law, is to be taken in case of Limited or Corporate body. 24.5 Security Deposit: The successful Tenderer shall have to deposit five (5) % of the Contract Value as Security Deposit. The amount of EMD of the successful tenderer will be retained by the Railways as part of the Security Deposit for due and faithful completion of the contract by the Contractor. The Balance amount of Security Deposit will be recovered from Contractor’s running bills @ 10% till full amount is recovered. No other mode of payment like Bank Guarantee, Fixed Deposit shall be accepted towards Security Deposit. This Security Deposit will be retained till contractor completes the work to the full satisfaction of the Principal, ZRTI, Sini. No interest will be payable on this Security Deposit. In case of failure of the Contractor to execute the work within 15 days period after notification of the acceptance of his tender or by the date notified in the LOA, the Security deposit shall stand forfeited. Contractor will have no claim of whatsoever in this regard. Security Deposit shall be returned to the contractor after physical completion of the work and as certified by the Principal (a JAG officer) should issue the Certificate. The Certificate, inter alia, should mention that the work has been completed in all respect and that all contractual obligations have been fulfilled by the Contractor and that there is no due from the contractor to Railways against the contract concerned. Before releasing the Security Deposit, an unconditional and unequivocal “No Claim Certificate” from the Contractor concerned to be obtained. 24.6 Performance Guarantee: The procedure for obtaining Performance Guarantee is outlined below: (a) The successful bidder shall have to submit a Performance Guarantee (PG), amounting to five (5) % of the Contract Value, within 30 days from the date of issue of the Letter of Acceptance (LOA). Extension of time for submission of PG beyond 30 (thirty) days and up to 60 (sixty) days from the date of issue of LOA maybe given by the Authority who is competent to sign the Contract Agreement. However, a penal interest of 15 % per annum shall be charged for the delay beyond 30 (thirty) days, i.e. from 31st day after the date of issue of LOA. In case the Contractor fails to submit the requisite PG even after 60 days from the date of issue of LOA, the Contract shall be terminated duly forfeiting EMD and other dues, if any, payable against that Contract. The failed contractor shall be debarred from participating in re-tender for that work. (b) The PG may be submitted in any of the following formsi) A deposit of Cash, ii) Irrevocable Bank Guarantee, iii) Govt. Securities –including State Loan Bonds at 5 % below the market value, iv) Deposit receipts, Pay Orders, Demand Draft & Guarantee Bonds. These forms of PG could be either of the SBI or Nationalised Banks. v) Guarantee Bonds executed/Deposit Receipts tendered by all Scheduled Banks, vi) A Deposit in the Post Office saving Bank, vii) A Deposit in the National Saving Certificate, viii) Twelve Years National Defence Certificates, ix) Ten Years Defence Deposit, x) National Defence Bonds, xi) Unit Trust Certificates at 5 11 Tenderer Principal, ZRTI, SINI South Eastern Railway Open Tender No. ZRTI/Infrastructure Dev./10 /Security % below market value or at the Face Value whichever is less. Also, FDR in favour of FA & CAO (Free from any encumbrance) may be accepted. (c) The PG shall be submitted by the successful bidder after the LOA has been issued, but before signing of the Agreement. The PG shall be initially valid up to the stipulated date of completion plus 60 days beyond that. In case, the time for completion of work gets extended, the contractor shall get the validity of PG extended to cover such extended time for completion of work plus 60 days. (d) The value of PG to be submitted by the contractor will not change for variation up to 25 % (either increase /decrease). In case during the course of execution ,value of the Contract increases by more than 25 % of the Original Contract Value, an additional PG amounting to 5 % (five percent) for the excess value over the original contract value shall be deposited by the contractor. (e) The Performance Guarantee shall be released after physical completion of the work based on the “Completion Certificate” issued by the Competent Authority stating that the Contractor has completed the work in all respect satisfactorily. The Security Deposit shall, however, be released only after the expiry of the maintenance period and after passing the final bill based on “No Claim Certificate” from the Contractor. (f) Whenever, the Contractor is rescinded, the Security Deposit shall be forfeited and the Performance Guarantee shall be en-cashed and the balance work shall be got done independently without risk and cost of the failed Contractor. The failed Contractor shall be debarred from participating in the Tender for executing the balance work. If the failed contractor is a Joint Venture or a Partnership firm, then every member /partner of such a firm shall be debarred from participating in the tender for the balance work either in his individual capacity or as a partner of any other Joint Venture/Partnership firm. (Reference –GCC item no. 3 of Annexure to BD’s letter no. 2007/CE-1/CT/18/PT-XII dtd. 31.12.10) (g) The Principal, ZRTI, Sini, shall not make a claim under the Performance Guarantee except for amount to which the President of India is entitled under the contract (not withstanding and/or without prejudice to any other provisions in the contract agreement) in the event of i) Failure by the contractor to extend the validity of the PG as described herein above, in which event, the Principal, ZRTI, Sini, may claim the full amount of the Performance Guarantee. ii) Failure by the Contractor to pay the President of India any amount due, either as agreed by the Contractor or determined under any of the Clauses/Conditions of the agreement, within 30 days of the service of notice to this effect by the Principal, ZRTI, Sini. iii) The Contract being determined or rescinded under provision of the GCC, the P G shall be forfeited in full and shall be absolutely at the disposal of the President of India. The procedure detailed below shall be adopted for dealing with variation in quantities during execution of works Contract: 1. Individual Non Stock items in contracts shall be operated with variation of plus or minus 25 % and payment would be made as per the agreement rate. For this, no Finance Concurrence would be required. 12 Tenderer Principal, ZRTI, SINI South Eastern Railway Open Tender No. ZRTI/Infrastructure Dev./10 /Security 2. In case an increase in quantity of an individual item by more than 25% of the agreement quantity is considered unavoidable, the same shall be got executed by floating a fresh tender. If floating a fresh tender for operating that item is considered not practicable , quantity of that item may be operated in excess of 125% of the agreement quantity subject to the following conditions: a) Operation of an item by more than 125% of the agreement quantity needs the approval of an Officer of the rank not less than S.A. Grade; i) Quantities operated in excess of 125% but up to 140% of the agreement quantity of the concerned item, shall be paid at 98 % of the rate awarded for that item in that particular tender; ii) Quantities operated in excess of 140% but up to 150% of the agreement quantity of the concerned item shall be paid at the 96% of the rate awarded for that item in that particular tender; iii)Variation in quantities of individual items beyond 150% will be prohibited and would be permitted only in exceptional unavoidable circumstances with the concurrence of Associate Finance and shall be paid at 96% of the rate awarded for that item in that particular tender. b) The variation in quantities as per the above formula will apply only to the individual items of the contract and not on the overall contract value. c) Execution of quantities beyond 150% of the overall agreemental value should not be permitted and, if found necessary, should be only through fresh tenders or by negotiating with existing contractor, with prior personal concurrence of FA & CAO/ FA & CAO(C) & approval of General Manager. 3. In cases where decrease is involved during execution of contract: a) The Contract signing authority can decrease the items up to 25% of individual item without Finance concurrence. b) For decrease beyond 25% for individual items or 25% of contract agreement value, the approval of an Officer not less than rank of S.A. Grade may be taken, after obtaining “No Claim Certificate” from the Contractor and with Finance Concurrence, giving detailed reasons for each such decrease in the quantities. c) It should be certified that the works proposed to be reduced will not be required in the same work. 4. The limit for varying quantities for minor value items shall be 100% (as against 25% prescribed for other items). A minor value item for this purpose if defined as an item whose original agreement value is less than 1% of the total original agreement value 5. No such quantity variation limit shall apply for foundation items. 6. As far as Schedule of Rate (SOR) items are concerned, the limit of 25% would apply to the value of SOR schedule as a whole and not on individual SOR items. However, in case of Non Stock items, the limit of 25% would apply on the individual items irrespective of the manner of quoting the rate (single percentage rate or individual item rate). 7. For the Tenders accepted at Zonal Railways level, variations in the quantities will be approved by the authority in whose powers revised value of the agreement lies. 8. For tenders accepted by the General Manager, variations up to 125% of the original agreement value may be accepted by the General Manager. 13 Tenderer Principal, ZRTI, SINI South Eastern Railway Open Tender No. ZRTI/Infrastructure Dev./10 /Security 9. For Tenders accepted by Board Members and Railway Ministers, variations up to 110% of the original agreement value may be accepted by the General Manager. 10. The aspect of vitiation of tender with respect to variation in quantities should be checked and avoided. In case of vitiation of the tender (both for increase as well as decrease of value of contract agreement), sanction of the Competent Authority as per Single Tender should be obtained. 24.7 Billing: The bills should be submitted on monthly basis, in the first week of next month in duplicate to the Principal, ZRTI, Sini’s Office, after certification of quality, quantity & standard of works etc. from the Log Book, by the Security Instructors & the Accounts Instructor, the Bill will be passed and will be put up to the Divisional Accounts Office/CKP for passing and arranging payment, which will be made through cheque/ RTGS/NEFT (Mandate Form is at Annexure-VI). Service Taxes shall be deducted, as notified from time to time in force, from the Bills. 24.8 Price Variation Clause: Validity of Rates offered should be minimum for 90 days from the date of Opening of the tender for acceptance and thereafter the rates will remain firm. No change of rates will be allowed during the currency of the contract & till completion of the work and four (4) months beyond that. 24.9. Laws Governing the Contract: This contract shall be governed by the laws of the Union of India, being in force. The tenderer shall be solely responsible for compliance to the provisions of various Labour and Industrial laws, such as, wages, allowance etc. relating to personnel deployed by the contractor or for any accident caused to them and the Railway Authority shall not be liable to bear any expense in this regard. The Agency shall make payment of wages to workers engaged by it by the stipulated date irrespective of any delay in settlement of its bill by the Railway Authority for whatsoever reason. The contractor shall specifically ensure compliance of various Laws/Acts, including but not limited to with the following and their re-enactments/amendments/ modifications. 1. The Payment of Wages Act, 1936 2. Minimum Wages Act, 1948 3. The Companies Act, 1956 4. The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act.1970 5. The Child labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act, 1986 6. Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Act, 2005 And any other law applicable for this contract, from time to time, will also be applicable. 25. Communications to be in writing: All notices, communication, references and complaints made by the Principal/his Representatives or the Contractor interse concerning the Work shall be in writing. Notices, communications, references and complaints not in writing shall not be given cognizance. The remarks for actions by the Principal, on the entries in the Feed Back Register (kept in the Warden’s Office) shall have the same meaning and purpose of a notice/complaint as outlined above. But there will be routine daily verbal communications. 14 Tenderer Principal, ZRTI, SINI South Eastern Railway Open Tender No. ZRTI/Infrastructure Dev./10 /Security 26. Representation on Works: The Contractor shall, when he is not personally present at the Site, depute one responsible Supervisor to supervise all the activities who shall on receiving notice, present themselves to the Principal or his representative and orders given to the Supervisor shall be deemed to have the same force as if they had been given to the Contractor. 27. Indemnity Bond (On Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs. 20/-) by the Contractor: The Contractor shall indemnify and render the Railway Authority harmless from and against all actions, suit, proceedings, losses, costs, damages, charges, claims and demands of any and every nature and description brought or recovered against the Railway Authority by reason of any act or omission of the Contractor, his agents or employees, in the execution of the works or in his guarding of the same. All sums payable by way of penalty/compensation under any of these conditions shall be considered as reasonable compensation to be applied to the actual loss or damage sustained. (Annexure-VII). 28. Preservation of Peace: The Contractor shall take requisite precautions and take his best endeavours to prevent any unethical or unlawful behaviour by or amongst the workmen. 29. Non-employment of Labourer below the age of 15: The Contractor shall not employ Children below the age of 15 as labourers for execution of Work and abide by other provisions of Child Labourer (Prohibition & Regulation) Act, 1986. 30. Determination of Contract owing to default of Contractor: If the Contractor (i) become Bankrupt or Insolvent, or (ii) being a Company or Corporation, go into liquidation (other than a voluntary liquidation for the purposes of amalgamation or reconstruction) or (iii) Abandon the Contract, or (iv) Persistently disregard the instructions of the Railway Authority or contravene any provision of the Contract, or (v) Fail to take steps to employ competent or additional Staff and labourer as required under the agreement. The Railway Authority reserves the right to rescind the Contract owing to default of Contractor. 31. In the event of any or several of the courses, referred to in clause 30 being adopted: – (i) The Contractor shall have no claim of compensation for any loss sustained by him by reason of his having purchased or procured any materials or entered into any commitments or made any advances on account of, or with a view to the execution of the works or the performance of the contract and Contractor shall not be entitled to recover or be paid any sum for any work thereto for actually performed under the contract unless and until the Principal shall have certified the performance of such work and the value payable in respect thereof and the Contractor shall only be entitled to be paid the value so certified. (ii) In the present case, ZRTI/SINI’s equipments, materials, furniture etc. would be available in the premises. In the event of rescission of contract, the Principal will quickly access the cost of any damage or loss of material due to contractor. The amount as decided by the Principal shall be deducted from the pending contractor’s dues, if not paid by contractor. Decision of the Principal in this regard shall be final & binding on contractor. 15 Tenderer Principal, ZRTI, SINI South Eastern Railway Open Tender No. ZRTI/Infrastructure Dev./10 /Security 32.Termination of Contract :- The contract may be terminated at any time by giving 15 days advance notice in writing to the contractor of the intension so to do by leaving the same at the last known address of the contractor or upon the premises, the subject of this agreement at the option of the Administration and neither the contractor nor any other person shall be entitled to any damages or compensation on account thereof, not withstanding that the contractor acting upon the contract may have executed any work of a permanent character and incurred expenses in the execution thereof and notwithstanding that the contractor is evicted, whether through his own default or not before having fully enjoyed under this contract, the privileges hereby granted. The Tenderer are also advised that, in case, there is any default with reference to the stipulations in the tender documents or they withdraw their offer within the period indicated in the Acceptance letter issued to them, the amount of EMD deposited along with tender application is liable to be forfeited. 33. Summarily Termination of Contract : Upon breach, by the contractor of all or any terms hereof and/ or if in the opinion of the Principal, the Contractor or his staff is not discharging his obligations under the contract in a satisfactory manner and/or if in the opinion of the Principal or other Officers duly authorized on his behalf, on a complaint made by staff of the Zonal Railway Training Institute,Sini, including the trainees attending Institute, be substantiate, the Principal at his discretion may summarily and without notice or compensation at any time during the period of this agreement and without prejudice to any other rights or remedies to which the Principal may be entitled under this agreement or by Law, cancel forthwith those presents and forfeit all license fees and other sums (Security Deposit) that has been paid by the contractor, hereunder. Upon the cancellation of these presents in the manner aforesaid, the contractor shall forthwith vacate the premises of the Executor and remove all his property there from. 34. Disputes – All disputes and differences of any kind whatsoever, arising out of or in connection with the contract, whether during the progress of the work or after its completion and whether before or after the determination of the contract, shall be referred by the contractor to the Principal, ZRTI, Sini, through the Vice Principal, after receipt of contractor’s representation, shall make and notify decisions on all matters referred to by the Contractor in writing, provided for these matters provision has been made in Conditions of Contract. In the event of, the Contractor not being satisfied with the disposal of issues raised by him, shall request the Principal for appointment of Arbitrators. Principal, ZRTI, Sini, may either himself arbitrate the disputes in the capacity of the sole Arbitrator or will appoint a sole arbitrator from among the faculty members of ZRTI, Sini, within 90 days of the receipt of the request for appointment of Arbitrator. The Arbitration proceedings shall be assumed to have commenced from the day, a written and valid demand for arbitration is received by the Principal, ZRTI, Sini. (i) The claimant shall submit his claim stating the facts supporting the claims along with all the relevant documents and the relief or remedy sought for against each claim within a period of 30 days from the date of appointment to the Sole Arbitrator. (ii) The Principal shall submit its defence statement and counter claim(s), if any, within a period of 60 days of receipt of copy of claims from the contractor/sole Arbitrator thereafter, unless otherwise extension has been granted by Arbitrator. 35. Notice : Any notice required to be served by the Principal up on the contractor shall be deemed to be served sufficiently, if signed by the Principal, Zonal Railway Training Institute, South Eastern Railway, Sini and delivered, left or sent by Registered post addressed to the contractor at his last known place or business. Any notice to be served by the contractor upon the 16 Tenderer Principal, ZRTI, SINI South Eastern Railway Open Tender No. ZRTI/Infrastructure Dev./10 /Security administration shall be deemed to be sufficiently served, if signed by him and delivered, left or sent by the Registered Post addressed to the Principal,Zonal Railway Training Institute, South Eastern Railway, Sini. 36.ARBITRATION : Save as otherwise provided, if any question, difference or dispute arises at any time between the Executor and the Contractor in these presefits or as to any, contract, or concerning the rights, duties or obligations of any persons under this contract or as to any other matter in any manner arising out of this contract, the same shall be referred to, settled and decided by the sole Arbitrator appointed by the General Manager, South Eastern Railway, Kolkata and his decision shall be final and conclusive and the reference of such questions, difference or dispute shall be deemed to be a submission under the Indian Arbitration Act 1940 or any statutory modification thereof in force. The Arbitrator/ Arbitrators/ Umpires so appointed as the case may be, shall give the awards on all matter referred to Arbitrator indicating therein break-up of the sums awarded separately on each individual items of dispute. 36.1 Obligation during pendency of Arbitration: – Work under the contract shall, unless otherwise directed by the Principal, continue during the arbitration proceedings, and no payment due or payable by the Railway Authority shall be withheld on account of such proceedings, provided, however, it shall be open for Arbitrator to consider and decide whether or not such work should continue during arbitration proceedings. 36.2 If Arbitrator appointed as above refuses to act as Arbitrator, withdraws from his office as Arbitrator, or vacates his/their office/offices or is /are unable or unwilling to perform his functions as Arbitrator for any reason whatsoever or dies or in the opinion of the Principal, fails to act without undue delay, the Principal shall appoint new Arbitrator/Arbitrators to act in his/their place. 36.3Where the Arbitral Award is for the payment of money, no interest shall be payable on whole or part of the money for any period till the date on which the award is made. 37. JURISDICTION OF COURTS – The Bidding process and contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with, the laws of India and the Courts in Kolkata, HQ, of South Eastern Railway, shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all disputes arising under, pursuant to and / or in connection with the tender and the contract. 38. Railway reserves the right to assess the capacity, capability and financial power of indenting bidders on the overall performance of the work. 39. SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT 39.1 (i) Company profile (back ground) including Contact details (address, telephone no. Mobile no. and Fax No., e-mail, details of branch, if any) (Annexure-VIII). (iii) The status of the Firm, Proprietary/Partnership/Registered Company/Co-Operative Society etc. In case of Firm, registered under the Partnership Act, 1932 –Please enclose details of Partners along with Certificate of Registration, details of their business and partnership deed etc. duly attested by the Notary. 39.2 Financial Standing of the bidder- Should have positive Net worth; certificate issued by a practising Chartered Accountant/reputed Chartered Firm. 17 Tenderer Principal, ZRTI, SINI South Eastern Railway Open Tender No. ZRTI/Infrastructure Dev./10 /Security 39.3 Copy of the Audited Profit & Loss Account and Balance sheet of last three (3) financial years to be submitted. 39.4 (i) The tenderer must submit an “Affidavit” stating that no criminal case or conviction is there against the Firm/ Company or its Proprietor/Partner/Director/ Employees. (ii) The tenderer must submit an “Undertaking” that there is no outstanding of License Fees or other dues pending for payment for a period more than 6 (six) months, in any other contract with the Railways, on the date of dropping this tender. (iii) The tenderer have to submit a “Certificate of Ethical Practices” as under : I. I/We assure the Railways that neither I/We nor any of my/our workers will do any act/acts, which are improper/illegal during the execution of the contract. II. Neither I/we nor anybody on my/our behalf will indulge in any corrupt activities/practices in my/our dealing with the Railways. III. I/We will have no conflict of interest in any of our work/contract at the Railways. 40.0 Contractor’s Employee: (i) For the purpose of conducting this Security services, the Contractor shall engage sufficient number of employees and in no case less than the number, as committed by him, who shall be of good health, good personal hygiene, character, well behaved, obedient and skilful in their work. The contractor shall ensure that they observe vigilance and are properly dressed in clean uniform with display of ID Card. For rendering efficient service timely, Contractor shall at all times keep and make available sufficient number of employees including standby. An Attendance Register to be maintained for each shift. (ii) The Employees of contractor shall be approved by the Railway Authority through nominated officials by personal interview & no unapproved employee shall be allowed to work. Medical Fitness Certificate should be obtained from recognised and reputed Hospitals, which shall be a part of the approval process. The contractor shall not change approved staff without approval of the Principal to ensure consistency in service. The Contractor shall remove any employee who in the opinion of the Principal is guilty of misconduct, or is in any manner unfit or unsuitable for the service. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the remuneration and other dues of his employees as also for Omissions/Commissions done by them. (iii) The Contractor shall also notify one of his staff as Supervisor & with whom, all communications/correspondences on day to day and other issues will be done by the Railway Authority. The said Supervisor should also hold a Mobile, the number of which shall be advised to the Principal, ZRTI, Sini. 40.1 Periodical Medical check up of staff at yearly intervals shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that they are fit & free from any communicable disease. The tests to be done are listed in Annexure-IX. These tests should be conducted at a recognized reputed hospital as approved by the Railway Authority. The cost of the tests should be borne by the contractor and certificates will be submitted to the Principal, ZRTI, Sini. 18 Tenderer Principal, ZRTI, SINI South Eastern Railway Open Tender No. ZRTI/Infrastructure Dev./10 /Security 40.2 Identity Card: Proper Identity card will be issued by the contractor to his staff, which should be displayed prominently over uniform at all time. 40.3 Uniform: Contractor shall supply Uniform to his staff as approved by the Principal. The Staff shall wear properly cleaned and ironed uniform, Shoes, Hand gloves with display of ID card, which should be displayed prominently over uniform at all time. 40.4 Personal Hygiene–The Institute is primarily for the Trainees and it is important that the Security personnel are of good physique, well mannered, courteous, and presentable and with neat and clean uniform. It should be ensured that all the staff has short nails and short hair (except ladies). Should have regular bath and wear clean uniform, rubber/leather shoes & Cap. The uniform should be clean without stains. The socks, which they will be wearing, should be washed on regular basis. In case of spread of any disease, they should take necessary protection such as masks, covers or any other protection measures advised by Doctors. 40.5 Safety–The safety of men, material and equipment at all places including the working places shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Railway Authority shall not be held responsible for any claims/compensation due to any accident. No Arms will be allowed inside the ZRTI, Sini premises. 40.6 Details of Works: The Security Guards will man the Main Entry Gate of the Institute and the Hostel and make frequent visits of the premises during day time as and when feel required, During Night hours frequent rounds should be made around the Institute and Hostel premises. All staff in a shift will keep contact with each other through Whistle blowing and speaking through Walkie-Talkie. This is for general guidance of the Contractor, the contractor may be asked to perform as per the requirement of the ZRTI, Sini, as directed by the Principal. Contractor should employ his staff capable of doing the works with high quality and standard. 40.7 Quality of Works: Quality of Security is of prime importance. It needs no emphasis that the contractor shall engage experienced and trained staff for doing the work under the Contract. The Supervisor and Security Guards should have rich experience of Security for quality performance. Changes of schedule or location, if required, shall be decided in consultation with the Principal, ZRTI, Sini. 40.8 Facilities to be provided by the Railway Administration to the Contractor : (i) Electric Power – The charges for electricity consumed for electrical equipments, if any, for Security purposes will be free of cost to the contractor, but proper care shall be taken by Contractor to ensure that the equipments are used with due economy or used only to the minimum extent necessary and are switched off, whenever not required so as to avoid wasteful consumption of electricity. Provision of any lighting arrangement at any specific location/area, if required, shall be provided by the Railway Administration. (ii) Accommodation: Only Office Room accommodation shall be provided by the Railways. No residential accommodation for the Security Staff shall be provided. 40.9 Contractor to provide : (A) The Contractor is to make his own arrangement for the accommodation of his Staff/Officials No Contractor’s staff shall be allowed to live in the premises. (B) Equipments, Manpower & Uniform: - These items are to be provided by the Contractor at his own cost. No Pay hike, DA hike, payment of Bonus, Leave, and Grant of any sort of Pay/ 19 Tenderer Principal, ZRTI, SINI South Eastern Railway Open Tender No. ZRTI/Infrastructure Dev./10 /Security Allowances etc. shall be entertained/borne by the Railway Administration. All the Staff deployed by the Contractor should be Employee of the Contractor and their Name should appear in Contractor’s Pay Roll. Documentation in this regard should be produced and to be certified by the Contractor and to be enclosed along with the tender Form. All the Staff should be provided with Uniform along with ID card by the Contractor for easy Identification. No Staff will be allowed without ID Card. The staff should be disciplined and should not be involved with misconduct, misbehaviour, bad habits, quarrel or other nuisance activities. The Contractor will be obeyed to replace the Supervisor /Guard within two (2) days, if so advised by the Railway Administration in writing. 41.0 Theft in the premises & damage to furniture, fittings and fixtures – The contractor shall be responsible for Safety and Security of different Tools, Plants, Equipments, Computers, Printers, Models, Books & Forms, Registers, Trees & Plants etc. in the Institution and Personal belongings of Trainees & Staff & Officials, Gymnasium’s Equipment, Furniture, TV, Game kits, Other Electrical fittings & equipments etc. in ZRTI, Sini premises during the course of contract. When such damage is in the opinion of the Principal, caused due to negligence or carelessness or any fault on contractor’s part or that of his employees, he shall be liable to pay to the Railway Authority such amount in respect of such damage, as may be assessed by the Principal, ZRTI, Sini and the Principal, shall have the right to deduct such amounts from the contractor’s bills duly informing the contractor about it. 41.1 (I) Trainees’ Feed Back Register: A Register for feedback from Trainees shall be kept in the office of the Warden. Entries made in the Register shall be noted by the Contractor/Security Supervisor regularly The Contractor shall carry out such improvements as may be necessary, for ensuring satisfactory services and shall take due notice of complaints made by the trainees either directly to the Warden or to the Security Supervisor or to the Contractor. i) In case the services including the quality of Security are found to be unsatisfactory based on regular feedback of the Trainees, Principal shall have the right to impose suitable penalty of up to Rs. 2000/- for each such lapses. The penalty amount will be deducted from the running bills of the Contractor. ii) In case of any failure by contractor to do the Security, Principal has full powers to engage Security Guards from outside & the Contractor will have to pay a penalty up to Rs.2,000/- (Two thousand) only per day. The penalty will be in addition to deduction of the per day rate of the Guards so employed. 41.1(II) Attendance Register:-An Attendance Register shall be maintained for the Security staff working in shifts on each day. The Register should be made available to the Inspecting Officials when asked for. 41.2 Inspection: The Principal & the Inspecting Officials, nominated by the Principal are authorized to inspect the Institute, Hostel & Supervisor’s Office Records, Attendance Register, Security Materials & Equipments, Uniform, and Communication Register at any time. Any irregularity shall be brought to the notice of the Contractor as well as to the Principal for immediate action. 20 Tenderer Principal, ZRTI, SINI South Eastern Railway Open Tender No. ZRTI/Infrastructure Dev./10 /Security 41.3 (i) Payment of Wages Act. Workers Compensation Act & EPF etc.are to be complied with. Certified copy of Pay Bill & PF. deposit proof of Pension need to be submitted along with the bill of next month by the Contractor. (ii) Service Tax & Other taxes, as leviable & applicable from time to time, shall be deducted from the Contractor’s Bill. 41.4 Inspectors, deputed by the Principal, may witness payment of Salary/Wages, EPF, and ESI etc. to Workers. 42. Negotiations: - In case, the Principal/Contractor decides to negotiate on any issue for any reason, they may do so on one (1) day notice and can amicably settle the issue, without deviating/modifying from any rule/rate/terms and condition/liability prescribed in the original offer. 43. Railways reserve the right to inspect the Tenderer’s Office and other Establishments before finalization of the Contract and during the period of contract. 21 Tenderer Principal, ZRTI, SINI South Eastern Railway Open Tender No. ZRTI/Infrastructure Dev./10 /Security Annexure-I List of Security Works (of Comparable Level) completed in last 3 (three) years, with Performance Certificates from Clients. SN Year Name of Client Address the & Value (in Rs.) Contract Period Area Covered /day Performance Certificate * *PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE TO WHOMSOEVER IT MAY CONCERN (On Official Pad) The performance of M/s………………………………. on the important parameters are furnished below: SN Parameters Remarks 1 Total numbers of Security Guard employed/day 2 Average Area in sq.mts Security protection provided/day 3 The Quality of work done in Security 4 Maintenance of hygienic conditions of the Guards 5 Over all behaviour and amenability to discipline of the Guards employed 6 Has the Contractor failed to complete the work as per Schedule/Contract 7 If failed, the reason thereof. This is to certify that M/s …………………………………………………….................................... Address………………………………….....................................................................has been operating the Security Works in this organisation since………………… The approximate amounts of year wise payments made for the work are given below: Year Amount (in Lakhs of Rs. ) Daily Average No. of Guards employed The above facts are true to the best of my knowledge. The certificate is issued …………………............................. without any prejudice Date Place: at the specific request of M/s Signature Stamp Name of issuing official Designation Signature of the Tenderer. Name of the Organization Contact No. 22 Tenderer Principal, ZRTI, SINI South Eastern Railway Open Tender No. ZRTI/Infrastructure Dev./10 /Security Annexure –II List of works on hand, indicating description of Work, Contract Value, Period of Contract & date of award. SN. Name of the Client Description Work of Area to be Secured/ Day Contract Value (Rs. in Lakh ) Period Contract of Date Award Signature of the Tenderer Date 23 Tenderer Principal, ZRTI, SINI of South Eastern Railway Open Tender No. ZRTI/Infrastructure Dev./10 /Security Annexure-III List of Personnel available on hand and proposed to be engaged for the work a) PRESENT STRENGTH IN SECURITY WORKS: b) Name of Work : c) Location with address : d) Clients Name : e) Average number of persons available for Security Works/day SN 1 2 3 4 5 Type of staff Highly Skilled Supervisor Highly Skilled Guard Skilled Guard Semi Skilled Guard Unskilled Guard Number * Separate statement should be given for each individual work. f) STAFF STRENGTH PROPOSED TO BE EMPLOYED FOR THIS CONTRACT SN Category of staff 1 Highly Skilled Supervisor 2 Highly Skilled Guard 3 Skilled Guard 4 Semi Skilled Guard 5 Unskilled Guard No. of Staff to be employed for the work Signature of the Tenderer 24 Tenderer Principal, ZRTI, SINI South Eastern Railway Open Tender No. ZRTI/Infrastructure Dev./10 /Security Measurements of ZRTI Sini Items Total Area (18 Acres) Play Ground Football & Cricket (170X124) Area Under New Construction Area for Hostel & Institute Institute Area Open 12577 + Covered 2833 Varandah Staircase with approach Class Rooms 15 No. 14,12,16,25,30,31,33-38 Library Room C &W Model Room Optg. Model Room Comml Model Room UTS,FOIS,COIS & PRS Room Computer Room Computer Training Centre Auditorium Signal Room Principal's Chamber VP's Chamber ACM/AOM's Chamber CTI's Chamber Visitor's Room Instructors' Room Office Room Confidential Room Steno's Room SI's Room Main Entrance Area Toilets(4),Urinals(2) & Lavoratory (1) Annexure-IV Area (Sq.m) 17.28 Area (Sq.m) Items 72844 System Control Room 21080 5210 46554 15410 749.6 30.00 655.4 69.00 55.20 535.84 24.01 31.68 27.93 18.10 189.00 18.02 23.04 23.52 23.52 23.52 14.91 36.33 36.00 35.04 5.40 45.4 27.00 Musical Instrument Room Sports Rooms (2) Stores (Class Room No. 13) Hostel Area Open 20060+ Covered 4930 Barrack 14 nos. 134 Rooms Buildg-4 nos 80 Rooms Bath Rooms 48 nos. Urinal 30,Latrine-80 Basins-32 Varandah Passage to Urinals Staircase- 4 Mess Building Recreation Room Gymnasium 2 Rooms Latrine 3 Passage GF +FF Staircase- 1 Warden's Room Store Room Volley Ball,Badminton, Lawn Tennis ,Basket Ball Ground Road Inside Garden Circular Garden Drains 11.54 18.02 30.55 30200 1430 816 93 104 1745 43 96 295 9 5 14 30 6 30 720 1700 m 508.56 794.00 1300 mts 48.66 Principal 25 Tenderer Principal, ZRTI, SINI South Eastern Railway Open Tender No. ZRTI/Infrastructure Dev./10 /Security Annexure – V LIST OF CLOSED HOLIDAYS AT ZRTI/SINI FOR THE YEAR 2012 NATIONAL HOLIDAYS 1 REPUBLIC DAY 26-01-2012 THURSDAY 2 INDEPENDANCE DAY 15-08-2012 WEDNESDAY 3 MAHATMA GANDHI’S BIRTHDAY 02-10-2012 TUESDAY GAZETTED HOLIDAYS 1 HOLI 08-03-2012 FRIDAY 2 GOOD FRIDAY 06-04-2012 FRIDAY 3 RATH YATRA 21-06-2012 THURSDAY 4 IDUL FITTAR 20-08-2012 MONDAY 5 ASHTAMI 22-10-2012 MONDAY 6 NAVAMI 23-10-2012 TUESDAY 7 DUSSAHARA 24-10-2012 WEDNESDAY 8 IDUS ZUHA 26-10-2012 FRIDAY 9 DEEPAWALI 13-11-2012 TUESDAY 10 BIRSA JAYANTI 15-11-2012 THURSDAY 11 CHHATH PUJA 19-11-2012 MONDAY 12 GURUNANAK JAYANTI 28-11-2012 WEDNESDAY 13 X-MAS 25-12-2012 TUESDAY Principal 26 Tenderer Principal, ZRTI, SINI South Eastern Railway Open Tender No. ZRTI/Infrastructure Dev./10 /Security Annexure – VI MANDATE FORM BY VENDOR/CONTRACTOR/EMPLOYEE FOR EFT/ECB/RTGS/NEFT PAYMENT 1. NAME OF THE FIRM/PERSON/PARTY: 2. ADDRESS: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… TELEPHONE NO. FAX:…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. CELL PHONE :………………………………………E-mail :……………………………………………………………. 3. P.A.N. No : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. PARTICULARS OF BANK ACCOUNT :………………………………………………………………………….. (i) BANK NAME :……………………………………………………………………………………………….……… (ii) BRANCH NAME & ADDRESS :…………………………………………………………………..………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (iii)BANK BRANCH TELEPHONE NO :…………………………………………………………………………… (iv)ACCOUNT TYPE (whether SB or Current):……………………………………………………......... (v)ACCOUNT NO.:……………………………………………………………………………………………………… (vi) BANK’S MICR CODE: ……………………………………………………………………………………………. (i) BANK’S IFS CODE: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. DECLARATION OF THE PARTY: I hereby declare that the particulars given above are correct and complete. If the transaction is delayed or not affected at all for reasons of incomplete and incorrect information, the User Institution i.e., S.E.RAILWAY will not be held responsible. I have understood the scheme and agree to discharge the responsibility for which I am liable as a participant under the scheme. Date : Signature of the Supplier/Party/Employee N.B. One cancelled Cheque/photocopy of the Cheque is to be enclosed [where the Cheque does not carry IFB Code, an attestation from Bank, attesting the IFS Code should be given]. -----------------------------------------------SIGNATURE OF BANK OFFICIAL ( where required) 27 Tenderer Principal, ZRTI, SINI South Eastern Railway Open Tender No. ZRTI/Infrastructure Dev./10 /Security Annexure– VII INDEMNITY BOND This deed of Indemnity made this __________day of ____________year_______by M/s_________________ a company registered under Indian Companies Act of 1956/Registered with Directorate of Industries concern/small (Address)_________________________herein after referred to as the Indemnifiers (which expression shall unless repugnant to the context meaning thereof be deeded to include their successors/ executors and assigns) in favour of the President of India as owner of the South Eastern Railway Administration herein after referred to as the Administration (which expression shall unless repugnant to the context of meaning thereof include his successors and assigns in office). Where as the indemnifier have entered into a contract with the President of India representing the South Eastern Railway Administration ___________according to details given by the indemnifiers in their offer issued by the South Eastern Railway Administration for and on behalf of the President of India and which together with the documents mentioned therein constitute and said contract is that the Administration in the manner and under the circumstances hereinafter provided. I. The indemnifiers hereby agree and undertake that they will be indemnify the said messing arrangement and cleaning of its surroundings on behalf of the administration in trust for the purpose of undergoing and completing the work and returning the same to the Administration and strictly according to the terms of the contract in the respect. II. The indemnifiers hereby agree and undertake that they will be responsible for the safe custody and protection of the equipments, premises, accessories and also for any loss or damage to the fittings or other parts of the equipment, premise, accessories while in their custody arising from whatever cause will they are returned to the Administration after repairs according to the terms of the contract in that respect. III. The indemnifiers hereby agree and undertake that they shall indemnify the Administration against all loss or damage referred to in item No.II above, reimburse to the Administration the cost of the equipments etc. to the_______and also make good any loss or damage caused as a result thereof. IV. The indemnifiers further agree that if any amount become payable by the indemnifiers to the Administration under this Indemnity Bond then without prejudice to any other remedies available to the Administration the said Administration shall be entitled to recover the same by way of deductions from any sum due to or any sum which at any time hereinafter may become due to referred or any other contract. V. This indemnity Bond is executed by the undersigned for Rs.______against the articles covered in agreement. In witness thereof, we__________there to set our hands and seal today on the ________of ________year_______ For and on behalf of M/S.................................................... Name & Desgn. DateName and address of witness Accepted for and on behalf of The President of India 28 Tenderer Principal, ZRTI, SINI South Eastern Railway Open Tender No. ZRTI/Infrastructure Dev./10 /Security Annexure-VIII Tenderer’s Postal address,Telephone Fax, e-mail & Mobile etc. (To be filled up by the contractor) This Annexure is to be attached with Company profile Date……………………………………................. Place ………………………………………….. Name………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Mohalla/Ward………………………………………………………………………………………………… Town/Village…………………………………………………………………………………………………… Post Office……………………………………………………………………………………………………… District……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. State……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Pin Code………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Telephone No………………………………………………………………………………………………… Fax No…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… e-mail no………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Mobile no. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Signature of the Tenderer 29 Tenderer Principal, ZRTI, SINI South Eastern Railway Open Tender No. ZRTI/Infrastructure Dev./10 /Security Annexure-IX PERIODICAL MEDICAL EXAMINATION TO BE DONE FOR THE SECURITY STAFF SN Medical Tests 1 Routine Blood Test 2 Routine Urine Test 3 Chest X-Ray 4 Examination by Physician with remarks on fitness as Security Guard Signature of the Tenderer Date 30 Tenderer Principal, ZRTI, SINI South Eastern Railway Open Tender No. ZRTI/Infrastructure Dev./10 /Security Annex.-X TENDERER SHOULD SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS WITH TENDER (Check List) SN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Items/description YES Packet –“B” , Financial Bid at Page no 36 along with pages 32-40 in a sealed Packet & kept inside Packet “A” Money Receipt /DD for the Form for Rs 2,000/Money Receipt /DD for the EMD for Rs 24,598/Company profile (back ground) with Contact Details (Annex.-VIII) Company Registration/Incorporation Certificates [ In support of eligibility item (1)] The status of the Firm,Proprietary/Partnership/Registered Company/Co-Operative Society etc. In case of Firm, registered under the Partnership Act, 1932, details of Partners along with Certificate of Registration, details of their business and partnership deed etc. duly attested by the Notary. Financial Standing of the bidder- Should have Positive Net Worth, Certificate issued by a practicing Chartered Accountant/reputed Charted Firm. Audited Profit & Loss Account and Balance sheet of last three (3) Years (2008-09, 2009-10 & 2010-11) & 2011-12 The tenderer should have minimum 3 (three) years or experience in the field of Security Services activities in reputed establishments. (Annex.-I) List of On Hand Works (Annex.-II) List of Personnel Available on Hand & Proposed to be engaged for the Work (Annex.- III) Service Tax Registration Certificate EPF Registration Certificate ( PF & ESI Code), ESI Registration Certificate Valid PAN Card--Xerox “Affidavit” stating that no criminal case or conviction is there against the Firm / Company or its Proprietor/Partner/Director/Employees Undertaking” that there is no outstanding of License Fees or other dues pending for payment for a period more than 6 (six) months, in any other contract with the Railways, on the date of dropping this tender. “Certificate of Ethical Practices” Mandate Form & Indemnity Bond (Annex.-VI & VII) Bank Guarantee Bond (Revised) Form (Annex.-VII) Declaration Form Contractor’s Agreement 31 Tenderer Principal, ZRTI, SINI NO South Eastern Railway Open Tender No. ZRTI/Infrastructure Dev./10 /Security Packet -B FINANCIAL BID Financial Bid (Packet-B) duly sealed in an envelope superscribed as Tender for SECURITY Services, addressed to the Principal,ZRTI, Sini, and further sealed in a larger envelope superscribing the Name of the work Technical (Packet–A) , addressed to the “Principal, ZRTI, Sini.” 32 Tenderer Principal, ZRTI, SINI South Eastern Railway Open Tender No. ZRTI/Infrastructure Dev./10 /Security PACKET–“B” FINANCIAL BID INSTRUCTIONS 1. The Tenderer shall quote his rates in the tender form (Financial Bid, page no.-36) giving the rates both in figures and words per unit is inclusive of all Government Levies, taxes, service tax etc., as per details specified therein. 2. Tender containing erasures and alterations of the tender documents are liable to be rejected; any correction made by the tenderer in his entries must be initialled by him. 3. The work is required to be completed within 24 months. 4. The Tender must be accompanied by sum of Rs. 24,598/- (Twenty four thousand five hundred ninety eight) only as Earnest Money Deposited in any of the forms mentioned in the tender notice, failing which the tender will not be considered. The Tenderer shall hold the offer open till such date as may be specified in the tender. It is understood that the tender documents have been sold/issued to the tenderer and he is being permitted to tender in consideration of the stipulation on his part that, after submitting his tender, he will not rescind from his offer or modify the terms and conditions thereof in a manner not acceptable to the Principal, ZRTI, Sini. Should the Tenderer fail to observe or comply with the foregoing stipulations, the amount deposited as Security Deposit for the due performance of the above stipulation shall be forfeited by the Railway. If the tender is accepted, the amount of earnest money will be held as Security Deposit for the due and faithful fulfilment of the contract. The earnest money of the unsuccessful tenderer shall be returned, railways will not pay any interest thereon. 5. It shall not be obligatory on the said authority to accept the lowest tender and no tenderer shall demand any explanation for the cause of rejection of his tender. 6. If the tenderer deliberately give wrong information in his tender or create circumstances for the acceptance of his tender, the Railway reserves the right to reject such tender at any stage. 7. If, the Tenderer expires after the submission of his tender or after the acceptance of his tender, the Railway shall deem such tender as cancelled. If, partner of a firm expires after, the submission of their tender or after the acceptance of their tender, the Railway shall deem such tender as cancelled unless the firm retains its character. In the case of contract is awarded to Labour Contract Co-operative Societies deduction of Security Deposit through bill @ 5% from each bill shall be made. 8. It is to be clearly understood that this is only a rough assessment. The Railway Administration reserves the right either not to award any or all the works to the Contractor or to increase or decrease the volume of works without assigning any reasons for any such curtailment or increase in the work and contractor will not be entitled to any compensation whatsoever. 9. The authority for the acceptance of the Tender will rest with the GM/AGM/COM/CPTM or Principal, Zonal Railway Training Institute, Sini, South Eastern Railway, who does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any other tender nor does he undertake to sign reasons for declining to consider any particular tender or tenders. The Railways also reserve the right to accept tender either full quantity of work or part thereof or divide the works amongst more than one tenderer without assigning any reasons for any such action. 33 Tenderer Principal, ZRTI, SINI South Eastern Railway Open Tender No. ZRTI/Infrastructure Dev./10 /Security 10. The successful tenderer shall be required to execute an agreement with the President of India acting through the GM/AGM/COM/CPTM or Principal, ZRTI, Sini, for carrying out the work according to the General Conditions of Contract and Standard Specifications for works and materials as given in the parts II, III & IV of the General Conditions of contract and Standard Specifications-2001 of S.E.Railway with up to date correction slips. 11. The tenderer shall keep the offer open for a minimum period of 90 (Ninety) days from the date of opening of the tender within which period the tenderer can not withdraw his offer subject to the period being extended further,if required, by mutual agreement from time to time. Any contravention of the above condition will make the tender liable for forfeiture of his security deposit for due performance of the foregoing stipulations. 12. Should a tenderer be retired employee or the Gazetted Officer working before his retirement, whether in the Executive or Administrative capacity, or whether holding a pensionable post or not, in any department of the railways owned and administered by the President of India for the time being, or should a Tenderer being Partnership Firm have as one of its partners a retired employee or a retired Gazetted Officer as aforesaid or should a Tenderer being an incorporated company have any such retired employee or retired Officer as one of its directors, or should a tenderer have in his employment any retired employee or retired Gazetted Officer as aforesaid, the full information as to the date of retirement of such employee, Gazetted Officer from the said service and in case where such employee or Gazetted Officer from the said service and in case where such employee or Officer has not retired from Govt. Service at least two years prior to the date of submission of the tender as to whether permission for taking such contract, or if the contractor be a partnership firm or a incorporated company, to become a partner or Director as the case may be or to take employment under Contractor, has been obtained by the tenderer or the employee or the Officer stated in writing at the time of submitting the tender. Tender without the information above referred to, or a statement to the effect that no such retired employee or retired Gazetted Officer is so associated with the tenderer, as the case may be, shall be rejected. 13. Should a tenderer or contractor being an individual on the list of approved contractors, have a relative employed in gazetted capacity in the Operating department of the S.E.Railway or in case of a partnership Firm or company incorporated under the Indian company Law should a partner or a relative of the partner or a share holder or a relative of a share holder be employed in Gazetted Capacity in the Operating department of the S.E.Railway, the auithority inviting tenders shall be informed or the fact at the time of submission of tenders, falling which the tender may be rejected or if such fact subsequently comes to light, the contract may be rescinded in accordance with the provision of clause 64 of the General conditions of Contract. 14 When the tender is received by the Administration, it will be understood that the tenderer has gone through carefully in details all the instructions, conditions, general and special conditions of the contract and all general and special instructions for execution of the works and that the tenderer has got himself clarified in all points and doubts and interpretations by the proper authorities of the Railway Administration. 15. The submission of a tender by the contractor implies that he has read, abide by the conditions stated herein, and in the notice of tender accompanying the tender forms. The tenderer shall quote their rates inclusive of all charges including all taxes levied by the Union of India or State Govt. including 34 Tenderer Principal, ZRTI, SINI South Eastern Railway Open Tender No. ZRTI/Infrastructure Dev./10 /Security Sales Tax, Royalty, and Taxes stipulated under VAT Act/Rules notified Service Tax etc as per existing Rules. 16. When work is tendered for, by a Firm or Company or Contractors the tender shall be signed by the individuals legally authorized to enter into commitments on their behalf. 17. (i)The Railway will not be bound by any Power of Attorney granted by the Tenderer or by changes in the composition of the Firm made subsequent to the execution of the contract, it may however, recognize such Power of Attorney and changes after obtaining proper legal advice the cost of which will be chargeable to the Contractors: a) For initial vetting - Rs.100/b) For subsequent vetting - Rs. 50/(ii) Tenderer should specially and fully disclose their respective constitution and submit along with tenders attested copies of documents like partnership deed, articles and memorandum of association etc; if any, in support of such disclosure. If a tenderer is a firm i.e. partnership business it should be stated whether the same is registered under the Indian Partnership Act. And the name and address of all the partners of the firm should be fully disclosed. The Railway administration shall always have liberty to require production of the originals of the said documents and also to make such further and other requisitions regarding the constitution as may be considered necessary from time to time. 18. A sum of Rs 24,598/- as earnest money of the tender for the works if tendered in cash should be deposited with Divisional Cashier, S.E.Railway, Chakradharpur and the receipt for the deposit should accompany the tender. In making such deposit the name of the work for which the money is deposited must be clearly stated in writing. On no account the tenderer send the amount in Govt. currency notes, under insurance of Register cover. 19. Should the tenderer find discrepancies or omission from the drawing or any of the tender forms or should he in doubt as to their meanings he should at once notify the authority inviting tender who may send written instructions to all tenderers 20.1 It shall be understood that every endeavour has been made to avoid any error which can materially affect the basis of the tender and the successful tenderer shall take upon himself and provided for the risk of any error which may subsequently be discovered and shall make no subsequent claim on account thereof. 20. 2. Before submitting a tender, the tenderer will be deemed to have satisfied himself by actual inspection of the site and location of the work that all conditions liable to be encountered during the execution of works are taken into account and that the rates he enter. If the tender forms are adequate in all respects and are all inclusive to accord with the provision of clause 37. 35 Tenderer Principal, ZRTI, SINI South Eastern Railway Open Tender No. ZRTI/Infrastructure Dev./10 /Security FINANCIAL BID SECURITY Services in definition is a SERVICE CONTRACT for providing the services as desired Tenderers are required to quote their rates both in figures and words in the appropriate columns. The rates should be per unit (per day) and inclusive of all Govt. levies, taxes, service taxes etc. S N Item At ZRTI,Sini Frequncy. Estimated Rate/day Rate/day (Rs.) 1. Security Services for 24 hrs all the days in a month, for 24 months. Covering the whole area of the Institute, Hostel and roads etc. 51764 sq.m. (approx.) Total value for twenty four months (Rs.) As Rs 1685/detailed for 24 hrs. for (24) months. Signature of the Tenderer Date : 36 Tenderer Principal, ZRTI, SINI South Eastern Railway Open Tender No. ZRTI/Infrastructure Dev./10 /Security DECLARATION To The President of India, Acting through the Principal,Zonal Railway Training Institute,Sini,South Eastern Railway. a. I/We……………………………………………..have read the various conditions of tender attached hereto and hereby agreed to abide by the said conditions. I/We also agree to keep this tender open for acceptance for a period of 90 (Ninety) days from the date fixed for opening the same and in default thereof. I/We offer to do the work of Security Services at the Zonal Railway Training Institute, Sini, South Eastern Railway, for a period of 24 months (Twenty four) at the rate quoted in the attached schedule and hereby agree to abide by the General and Special conditions of contract and to carry out the work according to the Standard Specifications for materials and works laid down by the Railway for the present contract. b. A sum of Rs. ……......................................(Rupees........................... ………………………..) is hereby forwarded as above, the full value of the Earnest Money shall stand forfeited without prejudice to any other rights or remedies if: a. I/We do not execute the contract documents within three days after receipt of notice issued by the Railways that such documents are ready or, b. I/We do not commence the work within 15 (fifteen) days after receipt of orders to the effect. c. Untill a formal agreement is prepared and executed, acceptance of this tender shall constitute a binding contract between us subject to modifications, as may be mutually agreed to between us and indicated in the letter of acceptance of my/our offer for this work. Condition of the Tender and instruction to the tenderers for Security Service at ZRTI,Sini for the whole area of ZRTI,Sini.for a period of 24 (twenty four) months Signature of the Tenderer (To be signed by the Tenderer and submitted along with the Tender Form) 37 Tenderer Principal, ZRTI, SINI South Eastern Railway Open Tender No. ZRTI/Infrastructure Dev./10 /Security REVISED FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BOND In consideration of the President of India (hereinafter called the Government) having agreed to exempt ………………..hereinafter called the said contractor(s) from the demand, under the terms and conditions of an Agreement dated………made between ……………………………. And ……………. For …………………..(hereinafter called the said Agreement) of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor(s) of the terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement, on production of Bank Guarantee for Rs.------------------(Rupees__________________________________________________________only we_________________________________________________________(indicate name of the Bank at the request of_________________________________Contractor(s) do hereby undertake to pay the Government an amount of not exceeding Rupees___________________ against any loss or damage caused to or suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Govt. be reason of any breach by the said Contractor(s) of any of the terms and conditions contained in the said agreement. 1) We__________________________do hereby undertake to pay (indicate the Name of the Bank) the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur merely on a demand from the Govt stating that the amount claimed is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the Govt by reason of breach by the said Contractor(s) of any of the terms and condition contained in the said Agreement or by reason of the Contractor(s) failure to perform the said agreement. Any such demand due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee. However, our liability under this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs.______________________________ 2) We undertake to pay to the Government any money so demanded notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor(s)/Supplier(s) in any suit or proceeding pending before any court or tribunal relating thereto out liability under present being absolute and unequivocal. 3) The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharging of our liability for payment there under and the Contractor(s)/Supplier(s) shall have no claim against us for making such payment. 4) We_____________________further agree that the (indicate the name of Bank) guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be taken for the performance of the said agreement and that it shall continue to be enforceable till all the dues of the Government under or by virtue of the said Agreement have been fully paid and its claim satisfied or discharged or till_______________________ Office/Department Ministry of ______________certified that the terms and conditions of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor(s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee unless a demand or claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the_________ we shall be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter. 5) We_____________________________ (indicate the name of Bank) further agree with the Government that the Government shall have the fullest liberty without or consent and without affecting in any manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said Contractor(s) from time to time or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by 38 Tenderer Principal, ZRTI, SINI South Eastern Railway Open Tender No. ZRTI/Infrastructure Dev./10 /Security the Government against the said Contractor(s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation, or extension being granted to the said contractor(s) or for any forbearance, act or commission on the part to the said Contractor(s) or any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would, but for this provision, have effect of so relieving us. 6) The guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the bank or the Contractor(s)/Supplier(s). 7) We________________________lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Government in writing. Date the __________________day of_______20 For_____________________________________ (indicate the name of the Bank) 39 Tenderer Principal, ZRTI, SINI South Eastern Railway Open Tender No. ZRTI/Infrastructure Dev./10 /Security Contractor’s Agreement I offer to do the work at the rates entered in the schedule of rates on which I have signed. I agree that no work under this contract shall be assigned are sublet without the previous written approval of the Principal, ZRTI,Sini. I agree that my work may be stopped at any time by the Principal, ZRTI, Sini, giving me or my representative, seven (7) days notice in writing. I shall have no further claim against the Railway Administration and I agree that any dispute arises and matters connected with this agreement, the same shall be referred to a person to be nominated in this behalf by the Principal, ZRTI, Sini, whose decision in writing shall be final and binding on both parties. I agree that any claim have to be met shall be made within seven (7) days from the receipt of the notice. Any claims made after more than seven (7) days shall be deemed to have waived by me. I agree to indemnify the Railway Administration against any claims which may be made under Workmen’s Compensation Act 1923, and other Acts as applicable to this work. I agree to pay the rates as mentioned in the schedule attached with the contract documents for the approved work. Signature of the Contractor Witnesses 1.Name : Address: 2.Name Address: Principal,ZRTI,Sini [ END OF TENDER DOCUMENTS (40 Pages)] 40 Tenderer Principal, ZRTI, SINI